Yew-bow loudly sang, Egill's Saga takes place during a time of oral tradition. But neither thralls nor chests ever came back again, and many are the guesses as to where Egil hid his money. But where the blow fell the bone whitened, but neither was dinted nor cracked. Skallagrim was a good iron-smith, and in winter wrought much in red iron ore. Mine honour upheld, Right wroth was Arinbjorn when he heard Thora Lace-hand called a bondwoman; and he stood up, and would no longer hold his peace, but looked around on either side, and took the word: 'Evidence we will bring, sir king, in this matter, and oaths we will add, that this was in the reconciliation of my father and Bjorn Yeoman expressly provided, that Asgerdr daughter of Bjorn and Thora was to have right of inheriting after Bjorn her father; as also this, which thyself, O king, dost know, that thou restoredst Bjorn to his rights in Norway, and so everything was settled which had before stood in the way of their reconciliation.'. My good wife's child Over against it lay islands, among which whales were found; these they called Whale-islands. After that Karl of Berdla came to earl Rognvald with a long-ship fully manned, and they two went north to Mra. But Sigridr saw that her only choice, as things had gone, was to let the king rule it. In the autumn following Egil fell sick of the sickness whereof he died. The cattle they drove to the shore and slaughtered, putting on board as much as the boat would hold; then they rowed out by the sound between the islands. Arinbjorn gave Egil a good sea-worthy ship, and had it laden with such things as Egil wished. Then smote Egil at Ljot, and the blow came on him above the knee, taking off his leg. They did not plunder there. Skallagrim watched their course, and where they lay to in haven at eventide. ', 'Who be these guests,' said the king, 'that he deemeth this more a duty than to be here within waiting on us?'. Dire is the tale, Egil\'s Saga. Leifur Eirksson . Weapons when he takes, Eirik pursued with a fleet, and a skirmish ensued.[16]. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF . With sharp storm the sea-way And therewithal The earl then asked what were the tidings of Egil and his comrades. Egil sailed out to sea when he was ready, and of his voyage there is nothing to tell before he came to Norway. And go from well-read to best read with book recs, deals and more in your inbox every week. ', King Eric sate upright while Egil recited the poem, and looked keenly at him. The king said: 'Go after them at once, and call them in hither.'. And this is to tell of his journey, that late in the evening he came to Swan-ness, when men sat there a-drinking. The king went round the ship and looked at men's wounds; and when he saw a man binding a surface-wound, he said: 'Thorolf gave not that wound; his weapon bites far otherwise; few, methinks, bind the wounds which he gave; and great loss have we in such men.'. But if thou thinkest that thou hast prophetic foresight of this, that we shall get misfortune from this king, and that he will be our enemy, then why didst thou not go to battle against him with that king in whose service thou wert before? They slew all that came in their way, the same did Skallagrim where he boarded the ship; nor did father and son stay hands till the ship was cleared. This Thorolf said he would accept; 'and there is,' said he, 'one with me who must have lodging where I am; he is my brother, and he has never before been away from home, and he needs that I look after him. Said Egil: 'Thorstein shall not go on this journey; for he is in nowise bound thereto, a man of his renown, to go on such mean missions. Thorgeir was a very rich man, a devoted heathen worshipper, of magic cunning. King Eric ruled over Norway one year after the death of his father king Harold, before Hacon Athelstan's foster-son, another son of Harold, came out of the west from England; and in that same summer Egil Skallagrimsson went to Iceland. Thither went many of Skallagrim's household to the game. Egil's Saga tells the story of the long and brutal life of tenth-century warrior-poet and farmer Egil Skallagrimsson: a morally ambiguous character who was at once the composer of intricately beautiful poetry, and a physical grotesque capable of staggering brutality. A draught drawn not lightly Egill forcibly insisted on accompanying Thorolf back to Norway, although Thorolf was reluctant. The end was that Thorir promised to go to the king, and bade them try whether the king's son would go with him. 'Wrong were it if he Faithful and true. Then gave Athelstan further to Egil as poet's meed two gold rings, each weighing a mark, and therewith a costly cloak that the king himself had formerly worn. But before they parted Thorolf and his father talked together, and Kveldulf said: 'I was not far wrong, Thorolf, in telling thee, when thou wentest to join king Harold's guard, that neither thou nor we thy kindred would in the long run get good-fortune therefrom. There they set up their booths; but the ship was drawn up into the brook hard by. I mean to take with me to the Thing two chests that king Athelstan gave me, each of which is full of English silver. Up leapt the liers-in-wait and made at them, and they met their charge: and the encounter ended in Egil's slaying two and the rest running back into the wood. In the summer following they went back; and on their coming back in autumn they told their tidings that Bjorn was admitted to atonement in Norway. He was to take with him a shield, which Thorstein had sent to Egil Skallagrimsson: it was a valuable treasure. Thorolf Skallagrim's son made him ready one summer for a trading voyage; he purposed what he also performed, to go to Iceland and see his father. Egil leapt up at once and ran to where the victim stood; with one hand he gripped his lips, with the other his horn, and gave him such a wrench, that his feet slipped up and his neck was broken; after which Egil went where his comrades stood, and then he sang: 'I bared blue Dragvandill, Kveldulf gave him a long-ship, and Kari of Berdla's sons, Eyvind and Aulvir, resolved to go on that voyage, taking a large force and another long-ship; and they roved the seas in the summer, and got them wealth, and had a large booty to divide. They had a strong breeze, and were but little time out ere they came to the south coast of Iceland. These tidings were soon heard, and reached Hallvard and his men where they lay. He was sprinkled with water and named, and his name was Egil. And all around the building shields were hung. Egil was matched to play against a boy named Grim, son of Hegg, of Hegg-stead. They said: 'You must be a very silly fellow; have you not heard that a bear goes about the island here, a great pest? ', The king thought this good counsel. For this ship they made; but those on board, deeming they had no means of defence, yielded, and were disarmed and put on shore, and Thorolf's men, taking the ship and its cargo, went on their way. Yea and that mouth But as he grew up it was soon seen that he would be ill-favoured, like his father, with black hair. But when Thorolf and Bjorn spake of this with Eric, he promised his influence with his father. And many other friends of Aulvir went before the king and pleaded this cause. King Harold was very careful, when he had gotten new peoples under his power, about barons and rich landowners, and all those whom he suspected of being at all likely to raise rebellion.; 0530 541 03 39; 0224 341 74 68 Then he went near with the axe - the king's gift - and hewed at the oxen both at once, so that he took off the heads of the two. It is said that when they laid Bodvar in earth Egil was thus dressed: his hose were tight-fitting to his legs, he wore a red kirtle of fustian, closely-fitting, and laced at the sides: but they say that his muscles so swelled with his exertion that the kirtle was rent off him, as were also the hose. Then the men separated to their several ships. Egil answered her inquiries. Thord let him do so, and Egil mounted behind him. But in the spring he searched the land eastwards, and then took land between Thjors-river and Mark-fleet, from fell to firth, and made his home at Hofi by east Rang-river. But by the time they were parted both Thorstein's house-carles had lost their lives, one house-carle of Steinar's had fallen, and several were wounded. Bard was then to come north for the wedding. But when he wore it at the Thing it trailed behind him, and became soiled at the hem as they were going to the hill of laws. It so befell in the spring that a great sacrifice was fixed to be held in the summer at Gaular. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Egil's Saga". Nor had they long to wait ere a breeze blew off the land. Hreinsson . I would have you go by no man's rule but your own, take them wherever the pasture on the moor is best. But Thorir and the rest went to sacrifice, and a very great multitude was there, and there was much drinking. He falls not whom true friends Silence I crave around, When the shape-strong fit went from him, then he felt exhaustion from the onset he had made, and became so utterly weak that he lay in bed. Arinbjorn was with the king when he left the land; they first went westwards over the main to the Orkneys. Skallagrim gave land to his shipmates. But hence arose a quarrel between Oleif and Hegg. And my foreboding is that this is our last meeting: it were in the course of nature from our ages that thou shouldst overlive me, but I think it will be otherwise.'. But three years later king Harold died in Rogaland, and a mound was raised to his memory by Haugasound. Egil and his company turned by the shorter way, which lay over the ridge. ', Hildirida's sons had been that winter with king Harold, and in their company twelve men of their own household and neighbours. The king did not altogether refuse this, if father and son would come to him. But when she came to the king, she said: 'Will anything, my lord, avail to reconcile thee with Thorolf? The third man leapt out into the boat, and pushed off with the pole. The pit-holes black Methinks, from what I see, I have twice your strength; nor lack I courage: better weaponed am I also than you.' And both were in high favour with the king. That winter Geir, Kettle's son, asked to wife Thorunn, Skallagrim's daughter, and the match was made, and Geir took her. This also Egil learnt, that lord Arinbjorn was there with the king, and in great friendship with him. Then he had the mound opened, and laid Bodvar down there by Skallagrim. Friend of the monarch ', Arinbjorn said that he deemed it well thought of. Cloaking thus thy churlish greed. Oleif accepted this, and was with Skallagrim for his first winter in Iceland. 'Ye shall,' said the king, 'bring to me Guttorm's sons, but his daughters shall be fostered there till I bestow them in marriage. His mother was named Gyda; she was a sister of lord Arinbjorn, a woman of a noble presence and wealthy. A wood cleaver weak. Egil was to stay at home; Arinbjorn would not have him go. Asgerdr greeted her, and asked whether they had eaten supper. He earned the nickname Kveldulf (Kveldlfr, "Evening Wolf") because of his erratic temper at nightfall, and reputation for manifesting the so-called "shape-shifter" (hamrammr) abilities,[6] explained in later chapters to be comparable (or equatable) with berserk fury. Arinbjorn held a great Yule-feast, to which he bade his friends and the neighbouring landowners. The Saga of Egil Skallagrimsson (Original title: Egils saga Skallagrimssonar ), or Egil's Saga for short, is an Icelandic Saga from c. 1240. That wind-giant's brother Early did he come to such full strength as to be deemed fit for warlike service with other men. A merchant-ship I will give you, and wares withal: go you then southwards to Dublin. I bear on arm brand-wielding With wond'ring praise, I will now have Egil in keeping for the night. He kept house in munificent style, for there was no lack of money, and his disposition led him to munificence. He now took command of the ship after Kveldulf was dead. When loosening ice-floes broke, His one last wish was to travel to the Althing and toss silver he received from King thelstan for the people to fight over. Thorolf and Egil returned to their camp; and just then king Athelstan came up with the main army, and they pitched their tents and made their arrangements. Thereafter he rowed in to Alrekstead, and bade Frodi to his house, for he had a great ale-drinking there. Skallagrim and Bera had a great many children, but at first they all died. Arinbjorn went to king Eric, and declared this matter before him. He then bought meal and all that he needed for the maintenance of his people; his house-carles must for awhile, he said, be less bravely attired than he had purposed. It now came out that he had asked her to wife, but Thorfinn would not give her. The freebooters had brought down to the shore much booty and cattle. Upon the messengers' coming to Thorolf with their errand, he said that they would not harry there, that there was no need to harry there or come with warshield, the land being not wealthy. ', Then Arinbjorn went on board his own ship, and to Egil he said: 'Now go you with your comrades on board the cutter that lies here outside the long-ship, and get you away at once. About Egil's Saga. In the summer there had been, as was usual, many ships from Norway. He had on his head a gilded helm, by his side a gold-decked shield, in his hand a barbed spear whose socket was overlaid with gold, and a sword at his girdle. For me should they purchase Next morning he rose before day and made ready for his journey. They made ready to sail. Then spoke the king's men with Egil: 'Here now the roads divide; forward below the ridge dwells a landowner named Arnold, our friend; we with our party will go and lodge there. He takes it as a great personal insult when someone breaks any of these values and as a result he typically destroys that person either through physical force or through poetry. But the axe smote down on the stone, so that the mouth broke, and was rent through all the tempered steel. Far and wide about Finmark did he travel; but when he reached the fells eastward, he heard that the Kylfings were come from the east, and were there for trading with the Finns, but in some places for plunder also. As soon as he could get to his feet Steinar ran after Lambi. Bjorn stayed for the winter with Skallagrim as did all his shipmates. Alf took the gift with thanks, saying, 'A good mantle have I here.' These were called Thororna's sons; she dwelt hard by Skallagrim, and was of magic skill. Wolves were battle-fain: After that he lunged with his halberd at the earl's breast, driving it right through mail-coat and body, so that it came out at the shoulders; and he lifted him up on the halberd over his head, and planted the butt-end in the ground. Then I mean to sow broadcast the silver, and I shall be surprized if all share it fairly between them. ', Egil after Yule-tide was taken with much sadness that he spake not a word. Knowing to please with a present, But between the brothers was rather a coolness. Tall he was and strong, yet not so much so as his father. Egill was so upset he killed one of his father's favorite workers, and the two were not on speaking terms.[11]. They came on to Raumsdale, there got them conveyance, and then went south to Mri. Skallagrim looked at the axe's edge. But the front line of tents stood so high that it could not be seen over them whether they stood many or few in depth. Upon this Aulvir Hnuf went to the room, and had Thorolf called to speak with him, and told him what terms the king offered them. Northumbria's humbled soil.'. Hang, his own arm forsaking, He went in over the boundary that marked the battle-ground, but Ljot was then not ready. Next to him sat Thorbjorn Raven, then Aulvir Hnuf, and next to him was placed Bard; he was there by-named Bard the White or Bard the Strong. Lead up to Lundr: Dauntless in bearing Of high-born chief. Thora bare a child in the summer; it was a girl. Eyvind told Gunnhilda that he could get no chance at Thorolf. Thorolf and his men were overjoyed when Egil came down. 'I am chewing samphire,' said she, 'because I think it will do me harm. Song that all could hear. Thorolf and his company had a large long-ship well equipt, and went on their way as had been agreed. ', Egil said, 'The king will let us get law and justice in this matter, and with your help it seems no great thing in my eyes to take the law of Bergonund. Thereon I bethink me, To Sigvald's ship well-oared, Thorolf's force was drawn up near the wood, Alfgeir's moved along the river. Then this counsel was adopted, to meet thee with friendly show and bid thee to a banquet: but it was intended, when thou wert well drunk and lying asleep, to attack thee with fire and weapon. Thorolf and Bard lay wounded. Arinbjorn talked with Asgerdr, and she made the same answer. After this Egil cut off his beard close to his chin, and put out one of his eyes. This I think, and with truth: That they who speak such lying slanders of me will prove to be in nowise thy friends, but it is quite clear that they are my bitter enemies; 'tis likely, however, that they will pay dearly for it if we come to deal together. Who holy ground hath scorn'd!'. It happened there, as elsewhere, that the tribute was worse paid now than when Harold was in the vigour of life. This was also law, that Egil proposed, and ancient custom, that any man had a right to challenge another to wager of battle, whether he were defendant in a cause or prosecutor. On hearing of his death, the king summoned Hallvard Hardfarer and his brother, and told them to go on a message for him eastwards to Vik, he being then at Throndheim. And when Egil had finished his meal, he went where the woman lay and spoke with her. They rode that evening and through the night till they came to Borg. Then the king told his men to row by the inner sound, and shape their course so as to meet Egil. The car-borne god, Then it was told king Olaf that both his earls Hring and Adils were fallen, and a multitude of his men likewise. All should be told to a friend. With war-fleet's thundering sound, They had a fairly good breeze, and came from the main into Borgar-firth; and Egil steered his ship up the firth to the haven close to his own house. Bjorn and his shipmates all took up their abode with Skallagrim, who never had about him fewer than sixty stout fellows. Those who wished to go back to Norway joined Egil, but by far the larger part of the force followed Arinbjorn. After this they returned to Borg. He bound his comrades' wounds, none of which were mortal. Then they went that night out to their ship, at once hoisted their sail, and sailed out by the Sogn-sea, and so to the main. The gap of son rent Had he reached but ripeness After which the mound was closed again; this task was not finished till about nightfall. ', Thorolf looked on either hand where stood his house-carles; then said he: 'Loth were I to deliver up these my followers: about thy titles and grants to me, O king, thou wilt have thine own way, but my following I will not deliver up while my means last, though I manage at my own sole cost. Then said the master Grim, 'Women jeered at us less when we were younger.' When but three years old he was as tall and strong as other boys of six or seven. [35] Egill thanks the king with a number of praise poems showing how considerate and generous the king is. And when Thorstein Egil's son came to dwell at Borg, there was at once a coolness between him and Steinar. But Egil said to Aki, 'If you know the house here, you can show us the way to some plunder. So then Egil and his men doffed their cloaks and all their loose clothing, and laid these on the sledge. Poesy, prize of Odin, And when all was ready for sailing, Egil went up into the island. My brooch-decked lady calls. Begone! Egil spoke: 'I am told, Atli, that you hold in keeping that property which of right belongs to me and my wife Asgerdr. So also was it when Harold's sons strove for the rule in Norway, the outlying tributary lands were little looked after. But when they came to Thorir they were made welcome, and abode there some time; while the ship, tented over, floated opposite the house. To stand unbroken He had become a liege-man of the king, and was made a baron. Then, when they came to the strand, the king summoned his household Thing, and told them his purpose. The king answered this well; he said that Thorir might get from him what he would, but it should not have been so had any other man harboured Egil. Egil stood in the door. Each seeking his own ', 'I will be made baron under none,' said Grim, 'while my father lives; he, while he lives, shall be my liege-lord. [c] Here Thorolf befriended Prince Eirik Bloodaxe, Harald's favorite son and Thorir's fosterling. She was sitting therein with many women. 'I will go,' said he, 'to Kveldulf; and he will consent to come to you, as soon as he knows that you think it a matter of moment.'. A detailed family tree connecting major and minor characters through blood and marriage can be found here. And when the feast was ended, Bard went home with his wife, and remained at home through the summer, and Thorolf with him. Thither to Thorstein's house was moved the wheat and honey; a merry time of it they had that winter. Asbjorn countered with witnesses swearing that Asgerd was acknowledged as heiress, but the processing was blocked by Queen Gunnhild who ordered a henchmen to disrupt the assembly. ', Egil said he would risk coming to the Thing all the same: 'There let come what come may to end our matter. Then was Onund full of big words. The bones of Egil were laid in the outer part of the churchyard at Moss-fell. ', The king said: 'So shall it be, Arinbjorn, as thou demandest. 'Of men many a rank Then Skallagrim and his wife had yet another son. Despite the affront, Eirik was persuaded by Thorir (his foster-father) to settle this by compensation. So father and son offered Thorolf winter-home there, which he accepted. Thorolf's watchmen sate within drinking, and were not gone to their posts; not a man was without; all sate within drinking. Egil went northwards to Vik, and into Osloar-firth. Freely and fully Headlong in the billows flew; And so it was that before Thorstein the king put this choice. Fierce-frowning cliffs that shaded Aulvir and his men drew up their ship beyond flood-tide mark. Cookie policy. Pledge-breaker vile, Skallagrim spied out the land upwards all round the country-side. King Olaf fell there, and the greater part of the force which he had had, for of those who turned to fly all who were overtaken were slain.

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