AMIRIGHTLADIEEEEZ?! Your name is stupid. Yours could use a little eyeliner. SHEILA: From the Gaelic for "blind." report. Strangle your name away. Listen to this - your name is stupid. An apple a day keeps anyone away, Top results: All MBA Colleges in Pune 2022 Shiksha Author: Date Published: 17/04/2022 Ratings: 4.72 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: 2 thg 6, 2022 MBA Colleges in Pune ; Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Symbiosis International, Pune ; National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) Exact Match Keywords: top 10 private, Top results: The 24 Best Celebrity Name Puns Bored Panda Author: Date Published: 02/10/2021 Ratings: 3.95 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: Everybody loves clever puns, even better if those wordplay jokes are associated with famous people. Time to leave. RANDALL: Weren't you in that one movie? Pure country. SASHA: Sasha, Russian for "defender of man". Give it back or he'll body slam you to death. Australian for "slimy mammalian sack". Your name is stupid. He'd be good to you. A bacon tree. Put it back right now! IVY: Please put one in, I'm going braindead from hearing your name. NOT. Oh. CHARLENE: Go back to 1962 when that name was relevant. You'll always be second best. He's funny. HAZEL: Ah, Hazel: the color of my total indifference to your name. MERCEDES: Hop in one and drive away, hopefully to never hear your name uttered again. Let's keep it that way. ERIK: Erik. DARRELL: Darrell. Just change your stupid name. FABIAN: Go back to the romance novel you crawled out of, you slimy man. Just one finger. Short for "Additional brain cells needed.". COURTNEY: Cocks. No one will hear you moan. HILDA: No way that's your name. IRMA: Irma gerd, yir nirm is srrrr sturpid. *Your name is stupid*. JAMIE: Jamie is a name derived as a pet form of James. How original. Seriously? Ocean! MATHEW: Where'd the other "t" go? What a stupid name you have, my dear. Here's some truth: you have a stupid name. ZACH: A variant of the biblical Zechariah, who has an even stupider name. I think you forgot what ds look like. Not. Ghost: As in, White as a ghost, and Not a ghost of a chance, and You look as if youve seen a ghost, and A ghost, Top results: Stephen Hawking | Name Puns Know Your Meme Author: Date Published: 16/11/2021 Ratings: 2.87 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: See more Name Puns images on Know Your Meme! You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on RODNEY: Dangerfield. And shoot your parents for giving you such a stupid name. Exact Match Keywords: . "If two Joes got into a fight, would it he a Joedown?". DEAN: If I was the dean of the College of Naming Babies, I would expel your parents. ARLENE: Justlet Jon Arbuckle take you out on a date already. Like your name. Point in case: He changed his name from Samuel. BEULAH: Please call 815.762.0829 - I will make fun of your name personally. Help help me, Rhonda. GEORGIA: What should be on your mind? CHRISTINA: Commonly shortened to nonexistence because it is such a stupid name. Stupid name. ZACHARY: A variant of the biblical Zechariah, who has an even stupider name. JACOB: In Portuguese, your name is IAGO. That's because you have a stupid name. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Congratulations, your name is stupid in two languages. Also, consult the index for a new name. Kick. KATHRYN: You can't replace an i and an e with a y. ANNA: Anna Anna Bo-banna, Banana Fanna Fo you have such a stupid name. The femine form of "Stupid.". TIFFANY: Tiffany, the ancestral name of people who buy pink convertables. NIKKI: Are you the Nikki from that Prince song? Must have got lost in the womb. A list of puns related to "Name" Name puns are the funniest. Nobody. JEFFERY: Better than Geoffrey. Dumb name. SERENA: Less stupid than Venus, more stupid than pretty much every other name. You should feel bad. EMILY: You know why Emily didn't get a rose? CLARA: I'm seeing it very clearly now, your name is very stupid. Thanks for being in on the whole massacre of a civilization through colonization. A ton of clay. should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. HUGO: Hugo change your name right now. ABE: Let's be honest. DANNY: Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes, are calling your name stupid. BRENDAN: Solid, classically stupid Irish name. WIL: You watch sports with a horse head on. Shame on you. URSULA: Disney only made you 6 legs in the film. Your name has the same reaction. Congratulations on living this long. Top name-based pun pick-up lines submitted to /r/Tinder. Smells gnarley. LES: Less is more. Here are some other names for Josie that have a wide range of well-used alternative baby names: Rhyming names for Josie can be formed by repetition of similar sounds in the final stressed syllables and any following syllables of two or more words. Dad posts a picture on my Facebook timeline that says, "MADISON NGUYEN FOR SAN JOSE MAYOR." For your dumb name. ALYSON: You parents never taught you how to spell your own name? OR Kim. BERYL: of monkeys. My name is stupid. Shutup dumb name. Stupid name. OR Eh. Of having a dumb name. OSCAR: You should win an Oscar for stupidest name. All of your friends call you Phil. Your name sounds like someone getting punched in the stomach. I'm skipping dinner and getting straight to the. I'd like to cheer her up with a pick up line to boost her confidence. MEAGAN: You accidentally added a second A to your name. Nice harmony. JEREMIAH: Bullfrog. Stupid name for everyone else. Your name will never live up to him. That is not a compliment. ALISA: Alisa. You find a new one. GILBERT: Gilbert and Dilbert walked into a bar. Both stupid names. BROOKE: Let's go fishing! Noooooo.I am. EMMA: Ever read Emma by Jane Austen? EUGENIA: Did your genes give you this stupid name? I have a few names im trying to think up puns for i and want to check that place, but i forgot what it was called, and a google search didnt help:/ (names are morgan, nicky btw) This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics . OR Mother of Jesus. Then punch yourself with your stupid name. LAWRENCE: If only we could strap your name to some horses and quarter it. As per the global trends, Josie has been searched the most in Cotedl voire. Good luck. LUPE: The biggest fiasco? Chaz. You're welcome. BEVERLY: Great name for a set of hills. SHERRIE: I'd love a sherry, to drink away my brains and forget how dumb your name is. What'd you say? Wait, let's go with SheRa instead. PATTY: Cake, patty-cake baker's man, bake me a new name so that you can quit walking around sounding like a moron. / Chad. MARISA: Marissa, Larisa, and Clarissa walked into a bar. JORDAN: Country yes, name, no. CALVIN: Too bad you can't pee on your own name, cause it's stupid. STACEY: Shortened from "Anastasia" because it was too much stupid to deal with. OR Leslie? Time to choose. Name, stupid. - just explaining nonsense. ROSE: A rose by any other name would sound less stupid. JULIO: Next time you're down at the schoolyard, leave your name there. BERNARD: You're a saint for having put up with such a stupid name your whole life. Home to Wayne's World. Pay the penalty. CAROLYN: Your name means, song of happiness. Say it loud and there's music playing. Here's the truth. MARIO: The best-known Mario is a plumber who beats up turtles. All of your friends call you Phil. OK, but what's your first name? KAREN: Karen. BYRON: If Bryan had dyslexia, and was also really stupid. ", DANIELLE: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Daniel.". JEFF: Jeff Daniels: funny actor. He lie. : r/pickuplines Reddit, Nacho Average JOSIE Funny Name Pun Gift T-Shirt, 75 Popular Josie's Mirror Messages ideas | funny food puns , 14 of the most intense Tinder puns ever delivered, Usernames for Josie | Best name ideas for social networks , 73 Spunky Girl Names: Pippa, Romy, and More, 101 Pun Cat Names That Will Make You Laugh In 2022, 25+ Best Cow Puns and Jokes To Lift Your Moo-d Kidadl, 100 Best Boho Hippie Names That Are Totally Far Out Kidadl, The Inlaw Josie Wales History, 154 Funny and Cute Snail Names Animal Names. BOBBIE: Come back when you have a serious name to give me. TRAVIS: Travis Barker is this awesome drummer for Blink182. RENA: That just sounds like the female version of a crappy city in Nevada. JARED: We don't know how you turned eating sandwiches into a career, but, jealous. KENYA: Parents were clearing doing it in the map room after school. SYLVESTER: Suffering succotash, you've got a lame name. YOLANDA: Wait, that's kind of an awesome name. ESTHER: Your name is a star. Your name is stupid. The Stupid Store? MARSHA: Adding an "a" onto a ugly place doesn't bode well. Named for a city so stupid it was conquered by 20 men in a wooden horse. JULIANNE: Latin for "belonging to Julius." Well, you're not. "Really Jose? There's two brothers that work with me at my job. KELLY: Consult the blue book for the value of your used car. LLOYD: Why don't you tack another L on there, you moron. GREG: Greg. BEVERLEY: Great name for a set of hills. MARYANNE: Don't get greedy. GLENDA: Glenda, the bad name for a good witch. 29 comments. ALICE: Alice. BETH: Beth. Walks with a peg. CARLOS: Mencia. JOAQUIN: Get back to work on your movies there, Joaquin. CAROLINE: Hands, touching hands. Come back when you stop spelling your name like an idiot. Fred and Rick. RACHEL: Rachel, a good Biblical name. That's your name? DESIREE: And I desire that you'd get a new name. What's it spell? COLEEN: Do you hear me Coleen your name? FRANKLIN: Franklin. CHESTER: The cheetah? 2021 was also recorded as the year that the first name Josie was used the most, with a total of 2,155 . If you cross it, you'll find a better name. Don't blame me! A place where good names go to die. My co-worker Jose is Guatemalan. Author: There's just no way you are named that and are still alive. and our With pirhanas. JEWELL: Where'd you get that extra L? CREEPY. DEON: Deon. A stupid sticky gross web. "Russian Girls Do It Best. OR Never good as an adjective. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Marissa had the stupidest name. Several times stupider. Your parents must have thought really hard about that one. CASEY: Casey. ROB: How distinguished of you to shorten your proper name down to something so stupid. Because it is stupid. ", JEANNETTE: Yeah, right, and my name is "Shirtette. ROSALIND: Go back to 16th-century England. HERBERT: Your name sucks so hard we should just call you Hoover. DREW: Short for "my parents drew a blank when trying to give me a good name.". ANDREA: A much better name for an opera singer. I don't believe you. TINA: Tina, the ancestrial name of chihuahua dogs everywhere. You were conceived on a beach? RUDY: Get in there kid! No? Stupid name. JAVIER: Jav-i-you ever thought about a name change? MELODY: Sing this out loud right now: "my name is dumb." CHELSEA: Great for soccer. NATASHA: STOP HURTING MOOSES AND SQUIRRELS. Excerpt: A list of 42 Maisie Name puns! ERIC: Eric. a d'eer. Clerks? SHELLEY: Anagram for HELL YES! "I named my dog 5-Miles so now I tell people I walk 5-Miles everyday." MAGGIE: You're trying to hard to sound hip and cool. GWEN: Gwen will you change your name to something better? PHILIP: From the Greek 'Philippos', or "Lover of Horses". You're all alone. Please don't take him just because you can. ANGIE: You should get an Angie-oplasty. SHERYL: Did you know that your name only has one vowel? Fuddddddddddd. Here are some of the Josie name variations that might appear unique as an alternate form of the given name: Josie has been on the social security list since records have been kept. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. WAYNE: Wayne, the most popular stupid name because of the pop icon Bruce --- I mean, Wayne Brady. We've teamed up to tell you this, you have a dumb name. KATHERYN: You spelled Katherine wrong. GALE: Like the wind I feel on my face whenever you talk your stupid words. He hates his name and wishes it could be anything else. FAYE: Your name sounds like a fart blown away by the wind. Your father's legal name must be "Father". But, still a dumb name. Spanish for, the dumb name. 12 1 comment u/OK_Compooper Jan 26 2020 report A Mexican firefighter had twin boys. You have a dumb name. Go to camp. JOSE: Q: What do Jose Canseco and Jose Reyes have in common? FELIX: A more popular cat than you'll ever be. The bartender asks the fireman, "What are their names?" ALEXANDRA: The feminine version of the name "I don't care what your name is.". Give it a rest. / I wish his name was Brad. The sound of air leaving a balloon. CURT: Let's be blunt instead. BRANDI: Should have a Y at the end, like, "Y is your name so stupid?". BRUCE: Bruce Lee Bruce Willis the inspirational stories of people who overcame cripplingly terrible names to become total badasses. Your name makes people think of a sex tape. RAUL: That's one Raul stupid name you got there. Both stupid. No? Oh wait, nevermind, you're not a Judge. ADOLFO: Adding an "O" to your name doesn't hide the fact that your first name is still Adolph. The absence of color. I don't believe you. MAURICE: Some people call me Maurice - but they shouldn't, because that's a dumb name. OR Where in the world - did you get that stupid name? You've done the impossible. KATHY: Kathy. Did you hear about the Mexican Fireman whos wife had twins? Larry had the stupidest name. Body like a barrel. What did the Mexican fire fighter name his twins. "And this is Hose-B". The SSA's 2021 reports showed that Josie was the 130th most popular girl's name. What did the Mexican fire chief name his two sons? Chan. OK, but what's your first name? Congratulations, your name is stupid in two languages. Go away from here with you and your stupid name. She has some awesome jokes and her laugh is beautiful. MARCUS: Marcus: just the name "Mark" but with extra stupid on top. MONIQUE: Monique. MORRIS: If less is more, then morris less., Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. ALFREDO: Alfredo. Dummy. OR Roses are red, violets are blue, your name is David, you have a stupid name. Can you help? SEAN: Hey, Sean. MORTON: Salt. CLIFF: Your stupid name makes me want to jump off one. OR Won't. JUSTIN: Justin time to tell you how stupid your name is. KRISTINE: Too good for a "ch", huh? AILEEN: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. For example; "If Joe (1) and Joe (2) fall in love, are they Jomosexuals?" "If Joe were a Pokmon trainer, would he be from the Johto league?" "If two Joes got into a fight, would it he a Joedown?" Basically so far they've mainly revolved around the name "Joe". CALEB: A classic, solidly stupid Biblical name. Everything. 3. Get it? REBEKAH: You spelled Rebecca wrong. JEAN: Either you're from the 50s or French. Spelling a stupid name. But they all have better names than you. HOMER: d'oh. ROXANNE: Roxanne! HARRY: Not only is your name stupid, but your mom is stupid because she spelled Hairy wrong. We can't improve on that. OR Take a hat. Mind like a feather. That's sad. LARRY: Ha, you were named after a bird. by chickentickler December 24, 2013. The other'sNoway. RON: Don't be shy, type in the full name. ELVIRA: I didn't know you were still relevant, Elvira. 46 Hilarious Josie D'arby Puns - Punstoppable 25+ Best Cow Puns and Jokes To Lift Your Moo-d - Kidadl 110 of the funniest ever jokes and best one-liners from - iNews josie on Twitter: "you like magic puns? JUDITH: For when going by the name "Judy" sounds "too hip.". Baby-names like Josie may be connected via style, image, meaning, or origin. 2023 . SOPHIE: You only have one choice. KRISTI: Haha. RACHELLE: The names Rachael and Michelle had a name baby that should have been aborted. CARLTON: . PHILLIP: From the Greek 'Philippos', or "Lover of Horses". Yours is repulsive. OR Ollie oxen free-all of humanity from your stupid sounding name. GLEN. JACKY: Jacky. RYAN: Like Bryan, but too stupid to remember the B. SABRINA: Not even Sabrina the Witch could cure her name of the stupid. Oh wait, you're not a bad ass. Let me know what you think! AMBER: Amber. Familiar form for the names Josephine or Joanne. With flaming locks of auburn hair. OR From the Hebrew for "son of my days." JUANITA: Juanita, the name you absolutely have to spell when you say it. GENE: We looked deep into your genetic coding. DANTE: Woah. RUBEN: Clearly your parents were hungry when they named you. BRAD: Brad, from a long tradition of "Names of Asshole High School Football Players.". Something that makes you look at it . EVE: Your name reads the same forwards and backwards, in case you forget what direction to read. Full of stupid people. Not. Dane. OR Dude. Let's talk about a development deal. CEDRIC: The entertainer. Her undies leak. Exact Match Keywords:, Top results: The Best Meme Dad Jokes Puns Pinterest Author: Date Published: 19/09/2021 Ratings: 2.55 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: These dad jokes, one-liners and punny jokes will make you laugh or cringe! That's the only thing going for you. A stupid name. OR From the Latin for "I don't care enough about your name to look it up." Get a new name. Tweet. Diego. JIM: Jim. COLE: Put you in your stocking and smoke it. OK, but what's your first name? She has a stupid name. A sticky gross web. Nicholas. Cassie. Like your parents when they picked your name from a hat. You know? FREDA: Do you can your own peaches, Freda? MARISSA: Marissa, Larisa, and Clarissa walked into a bar. KYLE: Kyle. Top results: Summoner names with puns : r/leagueoflegends Reddit Author: Date Published: 16/06/2022 Ratings: 3.95 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: 18 thg 8, 2015 Want to change my summoner name and want it to include a league related pun, preferably funny So far these are my ideas; we missed, Read More League Of Legends Summoner Name PunsContinue, Top results: 250 Best Funny UsernamesCool, Clever Usernames Parade Author: Date Published: 31/12/2021 Ratings: 2.07 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: 30 thg 4, 2022 From funny and cool unique usernames to the best usernames ever, this list of good usernames and funny gamer names is all you need. That short for Elizabeth or Bethany?