A.) Alaaptonen, to break off in speaking. A.) Nemen, to see. Shakochwen, to go so far. Wulumhigiechen, to squat down. Ili, however, nevertheless, still, yet, though; -matta, Wulauchsowagan, good conduct, good behavior. Wuleleminaquot, it seems wonderful. Tatandachgoquehellan, to shake the head. for such divisions of the compass, A.) A.) well. Achpitschiechen, to stop, to prevent. Kunhaffun, Z., to polish, to grind, to sharpen. Chans, elder brother. Petaquiechen, the water is rising. Wundamawachtowagan, declaration, message. A.) Niechin, to come down. Monhacaniminshi, Z., dog wood (error. Pilhik, clean, pure. Luppoewagan, cunningness, wittiness. Pankhanne, steep bank. Pallelensin, to be innocent. is cold from wet, A.) A.) Sesalassummoehund, frying pan; (salassett, it is cooking Nihillan, to strike somebody. Allumhammochwen, to set off by water. Mechen, big, large. despise. Schawanochqueu, Mischenahan, to touch somebody, to handle someone. Linxasu, melted. Natenuxu, received. Tachpachelensuwi, low, little, humble. Nundahemewagan, want, scarcity. Wipuelendam, to be fearful. Tschingteung, Z., south side of a hill. Wachejeu, Z., light. Nanachpauchsohen, to keep in fellowship. Tschitaneti, strong. to walk morally or otherwise, not literally. head chief. doing. A.) Achgiguwewagan, sport, pastime. A.) Wulamhittamen, to believe. Jahellaap, net of yarn; (not now known. Amiga, long, a long time. Pennassin, to come down; pinasse, down hill (means now, Pachsegink, H., in the valley. Pachgen, to turn out of the road. Tschoskin, Z., to ford. Achsinnigeu, stony. Nelowauchsin, to lead a heathenish life, to be a heathen. Wischalau, frightened. Tankhakan, basket. Melihasu, mattery, putrid. Sehe, H., hush, be quiet. Nil, these. Mattameechen, cross roads; (where one road enters another, Tschiechachpoakan, roasting spit. Tenoettik, little. Petasemowik, giving light, shining hither, means to bring some one. Quesquelendam, to be out of humor; (usual term now is A.) Schajahikan, seashore; (w'shajahitcan. Mattelemuxin, to be despised. A.) Langundowagan, peace. Allewussowagan, majesty; (lit., greater power; a comparative at this time, about the present time; -petschi, till now, Pechewwi, near. Machelensowagan, pride. Wsit, foot. Nitschan, my child, my friend; (my child) (not friend. Metschitehenemoalan, to design evil against somebody. see, behold! A.) A.). Sipachgihhilleu, it buds, sprouts out. Gauwoheen, to lie down to sleep. Schauwessin, to make haste; (schauwesoagan, Z., Mochimsunga, Z., forefathers. see there! Esseni, stony, flinty; (from achsin.) Tachquahoakaniminschi, guin tree. Angellen, to die; (lit., going to decay, may be applied Amochol, canoe, boat. Bischi, yes, indeed, to be sure; (biesch, H. fish. for the rattles in ceremonies. Tauwinipen, beginning of summer, May. Gatatam, to want, to desire, gatotamen, Z., to Wtscheet, sinew; (u'tschghet. A.). Wimbeneman, to relieve somebody; (to sacrifice one's self Salamoagan, weeping, howling; (collective form, a number Schauwtteu, withered, faded. Allumaptonen, to say on. Nescalenk, or, Nesgessit Lenape, Z.. black man, Nohenopenowagan, Z., the ague (lit., the sickness Awessis, beast. Gissa! an assembly.) Pallhittehemen, to strike amiss. Ikali, thither; (nellakli'. Nukachtummen, to forsake, to leave. exclamation of indignation. Cub'bachcan, thick; cubbachcan packchack, a thick board; Commoot, or, Commootgeen, Z., stolen. hand) Lenhacki, Z., upland (barren highlands. summer duck. Machtando, devil; (machtan'to, a shortened form Nendawagan, torch, lamp. Wulilawemkewagan, our comfort. Tindey, fire. Machkassin, brick. Menichink, congregation. Kaak, Kschiechi, clear. Wahhellemat, wide, far; (it is a great distance. Wawangomgussowagan, the being saluted; greeting. Taneek, perhaps, I don't know; (takeet. afloat. Gischkschasgkan, scythe, sickle. At the age of fifteen, the Lenape are forced to give up their captives. Petachgussin, to climb hither. A.) Uschumallsin, to feel sorrowful, to feel pitiful. Clampeechen, Z., still or standing water. WebLenni Lenape language Shawnee language Shawnee tribe New Jersey Indians The Woodlands Algonquian peoples Back to Native myth Learn more about the Lenape people. Meteu, doctor; (out of use; it is derived from meteohet, Elsit, as he is minded, as he does. for another; a strong expression. to be concerned The Thagitti, a very little while. Li, to; thither. Menen, to drink. Nacha, three. Just here; -undach, this side; A.) A.) Wanggwannelentsching, Z., a span. Wipachsoagan, fear; (out of use. Menatehewagan, envy. Attago, no, by no means. Quappalawan, to take somebody out of the water. Squewachgitehen, to bruise one's self by accident. but not, not only. Glatten, frozen. Kschatey, tobacco; achwan other. Pisikolis, snipe; large grey snipe. hither; -untschi, henceforth. Pimochkhasu, stirred, moved. Glittonepi, bridle, (lit., tied in the mouth. Schachamek, eel; (w'schachamek, lit., it is a straight Exclamation of approbation. Ngagebinque, etc., I am blind, etc. Achpiney, place to sleep on; achpinink, a bed,Z.) Wapanacheen, good morrow; (lit,, he has lived till morning, Apuangellen, to die easily; to die quickly. toward where? or testimony. Wiquajek or Wiquek, the head of a creek or run. Palsittamen, to disbelieve. Pagachtschaton, to fill (Pagachtschuchpeen. Gachgamun, roasted com; (alludes to the noise made in Penundhikewoagan. Sakquamallsin, to feel troubled. Wulelensowagan, pride, high-mindedness. Allapehhellan, to rock somebody. Wentschi. A.) Pooxit, the month of falling leaves; October. Wdallachquelendam, to grudge, to be unwilling to give; Eluwak, most powerful. Milach, hair; pl.,mulchall; (achtuch weichewall, Napenaflan, to seize somebody, to take some one prisoner. Lussin, to burn. to the end.) Passihillachgechquiminschi, swamp oak. Nischitquitawan, to kneel to somebody. Elachtoniket, he that searcheth, seeker. A.) Gischachgenutasti, concluded, settled, determined. Piluwinaquot, it looks cleanly. Newo, four. Etek, where it is. little tree. Nitaton, to be able to make something, to know how to Popanpechen, it drops. Nechink, the third time. Tangitehewi, humble, modest. Eenhen, to pay. Wulamoc, he speaks truly; true. Wapanke, to-morrow. Woachejekumin, to be light. A.) Woapelechen, it looks white. Amangi, big, great, large. Kakey, thyself. Wawikanin, to have backache; (wawikaninen. Wipelachteu, soot. Achsin, stone; pl., chotachsin. Tschanninquanukgun. Meechgalhukquot, red hair. Woapasum, white sunshine. Linquechin, to look, to behold. Nitschantit, my little friend. Wiquaiungo, at the end. Michalappotis, spider. Menachtin, to drink with each other, to tipple with one WebThe Lenni Lenape are a group of Indigenous peoples who originally lived in a large area around the Atlantic coast of the United States. Weblanguage, but with a rich oral tradition of telling stories. Chiquasu, patched, mended. Niskallogewacan, nasty work. Mauchsu, one living thing; one. A.) Melichgawan, pillow, cushion. Nahimen, to sail down the stream. Ehamhittehukuk, battery of a gun lock. Gundassisku, deep mire, deep mud. Tschimakan, paddle, oar. Wiquimemguke, on the end of the plain. Endchappin, as many as are here. Mengwe, H., an Iroquois; (lit., glans penis. are. Nenajunges, horse; (from najundam, to carry burdens glorify some one. with hese terminations, not ika. Lachkan, sharp tasted. see there! Wulamquoam, Z., to dream n'delungwam, I Meschatamen, to remember. see! Guttenummen, to take of, to pull off. Tschiechliammen, to comb; (out of use; nowwuliechquammen. out. A.) Winu, ripe; (ready to be eaten. Hopochquan, side. Lalhaquoakan, drawing knife. Keechoguni? Pakitatamawaclitowagan, forgiveness. Quischktonhen, to whisper. Gachpattejewink, toward the southeast. Woatauweju, it blossoms. Aspochwen, to go up, to ascend. Palenach, five. Achwowangeu, steep, high bank of a river. Wtenk, after, behind; thereon, thereafter; lastly, at A.) Papabin, to play; (arch., A.) Lilenowagan, custom, rule, law; (holding an office. Schiechikiminschi, maple tree; (the soft maple. Kuwewanik, red squirrel. Modern anthropologists estimate the population of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians to which Tamanend belonged as between 2,500 and 12,000. Manask, second crop. Wauchtamsin, to tarry. Eksaselendamoagan, restraint, abridgment. Pitaptonen, to blunder in speaking. Shawano, woman. Tschisgokus, robin. Wikul, fat in an animal's belly, Misseachpin, to be always abroad. A.) Luen, to say; (to give a definite sound of any kind. bark, which is called wiquey. Pililinaquot. Chitquen, deep water, high water. this summer; -siquin, this spring; -lowank, this Wtellsin, to be so, to do so. Wdallachgummenanink, in our midst. Wdapandewagan, commandment. Untschi, of, by, therefore; from: with; concerning. Gamenowinenk, on the other side of the great sea. Putschek, corner of a room. Nal, fetch. Guninschu, trough. Machtauchsuwi, sinful. Achsinn'aminschi, sugar maple. Siquonachen, spring hunt. Assisquohasu, daubed with clay. Mehamentschit, robber; (from amentschiechten, -arch., Netopalowewagan, war. A.) Schingihakihen, to plant unwillingly. Ehoalid, my lover. A.) to be good natured. Keechitti, a little. Lemachdappit, he who sits here. Papaches, woodpecker; (papachko. Pakachtehellan, to prostrate. Wingelawossi, it burns well. Awullsittamen, to obey. Tschihoapekelis, bluebird. A.) Tetschpihillen, split off, separated from one another. Uschuwelendam. Wdallemuns, tame beast; (see Dallemuns.) has reached full age and the fibers hardened. Schachachki, certain, certainly true, surely. A.) Wulistammoewagan, faith, belief. Tindeuchen, to make fire. Whittawak, ears. Wditechen, to think. still! Gachsummen, to dry. Woapek, gensi root. Mboawikcham, hiccough. Pomsin, to walk. Nutiket, watchman, a guard. Wendauchsin, by what to live. A.) water. Undaptonen, to speak thereof. Tschitanissin, to be strong. A.) Ametschimi, often;-ne leep, there was more done. Schepella! Tetauwiwi, between. manitto. Luppoe, wisely. Lowilaan, the rain is over. Schauwinachk, weak hand. A.) A.) Wuladhakawanik, good physic. Macheli, much, many; (or, cheli. Wscheechachquall, chips, shavings. Apitschi, after a little while, by and by. Achkiwelendam, to be disquieted, to be troubled in mind; Katschiwoak, besides, further, again. Nosogamen, to follow; (to imitate a person's conduct. Wulamallessohen, to make well, to cause to be happy. Wisamek, catfish; (arch., at present wahlheu, mudfish; Quischgumowe, viper. Ndoochtawachtin, to inquire of each other. Petenumman, to be brought to somebody; (Pet'numawan, Lachauwelendamen, to take care of, to be concerned for. Naninga, a double plural termination denoting deceased Lauchsoheen, to make live, to make walk, to cause to be Elemukulek, in the bend of the river. Ntite, for. Allami, in there, therein, within. A.) Lunk, or, Lunkus, Z., a cousin (error, a nephew. Petschitehen, to think so far. Tschitani, strong. Wingochwen, to go willingly, to travel with pleasure; Pakantin, to box with each other; (to strike with anything. Nutschihhowe, night walker, witch. A.) Nischasch, seven. disposed; to act so. last; afterward;-untschi, thereupon, afterward. is dirty.) Witauchsoman, to be in fellowship with somebody. Tonktschequoakan, key. ot even, allowi matta, let alone; -wsami, quite too. Ngattummen, to leave behind, to bequeath; nga'ttammen, Woak, and also, as well as; -atta, neither, nor, -lappi, A.) Tangenindin, to vouchsafe, to condescend. Lusasin, to burn. Nonetschik, sucking babes. A.) Apanachen, to come from cutting wood. Z.. to be lazy. Wulaptonaelchukquonk, he speaks a good word for us, he A.) Apami, in vain. Pelsittank, unbeliever. Nischekat, double. Achquanxowagan, lasciviousness, whoredom. Tschitatiek, fast, strong. Awehhelleu, bird, fowl; (applied to large fowls, etc. Poaktschehellan, to jump over a fence. Tellentchentchapachki, one thousand. 439.) Sasappis, lightning bug, fire fly. Tschipilek, strange, wonderful. to go a gadding. Witawematpanni, who was with him; witawemat, Z., Chesimus, younger brother or sister. A.) to live with, to dwell with; (to be with one Sikunikan. Quilutamen, to fall upon. Cheli, much. Wisawek, yellow; also, sulphur, etc. A.) Awossi, over, over there, beyond, on the other side, behind. See hapichque.) Patamoewigawan, house of prayer, temple, church. Allokuwagan. A.) A.) A.) likhikqui, once, sometime or other;-tamse. Anatschiton, to take care. Glakelendam, to be merry, to make sport; (to be excited. Machtumbunk, dung. Hattawaniminschi, dogwood; (not now used. A.) Togenan, to waken somebody. lie. Mingachsa, better, a little better. Wsihuwen, to gain, to win. Achpussin, to roast, to boil. A.) Woapeu, white. flour. Allohakasin, to teach, to instruct; (lit., to have power A.). Kimi, secretly. A.) The usual word is anschuin. Mos, elk, cow: (applied only to deer and elk. Ahowoapewi, strong; (power of endurance. A.) Monham, to dig; (munhageen, Z., to dig a Mamachtachqweju, weakly. Pim'eu, slanting, oblique. Mawemin, to meet, to assemble; (mawewi, Z., (Compare moekaneu and linchum.) Wewiechgukil, his acquaintance. Ju, here. A.) Pipaan, to come awhile ago. Ochunk, at his or her father's. Eenhawachtin, to pay one another, to Wunentsitawoaganit, his appearing. Mamalekhikan, writing, letter, book; (lit., incrooked God: (rather, the great spirit. Pisgihilleu, it grows dark, night sets in. Pihmoakan, sweat house. Nundehhellewagan, want. Mattemigen, to enter in. Memsochet, traveller; (vagabond, idler. Petaschowen, to swim hither. A.) Alike, yet, still, nevertheless, however; for; already. Gettemagelensuwi, humble. Kiminalitten, to assassinate. See schigi. Pomminehiken, to dispute. Nechochwen, to travel alone, to walk alone. Taiachquoan, bridge; attatajachgonewi? Schameu, Z., grease, fat (it is greasy. A.) Nihillapewi, free. Ntiktoouni, only one night. A.) Wtakolsin, to save, to preserve. present. Achpoantit, piece of bread, small loaf. Lechakquihhil Ien, it slackens. Menachkah, fence rail. -linitti, a little while ago, directly, Wulinaxin, to appear well, to look fine. Pisaeke, by night (last night. Nagelawendewagan, comfort. Amoe, bee; wasp; (a generic term for the kind, A.) Wendaucxowagan, reception, admittance. Gachpees, twin. in general. Pepguschikan, anger. Jawi, on one side. Ansiptikin, to bind up into sheaves, chachsin, Hackialachgat, Z., a cellar. A.) Amandamuwi, sensitive. Nanungihhillan, to tremble, to shake; (nin'gihilla. Newentschi, therefore. Wtakigachen, it lies, soft. A.) Dulheu, Z., bosom, breast (with possessives). Schiquitehasid, Z., booty (schiquiniteliasik, booty Pallawewagan, transgression, guilt. Wawinuwen, to beg; to ask for. Nihillapeuhen, to make free, to liberate, to redeem. Eluwi, most. etc. Pallilisgawan, to drive somebody away. Lepoatschik, wise men. Pankpechen, drop. Gischipenauwelendam, to have considered to have made up Machtitso, bad, ill. Apagihen, to come from planting. Nipenachhen, summer hunt. if, whether. Packcha'ck, Z. Tschisgihilleu, wiped out, rubbed out; (scraped, applied Wdanis, daughter. Schind, spruce; (hemlock. to be a good-for-nothing fellow. Temahikan, axe, hatchet. A.) Wachtschuwiketo, mountainous. A. Apallauwin, to come from hunting. A.). Winamallsachtowagan, sickness, distemper. Mboagan, death. A.) Nachen, three times, thrice. A.) Wulowachtauwoapin, to look over, to look beyond. Hattelu, having. Guttasch tcha pachki, six hundred. Luwunsu, called, named. in the ordinary sense. Talala, white cedar. Popetelan. Wulissowagan, fineness, prettiness, beauty. Pennahum, to break off, to knock down. H., sit Wulilawendewagan, comfort. (to abandon, not to bequeath. Megutschi, wholly, entirely. Wundanunxin, to be angry at, to be angry for something. Nostamoewagan, understanding. Topalowilenno, Z., a warrior; pl., netopallisak. Awendam, to suffer pain. Ehachpink, place; ehachpit, Z., his place. so far as here; -talli. Aschowin, to swim; aschowill, n'daschwul, I swim. A.) Pommipeso, lath. Ewochgehikan, stirring ladle. Eheschapamuk, Z., a bottle; (anything of glass, Pakihm, cranberries. Mamiechanessin, to be ashamed. Gendachgussin, to climb up, (gelacligitsi. Ajandamoagan, desire. Nachpauchsowagan, conversation, familiarity, fellowship. Pommauchsowaganit, he who is the life. Getschihillalittin, to hetray each other. Chinqualippa, great buck. Guttasch tche nachke, sixty. Takeet, perhaps, I don't know. to drum on a hollow body; a turkey cock is sometimes called meteu, Sihunasu, Z., conquered (out of use. Guttapachki, one hundred. Wangundin, to salute one another; wangomen, Z., Taquiechen, join together. Nekamawa, they. who is it? Tengandasuwi, pierced through. Machelensin, to be high minded, to be proud. Pongus, sand fly. there? Kitschikele, yes, it is true; (incorrect; ele is a superlative Woakhattimi, mulberry; (mint'quakin A) Aschtetehasik, Z., the cross; (aschtetehican, A. the former Metaptonen, to break off speaking (he has said all he A.) A.) A.) Skaphakejeu, wet ground. of light in the sky or water. Wilachkey, Z., male genitals. wunattonomakwallA.) Woaphattaquall, white yarn, white thread. Amemensuwi, childlike, childish. Wunipachgihilleu, it buds, it sprouts. Wochgitschi, above, on the top, on the surface. handsome dress; Waweesho, to dress carefully. Linachgechtin, to lay hands to something. Wemhundammen, to carry all. Saksak, pea vines, wild beans; (any kind of a burr, A.) exclamation of pain. Schewongellikik, the lame. Witaheman, to assist somebody, to relieve some one. Sakaweuhewi Gischuch, the month in which the deer begin Schiwamallsoagan, sorrowful pain. A.) Delaware, also called Lenni Lenape or Lenape, a confederation of Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who occupied the Atlantic seaboard from Cape Henlopen, Delaware, to western Long Island. Wuskhaxen, a new shoe. A.) Wikhakamik, end of the world. Machelemoachgeniman, to honor and praise somebody, to Wewitschi, perhaps. here! Gluphokquen, to look back; (from root glupk, back Ehachpit, his place, his habitation. A.) Sukeu, black. Impatient One Asgalendam Indian Language, Tschinge, when. Schachachgek, just so. Achgachemawachtin, to share with each other. A.) A.). Gischachteu, it is clear, light.

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