PS Ive also set up an account 10 for future crossings, thanks, I have tried to make a one off payment & it does not accept my 2 email addresses.saying invalid email address. Just like many of you I did not pay for crossing. Yes the chances are you will be as long as it was the first time youve forgotten to pay while driving that particular vehicle. But no, today I received the 2 PCNs. Receive 2 PCNs 3 days after paying. Over the phone: Those without internet access will be pleased that you can pay for the charge by phone. Kind regards We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. I was not prepared to make this payment as I have no need to make the crossing again. When I reached my destination my hosts were unaware of a crossing charge. Clearly an admiration error and through no fault of mine I am now left to feel like a criminal until I go through this snail mail procedure which is not good enough. East Midlands Airport Meet & Greet Parking, Click here for further information on starting your appeal to the independent adjudicator,, UK Airports Relax Hand Luggage Rules, No More Need for Tiny Toiletries, Get free drinking water at airports and beat the after-security price hikes where to fill up your bottles revealed, Bristol Airport Drop-off & Pick Up Charges,,, I have tried to pay toll charges from Saturday 18.07.2015 to be told this morning Monday 20.07.2015 I grew up in Kent but in last 4 years I been in Manchester, u hired a car a few times to visit family back I Kent. Received a letter today(27 Nov 2015)but have proof of payment from Feb 2015. I telephoned them straight away to say that there was a mistake as I had paid the 2.50 back in January. Contacting support they explained to me to first select automatic payment and do a zero payment with my new creditcard data. Unlike the Dart Charge, you can't pay Congestion Charge at retail outlets. If you leave it, the hire firm might just get the fine, sit on it then charge it to your card. If the former it seems a very good idea, seems one would win all round. No downside to it. 8. Just came back from a weekend in Hythe. 11. They told me that there was a fine for the first crossing, but that I could pay for the return (a week ago) without incurring a fine. Is the Dart Charge online Husband will not be impressed with me getting a fine!! The issue date on the certificate was 12/01/16 and requested payment of 108 within 14 days of the notice, (105 for the PCN and 3 crossing fee). This shows there is something fishy going on inside the department or the management of Dartford crossing charge. Cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, or when switching memberships), Contact UsPrivacyForum RulesClassifieds RulesLink RemovalNewsletter SettingsAdvertising. Crossed twice during same day but even after setting a reminder on mobile I forgot to pay, idiot!. I wanted to pay today but it transpires that I will have to wait until Penalty Charge Notice is received by car hire company who will then give dartford my address (at a cost of 42 admin fee). Any advice on what to do would be appreciated, thank you. I just crossed and forgot to pay for a few days.Paid online and then contacted them via twitter. If the PCN is not paid, additional fines may be imposed and enforcement action may be taken, such as court summons or vehicle clamping. I could put in any number plate and pay, even if the vehicle has not crossed. Dartford will then send me PCN. people who clearly forgot to pay) and those who dont. The fine will be: reduced to 35 if you pay within 14 days. WebPay the Dart Charge within 28 days of your crossing, or youll get fined 70, plus the original crossing fee. I have just today received the warning noticea day after my fine which I posted about yest.Ridiculous! (3) We dont want an account as we might only use the crossing maybe 6 times a year. On receipt of the PCN now requesting me pay 105 PLUS 2.50 for the Toll, If I pay this IT WILL BE THE THIRD TIME I HAVE PAID. Editor, Marcus Herbert. I have not heard this policy is changing. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, St John's Offices, Albion Street, Leeds, United Kingdom, LS2 8LQ, Registered in England and Wales, No 08703645. The system is unreasonable to all motorists who does not have an account that automatically takes the money out of their account. I have a slightly different issue, I went through the tunnel on the 19th February but knowing I had to pay I set up an account when I arrived in Essex. Hope youre feeling better now. I paid the 5 anyway and when the PCN arrives will try to appeal it citing that I paid, albeit just after the deadline. Yes its known on the east side of London wider publicity is not available and you need to actively search to find out how the system works. What should I do? about my passing through there on 25 Sept 2015. Where Dart Charge accepted payment, and the result was an unpaid crossing for which it was intended, they are not entitled to hold that on account of a future crossing. Anyway, I was informed that a PCN will be sent to hire company and then they have to make a representation to DC so they can issue a PCN to meso far so good.but I have found out that hire company incorrectly noted my address from my ID CARD! An incorrect fine is certainly among the grounds for appeal. I informed them that their computer system had told me what to pay (5.00 return) and that I had paid it. Hi Not sure if my last reply worked, but go here for info and a link to the appeal page. Or give them a ring and see what they say. Has anyone actually gone to court with this? Hi here is what I put in the feature. You should appeal this. 2 months later, a letter in French and posted in Sweden arrived at our Swiss address. Have questions? Thanks first of all for your very helpful website! Set an identical reminder for your homebound trip using your home postcode7. This system is completely insane. In addition to the cost hike, sites like Dartfordcrossingcharges site have no way of effectively checking your details it even fails to ask what vehicle you are paying for, making it impossible to highlight mistakes when entering the registration mark. Both journeys have been paid but has just left a small debut of -0.37 I have topped up the account. Bill of rights act 1689, protects people from having to pay until convicted there is no due process. Let us know and sorry I could not be of more help. (Didnt know as nobody showed me what they wrote in the system and I also did not signed any document confirming my address). Today I got to my car after work, My front tyre appeared luminous yellow instead of black. So is this official HA policy? Will also be taking a screen shot of this page to give an idea when I paid and when. But far more should have been done to address the change in the system. Im about to do mine. One place for strangers to pay would be helpful. Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 20 total), So, forgot to pay my Dartford Dart Charge.. As we have very often in our country the toll booths are open when the traffic is to dense, which we believed was here the case too. You can find and browse our FAQs section at the bottom of the page. The Dartford crossing is a free-flow toll bridge that takes you across the river Thames on the eastern section of the M25. They are a business and they are making huge amounts of money because we the drivers make the odd, honest mistake. WebHow to make sure you dont forget to pay the Dartford Crossing toll Get an extra 14 days to pay: . You can also buy a return journey with just one transaction by simply selecting 2 visits when selecting the number of trips. So not very impressed. I look forward to your reply as soon as possible. However, I suddenly remembered to pay tonight at 11.59 quickly found the website which I have never had to use before, started putting in my info. I have wrote to them today along with my proof of payment, but fear they will reject this, as they are just after money. Ive seen something about a 14 day exemption for the first time being late to pay the charge, is that true? If you are unable to pay the PCN, you can contact the Dart Charge customer service team to discuss payment options. Here is the body of a letter I have just sent, I appeal on the grounds of me having already paid the toll on 06/03/2015 when I returned home which was 10 hours after I had driven through the tunnel, see receipt attached ( FJ number 15942354 ref 150306202820006579EOE.) Plus the 60 from the hire car co for passing on the fine . WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The penalty notice arrived. I have had the same issue. So after a hideous long day on the road you get home have dinner, a couple of beers etc etc and of course forget the stupid crossing then get a fine through the post. I realised it after 3 days and payed for both to and fro journeys. We used the tunnel for the first time since the new system came in. The appeal process time takes longer than the fine tie limit but they said to ignore that because the fact Ive lodged an appeal it puts the process on hold so no drawbacks to appealing. Yeah, Kent here too yet virtually never go across the river. What do I do if the car is a mobility car for disabled as we never payed toll before . Have appealed but not holding out much hope. But on 20 July they posted me penalty charge notice, with no mention of a 14-day period! Ive replayed on the form giving details but this was rejected. This may have been enough to push some people to have just gone ahead and paid without question. Try this, AndroidGeobells Location ReminderAlert yourself when you reach or pass a certain location.Get it here. This will result in many tourists being hit by charges through no fault of their own. Greetings, Buongiorno, sono Italiano, sono passato sotto il tunnel il 16 agosto 2015 con il mio camper e al momento del passaggio mi sono stupito della mancanza dei caselli, (ero stato a Londra nel 2013 e ci si fermava per pagare), oggi 1 dicembre 2015 ricevo la sanzione e sono costretto a pagare 35 sterline, volevo sapere se tutto ci corretto, se lazienda non stia facendo una truffa a tutte le persone che non sanno che in quel punto le cose sono cambiate. In the first month alone, potential fines amounted to 21 million. Both crossing took place during the daytime. The long and short of this is, however, that the system signage is not fit for purpose. Its the best option in your situation. If you have received a PCN and you wish to challenge it, you must follow the instructions on your documentation or alternatively you can make an online representation. Dartford Crossings current guilty until proven innocent policy appears to be an EU Human Rights test case waiting to happen. I can understand the benefits of an account based system for regular users, but for occasional or first time users a toll booth would be for more practical, convenient and safe, as well as enabling your business to obtain the revenues it deserves. I thought there may be a temporary reason. Best of luck Lucy and make sure you let us know how it works out. (Last journey 2011) In answer to the few brain dead zombies as to why we dont pay our crossing fees in advance, I have encountered all of these problems :- I think this is v unfair and I will put in a complaint. First the Lendal Bridge in York, now the Dart crossing. Sorry you fell victim to this charge. I think Ill make a FoI request to see if George is the helpful Northern soul he purports to be. Choose when I arrive5. I was told that if I paid them the outstanding fees the matter would be cleared. The purpose of the penalty scheme is to encourage compliance with the payment system. I find it unbelievable that I have paid for the crossing on 28 July, in respect of which you are issuing a fine for non-payment, but you are holding that money in respect of a crossing I have not made and have no plans to make, and there is no means of getting that money returned to me. You have no alternative to spending time having these charges cancelled, otherwise you could end up with a CCJ that would be hard to clear even though you are not at fault. So the money has been taken. Anyone noticed how their site is permanently in Alfa testing?? In the PCN, it simply asks to pay 35 (within 14 days) plus 2.50 Road user charge. Pay now the standard crossing fee and you should be fine. I then went to independent tribunal where I won. If it was two crossings, its likely youll receive a fine for the second. Now being told that the 2.50 is being held as a credit. Simply paying when you get back should be okay for a first offence. He just said you have not paid so you will be fined. From there, you can also export a receipt to your email. I was rather surprised traveling in a hired car from a funeral in Ipswich to Gatwick that there was no toll on the tunnel. If I had of course Id have paid. They could access your bond from your birth certificate and collect on the funds therein, that have accumulated since your informants (parents) registered you when you were birthed onto the land as an asset for a lifetime of tax revenue. Heading on holiday can be both exciting and stressful in equal measure, making it easy to forget banal chores such as paying for your trip over or under the Thames Here are some suggestions to help ensure you dont come home to a big fine. Yet another part of UK democracy where they will take your money as quickly as they can and with penalty clauses but, give it back? Data protection she said. You should be given a 14-day reprieve on the first crossing at least. If you want online payments you should set up a system that works. They dont tell you in the letter you can pay 2.50 you need to know this. I understand there is the possibility of a 14 day grace period if this is the first offence, however. The chap then advised i had another 7.50 to pay which now clears everything up. Just a footnote to this that may be helpful. In spite of the fact that I am personally involved in the situation and feel aggrieved, these reasons have been carefully considered and I hope you will find that they are moderate and focused. Were all being hit by rubbish signage. Apart from the hire car issue I reasonably regularly drive through without worrying. Forgot to pay the Dart rush? Like many here I havent used the Dartford crossing for some time, so when I used it a week last Sunday we had change ready and were constantly looking for signs displaying the various charges, but didnt see any. who checks this system is working ? I didnt receive any notification as I have been staying in a bed and breakfast since leaving my last abode but thats irrelevant anyway asGuess what? Hope the trip was good otherwise. In total, 37,751 penalty charge notices (PCNs) were challenged and 30,521 of those were accepted by Highways England. No 14 day reminder; just a letter with the fine, dated April, which I found today! Im doing the representations x10 . I hope the agency wakes up to reason and to making the best use of modern technology- to the benefit of all. This I did, and I got a very condescending reply basically saying theyd let me off this time but wouldnt do so again. just to make it fair i think best thing to do is send the people letter to pay 2.50 and then if they dont pay within 14days they can be charge 35 . Not to mention, the traffic that still exists at the toll northbound, they make you wait and then they make you pay for it. Ive asked them to roll back the charge or wave it on the basis of a first offence, I have no idea if they will but its worth a shot. Hi Well I doubt youll get the 14-day grace period again, but paying asap might be enough to confuse what sounds like a creaking and groaning penalty system! If the system is investigated, they will see we have only ever crossed once, and made one payment. Choose Pay or challenge a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) then click Next button Good luck. What is the point of that???? I just received the Dart Charge PCN forwarded from the car rental company(with administration fee). 6. I believe the Dartford system is like the London Congestion Charge system, where you can pay even if you werent sure you entered the zone. Never did pay it, a few threatening letters arrived, duly ignored, eventually they went away. Find a full exemptions list here. He claimed this was sent to me on the 3rd of Feb. NOT a happy bunny! to pay the Charge, thinking to pay at some toolbooth, I crossed the tunnel on 10th April, and only got a chance to pay online 2.50 now (11th April 2.45am). Webemail your request to Dart Charge Contact Centre Phone: 0300 300 0120 From outside the UK: +44 (0) 300 300 0120 Textphone: 18001 0300 300 Apart from the quote from their nameless spokesman, has this been published by them anywhere? Thanks everyone, called and spoke to a lovely man who was very helpful. I have not received a PCN and the only reason I am expecting to receive one is because of your offices response sent Fri 07/08/2015 10:41, to my message submitted online the same day. I used the crossing once, got a penalty notice, paid by computer, got a receipt. Let me know how you get on.Thanks. I would also like a refund of the toll which I had to pay again when you contacted me on the 20/05/2015, which may I also add is a lot longer than the 14 days grace you are supposed to offer but in fact it is 75 days after I crossed and PAID. What is being done by the highways agency to address this scam Thanks for commenting. Dont know if that helps, and you may not want the stress involved. If its your first time then appeal and they will probably let you off the fines. which is also a disproportionate amount of money. If this is not done, the firm will send another email with a 5.00 admin charge attached still much lower than the 70 fine the Government would levy after just one day even if you dont get the email until you get back from your holiday. (We spent a week on holiday in France with no internet so we couldnt have paid even if we were aware of the charge.) Hope you enjoyed your time here. Crossed on Saturday for the first time. WebIf you forget to pay on time, youll get a 70 fine, which reduces to 35 if paid within a fortnight although if you fail to pay within 28 days, it goes up to 105. Why wont they let honest people pay and make it right? They charge an Admin fee! Hi, I received today a penalty as I didnt pay the charge when driving in the Dartford tunnel and 2 weeks later using the Dartford bridge. I was travelling with my family on holiday, and a part that I didnt know any thing about new rules Your email address will not be published. Im a second-time offender, having simply forgotten to pay the charge on two separate occasions. Use code HELLO54 when you join us as a print or digital member and your membership will be half price for the first year. Yes and please be aware that the phone lines will be open for shorter hours over the Christmas period, so you could ring up to find them closed and get a fine. There doesnt seem to be any way of checking that the toll has been paid. Just RTS their scare mail and tell them you have no contract with them. The fourteen days allowance for first-time crossings is an improvement, but that should be standard for all crossings. This is a ridiculous situation where drivers should be able to attempt to pay but have it refused if not liable. Lets see if they are human. Yes get online or phone and pay now. I forgot to pay by midnight on 6th, but I remembered and paid up on 7th Oct at 7pm. How can you expect less tech-savvy foreigners or with a poor grasp of the english language to understand any of this? I would pay now and there is a chance youll be okay. Let us know how you get on. Returning from two months abroad I saw no information signs and (stupidly) assumed that the barriers were open due to weight of traffic. If so what was the ruling? When I tried to ring on 030003001200 to pay, no one answers. I made my payment on the morning of 9/9/15 as soon as I realised but I am worried as I havent had a PCN. The whole system has been designed and set up to catch out motorists. Someone is laughing. but their response will be within 40 and 50 days so I really dont know what to do now. I heard an advert on the radio today, about the new Dartford crossing with no me naive, but I havent been in the tunnel or on the crossing for many many years and I thought it was free as I couldnt find any booths ! If you dont pay, they send you a Toll Payment Notice, which costs you 5 NZD. Keep a copy of any payment advice you receive. Back in the good old days you paid there and then and it was done you have to bloody remember. Hope it helps They calculate 5 days for delivery at the most ( receipt by the 10th, which is out of the question ), which made the reduced penalty payable by the 24th too late when I got back home on the 29th. For more information about the Dart Charge, click here. as I received too in late their notification!!! The Automatic Number Plate Recognition system that triggers a charge against your car has been found wanting when it comes to reading certain letters such as C and G causing incorrect fines to be issued. Hi, I had exactly the same experience about 2 days ago.. We will be contacting more the Agency and looking for assurances that signage will improve. In France motorway tolls are collected by automated credit card readers, why an earth does the UK have to be different? Im too poor to take a political stand, I just what your opinion of if you think I should pay the extra 5? Now I see how they make easy profit. I was issued the charge and a 35 fine but it gave me 14 days grace to pay the charge where I wouldnt have to pay the fine. The appeal system does not allow for attachments so we cannot attach the receipts. I suppose this is all part of our motorhome fun! Its not a big problem but nobody knows how to solve itbrilliantI want to pay the fine but when I dont receive my PCN, how could I? I paid going over and forgot to pay coming back. Surely there is a time limit to issuing???? I would appreciate your help. Happened to me maybe 18 months ago. Remember to set it when you book your parking with, 1. The reasons are as follows: This led me to the conclusion, that I needed to pay a charge for using the crossing. This is not fair! Come on England, surely they are other decent ways of collecting money, not an overnight or midnight practice!!! In April whilst in the UK, there were horrendous delays going through the tunnel due to road works and improvements I drove through the tunnel, but was not stopped at any barriers. This would be the worst way to earn money. The Xmas opening times will be published above. So the following week we again went to IKEA, I told my other half that we needed to remember to pay the 2.50 but he reminded me that it was automatically taken so we no longer needed to worry. Surely common sense would be to apply the payment to the only crossing we have ever the one they are fining us for not paying. I was driving there first time and until now Ive had no clue about any payment requirements. Only today 5 months later do I get a PCN for non payment. 6 weeks later I received a PCN for 72.50 and a warning letter saying that as it was my first offence I could pay the 2.50 charge. They have all our details, and can send out a fine snappy enough. Forgot to pay and called them four days later and they tried to charge me 37.50..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Id already been sent a PCB when I forgot to pay the first or second time I went through over Christmas, and paid the 2.50 then, so as my second fine I assume Im going to be hit with a 35 fee on top of 2.50 charge. We welcome you with a tut and hmmph. Would be great if you can explain and help me understanding thank you. It would be possible for you to provide a dual system where regular users bypass the toll booth, but occasional users pull over and pay. Glad I stumbled across this, I was very confused with the set up, and thought the sign was to do with congestion charges. We crossed on 28 August. Open your iPhones reminders app it is standard on the handset2. Can I pay the toll charge when I get home (Sunday 19th July). (5) The handout sent through the post says you can pay by phone but doesnt give a phone number so if your computer is down or you dont use one you are stuffed. RL. I will contact those responsible and clarify this one. They make it difficult so that most of us just give up and pay the money. Then received penalty notice, which said we only needed to pay 2.50 as it was first time offence. You should have a good chance of success. :(, Tommy, I also paid the standard charge but now I dont know if the First Offence grace period includes a round trip made on the same day or just 1 crossing. Despite my willingness to pay, all my attempts failed and a simple slip of memory has cost me dear. We travelled last month and first we knew about toll was a warning letter about a fine for not paying crossing charge. Very relieved! At least waste as much of their time as possible with phone calls and letters, after all they are wasting your time. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Id also be going to the gov website and paying. This penalty is sent to the address your vehicles registered at. I didnt as I checked payments made again and it clearly said 2.50 paid and have all email/receipt. Will they nail us for failing again to pay within 24 hours? I then heard nothing from them until now when I received a final notice of rejection stating I should have known about the charges and my fine has increased to 70. I crossed the bridge on 10th August in rented car. I forgot to make the payment of 2.50. Of course I do. Yes, unfortunately the hire companies and leasing companies are also using this money making system to scam you. I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you get on with this. On-the-spot payments have been abolished and replaced by a new scheme called Dart Charge. i dont even know i have crossed the Dartford crossing on 16/01/2016 ,but i dont know any thing about the crossing charges. Here we look at one such unofficial website named thats recently launched. This is the cheapest way to pay, with registered cars costing 2 per crossing compared with the new price of 2.50 for those who pay in other ways.Set up a new pre-pay account here Change an existing Dart Tag account.

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