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Funding for the project was approved by voters in the 2007 bond packageand the new facility is scheduled to becomplete in fall of 2022.We are excited to unveil this design to our students, staff and community, CISD Superintendent Dr. Michael D. McFarland said. $("#sw-content-container10.region.ui-hp").fullScreenRotator({ var imageWidth = ("Small" == "Large") ? ], "CheckTabbedAccordion": function() { $(".gb-schoolwires-footer.links").append('
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// CONSUME LEFT AND UP ARROWS // ADD MOBILE LINK DIVIDER ["Somali", "Soomaali", "so"], Fort Worth ISD will implement a similar program if the November Bond proposal A . 512 Peach Street TX, Crowley 76036 (817) 297-5800 www.crowley.k12.tx.us. "schoolMenuText": "Our Schools", ["Estonian", "eesti", "et"], "target": "_self" "label": "Instagram", $(window).load(function() { _this.WindowLoad(); }); clearTimeout(dropdownTimer); }); "customElementMarkup": "" // CUSTOM HTML MARKUP THAT MAKES THE CUSTOM TRANSLATE ELEMENT/STRUCTURE - USE [$CreativeTranslateListItems$] ACTIVE BLOCK IN THE MARKUP WHERE THE TRANSLATE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDED } // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON } if($.trim(mobilePhoto) == "" || mobilePhoto.indexOf("default-man.jpg") > -1) { $("header .gb-global-icons").focusout(function() { var eventDate = ($.trim($(".sw-calendar-block-date", this).text()).length == 1) ? "showText": true, // IF THE DROPDOWN IS OPEN, CLOSE IT Crowley Independent School District Overview 97 Reviews 307 Jobs 108 Salaries 4 Interviews 11 Benefits -- Photos 38 Diversity + Add a Review Crowley Independent School District Reviews Updated Apr 5, 2023 Filter by Topic Work Life Balance Compensation Coworkers Benefits Career Development Senior Leadership Workplace Culture Diversity & Inclusion | Crowley ISD has 25 campuses, including 15 elementary schools, four middle schools, two ninth grade schools, two high schools, an alternative learning center and a career and technology education center. '
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In addition to Crowley, the district also serves portions of Fort Worth, and Edgecliff Village in south central Tarrant County and Burleson in north central of Johnson County. ["Gujarati", "", "gu"], } ["Belarusian", "", "be"], color: #fff;
// CONSUME END KEY case template.KeyCodes.tab: Our district is delivering on this centralized stadium approved by voters in the 2007 bond package to serve both Crowley High Schooland North Crowley High School. ["Uzbek", "O'zbekiston", "uz"],
"showDistrictHome": _this.ShowDistrictHome, { } 'top: calc(((100vw * .4) - (100vw * ' + (props.height / props.width) + ')) / 2);' + $(".gb-global-icons-toggle").removeClass("hidden"); "src": "Athletics/1.png", // ALTERNATE IMAGE SRC var iconToggle = ($(".gb-mystart.right .gb-global-icons-toggle").length) ? }, "target": "_self" var navOffSet = $("#gb-header-outer").offset().top + $("#gb-header-outer").height(); Designed by VLK Architects, the complex will include a field house with locker rooms and training areas, a split-level press box and an 8,000-seat stadium that will be highly visible from Interstate 35W. } else { ["Malay", "Malay", "ms"], "target": "_self" if(_this.GetBreakPoint() != "desktop" && _this.GetBreakPoint() != "320") { dynStyleSheet.styleSheet.cssText = dynStyles; } else { }); "RsMenu": function() { duration: 750, $(this).closest(dropdownParent).find(dropdownSelector).focus(); if(this.ShowSchoolList) { if($.trim("Crowley Independent School District") == "" || true == false) { // ADJUST FIRST BREADCRUMB $(".ui-widget-detail > ul.site-shortcuts", this).hide(); }); ["Bosnian", "bosanski", "bs"], "url": "https://www.crowleyisdtx.org/Page/5750", ["Macedonian", "", "mk"], var additionalItems = {}; },{ ["Afrikaans", "Afrikaans", "af"], "ChannelBar": function() { "showText": true, } else { } Composited scenes using After Effects + Premier Pro. "show": true, $(".cs-mystart-dropdown.user-options .cs-dropdown-list").html(userOptionsItems); if ($(window).scrollTop() <= navOffSet) { background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/
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The Huntsville ISD Board of Trustees approved final design plans Thursday for a new $35 million stadium and a $15 million baseball and softball complex.
$("#hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-button.unmute-button").focus(); Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Expanded locker rooms for NCHS football, as well as CHS football, baseball and softball. }
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