It has been noted that Sinaiticus is a literary mess ( There are mistakes, erasures, sentences written on top of other sentences plus many words are omitted. They are based on the Greek New Testament compiled by a couple of heretic infidel blasphemers named Westcott and Hort (you will see this when you read their own words below). Westcott and Hort were Jesuits to their darkest core. THE modern Bible we have selected to compare with the Jesuit Bible of 1582, is the Revised Version. And Joseph and His mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of Him., (2) JESUIT VERSION. (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Christian Lit. [Ed. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Both Wescott and Hort were known to have resented the pre-eminence given to the Authorized Version and its underlying Greek Text. During the period from 1963 to 1989, the New World Translation became available in ten additional languages. The Differentiator (June 1959), cited in Ian Croft, "The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: Does It Really Have the Support of Greek Scholars? This was a direct attempt to infiltrate Catholicism into the minds of the intellectual leaders of England.(worldincrisis). During the Council of Trent, several Jesuits, notably Diego Lainez, served as theologians. Look no further than the old Russian communist regime! Since 1994, the New World Translation of the Holy ScripturesWith References has been included in the Watchtower Library on CD-ROM. We can find coincidences throughout life, but when there are multiple coincidences, all repeating the same things, we must start to look for a conspiracy of thought and action, for true coincidences are random by nature. [30] The United Bible Societies' text (1975) and the Nestle-Aland text (1979) were used to update the footnotes in the 1984 version. Modern theology was seriously affected by the so-called Enlightenment and its aftereffects, which declared that man and human reason were more important than God and divine revelation. Since the formation of the Translation Services Department in 1989, there has been a significant increase in the number of languages in which the New World Translation has been made available. The Theological Seminary at Andrews University has been almost entirely composed of new theology liberals since 1980. Biblical scholar. Had I been alone I could have knelt there for hours. (Life, Vol.I, p.81). Thus, the church (Rome) is the final authority, not Christ or Gods word. Then there was light. It is even found in the paganistic occult beliefs of Hinduism! It has been ALTERED and MODIFIED until scarcely ANY verse REMAINS as it was ORIGINALLY published. The Movement elevated Higher and Textual Critics to positions of power in the universities, so that propaganda could begin in earnest. Vol 1): After leaving the Monastery, we shaped our course to a little oratory which we discovered on the summit of a neighboring hillFortunately, we found the door open. Tischendorf is part of this school of thought, and W&H relied on his work to do their own and so the circle comes around and dots are joined even moreso. Some scholars call this revision the Western text. Modern biblical scholars have adjusted and adapted Westcott and Hort's theories of translation, which can be summarized by nine critical rules of biblical interpretation, including the following: The reading is less likely to be original if it shows a disposition to smooth away difficulties. Both believed that Heaven existed only in the mind of man. One need only read the letters between these two "gentlemen" to see their thoroughly black-hearted correspondence and intent to confuse and change God's Word. Surely, even in the minds of strong adherents, logic must prevail? Before renouncing Catholicism, desanctis was a long-standing Roman priest in the Vatican). [39], Former high-ranking Watch Tower staff have identified various members of the translation team. Hort was deeply influenced, too, by an Unitarian minister and Unitarians are just atheists in disguise: Frederick Maurice was a close friend of Horts, who Hort said deeply influenced me (ibid., p. 155). It is very small, with one kneeling-place, and behind a screen was a Pieta the size of life (i.e. Amen., (2) JESUIT VERSION OF 1582: And lead us not into temptation. His work used sheer biblical logic and so he managed to deal a massive blow to the Jesuit fakery. I had learnt, like other Protestant children, that the Pope was the Antichrist, and that Gregory VII had been a special revelation of that being. June Mr. Daniel Macmillan suggests to Hort that he should take part in an interesting and comprehensive New Testament Scheme. Hort was to edit the text in conjunction with Mr. Westcott; the latter was to be responsible for a commentary, and Lightfoot was to contribute a N.T. Feb. 10th Southern Convocation of Church of England resolve on desirability of revision of A.V. This is called textual criticism. The translators state that, where possible in the target language, the New World Translation prefers literal renderings and does not paraphrase the original text. The 2013 release indicates progressive verbs only where considered contextually important. This charge created a sensation . . In 184 to 254 he corrupted Bible manuscripts. Some want you to think there is little difference between the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus manuscripts and the rest of the over 5,000 Greek manuscripts, even Hort wanted people to believe that, and tried to say so in certain words, that some still quote today, BUT the TRUTH OF THE MATTER is CLEAR TO SEE for the scholars who will open their eyes to see the PLAIN truth., We need to note here that Dr.Hort, while a life-long opponent of the Received Text, and the man who dominated the English NT Revision Committee, did say this: An OVERWHELMING proportion of the text in all known cursive manuscripts except a few is, as a matter of fact, IDENTICAL (Horts Introduction, p.143). Beza was a humble man and politely wrote back that Elizabeth had a far more able scholar than himself, in England itself. So, we can say that the above quote can be taken to be official doctrine of Rome. Higher criticism consists of vicious speculative theories by liberals, in an attempt to undermine the authorship of Scripture. The Alexandrian school had no qualms about deception uttered for the greater good of a cause. Translation into other languages is based on the English text, supplemented by comparison with the Hebrew and Greek. This acceptance of Tischendorf by atheism is also shown in a quote used on, If the New Testament is defective the church itself is in error, and must be given up as adeception.. Where it contained no text the Sinaiticus was used. 1882 May Ellicott publishes pamphlet in reply to Burgon, defending the Westcott and Hort Greek text. Grady, Final Authority, p. 210). The Queen was dismayed because she really wanted someone from the Anglican or Presbyterian folds. This Greek New Testament was the basis for the Revised Version of that same year. They did it not so much by violence (though they were good at it), but by secret means, slipping into positions of authority and power so as to influence everyone else. So, adherent to modern versions do you STILL persist in supporting the new versions, knowing they are rooted in Rome? It is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest. 19-20), Oh, the weakness of my faith compared with that of others! The layout resembles the 1901 edition of the American Standard Version. Double brackets were used to indicate text considered doubtful. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) was born at Birmingham and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) at Dublin. This translation was indeed to do on the INSIDE of England, what the great navy of Philip 2 was to do on the OUTSIDE. A purely objective evaluation of translations, however, must conclude that only in very exceptional cases can passages be pointed out in which the confessional (or political and social) point of view of the translators shines through. In nearly every case, Challoners change took the form APPROXIMATING to the Authorized Version (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Art., Douay Bible.). This committee is said to have comprised unnamed members of multinational background. Since then, new versions have been big business, raking in huge amounts of cash. 1908 The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopaedia discusses the Westcott-Hort theory: Conscious agreement with it or conscious disagreement and qualification mark all work in this field since 1881.. Even so, note that Challoners work brought the Douay closer to the KJAV than any Catholic would have wished! That is, a genuine conspiracy amongst people who wish to press forward a particular agenda, with proofs of their actions finally revealed. The Gothic version of Ulfilas, in the same way, held its own until the tongues in which it was written ceased to exist.(Forum, June 1887). It teaches the annihilation of the wicked, the non-existence of hell, and the purely animal nature of man's soul. He also wrote that the King James Bible was a spurious text, devoid of divine authority. The committee also referred to the Novum Testamentum Graece (18th edition, 1948) and to works by Jesuit scholars Jos M. Bover (1943), and Augustinus Merk (1948). Square brackets [ ] were added around words that were inserted editorially, but were removed as of the 2006 printing. It is briefly this, that in an early time some doctrine is proposed in a simple or obscure form, or even but darkly hinted at, which in succeeding ages,as the wants of mens minds grow, grows with them in fact, that Christianity is always progressive in its principles and doctrines (Life, Vol.I, p.78). These three men deeply affected later theological thought, down to our own time. Additional works consulted in preparing the New World Translation include the Armenian Version, Coptic Versions, the Latin Vulgate, Sistine and Clementine Revised Latin Texts, Textus Receptus, the Johann Jakob Griesbach's Greek text, the Emphatic Diaglott, and various papyri.[50]. Westcott (12 January 1825 - 27 July 1901) and Hort (23 April 1828 . The Jesuits merely repeat the same hatred shown by popes and Rome. "[126], In 2004, historian Jason BeDuhn examined New Testament passages in which he believed "bias is most likely to interfere with translation"[127] from nine of "the Bibles most widely in use in the English-speaking world". [59][60] The use of Jehovah in the New Testament is very rare, but not unique to the New World Translation. In 1851, Hort and Westcott also started the Ghost Society, which was first billed as the study of spiritual events, but in time it became more of a sance group. We must believe it because we are told to believe it, and not because it is true! revisers, of which they were members). [40][41] Referring to the identified members, evangelical minister Walter Ralston Martin said, "The New World Bible translation committee had no known translators with recognized degrees in Greek or Hebrew exegesis or translation None of these men had any university education except Franz, who left school after two years, never completing even an undergraduate degree." It is obvious to even a casual observer why they were well equipped to guide the Revision Committee of 1871-1881 away from God's Antiochian text and into the spell of Alexandria. But I have never discovered in the 'New World Translation' any biased intent to read something into the text that it does not contain. "[57] He also considers that old manuscripts containing the tetragram, like the papyrus Fouad 266, "is evidence of a secondary stage. Ordinary believers dared not oppose them because of their biblical knowledge but opposing heresy is not just about knowledge of verses and words, it is about having the Lord within and expressing faith. But the answer is simple enough. Amen., (3) AMERICAN REVISED VERSION OF 1901:And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.. The Hebrew texts, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia and Biblia Hebraica Quinta, were used for preparing the latest version of this translation. Why would the Catholics do this? Which brings us full circle back to Alexandria and heretical sources joining the previous dots to the man known as a turncoat, Newman: Newman was able to accomplish so much, so rapidly, because he and his associates had gained control of the teaching faculty at Oxford University! 12th Hort to Westcott: Also but this may be cowardice I have a sort of craving that our text should be cast upon the world before we deal with matters likely to brand us with suspicion. In other words, the Jesuits had put forth one Bible in English, that of 1582, as we have seen; of course they could get out another.(Hunt). Who Were Westcott & Hort? He gave the name of Thomas Cartwright, Puritan divine, saying thatThe sun does not shine on a greater scholar than Cartwright.. The foundation of our faith is the truth of Gods Word.(, In Antioch (Syria); where the followers of Christ were first called Christians, the true believers were making exact copies of the original manuscripts. At length however Dr. Smith remained on the Committee). They formed a school of religion and philosophy, which became the center of Christian learning and culture. They didnt believe in heaven or hell or that the Bible was the Word of God. [133], In 2008, Kenneth J. Baumgarten and Kevin Gary Smith published an article in the South African Theological Seminary's journal, Conspectus, entitled, "An Examination of the Consistency of the New World Translation with the Stated Philosophy of the Translators", in which they studied the use of "the Greek term in reference to Jesus Christ" and concluded that "in seven of the nine sample texts, the NWT violates one or more of its stated translation values and principles. They used corrupt sources calling it new Greek! The Roman Catholic Church strips Jesus Christ of His deity, separates the divine title Lord and Christ from the human name Jesus, having the thief on the cross address Him as Jesus instead of Lord (Luke 23:42). 1858 Oct. 21st Hort: The principle literary work of these years was the revision of the Greek Text of the New Testament. FROM THEIR OWN MOUTHSA selection of statements revealing the attitudes of these two most noted textual critics of the 19 Century. That atheists liked the work of Tischendorf merely strengthens the revulsion we should all have towards his work, and the work of Higher Critics and Textual Critics (such as W&H). Rowley, How Not To Translate the Bible, The Expository Times, 1953; 65; 41. Jesuits were used by popes in an attempt to destroy the reformation, by inventing new Greek texts, which were not new at all, but reworkings of old heresies. Does this mean W&H were acting on behalf of Rome? [115], In his review in Andover Newton Quarterly Robert M. McCoy reported in 1963: "in not a few instances the New World Translation contains passages which must be considered as 'theological translations.' ), Vol. I have read this denial of being Christian over the years, in a variety of writings. 161, 167). The Jesuits believed that they could use textual criticism to help them win Protestants back to the fold, by replacing the King James Bible. Georg Hegel saw religion as a constant evolution with the synthesizing of two opposing views. These men were heretics. [19] Additionally, over the centuries since the King James Version was produced, more copies of earlier manuscripts of the original texts in the Hebrew and Greek languages have become available. But I say to you, love your enemies, do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and abuse you., (3) AMERICAN REVISED. Even the New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses can survive the scrutiny of the critics. Anti Christ, Bible, Christianity, Doctrine, Roman Catholic Church, 3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? [125], The 2003 edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia states, "[Jehovah's Witnesses] are allowed no other books than the Bible and the society's own publications, which includes its own translation of the Bible with an impressive critical apparatus. There are enough joined dots in this paper to bring this about! Rome loves the fact that new versions use the Vaticanus and the later Sinaiticus, because both these sources are corrupt but Roman, taking people away from Reformation truths. Since its publication in 1881, Westcott and Hort's work has proved to be impressively accurate, though far from perfect. [67] The Reference edition is out of print as of the release of the 2013 revision of the New World Translation. A man named Erasmus, a brilliant scholar and. [18] The stated intention was to produce a fresh translation, free of archaisms. The following quotes from the diaries and letters of Westcott and Hort demonstrate their serious departures from orthodoxy, revealing their opposition to evangelical Protestantism and sympathies with Rome and ritualism. Regarding the Pentateuch, it taught that the first five books of the Bible were a compilation of different documents, written over a span of five centuries by various authors. Westcott & Hort gave all the appearances of being pious and devout and devoted to finding the true and original words of the New Testament. Ben gives a list of comparisons (only a few mentioned here as examples). Required fields are marked *. After all, W&H did not believe major doctrinal teachings found in scripture (that is scripture that is the genuine word of God, NOT the Alexandrian/Roman texts). Rome itself favours evolution, which it calls scientific. 1847 Jan., 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Westcott: After leaving the monastery we shaped our course to a little oratoryIt is very small, with one kneeling-place; and behind a screen was a Pieta the size of life (i.e. Test. Mar. If you are a Christian, I highly suggest that you read theThe Deception Series. those that concentrate on personalities rather than issues, but the character and professed beliefs of those involved in such vital matters as the text and translation of the Bible cannot be overlooked. ( We heartily recommend the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, published in 1950 by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Newman, then, paved the way for the coming of Westcott & Hort and their abominable new versions, based as they were on the Alexandrian texts and other heretical sources. German Gnostic Theology into England. If people influence others to sin or not to believe, then theyareto be named as devilish and condemned as traitors to Christ. 2:11-16). (See The Jesuit Oath, BTM Publications List, to understand unvarnished Jesuitism). ), and am most anxious to provide something to replace them. In 1870 the idea of a modest revision of the A.V. Ed. [105], Allen Wikgren (member of the New Revised Standard Version committee, as well as the committee which produced the USB Greek text) said in 1952, "independent readings of merit often occur in other modern speech versions, such as Verkyl's New Testament (1945) and the Jehovah's Witnesses' edition of the New Testament (1950)". so-called easy-to-read Bible versions have been corrupted by Luciferian-worshipping occultists. In addition to their many doctrinal heresies, strong evidence exists from the writings of both Westcott and Hort that they were involved in occult activities during the time they prepared their Greek New Testament. [42][43], In 1989, a Translation Services Department was established at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, overseen by the Writing Committee of the Governing Body. Both Westcott and Hort were known to have resented the pre-eminence given to the Authorized Version and its underlying Greek Text. The 7 members of the N.T. Oct., 22nd after Trinity Sunday Westcott: Do you not understand the meaning of Theological Development? Ed. THE EVIDENCE IS AT LEAST 618 TO 2!. [When other early church fathers (bishops) were condemning Origen, Eusebius praised him in his book ecclesiastic history. "[121], Julius R. Mantey, co-author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament and A Hellenistic Greek Reader, said in 1980 that the NWT's rendering of John 1:1 is "a shocking mistranslation" and "Obsolete and incorrect". "[102], Steven T. Byington said in 1950, "the book does not give enjoyable continuous reading; but if you are digging for excellent or suggestive renderings, this is among the richer mines. [83][84][85] (1) KING JAMES BIBLE. They are called the Majority Text. (See [120] In 1982, in his critical analysis The Jehovah's Witness' New Testament he wrote that the NWT "must be viewed as a radically biased piece of work. Knorr. 1848 July 6th Hort: One of the things, I think, which shows the falsity of the Evangelical notion of this subject (baptism), is that it is so trim and preciseno deep spiritual truths of the Reason are thus logically harmonious and systematicthe pure Romish view seems to me nearer, and more likely to lead to, the truth than the Evangelicalthe fanaticism of the bibliolaters, among whom reading so many chapters seems exactly to correspond to the Romish superstition of telling so many dozen beads on a rosarystill we dare not forsake the Sacraments, or God will forsake usI am inclined to think that no such state as Eden (I mean the popular notion) ever existed, and that Adams fall in no degree differed from the fall of each of his descendants (Life, Vol.I, pp.76-78). Answer:He is the Vicar of Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and there is but one Judgment-Seat belonging to God and the Pope.. Same goes for any other letter. On one side, their supporters have heralded them as great men of God, having greatly advanced the search for the original Greek text. ): In my first term at the University, the controversial fires were beginning to blaze . I would repeat what many Protestants now do not accept that new versions are satanic in origin, aim and content. In the preface to their Rheims New Testament, they state that it was not translated into English because it was necessary that the Bible should be in the mother tongue, or that God had appointed the Scriptures to be read by all; BUT from the SPECIAL considerations of the state of their mother country. [115] He also stated that "some of the renderings which are free from a theological tendency strike one as quite good". Almost all the advanced Greek courses were taught by the legendary . [48] As of April 2020, the 2013 edition of the New World Translation has been translated into 31 languages. Nov. 4th Hort: I went down and spent a Sunday with WestcottWe came to a distinct and positive understanding about our Gk. After years of spreading pro-Vatican propaganda within the Church of England, the Oxford professor [Newman] finally jumped ship and returned to Rome where he was given a cardinals hat in 1879. Oct. first of Dean Burgons three articles in the Quarterly Review against the Revised Version appears. Were Westcott and Hort Secret Practitioners of the Occults? He wrote a book called Which Version in the early 1900s. So wild, so skeptical am I. I cannot yield.(Op. But the publication of the Scofield Bible resurrected the old Jesuit futurism with a Zionist twist.Today the policies of our country are dramatically influenced by futurism and Christian Zionism while few have even heard of historicism. for private distribution only. To destroy the faith and doctrines of the Protestants, whom they want to bring back into the fold of Roman Catholicism. ..The most downright claims to infallibility are made by the Apocalyptist, as for example in the NT REVELATION(see 22:6, 16, 18-19) a book which some of the WISEST THINKERS of the early Church wished to exclude from the canon, and which as A WHOLE, is SUB-CHRISTIAN in tone and outlook Moses HAS LEFT US NO WRITINGS, and we know little of him with certaintyFor indeed the bare idea of vicarious expiation(substitutionary atonement) is NOT WHOLLY RATIONAL.(Letter to John Ellerton, 1848). He immediately left the city of Rome, declaring, I have a work to do in England. (It was on the return voyage that he wrote the words for the hymn we so often sing, Lead kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom. He felt God was leading him out of Protestantism, back to the Mother Church.). In so doing, I find my feeling repeatedly confirmed that this work reflects an honest endeavor to achieve an understanding of the text that is as accurate as possible. Then continue reading more of Horts words below: The old dogmatic view of the Bible therefore, is not only open to attack from the standpoint of science and historical criticism, but IF TAKEN SERIOUSLY it becomes a DANGER to religion and public moralsGod is the author, NOT of the Bible BUT of the life in which the authors of the Bible partake, and of which they tell in such IMPERFECT HUMAN WORDS as they could command. But lets give a explanation of who Westcott and Hort were, then go into Wescott's and Hort's Greek translation of the Bible and how Hort and Westcott persuaded scholars of the Revision Committee to switch to the corrupted Alexandrian text for the new version they were working on. 4, p. 492). They defended the inclusion of a Unitarian scholar on the Revision Committee. It cannot be denied that the Satanic hand of Rome is deeply involved; indeed, she is the patron of the literary craftsmen behind the new versions. ; it is a blessing there are such early ones (Life, Vol.I, p.211). John Weldon and Ankerberg cite several examples wherein they consider the NWT to support theological views overriding appropriate translation. The old Italic version, into rude Low Latin of the second century, held its own as long as Latin continued to be the language of the people. . The New World Translation attempts to indicate progressive rather than completed actions, such as "proceeded to rest" at Genesis 2:2 instead of "rested". Cranmer a traitor and Latimer a vulgar ranter. The original New World Translation employs nearly 16,000 English expressions to translate about 5,500 biblical Greek terms, and over 27,000 English expressions to translate about 8,500 Hebrew terms. As has already been established, both Drs. Yes, new Greek texts (which happened to be Romish) came into being and again tried to batter the KJAV to death and, to now. [30] The committee also referred to the Novum Testamentum Graece (18th edition, 1948) and to works by Jesuit scholars Jos M. Bover (1943),[30] and Augustinus Merk (1948). ], Constantine, the professed Christian, who secretly worshipped the sun god, ordered Eusebius (the bishop of Caesarea) to make 50 Bibles for him. Why Does Pope Francis have an Ancient Alien Symbol on His Robes?? It is necessary that those handling the inspired word of God themselves be spiritual men. Amen., (2) JESUIT VERSION OF 1582:And lead us not into temptation. Edgar J. Goodspeed, translator of the New Testament in An American Translation, positively criticized the New World translation. Dodd: "The reason why [the Word was a god] is unacceptable is that it runs counter to the current of Johannine thought, and indeed of Christian thought as a whole. Dr. Smith communicated but said afterwards that he did not join in reciting the Nicene Creed and did not compromise his principles as a Unitarian. As you can see, even then, Catholics, like modern publishers, had to rework and rewrite their falsities many times over, and STILL did not get it right! It was noted above that in the past distrust was often expressed regarding the translation work of persons belonging to a different modality or denomination and there was a fear of the theological points of view being reflected in the translation.

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