After Cartman was released from prison, he visited Romper-Stomper again and pooped Disneyland (the place Romper-Stomper had always wanted to see) into the toilet for him with nothing to gain from it. Shantease Cartman's birthday is 05/28/1973 and is 49 years old. He often idolizes people whom he feels share his various bigotries and aims. In "Up the Down Steroid", Cartman is able to have his mother sign him up for the Special Olympics, even though Cartman was not disabled. ("It is time for revenge") and the crowd replies "Wir mssen die Juden ausrotten!" Cartman complains "Mom! In "You Have 0 Friends", he invited Cartman to participate in his birthday party at "Casa Bonita". Cartman's sanity is called in to question with the existence of Mitch Conner/Jennifer Lopez, who is Cartman's hand given a personality/backstory. Cartman's musical tastes run toward progressive and arena rock in general and maudlin power ballads in particular. Butters, Kenny, or Craig usually act as his right-hand man, and recurring members of the groups include Tolkien, Craig, Clyde, Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Butters, but most of the time they (with the exception of Butters and sometimes Clyde) seem to realize how mentally imbalanced he is. But in "Fat Camp", when he tells his mother to talk about how he is big boned and such, she instead says, "Those were all lies, sweetie, you're just fat." Is Kenny okay? However, in the "The Death of Eric Cartman", during the scene where Cartman has Butters apologize to all of his peers in his stead (as he believes he is a ghost), he seems to wish to recant some of his earlier misdeeds towards Kyle (and obtain his forgiveness), and seems genuinely moved upon seeing him. It has been implied (at least in earlier episodes) that Liane may be responsible for much of Cartman's racism, anti-semitism and homophobia, as he often was to quote disparaging things that he had supposedly heard her say. As of "Dead Celebrities", he seems to be more passive toward Kyle, greeting him with only " 'Sup, Jew?". Co-Host and Co--Executive Producer at "Tha Low Showw" Rate. After demanding answers out of Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat, it is revealed that the paternity tests were altered and one of the people in the room at the time of revelation was indeed Cartman's father. Cartman, in the meantime, researched the virus and found out that Magic Johnson had AIDS for decades and is still alive. Cartman is probably the only friend he has, Cartman and Jackson have a very good relationship together. This shown especially in "It's a Jersey Thing", where it was not until after Kyle left did he start crying from being attacked by him, and then later used it to convince other boys to lock him in a meat locker. Him, Butters and Tolkien have their own album, Faith + 1. Kyle's mockery of Cartman's infection with HIV is ironic, since Cartman has wished on many occasions in past episodes for Kyle to have AIDS: Cartman has Kenny's eyes, due to the events in the subplot of ", Kyle has one of Cartman's kidneys due to the events of ", It is most likely that Cartman is the youngest of the four friends. Fucking bitch!". He is a racist because he thinks that "minorities" would take over the world someday as revealed in "The China Probrem" and in "Pee". In addition to his relationship with Billy Mays and Shelley Marsh, Romper-Stomper is one of the few people which Cartman has done a good deed for without being promised anything in return. Also in the episode "Cartoon Wars Part II", he and Kyle have a slap fight, which he won (though this was more through deceit than skill), and in the episode "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson", he was dominant in a physical fight against a midget (who supposedly had a black belt in karate). His birthday was in the. In "Die Hippie, Die", he believes that hippies will destroy the town, and while the rest of the townspeople are initially skeptical, his fears are eventually borne out. "If you had a chance to go back in time right now and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? However, the retention times vary by case type. Cartman's lack of knowledge is also displayed in the episode "Sexual Harassment Panda", when he tells Mr. Garrison that sexual harassment is "trying to have intercourse with a lady friend, and some other guy comes up and tickles your balls from behind." Since Cartman has trouble restraining himself from teasing Kyle Schwartz about his Jewish heritage (since he is the stereotypical Jew that Kyle Broflovski had been trying to avoid being for five years), when Ms. Choksondik later tells Kyle Schwartz to concentrate, Cartman impulsively blurts out: "Maybe we should send him to concentration camp!". Mabel Cartman The same thing happens in "Christian Rock Hard": Kyle makes a $10 bet that he can get a platinum album before Cartman, Cartman makes a successful album and makes millions of dollars and earning the album. In "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", after Wendy grows adult-sized breasts Cartman and the other boys laugh at her and Cartman calls her a "stupid bitch.". In "Tsst", he is slightly thinner, although in later episodes, he was shown to have regained the lost weight. The eighth season episode "Cartman's Incredible Gift" featured a comically-injured Cartman who believes his accident gave him psychic powers following a series of lucky guesses and coincidences tied to a serial killer prowling the streets of South Park. When Stan shows up, drunk, talking to Kyle, it is shown that Cartman is keeping a close eye on them from where he was standing. ", Cartman again demonstrates his proficiency in Spanish when hiring Mexicans to write an "essay" (which the immigrants mistake for the Spanish informal word for a friend, ese) on The Old Man and the Sea. Background Criminal Record (excluding the crimes he has done in the show and will do in the show) . In "City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)", Cartman is telling a story and has Kenny dying at the end, even though Kenny had died minutes before by being eaten by the giant black monster outside the bus. Courts may keep official records about cases in paper or electronic format. Cartman's ass cannot be replaced. He also appears to be multilingual (though not very well). Florence Cartman Scott Tenorman A similar instance can be seen during "Cartman Sucks", although Kyle only punches Cartman in the arm. He is miserably and completely scrooged, determined not to give up the slightest amount of money, such as refusing to give a dollar to Afghan children in "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants", "I'm not giving a dollar to those towel-heads!" When Cartman later empties a bowl of semen into the tank. Cartman usually gets whatever he wants simply by whining in his signature style. despite living in different states with Cartman's anti-semitism faded and Kyle going from a 10 year old skinny kid with a jew-fro to a 40 year old hot alcoholical man stealing and proposing to Heidi's Husband (Cartman) at the latest scene . His cat has been on the show since the series began, and his love for cats could have developed from his lack of other family members besides his mother; he has no father or siblings. Cartman, Stan, and Kyle eventually return to the past and fix their relations, albeit having to stop Clyde from killing the younger Kyle themselves. Cartman is known to taunt Wendy for her liberal and environmentalist views, and often refers to her as a hippie or a tree hugger. Cartman, however, does not consider himself to be a bully who likes to pick on other people to pleasure himself; in fact, he seems to disregard good or bad altogether (or perhaps simply does not have a concept of it) and does whatever he feels necessary for him to get ahead. . Cartman oddly enough does not demonstrate his rage vocally, in a coldly sadistic manner by manipulating the doctor's wife into killing herself through a simple set of text messages. Cartman was also shown smiling in the background at the argument, as if all was according to his plan. In "200" however, Cartman's hand/puppet Mitch Conner reveals that what Cartman was told was a lie and that Liane was not Cartman's father. Most people at school regularly and openly despise and hate Cartman for being selfish and mean spirited, also mocking him for his weight (which has lead Cartman to be extremely insecure, going as far to be known to dismember children when they insult his weight), but most of the time Cartman seems to have a on and off relationship with everyone in in town. He has extremely exaggerated anger issues and violent tendencies when upset. In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, when they were facing certain death, Cartman tried to atone for all the times he called Kyle "A big dumb Jew", telling him "I didn't mean it. The Crimes of Randy Marsh. Hi! Cartman having a tea party with his dolls in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut". He physically abuses others, both through his fists and weapons (such as when he hit Tolkien Black and Pip Pirrip with rocks). here.) Cartman seems to ignore his half ginger heritage in later episodes simply because he is ashamed of it. In "Douche and Turd", Stan votes for Cartman's mascot instead of Kyle's, much to Kyle's dismay. He also weighs 90 pounds, as revealed in "Weight Gain 4000". In "Good Times with Weapons", Cartman is the most excited in showing off their weapons to Craig. This clearly shows that Cartman went through Congress for Kenny and reveals that he does not have a healthy way of dealing with the death of his friend. It is possible that his mom Liane Cartman may have personally taught him the other languages, as was revealed in "Hooked on Monkey Fonics" when she purchased a educational game that helped Cartman to improve his spelling skills. In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", when Tolkien constantly mocks Cartman about his weight, and Kyle after provokes him, Cartman throws a rock Tolkien. In "It's a Jersey Thing", Cartman was one of the various victims of Snooki, others being DogPoo Petuski and Stephen Stotch. Often Cartman's games involve the toys telling him how cool and smart he is, and he directs towards them an affection which is not seen towards any other person except his mom. In "Christian Rock Hard", Cartman is beaten up by Tolkien after provoking him with racial jibes. This, however, is a line from the song "Lady Marmalade", and considering the meaning of the phrase, likely means that Cartman does not actually speak French. Hair Because of Cartman's selfish personality, his friendship with Kenny is not as obvious as Stan and Kyle's, and it sometimes looks fake, but it is clearly existent. Where she leaves her estate (valued at $1,000,000) to Eric, citing that all the other family members would have spent it all on crack. Listed here. Also in "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" he threw a rock at Tolkien, giving him a black eye. Tolkien really hates Cartman because he is generally racist toward numerous minority groups, including black people. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Concept and Creation 1.2 Accomplishments 1.3 Criminal Record 1.4 Talents 1.4.1 Manipulation and Leadership Ability 1.4.2 Ventriloquism When it is revealed that all the Blaintologists are to commit mass suicide in Washington D.C. to further their cause, Cartman becomes overjoyed, even turning on Kyle who did not agree in such an act. Eh? He joins the anti-China group with Cartman and holds up a restaurant, which results in him shooting three people in the crotch by accident. Cartman's games with these toys can demonstrate his vindictive and cruel nature; one of his games, as seen in aforementioned episode, is "Lambs", in which Cartman reenacts scenes from "The Silence of the Lambs" with his dolls, such as placing a doll in a pit in his basement and then voicing the doll begging to be released while the doll holding it prisoner threatens the pit-bound doll. Ever since Cartman's voice has changed, he has a peculiar, geographically indeterminable accent, or possibly speech impediment, with odd pronunciations of certain words and names which has shown to be a dominant trait in the extended Cartman family. In "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", Cartman says that Wendy has huge boobs; this could be him trying to impress her by saying she looks attractive. This means that Cartman does support the republican party but he did not tantrum over any losses in presidential elections, unlike Ike Broflovski. Cartman also carries around what appears to be a Glock 17 pistol that has been seen in several episodes. Despite the severity of his actions, it is likely that they are a type of emotional defense mechanism against his insecurity and (potential) confused sexuality. I swear, you must have been reading my mind. In A Song of Ass and Fire, there is a picture of Cartman and Kenny sitting next to each other at Casa Bonita, even though Cartman slams down the photo because Kenny 'betrayed' him by switching to PlayStation 4 instead of sticking with Xbox 1. Also he is good at Photoshop, (though his art skills are very first grade like) as we can see from "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce", when he is framing Kyle. Fuck. He has been seen playing center in Football in "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" and on the Dodge-Ball team in the episode "Conjoined Fetus Lady". He claims to be able to speak Spanish in "Rainforest Shmainforest", when he tells a Costa Rican freedom fighter that he wants burritos, and in "My Future Self n' Me", he actually speaks Spanish to the Mexican workers hired to smear Butters home with excrement. Cartman wears a red jacket, yellow mittens, a blue hat with a yellow puff ball on top, brown pants, black shoes, and white socks (as seen in "Super Fun Time"). Cartman begins to be annoyed with Heidi for not being submissive to him. In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Cartman remorsefully apologizes to Tolkien for ripping on him for being black (thinking that he was a ghost and does not realize that he was being ignored at the time). Additionally, in "The Jeffersons", he alludes to despising Austrians, apparently failing to note the irony of the fact that he admires Hitler, who was Austrian. They even sing "Let's Come Together As a School" in a vain attempt to unify the boys and girls at South Park Elementary. Cartman maintains somewhat friendly relationships with most of the boys at his school and is shown playing with them on occasion, despite the fact that all the kids openly hate him, though this is considered a love/hate relationship that he shares with the boys. They are also shown to share a sense of humor, as can be seen in the episode "How to Eat with Your Butt" when Kenny and Cartman continue an elaborate joke, despite Stan and Kyle's objections. Cartman cries outside of Kenny's hospital room. He also told everyone about Mr. Jefferson. ! In the episode "Ass Burgers", Cartman is shown to be able to cook hamburgers very well, if only achievable after putting them in his underpants. Although he does not get Kyle to suck his balls in reality, he does imagine Kyle sucking the balls of an imaginary Cartman with much enthusiasm at the end of "Imaginationland, Episode III". "Make Love, Not Warcraft", "The List", and "Marjorine"). No Hat Cartman may react like this to gain sympathy from other boys so he may turn the other boys against Kyle (showcased in "It's a Jersey Thing", where he turned Butters and a few other boys against Kyle by exaggerating how Kyle pushed him against a tree) or he could just be cowardly, it is unknown which (It is likely the latter). He blames her for his unhappiness in their relationship, accusing her of being mentally abusive. They also expressed concern for Heidi's sanity, and her safety while in her relationship with Cartman, all holding a personal vendetta against him. Cartman is then put in a group anger management session, during which he several like-minded individuals with small penises go on a rage driven rampage. Eric has also been portrayed as somewhat of a bully; he always insults new kids with offensive, often profane words, usually never leaving them alone. Cartman's "You Will Respect My Authoritah!" Clearly the worst crime on this list! Is Cartman good or evil? So she killed the other toys and planned on framing Tolkien, but Cartman reminds her that because of Obama, black people cannot be blamed. Newer records may be available online. Cartman's friendships with the other kids are clearly existent, but just not shown as much because of his personality. A recurring joke throughout the series is that, despite his mother's sweetness and wholesome demeanor, she is in fact a promiscuous, oversexed, crack-smoking, scheie-porn queen, prostitute, and nymphomaniac. The FBI arrives to arrest Cartman for a hate crime. Kenny has generally taken Cartman's side in arguments or when they do things. In fact, Cartman comforts Shelley when she feels insecure about her appearance and feels that no one likes her. If you feel this post fits the purpose of r/southpark, UPVOTE this comment!! This, of course, ruined Cartman's egotistical satisfaction at having humiliated him. 's in order to make some cash while they were out getting drunk on the streets or had killed themselves. The most active family member in Cartman's life is his mother, Liane Cartman. Cartman then steals the bodies and makes them into chili which he promptly feeds to Scott. In fact, Cartman even showed a little concern for Kenny when he found out his new girlfriend was a whore in "The Ring". He was, however, happy when reminded that his father was actually a Denver Bronco. ", meaning "Do you want to sleep with me, Clyde?" Despite the fact that he has many weapons at his disposal, he does not seem to be very good with them. In "The Death of Eric Cartman", Kyle sums up Cartman's character as a "fat, racist, self-centered, intolerant, manipulative sociopath". Kenny also aided Cartman in his escape when Cartman was charged with hate crimes. -Kyle, upon seeing Cartman manipulate the gingers into doing the opposite of what he had previously told them to do in "Ginger Kids". Cartman is sometimes the main antagonist of an episode, for example "Trapper Keeper". In 'Make Love, Not Warcraft", when Clyde Donovan tells Cartman he is going to stop playing World of Warcraft, Cartman says that the French also stopped playing when Hitler rose to power. In "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", it is shown that Cartman's idea of sexual intercourse is to "Stick it inside her and pee. Although Cartman can at times be worldly, he is often wildly misinformed; he once believed that dolphins lived in igloos and mistook a canned food drive for 'when you cut open a chick's stomach and pull out the baby from inside,' and mistakes sexual harassment when 'you're having intercourse with a lady friend and someone tickles your balls from behind. The other boys watched, and realized that this was Cartman's delusional way of getting rid of his stuffed animals. He has actually never fired it, and only uses it to threaten people. In "Tweek vs. Craig", Cartman trained Craig in sumo wrestling. He even has professional help with his photo shoot in Part III. He also has a stuffed frog toy named Clyde Frog. In "The Death of Eric Cartman" all of the kids at South Park Elementary decide to ignore Cartman because they feel he is a "son of a bitch". He also believes Jews to be incapable of many professions, such as basketball player, singing/rhythm, fireman, pirate or even so much as someone tough, however on some occasions his accusations have been proven true (particularly rhythm). . Cartman has been bad at sports, and sometimes good. When he thought he lost his sense of humor in "How to Eat with Your Butt" he goes to Jimmy for help. Another contradiction occurs in "Tsst", when Cartman compares his mother who had been instructed how to treat her rampantly egocentric son by the Dog Whisperer, with Hitler, as a reason why she should be killed (although this is probably because Cartman is not being allowed to indulge in his personal desires). Scott Tenorman is Cartman's half-brother and nemesis. Follow. While Cartman did not necessarily pronounce the German words correctly, it was pretty clear that he understood what they meant in English and his followers did not. In "Skank Hunt", he along with Stan, Kyle, Butters, Clyde, Jimmy and Tolkien smash Cartman's electronics due to them thinking that he is Skankhunt42. Although Cartman does not generally like anyone in particular, he was very fond of Chef, as seen in "The Return of Chef" where Cartman was crying in front of Butters and even admitted that he was going to miss Chef, but did not know how to tell him. He is also shown to be very vulgar and disgusting, doing things like holding people down and farting on them and making them smell his rectum. Cartman lies to the police, claiming that he had his cat put down when he really is hiding his cat in the attic. Throughout the episode he collects abandoned cats in his attic out of sympathy. In "Chef Aid", he sings and does a German dance to raise money for Chef's legal fees. However he was proven wrong about that after he got beat up by Wendy Testaburger in "Breast Cancer Show Ever". In "Skank Hunt" Clyde joins Stan, Kyle, Butters, Jimmy, Craig and Tolkien to smash all of Cartman's electronics due them think that he is Skankhunt42. An example being when Stan and Kyle continuously stated she was on the cover of "Crack-Whore" magazine in "Pinkeye". He also weighs 90 pounds, as revealed in "Weight Gain 4000". In "Are You There God? This is most apparent in "Asspen" and "Cartman Sucks". In the "The Unaired Pilot" episode, Cartman was shown to have a father and sister, but these characters were cut out in the official pilot. ", or "Would you like to sleep with me, Clyde?". In "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", Cartman finds a tape that was recorded between his mother and Mackey, where he was her sex slave and had to drink out of a cup Liane urinated in. Liane dotes on her son endlessly, beyond simply spoiling him. He has been arrested for his mistakenly assumed hate crime, kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a meth lab, being with Stan Marsh on "Whale Whores" (The prison Cartman went to for this assumed crime was Japanese), and incarcerating hippies. Ironically, despite (or perhaps because of) these qualities, Cartman also seems to be a natural leader, able to utilize overwhelming charisma and rhetoric to gain the obedience of large groups on a moment's notice (as in "The Passion of the Jew"), appearing to be innately aware of how to take advantage of "mob mentality" and direct it toward accomplishing his personal goals, as has been evidenced in countless episodes throughout the series' history. This is similar to the Saw movies. the Denver Broncos and father of Cartman's arch-rival Scott Tenorman. 04/12/2000. Cartman tries out for the wrestling team in "W.T.F. Cartman was later seen with the rest of the boys cheering for him at the pageant and bribed the judge in order for him to win. When Jimmy later questions his motive behind pursuing Kyle to get him to suck his balls as being "a little faggy", he explains that it was all to humiliate Kyle. In "AWESOM-O", a movie producer asks Cartman, who is disguised as a robot, if he is a pleasure model. This compassion hints that he has not progressed to be a full sociopath. The tears of unfathomable sadness. Indeed, the others consistently show a willingness to follow him and trust in his leadership when he is using his abilities for "good.". He tried to help Kyle delete Kip Drordy and get new friends by using Chat Roulette, but the only result he got were men masturbating and pictures of penises. In "Follow That Egg! If you feel this post does not fit the subreddit, DOWNVOTE This comment! While Cartman claims this to be an act in the end, these sexual actions seems to be unconsciously executed, due to the fact that during or after, Cartman is both shocked and disgusted. And in the episode, "A Ladder to Heaven", when Cartman drinks Kenny's ashes mistaking them for chocolate milk, leaving Kenny's soul trapped in his body, until the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe". Grand Wizard Cartman tells Mr. Kitty that she is his only hope, in much the same way Princess Leia does when she records a message into R2-D2 asking for Obi-Wan Kenobi's help in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope . In "I'm a Little Bit Country" he smiles and sings the Dawson's Creek theme while he kills the Official Messenger Boy with a piece of wood then drags the body off-screen, although this happens in what was essentially a fantasy of Cartman's and may, therefore, due to Cartman's inflated ego, not be representative of his actual abilities. The boys try to replace Cartman's bulk with a boy-shaped pile of bricks. One of which is to place a warm glass of water under Butter's hand and then urinate on him. He often uses this skill in order to persuade others by using the song to manipulate their thoughts and emotions. Cartman is just a TV caricature, but given the severe deficiencies at both the Interior Ministry and the Jewish Agency, the aliyah process can all too often be just as cartoonish. In "Ass Burgers", Kyle and Cartman have quite a few friendly moments together. You're not a Jew". Even though Cartman is overweight, he always denies it (especially in the earlier seasons) by saying, "I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned", or some variation thereof. Cartman also has bigotry towards extraterrestrials and is extremely xenophobic but that is simply because some visitors placed an anal probe into him twice, thus starting his speciesism. - Cartman posing as a teenage prostitute. ", he seems to hope to kill Kyle without any reason. In "Fat Butt and Pancake Head", while Kyle is immediately distrustful of Cartman's claim that he cannot control the actions of his hand (which has seemed to take on a life of its own), Stan gives Cartman the benefit of the doubt and admits that, with all the stuff that happens in South Park, Cartman could be telling the truth. Butters has become Cartman's most frequent victim.

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