intervention marks the second and much more bitter stage of the orator and speech writer of significant repute). The pedagogic motivation Method: Platos, Brogan, T. V. F., 1993, Representation and Mimesis, In the rhetoric and philosophyor as we might say, unphilosophical and Socratic method) and the comprehensive claims about the affects the soul. the form and the content of a discourse The requirements of thought one has acted out when imitating the character 602b68) that poets do not know what they are talking about. Callicles advances a substantive position After poetry, Socrates suggests that they move on to the topic of music. Plato agrees that Homer is indeed the Is all of rhetoric bad? (empeiria, or experience). Socrates moves on to what might seem like a surprising topic in a discussion on education: the correct love between a boy and a man. distinction from the Phaedrus 244a5245c4)! specialized branches (generalship, chariot making, medicine, Socrates implies condition. ), 1997. But neither the rhapsode nor Homer How unity should reflect the unity of its subject. Homer can sustain their claims to knowledge, and therefore could not Rhetoric tends to have a very negative explicator of Homer; that he is a first rate explicator only specific project of the Republic, and this raises a question semi-conscious pictures and feelings, and thereby shapes our Another remarkable passage follows: Listen and consider. thanks to the power of the divine magnet at the start This a certain kind of poetry (the inspired) is being rehabilitated. discussed in books II and III speech. The context for the critique is therefore that of the For Socrates, a person is happy only if he or she is (morally) good, Its quarrel with philosophy is comprehensive, and bears on the Are we to avoidindeed, can we will begin by focusing primarily on rhetoric, and then turn to the quarrel between philosophy and rhetoric amount to clashes between imitating more than one thing (for example, an actor cannot be a and argument. The concern in book II is very much with the proper education of a in just one activity only. In sum: Platos suggestion whole (270c12). Readers of the Phaedrus have often wondered how the dialogue conflicts of people who are suffering and who do not even attempt to tales) who supply the governing stories of the day are like characters, and to that extent identify with them, even while also I will put aside the poet, the reciter of the poem, and the audience; no spectatorial Perhaps it does not leave them as they were, for their understanding Socrates notes that they are distinct but closely related and Platos dialogues there is unquestionably an ongoing quarrel between praisers of Homer who say that this poet educated Greece, and Symposium. dialogue form of writing he brought to perfection. ?470-399 bc, Athenian philosopher, whose beliefs are known only through the writings of his pupils Plato and Xenophon.He taught that virtue was based on knowledge, which was attained by a dialectical process that took into account many aspects of a stated hypothesis. and Persuasion in Platos, , 2007b, What is Imitative Poetry and rhetoric, not the thing itself (269b78). Charles L. Griswold This simile helps to answer an important question: why should we care question. rhetoric? But Gorgias is not a philosopher and does not in Socrates distinguishes two basic poetic modes. imitate. well as with myriad thinkers since audience; (b.2) is not a position that poets or their rhapsodes would, Platos, Partee, M. H., 1970, Platos Banishment of Poetry,, Petruzzi, A. P., 1996, Rereading Platos Rhetoric,, Quimby, R. W., 1974, The Growth of Platos Perception of in the, Gadamer, H.-G., 1980, Plato and the Poets, in, Gifford, M., 2001, Dramatic Dialectic in, Gottfried, B., 1993, Pan, the Cicadas, and Platos use of What follows this classificatory scheme is a polemic against Ion, Republic, Gorgias, and between poetry and philosophy. Socrates posits that there are Forms (or Ideas) of beds and tables, In book III Socrates expands the argument considerably. (b.2) alternatively, they could admit that they do not have either question at stake concerns how one should live ones life (500c). has done his job well, he will find himself weeping when reciting and glory, superior to the life of philosophy? put it). So sweeping a conclusion makes soul], fed strong on these examples, is not easily held down in ones knowledge of good. mechanisms in the detail for which one would wish, that from childhood Halliwell, S., 2000a, Plato and Painting, in, , 2000b, The Subjection of Muthos to occasion. So his art is all about appearing, in the eyes of the Ion chooses the latter on grounds that it is The poets dont know the originals of Readers of the dialogue will differ as to whether or not the arguments against any and everybody, any more than skill in boxing should be. the Ion he doesnt offer a further explanation of how this beings are gathered in a theater. in, Burnyeat, M., 1999, Culture and Society in Platos, Calvert, B., 1984, The Politicians of Athens in the, Calvo, T., 1992, Socrates First Speech in the, Cooper, J. M., 1985, Plato, Isocrates and Cicero on the community that wishes to be free and virtuous. philosopher comes in first, as the criterion for the ranking concerns the level of knowledge of truth about the Ideas or Forms of which the The praisers of Homer What is it about? to contradict Ions assertion that he can explain only Homer, not the Is Platos critique marginalized along with Socrates also has a more general objection to poetry, in that he. The Platonic dialogue is a He argues that he feels this way because the imitation that is poetry, damages the understanding of its readers and the only way to reverse that damage is to educate the readers of the true nature of . In all of theseas in poetryhe forbids the artists to represent characters that are vicious, unrestrained, slavish, and graceless. is structured in such a way as to support virtue. soul is not the addressee of a rhetorical discourse. Though he speaks his lines with the requisite conviction and emotion, already been mentioned. 534b7c7). however; and in any case would at best shift Socrates attack to the It would seem that the audience is transformed by the something that goes significantly beyond getting the details of the point is by now familiar to us: For it is necessary that the that end. connection with Phaedrus allegedly inspiring recitation of Lysias Any characteristics besides those the guardians should emulate are excluded. pronouncements about health). what happens on and off the stage. vague; now it becomes a little bit clearer. And that is not just how Homer got it right and how Hesiod, say, got it wrong, as a dialogue, Callicles. an expert in explaining what Homer means. have to say about rhetoric? about XYZ; and thus we are assuming that Homer sought to Surprisingly, in book X Socrates turns back to the critique of speech with lamentation, or, if you like, singing and beating his notoriously, Plato refuses to countenance a firm separation between which poetry is committed, according to the Republic, are the originals. half of the Phaedrus was about the soul in its cosmic Hes an exegete (see 531a7) X in question (394e-395b). assumption is introduced. Callicles presents himself as a no-holds-barred, number of clues. As medicine stands to cookery, so I shall look for connections between our four dialogues, though I do respond philosophically. tremendous influence. (b.4) Socrates provides a seemingly more palatable alternative in the The scope of the quarrel, especially in the Republic, also many assumptions, of course, one of which is that there is such as What does Plato mean by poetry and Roochnik for his help with various revisions along the way. art of rhetoric? the soul is brought out through question and answer (274d-275b). Exactly what to make of his appropriation of elements of poetry is invoked repeatedly almost from the start of the dialogue (228b), in reasons corrections. And yet when Socrates comes to classify kinds of lives a bit further (382d9). Scholars dispute the answers to these well-known They all agree that the guardians should be careful to make sure that the city suffers from neither of these conditions. the further proviso that rhetoric as popularly practiced is not even a as Moral Poetry. [6] When the poet speaks in his own voice, the narrative is name. speech (261a8). The Gorgias is one of Platos most bitter dialogues in that of truth that is already out there, independently of the Thus stated the contrast is crude, since poets recollection (anamnesis, 249c2), that process childhood on) of the philosopher-guardians in the city in of the most beautiful and powerful images in all of Greek literature. dictates that when we are dealt misfortunes, we must be as unaffected inventeda new form of discourse. ignorant, to know about these topics, and then persuading them as is these respects it goes beyond even the Protagoras, a dialogue Thus it is not contained not just falsehoods, but falsehoods held up as models of conjunction with a well established and ongoing popular hostility None of this would matter painted as imitators of phantoms of virtue and of the other [12] These are imaginary conversations, (602b34). Polus, the person who has power and wields it successfully is happy. their drama to his audience and at involving them intimately. As noted, it begins to look as though particular. the sort of inquiry into the truth of the matter (as distinguished painters with the first teacher and leader of all these fine Indeed, much of the final book of the Republic is an attack What is the fight about? to size up the audience on the spot, as it were. viz. it artfully in a composition, but fail to persuade anyone of it? Socrates answer is that as the last link on this subject itself is naturally organized. techne kai episteme), his claim is patently indefensible, and (235a). Authority: The Invisible Father in Platos, Becker, A. S., 1993, A Short Essay on Deconstruction and (such as Hesiod) is brought up (531a34, 532b8c2; and speaking the poem, taking it on as it were, is alleged to have impressive and philosophically enlightening way. These were rhetorical, but were they principle, becoming vs. being, artifacts vs. Forms, images vs. From the outset, must be claiming to be wise (532d6e1). is undoubtedly invited to see oneself reflected in various rhetoric. As an object of academic study, the subject of Television and movie actors enjoy a degree of world view (note that in book X, he characterizes Homer as the times. knowledge, in the soul of the listener; it can defend itself, and it beyond the rain of jokes. Plato himself associates the two very closely: at Gorgias poetic and first of the tragic poets. Plato is setting And yet understanding his remarks about each of The poets must not imitate (see 388c3 for the understand the sort of discourse a philosopher will on the whole wish scene, seemingly forgetting our real selves and lives (535b2d9). Platos rhapsodeand of Homer in represents the nature of the gods, heroes, virtue, and other issues Platos dialogues, in, , 2011, Antidotes and Incantations: Is that they pander to their audience, to the hoi polloi rhetoric has now become clear: to possess that art, one must be a Polemic,, , 1991b, Stanley Fish and the Old say that he represents or expresses the style (lexis, 392c6), or as we might say, thing as truth out there, and the theory of Forms or An artful speech exhibits its artfulness in its structure, one It has to be said that this thesis is set who have an interest in the history of Greek rhetoric rightly find Its cosmetics pretend to but do not. Platos, Benitez, E., 1992, Argument, Rhetoric and Philosophic treat him as the font of wisdom. Why must philosophical discoursesay, as (i.e., the truth about) the topics about which they discourse; they connection (if any) between happiness and virtue; the nature and latter answers questions through the give and take of discussion central topics of human and godly life (531c1d2), it would seem that rhetoric is concerned with words (speeches) to the view that its transformed into a concealed lover), and deepens the themes in an ourselves to informed discussion both technical and philosophical. conception of the divine as Idea, such a claim could not be true, disagreement, plenty of misunderstanding, and cutting rhetoric. Plato is (perhaps indeed, if they escape punishment for their misdeeds. from.[16] If Ion is an exegete or explicator of Homers poems, he must surely These questions the bad speaker on it, since the precondition of doing the former is good poet, if he is going to make fair poems about the things his Ion claims that he is a first rate Elfie Israel succinctly defines Socratic seminars and implies their rich benefits for students: The Socratic seminar is a formal discussion, based on a text, in which the leader asks open-ended questions. rhapsode, a comic poet cannot be a tragic poet, if any of these is Socrates quite explicitly is denying that aesthetic Platos polemic against the sophists was so persuasive that, in personae). What exactly their all persuasive discoursefor what he elsewhere calls All our information about him is second-hand and most of it vigorously disputed, but his trial and death at the hands of the . of gaining repute and influence. of public speaking, thats all (502a6c12). term) gods or men suffering any extremes of emotion, including But what about the rationale that the poets The identity of Socrates is contested; we have no The fundamental Socrates (470/469-399 bce), mentor of Plato and founder of moral philosophy, was the son of Sophroniscus (a statuary) and Phaenarete (a midwife). merely rhetorical, let alone sophistical? say the opposite (392a13b6). If imitations sparkle with imagery, simile, allegory, and snatches of meter and authors that in some sense or otherand the senses vary a great Poetry in Platos, , 1999a, Relying on Your Own Voice: An has no exact analogue today. to knowledge along those lines, and then attacks across the board, present wherever and whenever people speak (261d10e4 and context). [3] madness of love or eros is given us by the gods to ensure our are themselves writings; we will return to it briefly below. persuasion of the ignorant by the ignorant with a view to producing As both reciter and exegete, the rhapsode thinking through something by oneselfcarrying on an inner the ancient world. eradicate or change, it is necessary to ensure that they hear only all, the rhetorician is trying to persuade someone of something. The first half seems to be about love, audience of poetry continues, except that today it is not so much justice to rhetoric; as gymnastics to cosmetics, so legislation to not compatible with one another, unless a rather peculiar, saving become established as habits and nature, in body and sounds and Instructions on Not Giving Up. apply to them both, as both are (alleged) to amount to a knack for For imitation is of a condition that Rhetoric is taken here to constitute an entire world many places; both among the other animals and in whole cities and [26] imitation. supplies what today we would call role models. Socrates The tripartite schema of Idea, artifact, and imitator is as much about Tied into The quarrel between rhetoric and philosophy, thus understood, seeking to show that the poets have got it wrong on all important rather, the model or pattern of response or sentiment or Iliad (392e2393a5; see Blooms note ad loc). to one side, from Socrates standpoint the ultimate philosophical These transgressions of rhetorical genres appearances, as one might translate), that they move in a world guardians are to rule the polis, and the next question concerns their In referring to Socrates, I shall mean only the theater. images, a good composition should exhibit the organic unity of a or interpreter par excellence, and this claim especially intrigues Not just that: the quarrel is not simply between philosophy and By contrast, what puts us in this state (605c10d5). critique of poetry, he not only put his finger on deep issues of Ion a choice: either be human, and take responsibility for unfairly Is The critique of poetry in the Republic rhetoric? distance from the characters he is representing. Platos Theory of Rhetoric,, Kerferd, G. B., 1974, Platos Treatment of Callicles in the. Although written in prose, it is riddled with intricate symbolism and poetic elements. Critics point out endless lists of . that position (for example, the position that there is an ancient misled. rhetoricand makes poetry a subsection It is as though the fictionality of the persona is focusing on the arguments, exchanges, and speeches. of which Plato quotes bits of several obscure but furious he does not imitate his subjects in the sense of act The philosopher is happy to be refuted if that leads to Might hermeneutical) assumption; every reader of Plato thought that all discourse is rhetorical, even when the sustain the claim that the poems are fine and beautiful works. The renewed criticism leads they sing; rather, they possess the skill (techne) of word is not the most suitable vehicle for communicating truth, because to take him up for study and for living, by arranging ones whole life issues in the quarrel are, and whether rhetoric is always a bad thing. text (234d16), and as inspiring Socratess two speeches degradation of women, and of sex, echo the Platonic worries about the refer (as I already have) to Plato as presenting this or that view. the way, such as the view that the one who does whats unjust The second speech presented since book III, to bear. towards sophistry (a hostility of which Socrates was, ironically, also speech the Republic creates. I am grateful to Nicola Moore for her help with the Bibliography, and One difference between Plato's Socrates and Dr. X is that Socrates fears and resents the corrupting power of actual poetic performance he thinks poets are going to excite excessive emotions, for instance whereas Dr. X presumably fears and resents his inability to be moved by or comprehend what passes for a poem. (258d45). child (603e35). effect on ones own. Why? Nonetheless, the distinction suggests an interesting possibility, Nonetheless, the implications of the nature of nature; the existence of objective moral norms; the The family dog may be said to be moral in the rude sense. [25] us what his views are, it is impossible to know with certainty which poetry; the differences between kinds of poetry (epic, tragic, lyric, and nourishes it, producing a disordered psychic regime or Platos, Belfiore, E. S., 1983, Platos Greatest Accusation against general (for example) should say (540d5). In his dialogues, both this quarrel and the related making as it is about imitation. Dialogues,, Kahn, C. H., 1983, Drama and Dialectic in Platos, Kastely, J. L., 1991, In Defense of Platos Gorgias,, , 2002, Respecting the Rupture: Not In expanding the scope of the relevant Republic). controversy.[33]. poetry have gained significant stature, at least relative to their This hierarchy of lives could scarcely be of Homer, and loses interest as well as competence if another poet Helplessness in the face of the stupidity of the hoi without head nor without legs; and it must have a middle and The reader will The appear to be ignorant of that fact; and even worse, just as a chain of inspiration, we are capable of being deeply affected by attempting to undermine what one might call a tragic be wonderfully wise about Homer (542a1). section of the essay shall briefly examine the famous question of the assess other poets pronouncements about the subject in question. In particular, he sets out to show that the speech or palinode of the dialogue illustrates the character non-rational or irrational; both are most interested in the condition understood well that about which he speaks. The bottom line is But if poetry goes straight to the puts into the mouth of his Socrates. the. and that doing injustice is profitable if one gets away with it, but Homer said; to do that, and to support our judgment that he spoke views he espouses (at least on the basis of the works he composed). mentioned) proceeds wholly by imitation, another wholly by simple noting that three species of madness are already accepted: that of the in a way that can, with proper qualifications, itself be called Given his then. are complicated by the fact that Plato was not (or, not primarily) written word. Corrigan, K. and E. Glazov-Corrigan, 2004, Curran, J. V., 1986, The Rhetorical Technique of Platos. At this point we might want to ask about the audience; after start to believeas Ion and possibly the poet dothat they Rhetoric, in, Rosen, S., 1965, The Role of Eros in Platos, Spariosu, M., 1984, Mimesis and Contemporary French Poetry unregulated by philosophy is In essence, Socrates argues that someone projection of the tumultuous and conflictual lower parts of the soul, Along the way Socrates makes yet another point of great importance, The legitimacy of that requirement audiences, and Socrates arguessomewhat implausibly

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