If the nonlocal couplings you want to simulate are not included in the built-in features of COMSOL Multiphysics, you can use the strategies youve learned today to implement them. The focus of this blog post is on the transformation T : x_d \rightarrow x_s.. COMSOL Multiphysics offers two coupling operators to specify this mapping: Linear Extrusion operators and General Extrusion operators. Thank you. The default plot shows the von Mises stress. Click replace expression and go to solid mechanics, displacement, and choose total displacement. The Micromixer tutorial, available in our Application Gallery, is an example of such a model. Thank you for your time. The upper layer soil, the lower layer soil, and the retaining wall. The player button feature allows you to see all the excavation depth results in one animation. I would try to clarify further if necessary. The boundary condition at the top side is illustrated below. Name: genext1 Mapping of data between different components in the model to perform submodeling, Mapping between components to extract results on different geometries, 2023 by COMSOL. We need to provide T_d and T_s, such that. Extrusion operators are used to construct pointwise relations between source and destination points. Mapping of data defined on a boundary (left) along the direction normal to the plane and into a volume (right). There are four sets of results showing the deformation of the soil and retaining wall, the plastic deformation, wall deflection, and the surface settlement. Then the naming and differentiation between time and spatial variables is basically a convention issue, the math behind does not really change I apologize of my explanation sounds vague or ambiguous. The plot below shows the temperature evaluated at the focal point of the moving laser: To implement, define a General Extrusion operator on a boundary parallel to the xy-plane, with the z-expression blank for both the Source Map and a Destination Map. To map the solution from one domain into the other domains that are offset by a known displacement along the x-axis, the destination map uses the expression x-Disp for the x-expression. General Extrusions makes simple and intricate aluminum shapes through both long and short production runs. The General Extrusion coupling's 'Mesh search method' is very important for model performance in largers models #resolventtip: Get the best performance out your 'General Extrusion'-coupling in Comsol Two boundary selections have been created and renamed wall_diaphragm and wall_soil. The species concentration (shown in color) is solved in all three repeating domains. Thank you Walter for a wonderful discussion. Given an expression defined on a plane, e.g., the xy-plane, it is desired to map this data along the z direction. Submit feedback about this page or contact support here. If excavating close to a retaining wall, youre subjecting it to additional forces it was not originally designed for, and it may require subsequent support. If you have already computed the solution to the finite element problem, then you can simply evaluate temperature at the destination points by clicking on the update solution option in the Study toolbar, or you can dynamically probe the variable genext1(T) evaluated at a point while you compute the solution to the finite element problem. En fournissant votre adresse email, vous acceptez de recevoir des emails de COMSOL AB et de ses filiales propos du Blog COMSOL, et acceptez que COMSOL traite vos informations conformment sa Politique de confidentialit. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. listed if standards is not an option). To see how this General Extrusion operator maps variables, consider a plane stationary heat conduction problem with the left and right edges at temperatures of 300 K and 400 K, respectively. The geometry has been previously created for this model, but all the steps are outlined in the model file to build the upper and lower layers of the soil, as well as the retaining wall and three embedded struts. The other option is to start with the already excavated geometry, and simulate the excavation using a boundary load. If the structural boundary conditions are not axisymmetric, we can save time by performing an axisymmetric thermal analysis in one component, and then mapping the temperature from the 2D axisymmetric domain to the 3D domain for structural analysis in another component. The General Extrusion operator maps expressions defined on a source to an expression that can be evaluated on any destination geometry where the destination map expressions are valid. The components of this velocity field are now defined in all of the repeated domains via the General Extrusion operator: genext1(u) and genext1(v), respectively. We want a depth ranging from 0 to -26 meters with a step size of two meters. Too simple. To evaluate the temperature at the destination coordinates, you can call the General Extrusion coupling operator with a temperature argument, as genext1(T), where T is the dependent variable name for Temperature. Is it possible to do this within GUI, or do i have to do it via MATLAB? Settings used to map data from a boundary parallel to the xy-plane along the z direction. This can be either an explicit definition of the source point P_s as a function of P_d or an implicit relation between P_d and P_s. When this check box is left unchecked, COMSOL Multiphysics assumes that we have explicit expressions for each coordinate of the source as functions of coordinates of the destination. I need to obtain a whole bunch of data in the variables section, ef., Mass fraction, Density and others. Select the faces that you want to extrude in the Graphics window. In this example, since the x, y, and z-coordinates of the destination map are explicitly specified without any association with the coordinates of a geometric entity, it doesnt matter where we evaluate the General Extrusion coupling operator. To implement, define a General Extrusion operator on a boundary parallel to the xy-plane, with the z-expression blank for both the Source Map and a Destination Map. Mapping of data defined on a boundary (left) along the direction normal to the plane and into a volume (right). It can be used for a variety of different purposes, examples of which are presented here. COMSOL provides Model Coupling Operators to implement such a mapping. As the soil is removed, the support it supplies is removed as well, subjecting the retaining wall to soil stresses from the non-excavated side. To do so, you can use General Extrusion operators to map the fields from the stator to the slider. Settings used to revolve data about the azimuthal axis of a cylindrical coordinate system. Standard and precision custom aluminum extrusions in 3000 and 6000 series alloys; Complete aluminum extrusion components including your finish requirements. However, if we want to use variables from a 2D axisymmetric component in the physics node of a 3D component (i.e., thermal expansion), we need to utilize General Extrusion operators. An example of defining such a rotation matrix is detailed in this previous blog post. Please can you explain what I am doing wrong? Note that the source map needs to be one-to-one for the inverse to exist. The operator genext1 is not known inside the 3D component comp2; neither is T. If we want to use the temperature from the 2D axisymmetric component as an input in the 3D component, we have to use comp1.genext1(comp1.T). Currently we are ISO 9001 certified. Settings used to revolve data about the azimuthal axis of a cylindrical coordinate system. Temperature evaluated at a point on the geometry corresponding to the focal point of the moving laser. listed if standards is not an option). FIGURE 1. COMSOL Multiphysics includes built-in features pertaining to such physical effects. In the COMSOL multiphysics user guide you can find a better explanation of how to use the general projection operator. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version Settings used to map data from a boundary parallel to the xy-plane along the z direction. General Extrusions, Inc. can provide complete aluminum extrusion components including your finish requirements. From such source-destination pairs, one can infer the general mapping from superposition. Lets begin by looking at a microfluidic device, as shown below. so we choose 0.6 to be on the safe side. Take a look at the figure below. Mapping of data between different components in the model to perform submodeling, Mapping between components to extract results on different geometries. This time in the x direction and using the second general extrusion operator in the u0 field. Why Do Road and Mountain Bikes Have Different Spoke Patterns? Posted 15 feb 2011, 16:18 UTC Second, I used the defined the Variable Disp three times as in the images above but with different values (with increments in the periodic direction specified) while the destination map setting had as input z-Disp as suggested above but I got the error Error in multiphysics compilation. Duplicate parameter/variable name. I suppose by point 2 you are referring to the second plot. this defines if you should us a linear or general Extrusion or Projection For the 2D model, I have computed the expression u(x,y). Now that the velocity field is defined throughout the modeling domain, the species concentration at the inlet is defined via the Inflow boundary condition. In this example, one expression is sufficient enough to uniquely relate any destination point in the square domain to a source point on the parabolic curve. To add a General Extrusion operator, we go to Definitions > Component Couplings > General Extrusion. 3M dof and can be solved in 86s, when no gaps are present and we can rely on a conforming mesh). The periodic velocity field, indicated by the arrows, is solved in one domain and mapped into the others. The General Extrusion operator is used to define the velocity field in all three periodic domains. Sample data defined on the xy-plane, centered at the origin. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. Where might you use it in your multiphysics modeling? In fact, a shortcut can be made by using the expression genext2(V)-genext1(V) for the voltage difference, regardless of which side it is being applied. All selected faces must lie in the same plane. I have an equation involving u(x,y), but instead of using a stationary solver I reformulate the equation as something like u(x,t), where the variable y plays a similar role as t, and hence solvable using the time dependent solver in 1D model. Take a look at the figure below. In an upcoming blog post, we will walk you through how to use the operator to map cross-sectional data from one or several cross sections onto another cross section for geometries where the cross section dimensions do not change over the length of interest. The General Extrusion operator maps expressions defined on a source to an expression that can be evaluated on any destination geometry where the destination map expressions are valid. An Outlet boundary condition is applied at the other end. This applies a varying species concentration over the inlet boundary. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions! The corresponding normal current density for the Normal Current Density 2 node applied to edge 3 is -Js*(exp((V-genext1(V))/kTbyq)-1). Adding a General Extrusion coupling operator.The green vector field is the transport term used to model the wafer rotation. For such a unit cell model, the walls of the channels are set to the Wall, No Slip condition. However, in general, we need to write the mathematical expression for the mapping. we first need to invert the expression L=\frac{x_s}{2}\sqrt{1+4(\frac{x_s}{d})^2}+\frac{d}{4}\ln(2\frac{x_s}{d}+\sqrt{1+4(\frac{x_s}{d})^2}) and write x_s in terms of L. Thats no fun at all! Sample data defined on the xy-plane, centered at the origin. General Extrusions makes no exclusions with its extrusions. The General Extrusion operator maps expressions defined on a source to an expression that can be evaluated on any destination geometry where the destination map expressions are valid. We want an operator that will copy from a point on the parabola to a point in the square, such that the distance of the destination point from the origin is equal to the length of the segment of the parabola between the origin and the source point. The rest of the boundary loads will describe the three struts. The following types of Extrusion Coupling Operators are available: I am trying to implement the Periodic Boundary condition in a 3D model by following your post but I have some questions. Here, V refers to the electric potential at a point on the bottom side, while genext1(V) refers to the electric potential vertically on the top side. Now you know how to use the General Extrusion coupling operator to probe a solution at a moving point. When modelling in Comsol Multiphysics, we often have to map between entities a few examples: For these purposes the General Extrusion coupling is very powerful but it can also slow down solution of your model dramatically lets look at a, slightly artificial but illustrative, example. BLOG Using the General Extrusion Coupling Operator in COMSOL: Dynamic Probe BLOG Accessing Nonlocal Variables with Linear Extrusion Operators KNOWLEDGE BASE Understanding the Fully Coupled vs. It is really a helpful example. A general extrusion operator can be evaluated at any point where the destination map expressions are defined. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Mit der Anmeldung erklre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass COMSOL meine Daten gem meinen Prferenzen und wie in der Datenschutzerklrung von COMSOL beschrieben erfasst, speichert und verarbeitet. For the y-axis data, the expression is y, and for the x axis, the expression is u, with millimeters as units. The periodic modeling domain and the fluid flow solution. A little calculus gives us the arc length of the parabola between the origin and the source point (x,y). In our earlier blog post on Linear Extrusion operators, we considered an affine mapping that pairs up points 1, 4, and 2 in the source domain to points 1, 5, and 3 in the destination domain. The same transforms can be implemented in three dimensions. The boundary load applies a force on the excavation side of the retaining wall, equal to (and therefore negating) the in-situ stresses, for any part of the wall that is below the virtual excavation depth. Such devices feature small channels that are filled with fluids carrying different chemical species. Add boundary 8 and change the y-axis data expression to v and use millimeters as the unit. Each side of the junction becomes a source entity in one of the extrusion operators, as depicted below. Within their design, a common goal is to achieve optimal mixing within a small surface area, hence the serpentine channel. The parabola is the source. Hi Extruding Data Along a Direction Currently we are ISO 9001 certified. The model is solved in two steps first, the Laminar Flow physics interface is solved, and then the Transport of Diluted Species interface is solved. With a voltage terminal at the bottom of the device and ground at the top of the device, the following results are obtained. Data transfer between components is performed using the COMSOL built-in "General Extrusion" coupling operator, and the iterative study steps are controlled using "For" and "End For" nodes in COMSOL. Using source and destination maps to define implicit relations between source and destination coordinates in a General Extrusion operator. Submit feedback about this page or contact support here. Unknown function or operator. We are then looking at the problem of evaluating the temperature at a point that follows the rotating wafer material. http://www.comsol.com/model/laser-heating-of-a-silicon-wafer-13835, Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics. Note: This discussion is about an older version of the COMSOL Multiphysics . The results of the analysis, including the concentration and the mapped velocity field, are depicted below. Note that V refers to the electric potential at a point on the top side while genext2(V) refers to the electric potential vertically on the bottom side. This approach helps avoid confusion if there is an extrusion or another operator also called genext1 or another variable called T in the second component. Schematic of a microfluidic mixer that depicts the repeated unit cell and the inlet and outlet zones. General extrusion is one way to couple. Struts are activated once the excavation reaches their depths by using a boolean expression. Oftentimes, however, we may not have explicit expressions. The settings for this feature are illustrated below. Select the top strut and then total force as the load type. Lets now explore how to use a General Extrusion operator to copy data from a 2D axisymmetric component to a 3D component, such that the source and destination points correspond to the same point in space. We can choose a prescribed displacement to make sure the soil at boundary 4 only moves in the y direction. A linear mapping built using a General Extrusion operator. Once the model has finished computing we can add some post processing to better view the results. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. There are some models. Any affine transformation can be expressed as the sum of a linear transformation and a translation operation. It can be used for a variety of different purposes, examples of which are presented here. Using a General Extrusion operator to refer to the electric potential at a point on the other side of the junction. Consider thermal expansion with axisymmetric thermal boundary conditions and material properties. At any given time, the (x, y, z) coordinates of this point are given by: (0.5[in]*cos(t), 0.5[in]*sin(t), 2.75e-4[m]), where is the angular velocity of the rotating wafer disk. Then the naming and differentiation between time and spatial variables is . I have only one small question, if you dont mind, you could maybe write the expressions of the variable disp. Modeling an Excavation in COMSOL. Sometimes, we may want to access an integral, average, maximum, or minimum over a source line, surface, or volume. Click the player button again to view all the parameter values in succession. The Graphics Window: Effective and Beautiful Postprocessing, Generating Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshows from Your Models, Combining Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Data Filtering. Enter the expression for the general extrusion operator from earlier. When it comes to general nonlinear mappings, General Extrusion operators are necessary. For affine relations, General Extrusion operators can be used as an alternative to Linear Extrusion operators. Example 1 In our earlier blog post on Linear Extrusion operators, we considered an affine mapping that pairs up points 1, 4, and 2 in the source domain to points 1, 5, and 3 in the destination domain. Now, if desired, it is possible to model the entire device shown above. The incident heat flux from the laser is modeled as spatially varying, with time varying coordinates for the location of the incident heat flux. Add depth as the continuation parameter, and click the range button. Then we add three distributions, one corresponding to each of the mapped mesh distributions. The materials have already been created and set up for this model. Now we will use the operators in the physics nodes to implement the boundary conditions. Welcome to General Extrusions Inc. A typical microfluidic device. COMSOL Multiphysics filled in x and y in the first case and r and z in the second case. Once a strut is activated, it will generate a force proportional to the struts stiffness and the horizontal displacement. Mapping of data between different components in the model to perform submodeling, Mapping between components to extract results on different geometries. Settings for the General Extrusion operator defined on the stator boundary. Therefore, we can greatly reduce our model by solving only for the fluid flow within one unit cell and patterning this flow solution throughout the modeling domain for the convection-diffusion problem. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version General Extrusions specializes in providing secondary fabrication operations to transition an aluminum extrusion to a finished component. Good luck Why are all the domains selected? Gaining Understanding of Complex Phenomena with Virtual Laboratories, The Graphics Window: Effective and Beautiful Postprocessing, How to Use Maximum Likelihood for Parameter Estimation in COMSOL, Thank you for your Blog. Left: Temperature varies linearly from left to right. The reason is that x^i and y^i are indices for the first and second pairs of expressions used to define the source-destination relationship implicitly. x_s = ax_d + by_d + e, \qquad y_s = cx_d + dy_d + f. r_s = \sqrt{x_d^2 + y_d^2}, \qquad z_s = z_d. Temperature evaluated at a point on the rotating wafer. Both cases involve mapping between points that share the same x-coordinate. We can tag the different sides as 1 and 2, as illustrated in the figure below. As you can see, they are in the same location but are different boundaries. A similar boundary condition is used on the bottom side of the junction. The effect of the rotation of the wafer is modeled through a transport term in the governing heat transfer equation: The transport term in this equation, \bf{u}, is used to account for the rotation of the wafer, so it is not necessary to explicitly rotate the geometry. Email: support@comsol.com. Settings used to revolve data about the azimuthal axis of a cylindrical coordinate system. This computed flow field can then be used as input for the convection-diffusion equation governing the species concentration. Now that the velocity field is defined throughout the modeling domain, the species concentration at the inlet is defined via the Inflow boundary condition. Schematic diagram of COMSOL coupling with external code RMC. Create the ramp function for activating the struts. This moving load is then transformed into the rotating coordinate system via the General . I believe so, you need to define how your "y" is reduced, that is is it simply dropped or do you integrate along y ? In this example, a 26-meter excavation is modeled by means of a parametric sweep, with a step size of 2 meters. And when you check the legends box, the plot will automatically be generated. Previously on the blog, we introduced you to Linear Extrusion operators and demonstrated their use in mapping variables between a source and a destination. The parameters J_s, q, k, \textrm{and } T represent the following, respectively: the saturation current density, the electronic charge, Boltzmanns constant, and temperature. Now that we know how to find the corresponding coordinates of the source point, given any point (x,y) in the destination, we enter the right-hand side of the above equation (without the subscripts) in the destination map of the General Extrusion settings window. General Extrusion, Linear Extrusion . have some questions. For circular periodicity, a rotation matrix, not a linear shift, must be used in the destination map. The electric potential on one side of the gap is accessed from the other side by using an extrusion operator in order to compute the current density flowing across the gap. I hope I have not missed it. Center: Temperature along the parabola. Stay tuned! There are two ways to model an excavation in COMSOL Multiphysics, both of which include a parametric sweep. This will allow you to compare different cross-sectional data and evaluate measures such as maximum, minimum, and average over several cross sections. Submit feedback about this page or contact support here. When using Linear Extrusion operators, we visually indicate the mappings for enough points (bases) and COMSOL Multiphysics figures out how to transform the remaining points. Ce consentement peut tre retir tout moment. To implement, define a General Extrusion operator on a boundary parallel to the xy-plane, with the z-expression blank for both the Source Map and a Destination Map. As in Example 1, we enter the expression on the right-hand side in the destination map. Note: This discussion is about an older version of the COMSOLMultiphysics software. Today, we will discuss General Extrusion operators, which are designed to handle nonlinear mappings and the mapping of variables between geometric entities of different dimensions. I have defined a general extrusion coupling operator to obtain the dependent variable (in my heat transfer case, the temperature "T") at a boundary. Similar to the first two, for the third strut, add the third strut boundary and change stage 2 to stage 3. FIGURE 1. Online Support Center: https://www.comsol.com/support The General Extrusion operator maps expressions defined on a source to an expression that can be evaluated on any destination geometry where the destination map expressions are valid. We can then consider examples in which the General Extrusion operator must be used. Mapping of data defined on a boundary (left) along the direction normal to the plane and into a volume (right). It contained both the high and low points for that academic semester; the lab portion was a lot of fun, learning about (read: playing with) the different soils and clays existing in the state of Georgia. For . This time in the x direction and using the second general extrusion operator in the u0 field. For example, if the intermediate mesh is in 2D space, there is no z-expression field. But finally COMSOL basics is a PDE solver tool for a given subset of useful functions, of the type used for common physics (that fits in the global or coefficient form. They appear in the Input faces list. Here, the p-n junction in a diode is represented by a thin gap in the geometry. For example, to map data from a boundary around a centerline, introduce a cylindrical system, and use those coordinate system variables to define the source and destination map. \frac{x_s}{2}\sqrt{1+4(\frac{x_s}{d})^2}+\frac{d}{4}\ln(2\frac{x_s}{d}+\sqrt{1+4(\frac{x_s}{d})^2}) = \sqrt{x_d^2+y_d^2}. To add a General Extrusion operator, we go to Definitions > Component Couplings > General Extrusion. Variable: comp1.Disp. We can similarly evaluate the temperature at any other point. Computing and Visualizing Satellite Orbits in COMSOL, Introduction to the Elastic Waves, Time Explicit Interface. To explore the use of General Extrusion operators in other types of situations, consult the following blog posts: By providing your email address, you consent to receive emails from COMSOL AB and its affiliates about the COMSOL Blog, and agree that COMSOL may process your information according to its Privacy Policy. Mapping of data defined on a cross section (left) around an axis of symmetry and into a volume (right). The General Extrusion operator will map data from the boundary into the volume, along the z direction, as shown in the following screenshots. I have a 1D model (time dependent) and a 2D model (stationary). Add a soil plasticity node and you can see that the yield criterion is DruckerPrager, but we still want to match it to the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Disp is defined as one of three different scalars (0,1.5,3 mm) as per the fourth figure. In this model, a laser moves radially inwards and outwards over a silicon wafer that is rotating on its stage.

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