Dust kicked up by high explosive projectiles, mortar, artillery, rocket, and tracked vehicle movement is an effective screening agent that blocks out thermal, laser, and direct view optics. The logistics section (S4) is the principal staff element responsible for coordinating the logistics integration of supply, maintenance, transportation, and services for the brigade. Find increase the probability of creating desired effects and undesired or adverse collateral effects GOS, SOM submit accurate scouting reports to the commander so adjustments can be made to the plan Determine how the enemy can use the available cover and concealment and look at it from his point of view, both in daylight and at night. Each staff member must know his duties and responsibilities and be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of other staff members. Special, What is fundamental to the commander's ability to establish a situation's context? With the HIMS, the unit can quickly mount the MK19 or the M2 on the HMMWV to destroy light armored vehicles, field fortifications, and troops. Coordinating through higher headquarters for corps medical support reinforcement and or augmentation, as required. This includes the authority and responsibility for effectively using all available resources for planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all military forces in accomplishing assigned missions. ), The engineer company (Figure 1-9) serves as the SBCT's primary means for mobility. The explosive detonates and jettisons the outer metal upon contact with shaped-charge munitions. Commanders of shaping operations designate units to accomplish their own decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations. Air assault (or airborne) infantry battalion antiarmor company. special characters (3) A frontal engagement increases the chance of detection and suppression by enemy armored vehicles. Circle Although the Army was capable of full-spectrum dominance, it had not optimized its organization and force structure for discrete and rapid strategic response in the face of an increasingly broad range of operational demands posed by its participation in an MTW, SSC, or PME (Figure 1-1). The ROE must consider these legal issues; they must be worded in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. A. The ALO and TACP are normally located with the rear CP during planning and preparation; during execution, however, the ALO will normally locate with the command group. He represents the ECOORD when he is not available and helps the SBCT S3 integrate fire support into the commander's concept of operation. Cover is protection from the effects of enemy direct or indirect fires. The personnel section (S1) is responsible for all matters concerning human resources to include personnel readiness, personnel services, and headquarters management (Figure 1-19). Several Defensive Capabilities. To counter the TOW threat, many countries have equipped their combat vehicles with smoke grenade launchers. Specifically for the NTC, we spent a large portion of the POI teaching how to employ the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) version of the system. Developing and coordinating the medical brigade HSS plan with the brigade staff, forward support battalion (FSB), forward support medical company (FSMC), and maneuver battalion medical platoons. Also, threat armored vehicles can fire high explosive (HE) fragmentation rounds to suppress TOW gunners up to a range of 9,750 meters. The signal section (S6) is primarily responsible for all command and control information systems (C2 INFOSYS) operations including network management, automation management, and information security. Based on the competencies and skill sets our unit retained post deployment to Afghanistan in 2012, we took risk in training stability operations. Drive the operations process Thus, the deep area relates to the close area not only by proximity, but also in terms of time and space. Active protection systems electronically sense incoming direct-fire ATGMs and high explosive, antitank (HEAT) munitions, and they defeat the incoming munitions before they impact the vehicle. This force must be able to achieve overmatching combat power against an increasingly sophisticated enemy in any terrain. Light armored vehicles include reconnaissance vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, and armored personnel carriers. They integrate and analyze cross-battlefield operating systems (BOS) reconnaissance and surveillance reporting to develop intelligence products in response to priority information requirements (PIR). CPT Shawn Scott is currently serving as the company commander for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment Tomahawks, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. MAJ Chris Ricci is currently serving as the executive officer for 1-23 IN Tomahawks, 3-2 SBCT, JBLM, Wash. This chapter highlights the capabilities and limitations of the SBCT, discusses likely scenarios in which the SBCT may be employed, and provides an overview of the SBCT's organizational structure. cultural insight, Two methods of conducting a cordon and search are _________ and _________ . The enemy has difficulty seeing a position with a low silhouette. In addition to the human dimensions, the enhanced tactical mobility afforded by the infantry carrier vehicle (ICV) and the fidelity of the COP provided by the technological advances in command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, allow the SBCT commander to see the friendly, see the enemy, see the terrain, conduct rapid effective decision-making, and bring effects and or forces to bear at identified decisive points. Title 10, Subtitle C, Part I, Chapter 507, Section 5063 addresses Marine Corps composition and functions. (See FM 3-20.96 for a more detailed discussion of cavalry squadron [RSTA] capabilities.) C. MGS Platoon (X1) ROI embody the human dimension of combat. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; The SBCT surgeon is responsible for the technical control of all medical activities in the command. Terrain and weather Enemy forces likely will be advanced industrial-age forces with some high technology niches characterized by mechanized, motorized, and light forces. Commanded by a captain, the headquarters company provides administrative and logistical support to each headquarters section. Effective interaction is especially important in an environment where the adversary is primarily employing unconventional capabilities rather than conventional military power to achieve an end. (e) Avoid "Skylining." Pattern analysis must be conducted at battalion level. The anti-armor POI gave designated Javelin operators eight hours of hands-on training time. Antiarmor units must be positioned near friendly infantry units for protection against possible attack by dismounted enemy infantry. E. disruption, In all counter reconnaissance operations, the goal is to ____________________________ . (f) Information Operations Element. The commander's principal advisor Guerrillas, terrorists, paramilitary units, special purpose forces, special police, and local militias will be present in the environment. They may originate in law, treaty, or settlement terms and commanders' guidance. The medical plans and operations cell is under the supervision of the brigade surgeon. Its array of direct and indirect fire systems allows the SBCT to shape the AO and achieve decisive outcomes using the MGS; tube-launched, optically tracked wire-guided (TOW) IIA/B antiarmor missiles; Javelin antiarmor missiles; 120-mm, 81-mm, and 60-mm mortars; and 155-mm artillery. The COP is an operational picture tailored to the SBCT commander's requirements for information of friendly forces, enemy forces, and the terrain. Combat aviation, fires, maneuver enhancement, battlefield surveillance, and sustainment. Such functions may include electronic warfare, computer network attack, special information operations, psychological operations, and counterpropaganda (including public affairs and civil affairs) based on METT-TC considerations. Linear pattern (b) ATGM Jammers. E. Self-sustained for 24 hours To be effective, the obstacles must be covered by both direct and indirect fire. The SBCT is the ready and modern force that the Army needs as it continues to transition to a globally responsive Army and has proven in combat and training simulation to be a versatile and lethal tool for combatant commanders to utilize in any operational environment.5. Battle handover for units and patrols is very important to maintain continuity. 4, Pattern analysis is the process of deducing the doctrinal principles and TTP that enemy forces prefer to employ by careful observation and evaluation of patterns in their activities. The FECC is led and directed by the deputy effects coordinator. Headquarters Company. NTCs vast open terrain allowed for the employment of weapon systems at their maximum effective ranges. (2) An armored vehicle's firepower and crew are normally oriented to the front. The considerations for antiarmor weapon system employment also apply during route selection and movement. b. The senior maneuver support officer in the maneuver support cell serves as the principal maneuver support planner in the SBCT main CP. The political situation in the operational area may be uncertain, with varying levels of acceptance among local populations and a range of participation by coalition, interagency, and nongovernmental organizations partners. The S2, Which product is generally NOT a result of target development? Developing a HPTL, What targeting product provides attack guidance to weapon system managers? GOS, GRG The tactical HUMINT platoon provides the SBCT with an organic capability to conduct HUMINT collection (interrogation, debriefing, tactical questioning, tactical source operations, and limited document exploitation) and counterintelligence (CI) activities (CI assessments, CI analysis, preliminary investigations, and counterintelligence force protection source operations). The use of hide positions before the enemy comes within range of the TOW limits the effectiveness of long-range, HE-FRAG munitions. Provide a clear commander's intent C. Security Creating a collaborative information environment, Which warfighting function takes into consideration masking and dead space? Air defense and airspace management cell. The section must be proactive when executing the counterfire program to significantly reduce or eliminate the enemy's indirect fire capabilities before they can be brought to bear against SBCT forces. D. Detailed reports, What are the outputs from the dissemination step of F3EAD? A combined arms organization formed by attaching one or more nonorganic armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry platoons to an armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry company, either in exchange for, or in addition to, its organic platoons.

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