I have purple stretch marks on my right leg near the knee area and there is no pain in it. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider as soon as you can. They take quite a while to fade and seem to leave the skin different than before. We recommend reaching out to your provider as soon as you can about the bruises. There were 2 very small punctures. I have ulcerative colitis, high liver count, chronic kidney disease , and A lot of bruising on my lower and upper legs. Hey, Im 12 years old and have been getting some bruises for no reason.. Im a huge hypochondriac and Im having anxiety attacks Im scared.. what could this be they are not very small and blackish purple the smallest one I have is a little bigger than a pencil eraser Im really scared.. what could this be. Thank you. Maybe I missed it but I didnt see a response to your post about your sons unexplained bruising. Could this discoloration be the results of the slipped discs? He has not injured it or had any falls and I have never noticed them before. We avoid using tertiary references. I have an oval shaped bruise in the center of my back (no trauma) and a bunch of red spots above it. Ive had no trauma to my abdomen whatsoever. and this has been showing up when i wake up in the morning even from the night before for about 3 months now. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history, previous conditions and can best advise you. Thank you for reaching out. I'll reach out to some of our providers and see if they have any thoughts. I woke up with one bruises with I thought was something normal , but then i got more on my thighs.It seem like it has spread. We noted in the article that: 'Bruises on your back, abdomen and upper thighs may be concerning because most people dont frequently bump those body parts. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Hi, Tina. Asking for a coworker friend. Barb, Hi ABI, Upon asking her what happened she said the only different thing is shes began working out morespecifically running on a tredmil. For example, in adults, bruising can occur more easily as we age due to thinning of the skin. Im only 22. I'm 40 by the way. If you want to prevent bruising, particularly if you bruise easily, be sure to follow these tips to avoid injury to your legs: Many things can cause you or your child to have unexplained bruises on your legs. The symptoms of this condition include thrombocytopenia, which lowers blood platelet counts and leads to bleeding and bruising. I have a sudden bruise at the back of my thigh. When I got home there was a large reddish purple bruise, today it's almost black. I asked Candy about your concerns and symptoms. Some hurt, some don't. Some look really bad, some don't look as much. Thank you! Policy. I don't believe it comes from his teeth. It is pain when touched and have a slight bump. I am a teenager and have a skinny foot long bruise on the side of my thigh along with a couple purple dots that feel like bruises on my knees. Hi. If your child receives care through Marshfield Clinic, you can message his care team via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, When you'd like to make an appointment, you can get that process started here: https://marshfieldclinic.org/appointments Or, if your child does not yet have a pediatrician, you can start your search here: https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=Pediatrics, What a ridiculous forum. Should i worry about it? They tend to appear so far just above the knees on each leg. Hi So please, don't ignore your symptoms, like I did for many years. I noticed some yellow bruises on my left leg and foot but have not banged against anything that would have caused them. Hi I am having bruises on my forearm and around my knees too. I said smacked, not slapped. Your primary care provider knows your medical history the best; if you are concerned, you should bring this question to your next appointment. I didn't pay much attention to it, as I do have Raynaud's. Thank you for reaching out. Currently in touch with a doc they think blood disorder. Bruises typically heal within a few weeks and are usually benign. I will see my Dermatologist tomorrow. Thanks for reaching out. And it gets me worried because it's getting little bigger since i got this and so hard to walk easily. Im concerned about the headaches Im having that are followed by bruises. I am from India. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. But I dont fault Kirsten S. or Shine 365. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer individualized medical advice on this platform. -Kirstie, Hi Ive been getting small purple bruises when I definitely havent banged against anything. I was just on here hoping for answers to a problem Im having. It's on my legs near where my sensitive part. My drs have not been concerned because I have Ehlers Danlos. They can advise you best since they are most aware of your medical history and past conditions. Any idea what this may be the cause of it? My son has the same thing but on his face & chest. I dont want my dr to think I'm crazy. Did you get a diagnosis? We do not know enough about your medical history and current conditions or medications, and we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. Hi, Lorraine. It hurts to sit down on a hard surface (toilet seat), to get in and out of a vehicle because of the weight distribution. Also, bed bugs sometimes leave a string of tiny dot bites. Supplements that may cause bruising include: Some medications may affect the bodys clotting ability and cause unexplained bruising on the legs and other parts of the body. About an hour or two later another one just above it. I've been told i dont have leukemia. Purpura is purple spots or patches on your skin or in your mucus membranes (such as your mouth and throat). hello my name is kaeleigh and i am 16 yrs old i have this big lump on my lower left back and i have been filling very week and just don't fill my normal self anymore i need some advice i really don't like doctors they scare me !! U might want to make an appt w/one in ur area & have a CBC (I think that's what it is) count. Good going, just have yourself a terrible rating to deter patients from going there. If you really cared about people and their wellness then you would provide answers, even if they're wrong at least they'd be educated guesses. Although occasional, mild bruising is not . Although it is rare, some supplements may cause bleeding and bruising. Hi, Paulette. It could be there for the rest of my life. Thank you for reaching out. I am 60 .do you think it's old age .hope you can help .thank you . I have the situation and was thinking the same? It happens when the body overresponds to infection and releases a lot of inflammatory chemicals into the blood. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your doctor via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Same! Your care team can look at your medical records and help you understand whether an appointment is necessary. We will have a link trade contract among us! If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message a provider directly through My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Saturday morning I had a bruise already forming on my left butt cheek with numbness on part of it. Good luck. The doctor may also perform other diagnostic tests, including blood tests, to rule out any serious underlying causes of bruising. However, they come back without any reasoning. Periodically, Ive been getting small, pencil eraser size, perfectly circular bruises on my arms for no reason. Im not crazy I sware haha. I believe Im slightly anemic from what I remember. Haven't had health insurance since my ex divorced me after taking everything I had. If there is associated pain or swelling or functional problems, then you should be seen sooner, rather than waiting until your next visit with a primary care provider.". I have bruises all over my arms and legs for not reason more so inner thighs and inner arms the are all different colors i have nephropathy but also have my left leg and foot swell and hurt a lot, Patsy, Should I be worried about this? did you ever figure out the cause of bruising ? Hi just wondering if you ever found out a reason. He finally stopped using a wheelchair 3 months ago and walking unaided 2 months ago now although has a long road ahead of him. However, in the last week, bruising keep appearing on his leg and after a couple of days, they go down and more appear. Cancer is often treatable, especially when a person receives an early diagnosis. I've been drinking off and on for years, mainly vodka. Hi, I have a bruises that suddenly appear on my legs and I noticed I have 2 more bruises on my stomach which is weird cause i have no recollection how they got there ,should I be concerned about this? Just trying to find answers. Hi i have same just wondering if u found out ehat it is. We strongly recommend talking to your doctor directly about the bruising you are experiencing. I was going to ask what my bruises were about but all you reply to everyone is see your doctor. Best wishes. Have you shared that diary with your primary care provider? god bless u & ur health! What I was looking for info about is the kind of bruising that can happen with the slightest rub, scratch across any part of hands, feet, fingers. Actually am pretty worriedthey were nasty looking bruises. We avoid using tertiary references. Swelling can be reduced by: Taking lots of rest. The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. Long story short this morning while getting dressed I found an extremely large dark purple one on my chest. I have never seen a bruise this color. My first thought is your laundry routine. We recommend reaching out to your provider about the bruises. Over time it grows and gets light in the middle with a darker circle around and a bit brown. We recommend talking to your primary care provider. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can contact your provider through messaging via My Marshfield Clinic: marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. We talk about this more in our comment policy: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/, We recommend you contact your child's pediatrician or ask about his bruises at his next regular appointment. Had out happen in the middle of the bottom of my foot with my shoe On. I didn't bang it, give birth, had an injury or anything even close to that. You most likely just bruise more easily than others, and therefore dont remember the injury or bump that caused the bruise. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. The spots appear differently depending on your skin tone. He/she is most familiar with your medical history and current conditions, therefore, would be able to help you best. 16 yr old female. 6. To all of you who have concerns about unexplained bruisingit can be a sign of candida (yeast) overgrowth in your system or an underlying bacterial infectionboth will cause random bruising on the skin. Chiropractic will x-ray and gently adjust your body and massage would help get blood flow back to that area. All rights reserved. I have two purple spots identical on opposing bum cheeksthey are sore when i sit down in a more laid back position.can anyone help? Thanks x This allows them to provide you with the most accurate answers. It will also cover when to see a doctor. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can ask your provider about your bruises through secure messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic, What could it be if unexaplain bruising on feet with swelling and then the pain goes to the wrist. We don't know enough about your daughter's medical history or current conditions to be helpful. It has been increasing. And it's an L not a one for my email. She should NOT be driving at all and needs to see a Doctor right away! My doctor said that it can be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your care team about your bruise through My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. It's very important your coworker friend is truthful with her health care providers. Cines, D. B., & Levine, L. D. (2017). (2018). The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. When I was a teen I bruised real easy. I've been having alot of unexplainable bruising as well Chapple, D. (2015). I started sitting only on comfortable chairs with enough cushion or stood up if no other option, and bruising began going away and is now gone. Thank you. It cuts all soap residue and down the drain it goes. If not, it sounds like a good question for your next regularly scheduled appointment. We strongly recommend talking to your health care provider because they know your medical history and can best advise you. Sometimes, however, bruising is a symptom of a more significant health issue. One is fading away quickly, n Another is fading away as well, but not faster as the other one, Hi i am 29yrs old female n i seem to get random bruises on my arms n legs (places varies) but they look like they r a few days old when they start to show on my skin n i haven't done anything to acquire them no accidents or bums i have always gotten them since i was in my late teens n just brushed it off thinking I'm taking vitamins or iron what should i do??? Good luck to you & I hope you're feeling better. When questions arent related to individual treatment or diagnosis, were happy to provide more information. should i stop taking ibuprofen as much as i do? Bleeding into the joints that causes swelling or bruising may be a sign of a bleeding disorder.'. This condition happens when the spaces within the bones in your spine get narrow. For non-emergency health questions, please consult with your doctor or health care provider." Your daughter's care team knows her best. Blood leaks out of the vessels and pools beneath the skin, which causes skin discoloration. Also, good to have as much family history as u can. These bruises are called petechiae and appear when tiny blood vessels called capillaries break. And Ive never had a bruise on my abdomen without injury. I just noticed the very same thing on my right thigh. Anemia is not something to ignore. Unexplained bruising on the legs can occur in both adults and children due to a variety of factors, including injury, age, an underlying health condition, or even things like medication. Don't panic if you occasionally get bruises and don't know where they came from. Theyre common on the neck and chest after prolonged straining from vomiting or childbirth. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. I do suggest you contact your doctor if you're concerned or if your bruise shows any of these signs and symptoms: 1. It sounds like you may have what is called Pityriasis rosea. When I had a shower tonight, never noticed it in this morning . My stomach is hurting I have blood coming from my nose. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. Easy bruising: Why does it happen? Genetics play a huge part in our health issues, I have bruises on the inside of my upper thighs. Sue, We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I notice a black and blue bruise around my knee out of nowhere I have lupus and a f factor v that cause blood clots should i see my doctor. Are you a Marshfield Clinic patient? It can be very serious if not treated. About A month and a half or two months ago I sprained my ankle really bad and the bruising is gone from it but my ankle is still swollen. Hi, Emily. Is this normal? I've reached out to our providers to ask how periods and bruising may be related. What could this be? A tip I use is wearing thick hooded sweatshirts and sweatpants helps protect the spine when sitting and also protects the hip bones from pain incase of knocking into a counter or something, but that's rarely happens. We suggest you call your doctor or the location where you received your shot. My son is 13 years old and last July had major trauma to his leg after being by a motorbike. Thank you for contacting us. If you do not have a medical provider, but are looking for one, you can find our list of doctors and their contact information here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/doctors. I have several on my upper thighs (both legs) I just ended my monthly and started taking liquid b12 supplement for energy.within the same amount of timeframe Ive noticed a lump on the outer wall of my private area.Im worried and will be seeking advice from a doctor tomorrow.. Hi i have small purple spots on my fore arm they appear often and take a while to go away, no pain no soreness just appear, they look like small raisins , should i worry? As a person ages, they become more susceptible to bruising. 1. Would you suggest I see my primary family medicine doctor or my neurologist. do you think the medicine is causing it? Have you shared this concern with your parents and doctor? Thank you for bringing that to our attention. I have had other bruises and they take awhile to heal due to my diabetes but this one is different. I experienced no pain with this. Ballas, M., & Kraut, E. H.(2008). They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your past medical conditions. Clinical evaluation of bleeding and bruising in primary care. Bruising: Bruises are more common with age or deficiencies of vitamins b12, c, or k, or folic acid. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. Thanks Jake, I have one on my forearm too. Bruising often occurs when blood vessels beneath the skin incur damage. We strongly recommend reaching out to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing as soon as possible. Hi, Maddy. We suggest reaching out to your primary care provider who knows your medical history and current conditions. Randomly last month, my pinky toe on my left foot had become numb. Thanks for any help/advice . Thanks. Know the symptoms and what to do if you experience them. If you are concerned, please talk to your doctor. If you can see a doctor, you'll get the most accurate guidance there. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. Another time I fell over and put my hands out to stop and it appeared on both my wrists.. And there was no rough playing before we saw what happened. Hi, Lisa. Hi, I have had 2 or 3 bruises on the inside if my arm for about a month. Hello, Im a 29 year old female with no history of blood disorders or anything. They are not that big, less than an inch in diameter. They are sore. Thank you. Your doctor is the best resource for this question. Bruises look like big purple spots with clear edges, and youre younger than 65. I recommend either a hematologist or rheumatologist consult for this young patient. I am 32 and disabled due to muscle bone and joint deterioration, and am in limbo waiting for double hip replacements because the drs say I'm too young for the procedure due to the inability of the replacement mechanisms to last. In which ,,, my levels r tested every 3 months to make sure they don't get below the levels to where transfusion is needed. I meant that they are half blue and half yellow. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Shine365 is your source for healthy living information from Marshfield Clinic Health System. Can you bruise a bruise, can you have a bruise then get another bruise? In the entire valley there. At least a little. Have you found out anything? -Kirstie, I'm almost 60 and for the past few years I get be using for no reason on my thighs my arms and now on my hand so I had my blood checked said it was ok my white cell count was only a few numbers off other than that I'm ok normal weight, I have a scab I don't know what from if has grown in a couple of days the scab is hard to push down then has my regular skin coler then turns into a dark red turning as it goes down into purple then goes away the whole thing is about the length of my index fingure im 22 year old male, my scab is yellow am scared has been growing layer flaked am now unable to ride bycycle 33 yr old female. Our team wants to help you and your loved ones reduce the risk and better cope if faced with cancer diagnosis. This is exactly what I have been experiencing. Today I noticed another bruise upper chest area. At a checkup the doctor noticed my bruises and being mandatory reporters had to do testing. https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/heart-care/sock-marks-high-blood-pressure/ There are actually some factors that can cause you to bruise more easily: If you do bruise more easily, a minor bump could lead to a bruise, and you may not remember the injury that caused bruises to appear on your leg. I am on my 6th day of antibiotics. I was diagnosed with multiple diseases and bloodcloting disorders within weeks and I didn't even realize I was sick. She ended up going to the ER at night and they noticed bruising on her upper groin area. aspirin, ibuprofen, and We don't want to compromise patient privacy. youll be okay sweetheart! Make sure your house is lit well so you can see where youre walking and whats around you or on the floor. I had a 4 wheeler wreck in 2013 and still have a hematoma to this day. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) are typically used to relieve pain and fever. Candy, If you'd like to select one of our hematologist or rheumatologist providers, you can start your search here https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=Rheumatology, and here https://marshfieldclinic.org/doctors/search/?k=%22Pediatrics-Oncology/Hematology%22&ek=Pediatrics-Oncology/Hematology. Most often, a ruptured spleen is caused by blunt force trauma. What a waste. What should I do? I am a Type 1.5 diabetic (later onset, insulin dependent). Honestly people communicating with each other seems to hold better responses than you. This can include things like domestic abuse, child abuse, and elder abuse. I'm always slightly anemic, I'm a bit overweight, and I have trigeminal neuralgia. I have that too. Im concerned because one first randomly appeared on the back of my thigh about 2 days ago, and this morning I woke up with another. There is still one area of it that is numb. Hi I am 30 years old and I am anemic and I have a uterine fibroid and bleed heavily when I am on my cycle. I have the exact same thing on my nose now..came out of nowhere. Hope this may help!!! I notice that every time I get this type of pain, I wake up with alot of bruising on my legs. Huge bruises 6-7inches long all over upper thighs etc. You should contact your doctor who knows your medical history, current conditions and medications. She suggests bringing this to the attention of your primary care provider who knows your current medication use, medication history and conditions. They are most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. If you eat wheat, make sure the product does not contain yeastalso avoid all aged cheeses, chocolate, citric acid (it is made with aspergillus mold), cream of tartar, malted barley flourand basically any product that is fermented because fermentation causes yeast to grow rampant. They are blue and a bit yellow. These resources may help you in your information search: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/qa/can-drinking-alcohol-cause-bruising I suppose I don't get much protein other than deli chicken or turkey for lunch. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your provider through My Marshfield Clinic at the following link: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic Thank you for reading Shine365. Thank you. Oftentimes, you can reduce your risk for future bruising by making sure you're getting the right. Our comment policy goes into detail regarding the content we provide. I still have a bruise on my wrist where it hit the metal counter it's been a year is that normal to still have the bruise for that long? Hi, Sorry for my explanation. If there is a true problem, I believe doctors will find it. Learn more about home remedies for treating bruises here. There are red scratches by the bruise as well. I have unexplained bruising on left and right side of stomach? We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Noble, J. M., & Patterson, M. C. (2020). My back had been hurting for a few weeks before it showed up and it's been there for a while now it will lighten up for a day or two and go back to being a really dark. It came on with food poisoning about five days ago. I am concerned and calling his Dr. first thing in the morning but was wondering if anyone knew. Why you might have unexplained bruising on your legs. My suggestion would be to call your primary care provider and address your questions with him or her. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. It became more worrisome over the 3 days that it continued to persist. Now I am left with these massive bruises on only my shins. I have not been physically abused, fallen, or have pain and itching on any of these sites. I am a sixty-four year old male in overall good health. I am not a medical professional in any way. hello I did have cervical cancer about 10 yrs ago and I do have low iron and have to take supplements so I'm use to minor bruises but nothing like this. I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. My knee however has no strength to hold me up and is in excruciating pain. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Can you give me an answer to what is going on. 4. I do tend to bruise easily, but I at least typically know what a bruise is from. thank you for that and there was not alot of information for her to respond to. Unexplained bruising on the legs can occur in both adults and children due to a variety of factors, including injury, age, an underlying health condition, or even things like medication. Hi However, we cannot provide medical advice on this platform. They can help you determine next steps, whether that's blood tests or another course of action. Your doctor is the best resource!! don't understand Bone pain after drinking alcohol skin allergy to tempurpedic millions small red dots all over legs under skin no itch Red spots all over feet and legs when exposed to heat. Be sure to follow your doctors instructions regarding treatment. All i know, is that i was itching my leg and then the best day i get this nasty bruise from it.

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