These variables include gender egalitarianism, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, and human orientation. On the other hand, some researchers try to look for differences between people's personalities across cultures. Which of the following countries is considered a high-context UNESCO, 2016, p 73. Rein Raud, building on the work of Umberto Eco, Pierre Bourdieu and Jeffrey C. Alexander, has proposed a model of cultural change based on claims and bids, which are judged by their cognitive adequacy and endorsed or not endorsed by the symbolic authority of the cultural community in question. Do you think Homer Plessy was rash or courageous for challenging the law requiring separate rail cars for African Americans and whites? Mexico Social media are playing an increasingly prominent role in business. b. c. d. Response Feedback: Which of the following countries represents a high-context culture? c. Which of the following countries represents a high-context culture? b. Answer: c. Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. They saw patterns of consumption and leisure as determined by relations of production, which led them to focus on class relations and the organization of production.[43][44]. In 2004, its first comprehensive volume on "Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies" was published, based on results from about 17,300 middle managers from 951 organizations in the food processing, financial services, and telecommunications services industries. China EXCEPT mass culture). Do I really want to write this message? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. 3) "Ritual and Social Change: A Javanese Example", Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. Which of the following is not a dimension of culture? is created by a structured educational system. In this field researchers often concentrate on how particular phenomena relate to matters of ideology, nationality, ethnicity, social class, and/or gender. c. All are benefits of a diverse work environment. High context cultures are those in which communication is largely implied rather than explicit. sold abroad, (c) India requires the domestic purchase of solar products, (d) The U.S. imposes a tariff-rate quota on sugar. a. copyright 2003-2023 This means that the members' identity is heavily rooted in groups, i.e., families and work units. Japan and China are some of the best examples of high-context cultures, in addition to Brazil, Argentina, Spain, and many nations throughout Africa and the Middle East. Another facet of the Romantic movement was an interest in folklore, which led to identifying a "culture" among non-elites. This page titled 1.5: Taxonomies of Cultural Patterns is shared under a CC BY license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Tammera Stokes Rice. Cultural sociologists tend to reject scientific methods, instead hermeneutically focusing on words, artifacts and symbols. Against this intellectual cowardice, Kant urged: "Sapere Aude" ("Dare to be wise!"). Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? In the wider social sciences, the theoretical perspective of cultural materialism holds that human symbolic culture arises from the material conditions of human life, as humans create the conditions for physical survival, and that the basis of culture is found in evolved biological dispositions. culture? d. Environmental conditions may also enter as factors. The second covers the variables that represent the "social orientation" of societies, i.e., the attitudes and lifestyles of their members. As the field developed, it began to combine political economy, communication, sociology, social theory, literary theory, media theory, film/video studies, cultural anthropology, philosophy, museum studies, and art history to study cultural phenomena or cultural texts. 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Relying on context and feeling 35. Scholars in the United Kingdom and the United States developed somewhat different versions of cultural studies after the late 1970s. Which of the following countries represents a high-context culture? All other. Answer: d. business ethics. For example, the U.S. feminist movement involved new practices that produced a shift in gender relations, altering both gender and economic structures. Japan Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? Analyzing Adapting Anticipating, Adapting your message to the task and audience requires empathy, which means putting yourself in the other person's shoes. [14] In this context, modernization could be viewed as adoption of Enlightenment era beliefs and practices, such as science, rationalism, industry, commerce, democracy, and the notion of progress. a. teaches, 31. This strain of thinking has some influence from the Frankfurt School, but especially from the structuralist Marxism of Louis Althusser and others. The acceptance of the privileges that come with power; An expectation of power differences and inequality. b. Exploring the Life and Legacy of the Ancient Greek Mathematician, Are Fairlife Protein Shakes Healthy? succeed. Because of social media, communicators can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past. Mass culture refers to the mass-produced and mass mediated forms of consumer culture that emerged in the 20th century. Moreover, Herder proposed a collective form of Bildung: "For Herder, Bildung was the totality of experiences that provide a coherent identity, and sense of common destiny, to a people."[22]. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. North Americans value straightforwardness and are suspicious of evasiveness. In the United Kingdom, sociologists and other scholars influenced by Marxism such as Stuart Hall (19322014) and Raymond Williams (19211988) developed cultural studies. When speaking with someone for whom English is a second language, you should talk slowly, enunciate clearly, check frequently for comprehension, observe eye messages, listen without interrupting, and. Thus, there is now a growing group of sociologists of culture who are, confusingly, not cultural sociologists. Culture is shaped by attitudes learned in adulthood. b. b. His employees are continually late to work and it is affecting appointment workflow. They also depend little. Power distance "Tylor, Edward B(urnett)". High-context communication relies on a high degree of commonality between the individuals. tolerance of the following countries would be considered individualistic cultures: Which Kim, Uichol (2001). \underline{\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad}\\ \underline{\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad} d. _________ is defined as the perception of membership in a group that is part of an encompassing culture. Family and community play an important role in shaping the culture of Japan. For example, Japan has a more individualistic approach to problem solving, whereas China and South Korea tend to be more collectivist. Low-Context Culture Communication & Examples | What Is Low-Context Culture? [5] Non-material culture refers to the non-physical ideas that individuals have about their culture, including values, belief systems, rules, norms, morals, language, organizations, and institutions, while material culture is the physical evidence of a culture in the objects and architecture they make or have made. Norway The theory of Hofstede's cultural dimensions constitutes a framework revolving around cross-cultural communication, which was devised by Geert Hofstede. In the United States, Lindlof and Taylor write, "cultural studies [were] grounded in a pragmatic, liberal-pluralist tradition. They criticize the Marxist assumption of a single, dominant meaning, shared by all, for any cultural product. On the other hand, it has posed challenges for preserving a high context culture, as certain aspects of the culture may be lost in the process of global integration. In the words of anthropologist E.B. Culture is considered a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies. [65][66] The Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions deal with the protection of culture. The Role of Perception & Bias in Intercultural Communication. Diverse organizations create products demanded by consumers and experience improved employee relationships and increased productivity. and how much they try to avoid them is known as: ______ A comparatively static, more conventional mentality; Emphasis on reciprocation of gifts, favors, and greetings; Negative association with economic growth. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions: Theory, Purpose & Types | What is Cultural Dimension? Sometimes "culture" is also used to describe specific practices within a subgroup of a society, a subculture (e.g. Tolerance We will look at how the country's culture . Kindly login to access the content at no cost. In 1795, the Prussian linguist and philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt (17671835) called for an anthropology that would synthesize Kant's and Herder's interests. "[52] The American version of cultural studies initially concerned itself more with understanding the subjective and appropriative side of audience reactions to, and uses of, mass culture; for example, American cultural-studies advocates wrote about the liberatory aspects of fandom. 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[71][72][73], This article is about culture as used in the social sciences and humanities. Answer Key. c. b. This culture or common heritage has nothing to do with a common gene pool, formal education, or laws. Which communication technology is used by companies today? The dimensions collectively portray the impact of the culture ingrained in society on the values of the members of that society. Cultures are externally affected via contact between societies. 1784. A second major volume, "Culture and Leadership across the World: The GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies" became available in early 2007. "Direct borrowing," on the other hand, tends to refer to technological or tangible diffusion from one culture to another. However, the concept may also apply to corporations, professions and other cultural groups, as well as to settings such as online and offline communication. 32. Japan is a country with a high-context culture. Read:Discussion Background and answer all, You work for an auto manufacturer designing brake systems, but you do not have a dedicated team. The notion that they hold unique beliefs. promoting from within. Why does China limit its exports of rare-earth minerals? Immanuel Kant (17241804) formulated an individualist definition of "enlightenment" similar to the concept of bildung: "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. 2) It is also intended to affect the particularly sensitive cultural memory, the growing cultural diversity and the economic basis (such as tourism) of a state, region or municipality. Social media always makes individuals of various cultures feel connected. [23] According to this school of thought, each ethnic group has a distinct worldview that is incommensurable with the worldviews of other groups. [31] In the process, he redefined culture as a diverse set of activities characteristic of all human societies. Collectivism I: (Institutional) The degree to which organizational and societal institutional practices encourage and reward collective distribution of resources and collective action. Japan Norway Germany Japan United States Rationale: Japan, along with China and Arab countries, is a high-context culture. Samuel Pufendorf took over this metaphor in a modern context, meaning something similar, but no longer assuming that philosophy was man's natural perfection. Group of answer choices Answer: c. Tolerance is defined as the perception of membership in a group that is part of an Benevolence has little or no significance; Much value is associated with mastery of people, nature, job, and the like; Sense of humor, intelligence, affection, personality are considered preferred characteristic traits of a boyfriend by the women; Understanding, wealth, and health are considered desirable characteristic traits of a husband by the women. Edward T. Hall introduced the concept of high-context cultures, which he defined as cultures whose rules of communication rely heavily on contextual elements. follow up important messages in writing. Although more inclusive than earlier views, this approach to culture still allowed for distinctions between "civilized" and "primitive" or "tribal" cultures. c. In order to gain a better understanding of Japans high context culture, we interviewed several people who have lived and worked in the country. High-context cultures are collectivist, value interpersonal relationships, and have members that form stable, close relationships. There are a lot of countries in the world that are culturally high context and some are low context. For sociologist Georg Simmel (18581918), culture referred to "the cultivation of individuals through the agency of external forms which have been objectified in the course of history. Humane Orientation: The degree to which people encourage others to be fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and king, The "Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness" (GLOBE) Research Program was conceived in 1991 by Robert J. Finally, the language also includes a variety of nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, hand gestures, and tone of voice. All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. "[27] This concept of culture is also comparable to the German concept of bildung: "culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world. Emphasis on a relationship order depending on status, and observance of this order; Emphasis on persistence and perseverance; Positive association with economic growth; Inclination toward interrelatedness represented in sensitivity toward social contacts. Which of the following is an example of an export control? (a) Justin Bieber Thompson, and Raymond Williams, and later that of Stuart Hall and others at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham. Power Distance Index & Examples | What is Power Distance? a. (c) Michael Jordan [15], Cultural invention has come to mean any innovation that is new and found to be useful to a group of people and expressed in their behavior but which does not exist as a physical object. They build on findings by Hofstede (1980), Schwartz (1994), Smith (1995), Inglehart (1997), and others. [citation needed], Raimon Panikkar identified 29 ways in which cultural change can be brought about, including growth, development, evolution, involution, renovation, reconception, reform, innovation, revivalism, revolution, mutation, progress, diffusion, osmosis, borrowing, eclecticism, syncretism, modernization, indigenization, and transformation. [58]:158168[59] Culture psychologists began to try to explore the relationship between emotions and culture, and answer whether the human mind is independent from culture. Humans acquire culture through the learning processes of . 1) Which of the following countries is considered a high-context culture? Culture combines the visible and invisible. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress "[24] He proposed that a scientific comparison of all human societies would reveal that distinct worldviews consisted of the same basic elements. Unequal relationships existing between people ensure the stability of society. on the context of a situation to convey their meaning. The modern term "culture" is based on a term used by the ancient Roman orator Cicero in his Tusculanae Disputationes, where he wrote of a cultivation of the soul or "cultura animi,"[6] using an agricultural metaphor for the development of a philosophical soul, understood teleologically as the highest possible ideal for human development. a. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us These include works from South America and North America, which includes Central America and Greenland.The Siberian Yupiit, who have great cultural overlap with Native Alaskan Yupiit, are also included. High-context cultures promote the development of ingroups. Following nineteenth-century Romantics, they identified culture with consumption goods and leisure activities (such as art, music, film, food, sports, and clothing). [25] This view paved the way for the modern understanding of culture. d. Japan. b. a. [48] Cultural studies is concerned with the meaning and practices of everyday life. A further and recent approach is comparative cultural studies, based on the disciplines of comparative literature and cultural studies.[51]. a. High-context. In 1860, Adolf Bastian (18261905) argued for "the psychic unity of mankind. Choose two phrases to form a sentence that correctly uses a word from Word List 6. In the context of cultural studies, a text includes not only written language, but also films, photographs, fashion or hairstyles: the texts of cultural studies comprise all the meaningful artifacts of culture. There are a number of international agreements and national laws relating to the protection of culture and cultural heritage. Which of the following countries is considered a high-context Every country has a unique culture or common heritage that. After you have finished with this lesson, you should be able to: 10 chapters | They also depend little on the context of a situation to convey their meaning. Which of the following countries represents a high-context culture? ", "a particular way of life, whether of a people, period or a group. They are characterized by shared values, norms, and beliefs that develop over time. Required fields are marked *. Performance Orientation: The degree to which a collective encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence. Big Sandy Community and Technical College. Confrontation is accepted as an attribute. Click Registration to join us and share your expertise with our readers.). Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Other 19th-century critics, following Rousseau, have accepted this differentiation between higher and lower culture, but have seen the refinement and sophistication of high culture as corrupting and unnatural developments that obscure and distort people's essential nature. Primitive Culture. The transnational flow of culture has played a major role in merging different cultures and sharing thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Which of the following is one of the strategies Tylor, it is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. These practices comprise the ways people do particular things (such as watching television or eating out) in a given culture. High-context cultures are those in which the rules of communication are primarily transmitted through the use of contextual elements (i.e., body language, a person's status, and tone of voice) and . d. Low-context 36. This contrast led to Herbert Spencer's theory of Social Darwinism and Lewis Henry Morgan's theory of cultural evolution. Social media offers very little potential for intercultural engagement. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is the least accurate statement about culture? In high-context cultures (such as those in Japan, China, and Arab countries), the listener is already "contexted" and does not need to be given much background information [3]. These communicators represent what kind of culture? The first group covers the variables that represent the "efficiency orientation" of the societies: performance orientation. Men, as well as women, are expected to be tender, modest, with focus on the quality of life; Emphasis on the non-materialistic angles of success; The preferred traits in boyfriends and husbands are the same. Yolanda has taught college Psychology and Ethics, and has a doctorate of philosophy in counselor education and supervision. Emphasis on personal enjoyment, fun, and pleasure, over duties and social norms. Write the correct word in the space next to given definition. 31. Workers today communicate less than in previous years. Psychological barriers to listening include hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings. [55], Petrakis and Kostis (2013) divide cultural background variables into two main groups:[56]. Culture, for a cultural-studies researcher, not only includes traditional high culture (the culture of ruling social groups)[50] and popular culture, but also everyday meanings and practices. Organizations that have a number of standardized procedures, written rules, and clearly delineated structures; Requirement for predictability highlighting the significance of planning; Promotions depending upon age or seniority. b. Low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, action-oriented, and concerned with the individual. North Americans value straightforwardness and are suspicious of evasiveness. b. A Comprehensive Analysis, Exploring the Innovative JBX Theater: Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry. Japan b. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way. These traits identify the cultural dimension of. d. Diffusion of innovations theory presents a research-based model of why and when individuals and cultures adopt new ideas, practices, and products.[20].

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