with a share capital, whose main objects of incorporation are the acquisition of lands in or near the city of St. John's, and the building and making on the lands of dwelling houses of moderate size and improvements and conveniences, to be rented at moderate rents, may petition the council to guarantee its securities, to enable or help it to raise money to carry out those main objects. 202. Rep. by 1995 cL-16.1 s30(3) 329. All rights reserved. Rules, regulations or by-laws may be made under subsection (1) adopting by reference and applying in whole or in part the National Building Code of Canada or the shorter form of the National Building Code of Canada. (1)A member of the fire department shall not strike. Power of medical officer and council. The council shall fix the remuneration of the members of the board of arbitrators and, where it orders the payment of that remuneration, fix and pay the remuneration of the city negotiator. as principal or, where so authorized, as agent of the province, to enter into an agreement with the Government of Canada, the government of the province and a federal or provincial housing corporation or organization, relating to a land assembly or housing project for the provision of dwelling houses within or outside the limits of the city which the council considers desirable and whether carried on under the National Housing Act (a) (9) prescribing penalties for failing to comply with or otherwise contravening the regulations made under this section, provided that, for an offence which may be dealt with under regulations made under paragraph (h), the penalty that may be imposed shall not exceed those specified in that paragraph; (h) 373. Duration of agreement (3) (4) this 1973 No16 s10; 1974 No57 Sch C; 1986 c42 Sch A; "I, A.B., swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability faithfully perform the duties of a member of this development appeal board under and according to section 396 of the, that fine shall be collected and recovered from that person in the same manner that taxes and assessments may be collected and recovered under the. 253. (2) . (10) The revocation of the appointment of an arbitrator under subsection (8) shall not impair the right of the remaining arbitrators to act in conjunction with the arbitrator appointed to replace the arbitrator whose appointment has been revoked, and, where an arbitrator is appointed under subsection (8), that arbitrator shall proceed as if he or she had been a member of the board of arbitrators originally appointed. (3) The lands and all buildings on the lands, the lakes and water supply of the city, the water mains, service pipe, hydrants and all other property connected with the water supply of the city, the sewers and sewer pipes, the soil and freehold of every street now open, whether acquired by original grant, or by the user, purchase, gift or bequest, or which afterward may be acquired, are vested in the City of St. John's and shall be held and occupied by the city for the public and common benefit and use of the city, according to the intent of the original grant, purchase, gift, bequest or acquisition. divulge a matter or thing that it is his or her duty to keep secret; (h) (v) The regulations define development broadly. (1)The assisted company may, with the approval of the council, pass a by-law providing for redeeming or getting in, upon the plan and terms and at the times that may be considered best, the whole or part of the outstanding shares in the capital stock of the Company. 129. 141. 232. and contained within the area bounded on the north by Forest Road Use of Coat of Arms (2) 295. (1)The council shall prepare the following plans. the house or premises are in a condition that is a nuisance, within the meaning of this Act, or are in a state of defective sanitation, or are not in reasonably good repair; or. 148. Change in plans The council may enter into a contract with a person, firm or company for the supply or installation of the water meters referred to in paragraph (1)(c) and to secure the payment of the cost of the meters or the installation of them by a first charge upon all water taxes received in respect of premises in which the meters are installed and to issue debentures of the city securing payment of the cost of the meters. , shall apply. giving notice to the convicting Provincial Court and 2 daily newspapers published in the city. (3) MN. Bonding of employees 217. The council is empowered to lease to the Newfoundland Amateur Athletic Association a portion of the eastern section of the lands referred to in subsection (1) on the north side of Quidi General Regulations. The council shall have power by regulation to designate lands or areas in the city and prohibit the erection of buildings on those lands or in the areas either absolutely or for the period or subject to the conditions that the council may determine and the regulations may vary in the application of a condition or restriction to a particular land or area. Right of entry (3) (2) (1)In this section, "public nuisance" includes buildings or erections erected or constructed and excavations made and all matters and things done or created in contravention of this Act, or of an order, rule, regulation or by-law made by the council under this Act. The council shall specify what employees are to be bonded, the amounts for which they are to be bonded and the terms and conditions and sureties applicable, and different amounts, terms, conditions and sureties may be specified in regard to different employees. (1)All those lands situated on the north side of Quidi Vidi Lake between the Lake and the road on the north side of the lake now vested in the city and all other lands bordering Quidi Vidi Lake owned by or under the control of the council and including the lands situated on the north side of the river flowing into Quidi Vidi Lake and lying between King's Bridge Road and the waters of Quidi Vidi Lake known as Quidi Vidi Park shall be held by the city in trust for the public for the purpose of a public park. City Council. (4) Mortgagee liability A person wishing to develop or subdivide land shall, before a construction taking place in or on or in respect of the development or subdivision of the land, grant and convey for a nominal consideration of $1 all easements, licences and rights-of-way over the land that a power, telephone or public utility company may reasonably require for poles, standards, supports, wires, conduits, culverts or lines for the purpose of transmission or distribution of electrical energy or telephone or public utility services to a part of the land, provided that the deed of grant of an easement, licence or right-of-way shall be prepared free of charge by a power, telephone or public utility company and shall be in the form and contain the conditions that are approved by the council. those codes and standards shall comply with the requirements of section 9 of that Act and shall be equivalent to or of a higher standard than the codes or standards adopted under section 8 of the Fire Protection Services Act 340.10 (2) Requisition for purchase (3) A privy or cesspool shall not be permitted within the city limits except for temporary purposes and by special permission, but the council shall have power to permit the use of septic tanks in localities where sewage connections are impossible, provided they are constructed and used according to the rules and regulations provided. (2) Urban experiences rarely get this beautiful. In this section, "economic development" means the continuation, expansion or establishment of a business or industry. (4) is liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $20 and in default of payment, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 60 days. Improvements affect rent the division of the area into zones; (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act or another Act, the council may, without the approval of the Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs, borrow money from a chartered bank in Canada for the interim financing of the council for a purpose authorized by this Act, but the total borrowing of council under this section shall not exceed $1,500,000. applies to a referendum held under subsection (1), where it is reasonably applicable. 14, and the Act 1 Ed. procedure and other matters in respect of meetings of the regional committee of the council; (b) 375. 384. refuses to permit the appraisers to enter and inspect the premises occupied by him or her for the purpose of assessing the value of the premises. The licence fee referred to in subsection (4) shall be paid in advance on the morning of each day of operation or intended operation and it shall be a condition of a licence for the operation of a circus issued to a person under this section that the licence shall be automatically cancelled upon failure of the licensee to make payment in advance on a day of an amount payable under this subsection. Electronic versions of City of Saint John by-laws, in the "Helpful Links" section, are provided for your convenience. (b) The council shall have power to pass rules and regulations, for the better protection of the city from fire and in the parts of the city that they may consider necessary to require that firebreaks shall be left at the intervals that they may consider advisable. (3) (4) Where a party wishes to build on his or her own land, and, for the purpose of the building, uses a wall already built by another party upon the adjoining land, the council shall, upon application of either party, summon the parties and after hearing the parties, direct that the party building shall have the use of the wall to the extent required by him or her upon paying the proportion of the original cost of it that the council considers just; which proportion may be recovered by the party entitled to it in the manner provided in this section. 385. (b) Sidewalk construction Notwithstanding another Act or law, all streets and roads within the boundaries of the city as fixed and delimited by order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council dated December 10, 1963, or that may be fixed and delimited by Order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council are vested in the city. The council shall not be bound by the recommendations referred to in subsection (3), but shall take them into account in arriving at its decision on the application, from which decision there shall be no appeal. Interference or destruction A building which is constructed in contravention of this Act is a nuisance, and may be abated accordingly. "I, A.B., swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully, truly and impartially, to the best of my knowledge and ability, execute and perform the duties of an arbitrator on the board of arbitrators appointed under section 340.19, "I, A.B., swear (or affirm) that I will to the best of my ability faithfully perform the duties of a member of this development appeal board under and according to section 392 of the. and all other necessary changes in wording being made that are necessary to adapt the sections to the purpose of this section. It shall be the duty of a person digging or tearing up a pavement or digging a hole, ditch, drain or sewer in a street as speedily as possible to repair and put the pavement or street in as good order as before, and the person shall keep the surface of the street where the work is done in good condition to the satisfaction of the city engineer for the period that the council may require but the period shall be at least 12 months from the date of the issue of a permit under section 134. Notwithstanding subsection (2), where 50% or more of the members of the fire department belong to an association, a request made under subsection (2) shall be made by that association, and subsection (2) shall apply to that request. (2) 162. The council may provide insurance plans of various kinds, including liability, life and health, accident and sickness for members of council and may make the grants from the general funds of the city that may be required for that purpose and the council may enter into arrangements with insurance companies and other companies in connection with insurance plans that it considers advisable and the insurance may be either on the contributory or on the non-contributory principle. ; (b) the costs and benefits of the preservation; and. A person who throws stones or ballast or anything else injurious or hurtful into the harbour of St. John's shall, for every offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding $50, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 50 days.

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