Evangelical/Non-Denominational. End of Life: Our Fear of Pain He heals and binds our wounds (Psalm 147:3). And yet billions have and are reading Pauls letters, memorizing passages and following the instructions as if Paul was still preaching his passionate message in our culture. Acute pain comes on suddenly, localized, easily identified, severe, and can become chronic. And that my pain wouldnt last any longer than was absolutely necessary. By purchasing products through these links, I may receive a small commission, however, your cost for the item does not change. And in both of those cases, the pain of great loss clouds the vision of pains purpose. Many years ago, I lived on a faraway island while I was pregnant with our youngest child. In this particular passage, Paul receives a special message from the Lord. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. (Source: Mike Neifert, Light and Life, February 1997, p. 27). That kind of process leads to a maturity found through no other process. I still cant believe it 6 campuses. The physical pain that many suffer from injuries or some type of Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.. I couldnt see Him, but I sensed His presence in ways I cannot express in words. Jesus knows all about pain and He knows your pain. The same is true for our personal pain. Many The greatness of this truth can only be seen when we consider the vastness of space and the trillions and trillions of stars. But I have arthritis, and I don't deserve that either.". According to most scholars time-lines, Jesus was crucified about A.D. 30. There is always a reason. Romans 8:28, Pain Perspective Had parents that werent married when he was born. He implores the Lord to help him and to punish his opponents. The power of pain? First, we have a high priest, Jesus, that can emphasize with our weakness because while on earth He was fully human and tempted in every way. He had seen rejection and disappointment as surely as you have. One of the most difficult things about pain is the feeling that its pointless. What motivates you to make changes in your life? That's true, of course because God is Omniscient He knows everything, including some things you might wish He didn't know The risen Christ proves this, and can transform our disappointments, disillusionments, and shame into joy. The king looked into the furnace and exclaimed, Look! Exodus 33:12-15. He freely helps those who call upon Him in their time of need (Psalm 46:1) and there is nothing that can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39). Barbara Brand, who has MS and brain lesions that cause excruciating pain in her head, gets regular injections into her skull and neck (about forty at a time) just to relieve the uncontrollable pain and nausea. Introduction . Paul asked again. So Jesus came to reveal God, to make Him known. That doesnt mean hes not sad. For those who will dare search for pains purpose, there is one more thing. They have lived with suffering for so longs; they act out if they have no pain. God was working in the courts of Egypt. Isaiah 43:18-19, Denomination: The Power of Perseverance In that riot, most of the people werent sure of what the fuss was all about (Acts 19:32). Pentecostal. Marcus Donaldson has been following Christ since 2004. Yet pain is the very stuff of joy. When I was flooded with the pain of the unknown, I clung to the truth that God saw me. In Romans 8:18, Paul who experienced all kinds of pain writes, I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. We can endure a lot of pain if we know that something better is coming. Thats the perspective we can have because of heaven. 6 Things God Wants To Tell You In The Middle Of Your Pain. Summary: God won't put more on you than you can bare! Even these awful injections. Its impossible to forget that closeness, even after the suffering has passed. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (NIV), Genesis 16:11, The angel of the LORD also said to her: You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son. Independent/Bible. Im guessing youd do it. To read Pauls letters to those churches, one might come away with the idea that Paul was continually frustrated, and that his work wasnt very successful. 19Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? But thankfully, I know that the opposite is true my suffering has been entrusted to me by God, and he is using every drop of it to fulfill his good purposes for me. I picture my Savior yielding to the spike-like barbs, wholly embracing his own suffering to rescue me. Unless, of course, faith plays a role. He works in ALL things to produce Christ-like maturity. The three of them were thrown into a giant furnace to be executed. We must never glibly explain someones pain as a work of God. death and taxes. God, our benevolent and gracious God, knows what pain is. A. In Ephesus, Pauls had what might be his most successful ministry anywhere, preaching there fore more than two years until all who lived in the province of Asia heard the Gospel. at all 6 of our campuses If we invite Christ to meet us right where we are, knowing full well that He knows our pain and without masking our emotions, we can be triumphant in our defeats. You may feel as if you are invisible, that no one really sees you or comprehends your hurt and despair. My name is Adam He holds us. Yes Like the loving father who allows his child to get a painful vaccination shot, God allows pain because he knows its for our greater good. When uncertain and unpredictable events occur, we are weighed down with worry for where we'll end up next. He could win more converts, raise more money or mentor more disciples. Pain comes in various forms: physical pain as we fight cancer. He knows your misery. And thats the power of pain. . Pt. But in Exodus 2:25 and Genesis 15:13-14 we see why these words are pregnant with hope. We may soon look back at todays trials and marvel at Gods faithful hand in them. You desperately want to help, but theres nothing you can do. You will remember that there are only three things that are certain in life . It takes a tremendous step of faith to pray to a God who allows the suffering and say, God, I dont know the purpose of this pain, but I trust you to have a purpose in it.. God is not only the creator of what is visible but what is invisible (Colossians 1:16). Have you ever been in a painful situation and talked to someone then realized the other person has gone through exactly what youre facing? And as we behold Gods glory, we are being changed into his image (2 Corinthians 3:18), becoming more like him. He saw Hagars pain, and He promised to give her a son and multiply her descendants so they would be too many to count. As it turned out, God was very much at work, right in the middle of the pain. He is using your suffering and pain in ways you would not believe if someone told you. Church Of God. Feel the lifelong pain of acute loss. Suffering brings an intimacy with God, a mysterious and sacred fellowship that cannot be captured in words. The only thing that they were certain of was that God was there in the fire with them. What if we are marked by pain? That relationship bound through sorrow offers not only comfort and communion, but also a glimpse of glory that will transform our faith, make us more like him, and prepare us for the unspeakable glories that await in eternity. You can know Gods works and also know Gods way. We learn certain little tid bits Through this commission, I can continue my blog and purchase items to help in the day to day running of Footprints of Inspiration. Jesus Christ, the Highest Priest and the only Savior of mankind, is all we need. The slate has been wiped clean; were starting over fresh and clean. Ive always been interested in what motivates people to make changes in their lives so this past week I did a 1 John 2:3-6, 1 John 2:3-29. It was a messenger from Satan, sent to torment him. It has been said that there are only 2 things that are certain in life . Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need., If you are experiencing pain today please know that you have a God that caresfor you and Jesus knows your pain. There are many temporary fixes to deal with your pain and the world is full of ideas. You would say no. That means your pain is never in vain. If you havent already, be sure to join our, Special Note: This post may contain affiliate links. But for Joseph, time was moving in agonizing, painful slowness. We may never see the fulfillment of all we felt certain God would do. The word appears 38 times in just 100 verses. Three times Paul was shipwrecked, and he once spent a full day a night and a day, as he puts it on the open sea. 3. We must trust that God is using our suffering for something greater than we can see now. There is a nearness, a personalness to God that David immediately feels in trouble. No matter what pain we are going through, if we are in Christ, we are assured that it wont last forever. That means your pain is never in vain. Live amid broken dreams. He could write more letters. They must have suffered a great deal in relative silence, and they must have wondered many times why God would allow it. Charismatic. . This includes everything in the spiritual realm, including our emotional state. A. There is no place to flee from His presence. Paul also had a vision, however, of a man from Macedonia (Acts 16:9) and an angel of the Lord (Acts 27:2324). So where can you identify with him in your suffering? read more, Scripture: Please take my pain and use it for good in my life, drawing me closer to You. This is quintessentially the very thing we want from God; for Him to see us and for Him to see, deal, and eradicate our pain. We can only live one chapter of our lives at a time, and none of us knows exactly what the next chapter will bring. The insolent smear us with lies, but with our whole hearts, we keep Your precepts. Genesis 25:29-33, A. Psalm 139:1-6, Denomination: How Can God Help You Through the Tough Times? Then, with striking imagery, David recognizes that. Isaiah 53:3-11, Denomination: He knows your depression. Your Pain Has a Greater Purpose Clayton King 2017 1 Jun Our Pain Has a Greater Purpose I believe there is a side to suffering we miss when we focus solely on our pain rather than on God's. In Him, there is freedom (Galatians 5:1). None of those New Testament heroes had a personal appearance from the Lord at every beating, scourging, or arrest. Jesus knew pain, of course, weeping at the tomb of Lazarus, and over unrepentant Jerusalem. While I often shrink back when I think about future suffering, pain has consistently pulled me into the heart of Christ, an unforgettable place of mystery and wonder. If you have ever been betrayed by a friend, someone you loved and trusted, you can know a little of Christs fellowship in suffering. Hebrews 2:5-18, Denomination: What if we limp? If youve got a red-letter Bible, more than likely, youve already spotted the red-letter moment. But after maybe 84 years of pain in this life, you will have an eternity of perfect bliss. Pain has a purpose. Do you know what its like when someone you love is in pain? Barbara, who is mostly bedridden, says of these injections, Whenever the needles sink deep into my head, the extreme pain brings into sharp focus Jesus and his crown of thorns. (115). Why? He works in ALL things to produce Christ-like maturity. 2.Now you know God (v9) In the midst of pain that will not leave, you might be able to discover at least part of the purpose your pain has. Teach me, teach us, Your statutes. Date of Birth, Gender As a servant, Hagar was considered unimportant and was sometimes treated poorly. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it .read more. God can heal the wounded spirit and the sin sick and broken heart. The fund that makes up human knowledge I understand has doubled every two years since 1960. As tears streamed down my face, I understood how lonely and forgotten I had been feeling. The incomparable presence of God in our pain underscores that a day with him in trial is better than a thousand pain-free days elsewhere. 2021 by Pam Tebow. Pain strengthens our faith in God. Are you in pain? In the pictures of the ancient Roman method of threshing grain, one man is always seen stirring up the sheaves while another rides over them in a crude cart equipped with rollers instead of wheels. But the lessons of life are almost always taught in the classroom of suffering whether youre suffering through a elementary-school spelling quiz, dealing with the excruciating pain of disease, or the heartbreak of grief. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Well I just wanna welcome everyone here to Embrace Well, thats a lie. I Know Im Saved! When we are hurting, we want God to be aware of us. read more, Scripture: The gem inside has amazing beauty and holds great value all because the oyster had great suffering. He's been taking care of most of the hard stuff that life keeps throwing at you and only allowing those challenges that are most important for your growth. (01) 3. This is a very important spiritual issue because if God really exists, then those who reject Him Suffering can open our eyes to Gods glory we see and experience it rather than learn what glory means intellectually. So I did the only thing I could: I offered it to Him. Masochism, no pain, no gain. They enjoy pain. In order to not cause confusion, I am naming each of the sermons in this series after whatever were covering in the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality book that week. I can speak Christianese, but until you learn to, I was leaning into Him, learning to put my complete trust in Him, but r. ecently during one of my quiet times with God, He completely stopped me in my tracks. Whatever you are dealing with, you can find your suffering in Christs. The Greek word for the Holy Spirit is literally translated to, The one who comes alongside. Remember that, when youre standing in the hospital or funeral home, or when you hear the words you never thought youd hear. We rebel at the suggestion of it, recoil at the sight of it, and reject the suggestion that it might be good for us. Pain management with prescriptions, exercise, massage, etc. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 12:7-10 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Im one of the pastors here Paul asked God to remove the pain, whatever it might have been. God Knows This message is for anyone who is suffering pain, affliction or tribulation. Pastor and author Ron Mehl, who battled leukemia for more than 20 years before dying in 2003, brought first-hand insight to pains purpose in the life of Joseph (Meeting God at a Dead End). O Lord, you are good and do good. Struggle with debilitating physical and mental illness. In other words, Paul decided he was fine with the pain. Then I tell you Ill give you a million dollars. As far as an oyster is concerned, what we call a pearl is nothing more than great suffering. When we see such passion in the midst of such pain, we applaud it, follow it, and find inspiration for our own lives through the example of others. In Jesus Name, Amen. * Second,God has the tools we need in our hour of need. God was working in his brothers lives. Lord, thank You for being a God who sees me and knows me completely. But when he moves into a place of danger and suffering, he shifts from talking about God to talking directly to him. To ensure you receive the best experience on Lifeway.com, we use cookies to process information about your visit. It will come, not instantaneously, but completely. TITLE: God Knows Share with us in the comments, and well pray for you! Matthew 10:22 . Pain . Jesus told Paul, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. The message, and the messenger, gave Paul a tremendous boost. Pastor John gets to the heart and offers practical suggestions for growing in evangelism. If Christs power was upon him in the pain, then he would rather have the strength of Christ than his own weakness. According to God's PURPOSE Not according to your PAIN. read more, Scripture: In the world of sports, it might be John Elway limping back to the huddle before taking his team to a Super Bowl title. But God sees us, and He cares deeply. Copyright 2023 Proverbs 31 Ministries. INTRODUCTION . Gods presence has been more evident to me in suffering than at any other time, making it a priceless treasure of darkness (Isaiah 45:3). Connect with Pam on Instagram or at PamTebow.com. I know it hurts. Proverbs 3:5-6, Denomination: I offer $1,000. There are so many ways that people can be hurt and most of the world around them would never see the pain they bear. Its easier to persevere when theres a reward for being faithful during times of testing. Where are you, God? But make no mistake about it. This means that if you make a purchase after clicking on one of the links below, though your cost does not change, I may receive a small commission. {Well randomly select 5 winners and then notify each one in the comments section by Monday, May 10, 2021.}. But one day the oyster is fished from the water and opened.

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