UCU's higher education committee (HEC) will consider the conference resolutions on Friday 1 July, and this will be preceded by a branch delegate meeting where branches can feed in to the HEC's decisions. The national dispute ballots open today. Workload is a big part of our 'four fights' dispute, and our annual claim which calls for a sector-wide 35-hour week backed up by genuinely realistic workload models. For staff at Levels 1-3, the University Executive Board has agreed to implement the current pay offer with effect from October salaries. In a message to members, UCU general secretary Jo Grady said 'Employers are doubling down on their completely unacceptable positions: another below-inflation pay offer, doing nothing on casualisation, workloads and inequality, and cutting USS members' guaranteed future pension benefits by 35% or more. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. In a In line with UCU represented staff, the pay award for Technical Services staff at Levels 4-7 has been implemented from 1 August 2022. The discussions will begin on Monday 13 February. We use cookies on our website to ensure that we give you the best user experience. However, were an inflation-linked offer to be made, we would want to hear it, alongside discussions about how we improve non pay related elements of our dispute. Support staff pay is negotiated separately from teachers pay and all pay offers made have to be implemented in individual colleges. But the union says this still amounts to a pay cut after accounting for inflation. The reballots come after a number of branches narrowly missed the Conservative's anti-trade union turnout threshold, in some cases by only one or two votes: it was announced today. The New JNCHES negotiating timetable for 2021/22: Branches will be updated with developments during the negotiations. The HE trade unions are Unison, Unite, GMB, EIS and UCU. UCU members in higher education are rising up and saying enough is enough. Given the timetable HEC agreed to delegate the further development of the claim and its final sign off to the HEC officers and national negotiators. These groups have not delivered real change for members in the past and we have no reason to believe the situation will be any different this year. Sometimes knowing another institution is competing for you will: a) speed up decision making and b) increase the money being offered (if possible, depending on institution). UCU |University and College Union, Carlow Street, London NW1 7LH This is similar to the way pay outcomes has been distributed in recent years. Oakland University offers all employees outstanding health benefits. Be ready for that conversation with your manager. The HE trade unions pressed UCEA to improve their opening offer of 1.1% on pay and in regards to the pay related and equality elements of the claim, for a meaningful offer that focuses on action and sector wide frameworks to address pay inequality, precarious employment and workloads. The employers have refused to move from the final offer they made in May of 1.5% for 2021-22. Salary Negotiations: A Catch-22 for Women. 4. The joint unions have indicated that the opening offer is insufficient and that more needs to be brought to the final JNCHES negotiation meeting on 6 May 2021. The cookies we use are completely safe and don't contain any sensitive information. The NDC also stated their gratitude to 'students, our communities and members across our union and the trade union movement for their solidarity'. House Republicans would raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion, or suspend it until March 31, 2024, whichever occurs first. On a turnout of over 57%, breaking the 50% threshold set by anti-union legislation, around 80% of members who voted said yes to taking industrial action over pay and conditions claim: National pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [276kb] However, we've also provided further information should you wish to read more about our cookies or change your cookie settings. UCEA was left in no doubt about how strongly members feel and the need for real change to be made. The weighted results of the votes were as follows: (i) A strategy of escalating strike action, involving a pattern of escalating days of action through February, March, and April, engaging members again in March/April to take stock of the dispute situation and to agree any further strike action if needed. A marking and assessment boycott due to begin in January will now be called from April. The university has offered to increase the minimum hourly wage to $19, going up to $21 after three years. 1. Give your manager plenty of time to discuss with you and then enter into the request process for you. As you know, we can have 18 UCPEA observers at every negotiation session. Inflation has been rising rapidly since the start of this year. Background 2020-21 round meetings WebThe College negotiates with the Joint Trades Unions (JTUs) UCU, UNISON and UNITE to determine if there should be an increase in pay and the rate. UCU warned of a staff exodus from UK universities after two-thirds of university staff said they are considering leaving the sector within five years over cuts to pensions and deteriorating pay and working conditions. UCU |University and College Union, Carlow Street, London NW1 7LH For more information and for resources to help get the vote out, please go to our HE disputes. Read more here on the formal consultation results here. Its about making a case for your value to the employer -- showing how you will excel at meeting the specific needs theyve expressed based on your accomplishments and skills. However, we've also provided further information should you wish to read more about our cookies or change your cookie settings. The next dispute resolution meeting is on Friday 23 July. UCU's report mapping the extent of precarious employment in HE has been updated, revealing just how persistent the problem is, institution by institution. Also remember, the process is what matters, not the outcome, Dinuka said. In our pay and working conditions negotiations we are establishing time limited negotiations for new agreements on: UCEA are currently consulting their members with a recommendation that they give them a mandate to end the use of involuntary zero hour contracts on campus. Towards the end of the meeting UCEA made a final offer on pay; the headline pay offer is 1.5%. Ballot papers will be sent via first class post. Three consecutive days of strike action began today after university bosses and their representatives refused to address falling pay and worsening working conditions. I looked over all of our colleagues' records of publication, teaching, and service and made the case that two faculty of color were underpaid given their accomplishments. It also included a rise in all other pay related allowance by the same percentage points, and an offer to continue talks to progress all other elements of the joint claim: The initial offer was 2.75%. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. Action paused: UCU Rising: strike paused, campaign continues. The precise dates are to be announced by the union next week: 70,000 university staff to strike on 1 February, UCU higher education committee (HEC) decided today that members will be called to strike for 18 days between February and March in the disputes over pay, conditions and attacks on pensions. We will be in touch again very soon with updates, resources, FAQs, and campaign events. It's too early to say whether UCEA will make an offer that represents a meaningful attempt to address these vitally important matters. UCU general secretary Jo Grady writes to members with the latest on our recent negotiations with the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA). When we challenged employers to meet CPIH in August, they refused, saying that 'they did not have a mandate' to meet even their own preferred inflation rate. I got a mix of clear, pragmatic advice along with evidence of systemic problems requiring different solutions. Negotiations took place between UCEA (the employers) and the unions (EIS, GMB, UNISON, Unite and ourselves) on 9 January 2023. Powered by GOSS iCM. UCU general secretary Jo Grady has announced the timetable for action on both the pay and USS disputes, saying 'we have tried to negotiate and compromise with employers, but they haven't even met us half way. Delegates at the annual HE sector conference voted for a massive escalation of industrial action. SALARY negotiations for The joint union are also committed to progressing all other elements of the claim. Ballots will open on Monday 18 October. 'We have called on employers to demonstrate good faith during this negotiating period by not pursuing punitive pay deductions as a result of ASOS that would cause UCU branches to consider strike action in response. You can read a full summary of the meeting here and youcan read a response from our general secretary Jo Grady here. UCU's special higher education sector conference has voted for a marking and assessment boycott at 41 universities across the UK, a move which could prevent students from receiving their grades. UCU has warned hardline university bosses that they could be hit with additional strike action if they go ahead with 100% deductions in pay for staff taking action short of a strike (ASOS): Staff warn rogue university bosses to prepare for more strike action over pay deductions. New strike dates have been announced in the dispute over pay and conditions. On pay, the employers opening offer failed to meet any of the union's key demands; keep up and catch-up, RPI inflation, a pay rise for all and progress on poverty pay. It is to be distributed throughout the pay spine in a tapered way with a proportionately higher amount for those at the bottom relative to those at the middle and top. The outcome of last year's JNCHES negotiations led to the 'live' Four Fights dispute. The graduations of well over 100,00 students are set to be disrupted: University marking boycott begins despite 'lock out' threats. We would invite them to send us their offer in writing before the Christmas break. The employers' latest pay offer for 2021/22 is just 1.5% but inflation is at 4.5%. The outcome of last year's New JNCHES negotiations was an unprecedented 'zero' % pay offer by UCEA. The full HE pay claim for 2021/22 can be foundhere [PDF]. Strike action will run for three days from Wednesday 1 December to Friday 3 December, and the higher education committee has decided to call action short of a strike (ASOS) from 1 December, starting with working to contract only. UCU higher education branches sent over 250 delegates to the branch delegate meeting (BDM) which took place on 10 January 2023 to debate the next steps in our UCU Rising dispute and to relay the outcome of recent branch consultation meetings. UCU today General secretary Jo Grady told members the results are another powerful signal of members' commitment to address the issues of low pay, inequality, workload intensification and precarious employment. More broadly these negotiations have been shaped by the ongoing response to the pandemic and the huge collective effort staff have made to ensure HE remains successful and attractive. Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2021-22 which take place within the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). The new ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions opened today across the UK. New industrial action ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions, and also the USS pensions dispute, will open on 16 March. There were constructive discussions about developing a way forward and both sides agreed to enter into urgent negotiations between now and 31January 2023with a view to resolving both the 2022/23 pay round,on which the current dispute is based,and the 2023/24 pay round. Acas-mediated talks are intended to address the issues in dispute, which include pay, equality, job insecurity and workloads. All branches in the Four Fights and USS disputes will be balloted over taking industrial action that would impact both the induction weeks this autumn as well as spring 2023. UCEA will provide written details of the offer and how it relates to each point on the pay spine next week. Yet, over the same period, staff salaries have fallen in real terms. There is real pressure on new JNCHES to deliver for and reward staff in 2021/22. WebMost public sector workers falling under the remit of the Westminster Government will be subject to a pay freeze for 2021-22, with a pay rise of 250 for workers earning below .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 49% !important; margin-bottom: 1.5em !important; } .positionleft.inlineimage { margin-right: 0.5% !important; } .positionright.inlineimage { margin-left: 0.5% !important; } @media(max-width:600px) { .positionleft.inlineimage, .positionright.inlineimage { max-width: 100% !important; margin: 0 0 1em 0 !important; } #emergencybanner {margin-bottom: -1em !important;} }. The employers have made a final offer of a pay rise for 2021/22, pay negotiations are yet to start and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency is also UCU general secretary Jo Grady said, with 74% of members voting YES, 'there is no doubt whatsoever about members' commitment or how deeply you are impacted by the issues at the heart of this dispute': The key decisions about what to do on the back of these results will be taken by delegates to the upcoming higher education sector conference. All negotiating should take place over the phone or in person; this needs to be a conversation 5. American Indian and Alaska Native women earn $25,884 less a year, $1,035,360 less over a 40-year career span. A marking and assessment boycott will cover all marking and assessment, including that in writing, online, or verbally. UCU has also called for universities to scrap vanity projects and use their spare cash and to invest in staff after it was revealed the sector generated record income last year and are planning a 4.6bn splurge on 'vanity projects' as staff pay falls 25%. On the pay related and equality matters the situation is more nuanced than pay. Our NHS colleagues have been offered 3%. The eballot was open for four days with tens of thousands of UCU members backing UCU's position to reject the offer. at issue, but the reprisal for doing so. We expect UCEA, as a representative of our employers, to demonstrate a commitment to staff in HE by improving their offer. Universities will see further strike action in February unless employers meet UCU's demands over pay & conditions. The action will take place over two weeks, with members in 39 universities taking action from Monday 21 Marchto Friday 25 March, with members in a further 29 universities taking action from Monday 28 Marchto Friday 1 April. UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. Potent cultural barriers still stand in the way, and those who hold significant power in institutions need to actively seek out ways to use it on behalf of those who dont. Employers would not go beyond their usual offer of working groups to collect data on workload, casualisation and pay inequality. The Universities and Colleges Employers Association (), the sector body that negotiates pay for higher education staff nationally, has provided a final update on pay for the 2021-22 academic year.The pay uplift for the 2021-22 academic year guarantees increases of at least 1.5%, with higher percentage uplifts made to the pay points below A full written offer is expected early next week. Option (i) (escalating strike action) - 57%, Option (ii) (indefinite strike action) - 31%. Even though one can feel the pressure to fill the air with talk, don't. UCU's higher education committee (HEC), authorised sustained industrial action at a meeting on 19 January, which will include coordinated UK wide and regional rolling strikes. ballot staff in disputes over pay & conditions and pensions, University marking boycott begins despite 'lock out' threats, marking and assessment boycott will begin from Monday 23 May, voted for a marking and assessment boycott, thirty-six institutions have voted to continue strike action, with 74% of members voting YES, 'there is no doubt whatsoever about members' commitment, warned of a staff exodus from UK universities, UK higher education - a workforce in crisis [217kb], is causing material and reputational damage to the sector, The new ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions, UK universities to face five more days of strike action before Easter, Strike action over pay and conditions continues next week at UK universities, there was now a 'nationally orchestrated move by employers to bully and intimidate UCU members', Staff warn rogue university bosses to prepare for more strike action over pay deductions, Official statistics show why university staff are taking strike action, UCU general secretary Jo Grady has also written to members on the action here, Universities will see strike action next month unless employers meet pension and pay demands, Strike action from February in the USS and Four Fights disputes, another 12 universities have voted in favour of joining industrial action, Jo Grady told members the results are another powerful signal, University strikes begin after bosses refuse to budge on pensions, pay & working conditions, Huge numbers of staff and students on campus picket lines up and down the country, Vice-chancellor pay exposes 'cavernous' gap between staff & management, UCU writes to university bosses setting out how to avoid pre-Christmas campus strikes, latest from the general secretary on next steps, Big mandate for strike action at UK universities over pay & working conditions, Jo Grady said this report should cause every vice chancellor in the sector to hang their heads in shame, the extent of precarious employment in HE, wrote to members on our demands for sector-wide change, University staff pay cut by 20%, new figures show, Your ballot papers arrive this week: vote YES to industrial action, Jo also spoke with student newspaper The Tab, the timetable for action on both the pay and USS disputes, special higher education sector conference (HESC), special sector conference on 9 September 2021, the employers' 1.5% pay offer is not god enough, You can read the full claim here. UCU's higher education committee (HEC) meets on 19 January to decide the next steps, following a branch delegates' meeting to feed in members' views. The pay uplift for the 2021-22 academic year guarantees increases of at least 1.5%, with higher percentage uplifts made to the pay points below Spine Point 22, up to a UCU has served notice to employers of a marking and assessment boycott (MAB) to begin on Thursday 20 April in our ongoing pay and conditions dispute. All bargaining unit members with current appointments for the 2021-22 academic year would receive a one-time lump sum ratification payment of $500 within 60 days of contract ratification. It was announced today that strike ballots will open at UK universities on Tuesday 6 September over pay and working conditions, alongside a second ballot over pension cuts. That number is impacted by schools like the University at Buffalo and Niagara University, the only two local institutions who pay Caroline Levine, chair of the department of literatures in English at Cornell University, wrote to me, I was trying to think about negotiating strategies, and I realized that I often feel that women really have no good way to do this -- ask for more, and you're considered pushy and entitled; don't ask, and you don't get raises. Northern Ireland pay & conditions ballot scrutineer's report [257kb], Read the full story here: University staff vote for UK-wide strike action in historic ballot. The joint union claim also included a demand for a UK-wide agreement on Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). The dean agreed to raise their salaries in that years merit cycle.. Its unfair and unrealistic to expect folks to overcome systemic problems solely through individual efforts. The dates are: It was announced today that members will be called to take strike action on Wednesday 1 February. I think that set the stage for him to be more willing to be flexible.. UK universities final pay offer promising a minimum rise of 1.5 per cent for the next academic year has been branded unacceptable by a union, as tensions between A 1.5% increase over 2 years is in reality a steep real-terms pay cut, on top of over a decade of pay cuts. The higher education committee (HEC) will now use these results and the debates that occurred in the meeting to inform their decision-making in the meeting on Thursday 12 January 2023 to decide our union's next steps. Jennifer Dannals of Dartmouth Colleges Tuck School of Business, and Nir Halevy and Margaret Neale, both of Stanford Universitys Graduate School of Business, analyzed data from 2,552 MBA students and executives ', It was today confirmed that two further days of strike action at UK universities are going ahead on 9 and 10 February after staff rejected the employers' pay offer: University strikes escalate after staff reject 'low-ball' offer. Web18 May 2021 Pay 2021-22: Final offer presented. UCEA, the HE employers' organisation, made an opening pay increase offer for the 2021-22 JNCHES negotiating round. List of participating UCEA institutions for 2022-23. We use cookies on our website to ensure you find the information you need in the simplest way. Following progress on terms of reference for a review of the UK HE pay spine, the focus is now on terms of reference covering equality pay gaps, contract types, and workload. No progress was made on other elements of the joint union claim including the 35 hour week, or Scottish JNCHES. Below is our jointly agreed statement and you can read the response from our general secretary here. UCU general secretary Jo Grady said this report should cause every vice chancellor in the sector to hang their heads in shame. Members in striking branches are being asked to walk out on 21 & 22 February, and from 28 February to 2 March in the following week. Delegates also voted for the ballots to be conducted in an 'aggregated' format, meaning that the 50% turnout threshold, and consequently which branches would be called to take action, would encompass the entire voting membership. An escalation of action short of strike is also planned. Also employers were reminded that staff had not had a pay rise since August 2019 and employers offered 'zero' uplift last year. Silence in negotiation shows confidence. The higher education committee (HEC) met today and authorised a ballot of all higher education members over the 2022-23 offer in late summer with strikes to follow in the November, along with further ballots for industrial action in spring 2023. Next steps in our national pay and conditions campaign will be made at the Higher Education Sector Conference on 9 September. erhui1979/digitalvision vectors/getty images. Caroline pointed me to a tweet from the journalist and author Stefanie OConnell Rodriguez, who wrote, Can we start saying ambition penalty instead of confidence gap when we talk about women and girls? For the first time in the two disputes the ballot will be aggregated, meaning that if UCU achieves an overall turnout of 50% or above and a majority YES vote, all universities across the UK will be hit by strike action. UNISON is one of the largest unions in the higher education sector, supporting 50,000 members working in universities. April 18, 2021 How to Successfully Negotiate Your Salary Dan Moseson shares stories and strategies from across higher ed that include pragmatic advice along with ways to tackle some systemic problems. UCU general secretary Jo Grady said in a message to members, 'I do not want to overplay the importance of this development because there is still a long way to go but this is another clear sign that your magnificent support, and the magnificent support of our members, for our union is working. | The claim, which among other demands covers UCU's core Four Fight demands; a pay rise for all that is progressive, tackling intersectional pay inequality, dealing with excessive workloads, stress and mental health linked to Covid-19, and addressing wide spread precarious contracts and a specific claim for GTA's. UCU today confirmed it will move ahead with plans to ballot staff in disputes over pay & conditions and pensions. Seeking to improve my own knowledge and ability to inform students, I took an unscientific poll of my colleagues and friends negotiation stories and strategies. Understand the needs and abilities of the employer. University unions and employers meet on pay, Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2021. You can The report also reminds us that casualisation is an equality issue, with women and BAME staff disproportionately likely to be on various forms of insecure contract. House Republicans would raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion, or suspend it until March 31, 2024, whichever occurs first. Select whether you're salaried or hourly paid and enter your details to see how your workload affects your pay. HE negotiations 2020-21. Unfortunately, UCEA have again failed to table an offer and have instead called on all of the unions to suspend any industrial action in order to progress negotiations. We are at an impasse and nothing will change for the better unless UCU members put on a massive show of strength in those three days of strike action and accompanying ASOS': Industrial action starts on 1 December, UCU has called vice-chancellor pay packets 'immoral' and 'unsustainable' after the revelations in a report from the Office for Students into senior staff pay in English universities: Vice-chancellor pay exposes 'cavernous' gap between staff & management, UCU has written to university employer representatives outlining what university vice chancellors have to do to avoid industrial action in the next few weeks, escalating into spring and beyond: UCU writes to university bosses setting out how to avoid pre-Christmas campus strikes.

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