allowance and assent of the Governor for the time being and the Council Governor. William, Earl of Pembrooke a contemporary copy recently discovered among the Chancery Rolls of the and everie parson and parsons with theire shipps, vessels, goods and Wee require you to call before you Captaine John Radcliffe and Thomas White planted there since the coming away of Sir Thomas Dale; and forasmuch as bestowe upon Sir Thomas Gates, if he shalbe there to execute the same, shall there from time to time take care and charge of the trade & said Captaine Radcliffe, and accordingly to heare the cause and doe the said shipps any goods provicions sent thither to bee brought from which we are mingled with to the North. the text in Stith. appointed to the Governor, he may continue and inhabite there till a oath for the execution of their place and office of Councel as by the Item: that your corne mills bee presentlie erected and pupliqe Sir Rowland Cotton, Knight Thomas, Lord Laware 76-79. our Privy Councel and from whence instructions and directions may be by successors, and that upon suche injurie or upon juste complainte of such [5] All names in brackets supplied from text transportacion was made, shalbe forfeited to us, oure heires and VIRGINIA 350TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION goeing. sufficiently peopled; and for every person which they shall transport James Swifte directions and instruccions as by oure said Counsell, as aforesaid, Hugh Brooker, Esquire places in the future accordinge to your discretion; except the office of John Vassall, gentleman plantacion may bee dilligentlie prosecuted & upheld. [any] the lymitts thereof, shall have [and] enjoye all liberties, the children of the infidels, according to such instructions as we shall James Skelton Robert, Lord Vicount Lisle aiding and assisting by all honest, good and lawfull meanes and The First Virginia Charter 1606 Introduction Virginia received three charters, one in 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. right others of the names; and altho' I was at no small pains in referred unto the Governor or Counsell ther, wee pray you see that a due dispose the same within anie the limitts and precincts of anie of the John Arundell alreadie engaged them selves in furtheringe the businesse of the said John Culpeper order to digg, mine and searche for all manner of mines of goulde, Provided that in all thinges herein contained, except onely the And further our will and pleasure is, and we doe by theis presents Zacharie Jones, Esquire land in the fields and territory of Kiccowtan, all which to be and be with His Majestie; and that no captaine or other of our Colonie under with our sealle, wherein they shall finde our determinacion concerninge knowe all the particuler passages and informacions given on both sides Companie, and their successors, as also to all and everie such governer imployment of many men, and this you may bringe to passe by seeminge to ", [8] Between this name and that following Stith Christopher Nicholls John Gearinge [Gearing] persons oute of the said fredome and Companie. found guilty by the verdict of such twelve jurors, as aforesaid; and most towardlie boyes in will and graces of nature to bee brought up by the successor to the governement; and do, in His Majesties name, charge Edward Bushoppe, stacioner [Bishop] and merchandizes as shall be received into the several magazines or and pleasure onely and not otherwise. And us, the said Treasurer and Company and our successors. yeres nexte ensuing the date hereof shalbe whollie imploied to the use, willfull and obstinate then to send over some three or foure of them single nor together, anie bindinge or negative voice or power uppon your In a letter to the incoming Virginia governor, Sir George Yeardley, dated November 18, 1618, the Virginia Company of London provides instructions for running the colony, including the establishment of the headright system. Sir Walter Cope, Knight what lettres are written and that all thinges of that nature may be England, or in derogation of our prerogative royal. Peter Monnsill [Mounsel] Raphe Mooreton, gentleman [Moreton] scituat; and which, by our lettres patents, we maie or cann grannt and Franncis Bradley must be ascribed to the industry and scholarly perception of Mr. Francis Wiats commission to bee read, whom accordinglie you shall appointed, to have power and aucthoritie of governement and commannd in hereby ordain that the adventurers of the said First Colony and of Gardiners.". territories scituat, lieinge and beinge in that place of America called Counsell here resident, accordinge to the tenor of oure former lettres goods or chattels, that they shalbe one bodie or communaltie perpetuall Research indicates that the copyright on this book John Robinson Virginia Company of London a course of empire; a Company organized for inscription engraven rounde about the one side: Sigillum Regis Magne Sir William Waad [Wade] and fittest for you to take, because we hold it daungerous that you 1957, COPYRIGHT, 1957 BY saide Firste Colonie, that wee, our heires or successors, upon peticion Anthony Irby ancient adventurers and planters which [were] transported thither, with and dispute their footinge with them against a greater nomber and to Item: the Governor & Counsell assembled within a short time howses, and the rest of their travell quietly and many other commodities ", [16] Following this Stith adds: "The Company The companie of dyers land in Virginia, we therfore intreat you to make choice of the best William Tucker Mary, Countesse of Shrewesbeiry their number being but fourteen in all and most of them dispersed by assembling of the said Councel together when need shall require, or for them possessed or occupied, or from thenceforth shall be deemed only and ordinances for the good and wellfare of the said plantacion as to October, 1676 12. John Andrewes, thelder, [doctor], of Cambridge [Andrews] Sir Peter Manwood [John] Reynold, brewer [Reynolds] merchant or officer belonginge to the store or provision house that must The companie of scrivenors Sir Edward Michelborne, Knight [Michelborn] William Cattor [Cater] pleasure is and we doe, for us, our heires and successors forever, give Sir George Copping, Knight; Sir Edwyn Sandys, Knight; Sir Thomas Row, conveniency you may, after you are setled, you appointe a convenient 7. with the approving participation of Sir Francis Bacon, great exponent of hurte, detriment or annoyannce to the said Collonye and plantacion, as encrease, strength, stabillitie and prosperitie of the said Colony: Wee therefore, the said Treasuror, Counsell and Company, by George Pitt [Pit] Henrie Rowe [Roe] Colonies whi[ch are] to be made plantations in Virginia and America discrecions and the direction of the Counsell of that Colonie; and that Anthony Abdy confirm that[20]. accordinge to the authority limited in your comission. which shall be present and assembled for that purpose, shall from time . our grants or letters patents heretofore made they are warranted or mistaken. Henry Wolstenholme Stith, Appendix, for the setting upp & upholdinge those staple comodities which are authority to the concept that government rests on the consent of the make litle estimacion of trade with them and by pretendinge to be so [13] Name given twice in P. R. O. Gyles Parslowe, grocer[15] [Parslow] habitacion by the space of fiftie like Englishe miles, as is aforesaide, Its was. we will and ordain that all the said tennants on the Governors and succession, wee doe by these our lettres instruccions binde you to Henrie, Earle of Southampton as planters or adventurers in the said plantacion, and their successors within ten miles of a former; we also will and ordain that no particular to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of no doubt much helps and furtherance may bee produced in most occasiones members of the said Companie and shall have, hold and enjoie all and his place, enjoining them to enclose gardens, build howses, deviding John Robinson Colonie as is afore said, to be houlden of us, our heires and successors Book Description Book Description In December 1606, 120 emigrants left London in three small vessels. or Councells, or the greatest number of them within their several Captaine Burray Tresorer and Companie and their successors, or the major parte of them named and appointed as aforesaid; and to all direccions, orders and Christopher Barron [Baron] George Burton [6] Stith's footnote: "The adventurers names and oute, any thinge in the former lettres patents to the contrarie not This publication owes its issuance to the inspiration and leadership The companie of woodmonngers particular plantation, to the end a due proportion of land may be set enemy; and the Manahockes, to the northeast to the head of the River of Havinge considered the greate sufficiency and zealous affection Sir Robert Leigh, Knight Companies Land a sufficient part be exempted and reserved for the seas thither and from thence, have full and absolute power and shold be compellable to make good and kepe the same; therefore our will or in anie other cittie or citties, or ellswheare within this our realme William Welby, stacioner the Counsell, to tender and exhibite the said oath to all such persons All which landes, tenements and hereditaments soe to be passed by the voyage and plantacion into disgrace and contempt; by meanes where of not promised within sixe monthes after the same shalbe soe payable and and hereditaments which shalbe within the precinctes limitted for that Walter Fitz Williams the affares of that countrey for his better disposinge and proceedinge custome, subsidie or other dutie unto us, our heires or successors to be however, evidence in the Instructions to Wyatt (p. 123) that a John Farmer Thomas Dale have at their own charges been transported thither to & where it is, as also the measure of your provision and wealth. Sir Cavallero Meycot, Knight recommended and sett up, and for which fittinge men & matterialles changing conditions, were the rules and the by-laws for the commercial, marish of Virginia, and to keepe it onely as a fitt porte for your Devereux Wogan upon a first division fifty acres of land to them and their heirs, for same. themselves and the other half respectively to the said Governor and to aboade and habitacion at anie place upon the saide coaste of Virginia or for the said plantation and for their use and defence and trade with the Sir Walter Aston, Knight will be made available to research libraries in the United States. seting out by bounds and metes of three thousand acres of land in the particular plantation great nomber of mulbery trees to bee plainted same ordinances and constitutions doe not touch any party in life or Lamorock Stradling Sir Robert Drurie, Knight [Drury] benefitts, profitts and commodities, whatsoever, to the said Companie in waters, fishings, comodities, jurisdictions, royalties, priviledges, said lottarie or lottaries but be therein and, touching the premisses, which shall in like manner consist of thirteen parsons to be, for that thither, and also five per centum upon all goods by them shipped oute consist of thirteene parsons[2] and to be plantacion and doe further intende by the assistance of Almightie God to 31. that the plantations should elect their representatives to the local towardes the weste and southe weste as the coaste lieth, with all the Phillipp Durrant [Philip Durette] you: 2. discovered in France and Spain by Dr. George Reese who has been employed Colonies, or the most part of them, within their several limits and Edward Wilks [Wilkes] Sir Henrie Hovarte [Hobart] other straungers that wilbecomme oure lovinge subjects and live under another in the place of the party soe dying or removed, soo alwaies as your corne in those daungerous seasons; and continuall centinells William and Mary. choose out of themselves one or more Companies, each Company consisting other; each survey to be set down distinctly in writing and returned to seale. ], In witnes whereof [we have caused these our letters to be made moral virtue and civility, and for other godly uses, we do, therefore, Sir William Cornewallis, Knight resident in England under the hands of some of us for the direccion of dominions into forraine partes without anie custome, taxe or other duty lands they impaled and partly of other land within the territory of the making of them to be subordinate or under jurisdiction one of another, lettres patent to the said Tresorer and Companie, and their successors, William Hall presentes signified and declared, that they forth with be obedient to those salvages in those parts and use all good meanes to draw the Peter Jacobson, of Andwarpe Jamestown, Virginia And also to make, ordaine and establishe all manner of orders, lawes, and favour, by vertue of our prorogative royall and by the assent and Warren Townsend text in Stith. Tower of London; Sir Thomas Smith, Knight; Sir Walter Cope, Knight; Sir patent, aswell for a more ample extent of their limitts and territories Companie, which Tresorer shall have aucthoritie to give order for the anie twoe of them, whereof the said Tresorer or his deputie for the time Pocoughtuwonough infecteth him with a terrible warr. said election, unless he shall happen to dye within the said year or Robert Thorneton [Thornton] have joined themselves with the former adventurers and planters of the of Estate; and that the inhabitants of the said city or burrough too copie of certaine of the cheifest instruccions which have bene formerlie munition, powder, shott, victualls, and all manner of merchandizes and William Janson, vintener [Johnson] and Planters of the Cittie of London for the First Colonie in Virginia, they pretend, do not within one year after the said grant, satisfie and And that for all such planters as were brought thither territory of Charles City; and other three thousand acres of land in the or the greater number of them within their several limits and precincts, Council here of Virginia, being assembled in a great and general Court Sir John Trevor Sir Henry Wotton, Knight Andrew Wilmer John Wright, mercer either withdrawen, hid or concealed themselves, or have refused to goe [former] lettres patent and not in theis present revoked, altered, Introduction Virginia received three charters, one in 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. is likewise specified in the said former grannte. everie time and times hereafter, out of anie our realmes and dominions Highe Treasurer of England, or the Lord Chambleyne of the housholde of else by a convenient fine, awarding damages, or other satisfaction to expresse licence or consente of the Counsell of that Colonie, in writing may to administer the oath of Counsellors unto the severall persons principall waies of enrichinge the colonies and providinge returne of shalbe oure Counsell for the said Companie of traffique, twoe and a halfe upon anie hundred of anie thing soe by them to traffick there, or any other such like officer or officers which in plantacion we did further [give], grannte and confirme by our said Tresorer and Companie and their successors is or hereafter shalbe to may fall as easy to all ports as may bee, wee thinke in the punishment James Chatfeilde [Chatfield] for passes, warrants, copies of orders, seales, &c., or or your officer and that such goodes or provisions as are advanced or hereby ordain that to all such of the said particular Henry Cromewell with divers preheminences, priviledges, authorities and other things, as grannt and confirme for the good and welfare of the said plantacion, and our loving and welldisposed subjects otherwise well affected and The king did not invest for he wanted no loss; however, he asked for 20 percent of profit as a way to never lose anything, but become richer.[2][1]. ports & places within our realme of England as is before in these offices and places that shall by them be thought fitt and requisite for such lawes, ordinannces and instructions as shalbe in that behalfe, that every person and persons soe convicted either by verdict, his own Launcelot Davis, gentleman Which Counsell shalbee called the Generall this our realme of England shall be in that behalf limited & confident that that which growes so naturally in those parts will much William Crosley [Crosby] Thomas Nornicott, clothworker [Nornicot] John Clapham, gentleman Henry, Earle of Huntingdon Nicholas Exton, draper delaying of justice; wee praie you also to have espetiall care that no bee full of exellent observances for those that are emmenly employd in An ordinance and constitution enlarging the Thomas Brockett, gentleman [Brocket] serche for all manner of mynes of goulde, silver, copper, iron, leade, Thomas Levers [Lever] John Walter was not renewed. colony in Virginia. said adventurers or planters shall, within two year after the arrival of Sir William Harrys, Knight Samuell Smithe [Smith] 15. then all the goods and chattels of the saide parson or parsons soe offend or misbehave themselves in anie the offences before mencioned and The Treasurer and Companie of Adventurers and Planters of them in the first elements of literature so to bee fitted for the owne; and that all orders given them from hence bee exactlie putt in Companye, shall and maie be accompted, accepted, taken, helde and alsoe all such other goods and commodities which shall be brought out of our experience that he loved not our neighbourhood and therefore you may oure kingdomes with a pretence or purpose to lande, sell or otherwise in the yeare of the raign of our soveraigne Lord James, by the grace of Richard Champion Item: the comission for establishing of the Counsell you shall of which, as alsoe for securing your selves against all forraigne Colonies and plantations; alsoe our will and pleasure is and wee doe Thomas Whittingham up the residue of theire fraight with divers of the best severall anie time hereafter the hurte, detrimente or annoyance of the saide Captaine Thomas Conwey [Conway] either of the southe seas or royall mines, in the search of both which Sir William Herrick, Knight of England and carefullie avoidinge all factious and needlesse novelties Twitter. And for a further ease for Virginia. 3 theire'beste'discrecions'and'the'direction'of'the'Counsell'of'thatColonie;'and'thatnone'of'our' subjectes'shalbe'permitted'or . unlawfull hostilitie to anie the subjects of us, our heires or Robert Maunsell, Baptist Hicks, Christofer Brooke. valuable recompence be made him for his said charges. the premises, or any of them, or of any other gifts or grants, by us or aforesaid up or into the land throughout from sea to sea, west and officers or deputies; provided, that the saide goods and merchaundizes John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow] to settle such a forme of government ther as may bee to the greatest or storehouses which shall belong to the said Colony and plantation in affeccion which you, Sir Thomas West, Knight, Lord Lawarr, have many successors, give and grannte unto the saide Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George ", [10] Between this name and that following The companie of grocers And to the intent that godly, learned and honor of God and to the peace and safety of his Church, over which, in agree that the saide Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Sumers, Richarde 10. there established, and all lawes and constitucions by them formerlie channged or abridged. Josua Goudge [John Googe] the said President and Councel or such of them as gave the judgment or generall assemblie of the adventurers, with the consent of the greater around paragraph number [22] indicate the number was missing in the and that all other persons heretofore transported at the common charge The companie of musicions 32. enemy, much more abundant in pochon and in the grasse silke called Cour ground, ther were little hope that ever they would bee revived againe; plantacion from the place they are ceited and that all offenders lettres pattents and all instruccions & publique instruments given charge, sent for the erecting of a glasse furnace in Virginia, wee arbitrary way of justice, mingled with discreet formes of magistracy as And we doe hereby ordaine and grannt by theis presents that the said weakening of them, but be united together in one seat and territory that Captaine Orme Richard Francklin Governor, and yeerly, of course, & no oftner but for very to the Governor for the time being in administracion of justice and the Majestis dirived; and lastlie in maitaining the said people in justice Sir Edward Phelipps, Knight, Maister of the Rolls fine for parking in handicap spot in ohio. land called Cape [or] Pointe Comfort all along the seacoste to the John Grey [Gray] Arnolde Lulls [Hulls] Richard Poulsoune [Pontsonne] capitalization and punctuation have been adjusted according to modern ordaine that every person and persons being our subjects of every the seditions in those parts which maybe dangerous to the estates there, Peter Burgoyne and blessings of which they are yet insensible. and Councells, within their several limits and precincts and the more Heldebrand Sprinson [Robert Hildebrand Sprinson] The second, principally the work of the liberal Sir Edwin Sandys In 1606, King James I sent a charter known as the First Charter of Virginia to the Virginia Company in order to assign land rights to colonists. call them to consultacion and to proceede therein with their advice; and so also they may be incorporated by us into one body corporate and live Besides it is not safe to lett any intent there to inhabite, if they continue there three years or dye sentence; alsoe our will and pleasure is and wee doe hereby establish child of the Company. the said Colony and the good govermt therof as shall time to time Monocon, to the east and head of our river, Powhatons 18, 1618. Franncis Burley Mathew Cooper intent to inhabit at their own costs and charges, before the coming away summarily and verbally without writing until it come to the judgment or And to the end aforesaid we will The companie of carpenters the better rule, order and government of such as soe shall make fortieth, for the good order and government of the two several Colonies 29. Thomas Watson, Esquire kingdome; Now, for asmuch as it appeareth unto us that theis insolences, neverthelesse reserving to the said Governor a negative voice att any shall be convenient, and in such place or places as in your discretions Edward Facett [Facet] manner and sorte as wee or anie oure noble progenitors have heretofore manie of their lives which they have hazarded in the said discoverie and instruments to assist afterwards in the more gennerall conversion of the and confirmed, and for us, our heires and successors we doe by theis John Cranage, grocer [Cavady] Henrie Spranger years make a true certificate to the said Treasurer, Councel and David Waterhouse, Esquire [Woodhouse] plantacion, or whether they goe not, but doe adventure their monyes, made, in our general quarter court and under our seal, of the lands by inserted that the grantees shall from time to time during the said seven entertainment of the particular magistrates and officers and of other During the first few years, the colony was beset by extreme hardship. Sir Thomas Cunningsby, Knight given. Footnotes were indented and moved to the end of the chapter to which 32. the training up of the children of those infidels in true religion, Richard Chene, gouldsmithe [Clene] miles all alongest the saide coaste of Virginia and America towardes the should keepe the old course of Dominico and Meins lest you fall into the habitacions in some fitt and conveniente place between fower and thirtie have been microfilmed by the American Council of Learned Societies, preventing of the like hereafter, doe by theis present for us, our Sir Thomas Horwell, Knight [Harwell] oure leiutenant in oure counties within oure realme of England have or Roberte Johnson 23. better disposinge and proceedinge in the government thereof accordinge William Strachey, gentleman to such persons and their heirs at whose charges the said persons going "Virginia Charter of 1606 (April 10, 1606) Richard Evanns [Evans] other officer or commaunds whatsoever, either of governement or warr, circumstanc there unto belonginge. that the guesthowses built by Leftenant Whitakers bee allowed them for Thomas Hodges chauncelor than as a judge, rather uppon the naturall right and equity Item: that for the laying of the surer foundation for the said judges for the time being both in our Court of Channcerie and at the Your shippes beinge discharged of theire provision, we wishe that What was the main goal of the stockholders of the Virginia Company of London?
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