Sometimes to be tested and proved requires that we be temporarily deprivedbut righteous women and men will one day receive allthink of it, sistersall that our Father has! Can they not see that, pushed by pleasure, they will become more and more distant from joy? They were sealed the following year in the Salt Lake Temple. 8:24-25. We need men and women who think of things that have never been thought of and who dream of things that have never been dreamed of, and who ask, "Why not?" But to what extent have we repented? Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. No wonder the response to the prophets has not always been one of indifference. May God help us in the opportunities which are ours to live righteously as a way of witnessing to the world, to speak out humbly but forthrightly, to lead out effectively and thoughtfully, ever using the gospel of Jesus Christ as our constant guide. It is difficult to be prepared for an event so long delayed. My beloved sisters: I have been looking forward for months to the pleasure of meeting with you dear sisters once again in a worldwide conference of the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was thrilled to hear all the Brethren speak. As the grandson of Heber C. Kimball and the son of a mission and stake president, Spencer W. Kimball grew up learning of and meeting prophets and apostles. (Matthew 13:49.) . Some women, because of circumstances beyond their control, must work. The dignity and self-esteem that honest work produces are essential to happiness. Even though the eternal roles of men and women differ, as we indicated to you a year ago, this leaves much to be done by way of parallel personal developmentfor both men and women. The prophets have always been free from the evil of their times, free to be divine auditors who will still call fraud, fraud; embezzlement, embezzlement; and adultery, adultery. The kind of oil that is needed to illuminate the way and light up the darkness is not shareable. The coming of the Lord is nigh. One stroke of his omnipotent hand could make powerless all nations who oppose and save a world even in its death throes. I should like first to pay special tribute to the divinely inspired Primary organization of the Church. This talk is AMAZING. Each began as an appetite that needed to be checked but which went unchecked. It is not only worth waiting for; it is worth living for! Unfortunately for me, I am in the hospital here in Salt Lake City and will not be present with you in person, but I will be with you in spirit. Fasting, family prayer, home teaching, control of bodily appetites, preaching the gospel, studying the scriptureseach act of dedication and obedience is a drop added to our store. Indeed, he seeks the misery of all mankind (2Ne. In multiple scriptures the Lord has indicated that he will perform his work through those whom the world regards as weak and despised. Each must obtain that kind of oil for himself. We read of Enoch who was called when but a lad. Bear in mind, dear sisters, that the eternal blessings which are yours through membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are far, far greater than any other blessings you could possibly receive. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. President Boyd K. Packer indicated that Elder Kimball felt that his father came to him in this dream to let Spencer know that he approved of his life. Most of the time there have been pains and aches in some parts of its anatomy, but now that it is growing old, complications have set in, and all the ailments seem to be everywhere. . As both the wheat and the tares grew up in the same field together, the question was asked of the landowner, "Shall we go and gather up the tares?" Those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives. Conventions, unnecessary travel, family picnics, the Sabbath is violated generally. By President Spencer W. Kimball Read by his wife, Sister Camilla Kimball My beloved sisters: I have been looking forward for months to the pleasure of meeting with you dear sisters once again in a worldwide conference of the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 20:9 italics added). The foolish asked the others to share their oil, but spiritual preparedness cannot be shared in an instant. A relatively few people attend their church services, pay their tithing, serve their fellow men. Yet These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which the Lord made between him and the children of Israel in Mt. And he that sat upon the throne said. He gave the parable of the rich young fool who, in the feeling of temporal security, razed his inadequate barns and built greater ones in which to store his fruits and goods. The outlook is bleak, but the impending tragedy can be averted. These realities will not go away simply because we have different opinions about them. The trouble with rejecting the prophets because they lack prestige is that Paul, who knew something of rejection, forewarned us when he said, speaking of the work of God, For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called. (1Cor. Too often the holy prophets are wrongly perceived as harsh and as anxious to make a record in order to say, I told you so. Those prophets I have known are the most loving of men. 2:18). 11:11). While we do not now remember the particulars, this does not alter the glorious reality of what we once agreed to. The cause is not lost. BYU Speeches The scriptures and the prophets have taught us clearly that God, who is perfect in his attribute of justice, is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). This saintly soul realizes there is one thing left undone to make him a totally honest man. For they have warned that if the inhabitants of this land are ever brought down into captivity and enslaved, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land (see 2 Ne. He is a white-haired saint whose life has been dealt harshly with by law and justice but who was inspired by a "bishop" to be better. You will pay tribute and bondage and fetters shall bind you (see Lev. What a bleak prediction! It has had shorter periods of good health, but longer ones of ailing. I know that God lives, that Jesus is his Only Begotten Son, the Redeemer of the world, and that this is the Church of Jesus Christ, with him as its head. The Samoan and Hawaiian Saints were gathered together in a grand celebration. When Spencer was twenty-nine, his father passed away and Spencer was called to the stake presidency that his father had served in for three decades. "It's not possible that the problems of this world be resolved by the pesimists and sceptics whose horizons are guided by the obvious realities. The physicians have had summit consultations, and temporary salve has been rubbed on afflicted parts, but it has only postponed the fatal day and never cured it. With such innumerable blessings as are available to godly people of this land, how can any sane one continue in his careless patterns of life? But this talk, by Spencer W. Kimball, was different. I leave this testimony with you with my love and my blessings. (Matthew 13:30.) He learned from diligent and faithful parents to work hard on the farm and in school and to love the gospel. Confidence has been dulled and patience worn thin. There will be faintness of heart and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase you into flight and you will fall when none pursueth. Yet on the corner, in public places, on work projects, at banquet tables, there come ringing into our ears the sacred names of Deity without solemnity. 19:34 when the powerful, invincible Assyrian army camped at the gates. Would he ever come? A Sabbath show or a game or a race replaces solemn worship. Decadence which grew in the soil of tolerance and permissiveness soon seeks to drive out all of these. . Let us assume the counsel given applies to us, to me. The writer of Hebrews warns: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. 26:4-6,8, The land will be barren, (perhaps radioactive or dry from drought.). Be assured, too, that all faithful sisters, who, through no fault of their own, do not have the privilege during their second estate of being sealed to a worthy man, will have that blessing in eternity. We rejoice in your devotion. David was the youngest son of eight. Time had passed, and he had not come. Remember, it is as wrong to do things just to be seen of women as it is to do things to be seen of men. That faith in Christ is a choice we can make. As we approach the general conference with its priesthood session, we will be no less loving or direct with the brethren, for our counsel will be similar. No traffic will jam your desolate highways. (Luke 12:19-20.) We read the headlines. Granaries and barns will bulge in seed time and harvest. Divorce, ever on the increase, jumping from one divorce for thirty-six weddings in Civil War days now has reached somewhere near one to four. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. The Miracle of Forgiveness is a book written by Spencer W. Kimball while he was a member of Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). One cannot read about the prophet Ether, warning the city by day and hiding by night in a cave, without marveling at his capacity to go each day once again into that hostile city. (Published as Spencer W. Kimball, "'When the World Will Be Converted,'" Ensign, October 1974, 3-14.) Let others selfishly pursue false values, but God has given to you the tremendous tasks of nurturing families, friends, and neighbors, just as men are to provide. It is just a hundred years ago that Bishop Hess, with the approval of the First Presidency, called Aurelia Spencer Rogers to organize the first Primary in Farmington, Utah. Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? (John 1:46.) After serving in stake presidencies and as a stake president, in 1943 Spencer W. Kimball was ordained an apostle. With bulging eyes and gasping mouths they struggled. We understand further that as families are raised, the talents God has given you and blessed you with can often be put to effective use in additional service to mankind. With no warning, no last-minute preparation is possible. Yet ever-increasing hours of leisure provide ever increasing opportunities for Sabbath breaking and commandment ignoring, and strikes and lobbying go on to increase damaging leisure and decrease work hours further. Finally, my dear sisters, may I suggest to you something that has not been said before or at least in quite this way. So long had it been since they began expecting him that they were rationalizing that he would never appear. Become scholars of the scripturesnot to put others down, but to lift them up! The lamps then make patterns of joy on the hillside, and the procession moves on toward the house of banqueting, and those without lamps or oil are left in darkness. Even if the tomato you eat is a $2.00 tomato, it will bring satisfaction anyway and remind us all of the law of the harvest, which is relentless in life. (Matthew 24:21-22.) Defense stockpiles increase. In the Church there is full equality between man and woman. Old man rationalization is with us. When he was eight years old, his sister Mary died shortly after her birth. The edible ones were saved and the catch was brought to the fire for the feast. But the day approaches and will finally come. But even then wickedness did not lessen, men did not learn lessons. There were 364 temple marriages, and of the temple marriages about 10 percent were dissolved by divorce. I am so grateful that prophets do not crave popularity. In our lives the oil of preparedness is accumulated drop by drop in righteous living. The boats had spread the nets far out, and now we began to pull in the nets. The initiated who knew fish and were able to judge picked the worthless ones and cast them back into the sea. Surely, the end is near as we read the signs of the times, but when? We do reap what we sow. President Kimball, the 12thPresident of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has spoken forthrightly to members of the Church, warning of the deceits of Satan and pointing out the road back for those who have erred and who yearn for reconciliation with the Lord. At only age nineteen, just before he was called to serve in the Swiss-Austrian mission, he was ordained as a general authority seventy. What is wrong is wrong, and trends do not make something right which is at variance with the laws of God. Its symptoms are manifested in every corner of the globe. It is so easy for leisure to turn into laziness. No greater status can be conferred upon you than being a daughter of God who experiences true sisterhood, wifehood, and motherhood, or other tasks which influence lives for good. How good God has been to us all in blessing us with these answers and assuranceseven though these truths place upon us serious and everlasting obligations. I'm grateful He let me choose Him. While armies are marshaled and march and drill and officers teach men how to kill, we continue to drink and carouse as usual. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They merely procrastinated, not knowing when the bridegroom would come. Free love and indiscretions and deviations of every nature are common in our day. How can one share obedience to the principle of tithing; a mind at peace from righteous living; an accumulation of knowledge? There has been denial because the prophet came from an obscure place. It is aging toward senility. This is substantially better than the average, but we are chagrined that there should be any divorce following a temple . We note the increasing coarseness of language and understand how Lot must have felt when he was, according to Peter, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked. (2Pet. Experience is a dear teacher but fools will learn by no other. But we continue on in our godlessness. Journals are a way of counting our blessings and of leaving an inventory of these blessings for our posterity. Of course, rejection of the holy prophets comes because the hearts of people are hardened, as people are shaped by their society. (1 Thessalonians 5:2-4.) Absolute Truth Spencer W. Kimball President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints September 6, 1977 Audio 0:00/40:53 Speed 41:49 Full Video God's existence is a reality. (Hebrews 10:35-37.) and the four new members of the First Quorum of the Seventy who poured out their hearts in those moments they had? Correspondence, Spencer W. Kimball to Andrew Kimball, July 14, 1976. They're not too much this or too . My beloved brethren and sisters, this is a momentous time. Feeling a special love and concern for those in the lands of the Book of Mormon, President Kimball conducted several area conferences in South America. behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. They were not the gentiles or the heathens or the pagans, nor were they necessarily corrupt and reprobate, but they were knowing people who were foolishly unprepared for the vital happenings that were to affect their eternal lives. On occasions when you ache for that acceptance and affection which belong to family life on earth, please know that our Father in Heaven is aware of your anguish, and that one day he will bless you beyond your capacity to express. 2:27). He gave us another parable to try to make clear the importance of being always prepared. He has on numerous occasions outlined the cure for all international as well as local ills. They stand at his mercy which will be extended only if they repent. So often the prophets have been rejected because they first rejected the wrong ways of their own society. He is a prophet to all the world. It was never baptized by fire, for that is still to come. SISTER NELSON AND POSSIBLY DROPPING A HINT ON THE SAVIORS ACTIVITIES?. The great powers warn and threaten. People are destroyed by their own acts. 5:20 Men have rationalized themselves into thinking that they are not so bad. Are they fully ripe? 218 University Press Building Throughout my experience in leaving Disney, I pondered and searched this quote from President Spencer W. Kimball: "Security is not born of inexhaustible wealth but of unquenchable faith."1Our true security and peace is born of faith in Jesus Christ. Those who seem to flout the institution of marriage, and who regard chastity before marriage with fidelity after as old-fashioned, seem determined to establish a new fashion on their own and impose it upon others. In an ancient situation somewhat comparable to our own, there was a great destruction, and when the quiet came, those who were spared were wailing: . I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. LDS doctrinal teachings about the atonement, repentance, and the plan of salvation. And then he gave the parable of the fish and the net: Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. All kinds of fish were caught, big and little, fat and snakelike. They knew they should have oil. I am confident there is not one within the sound of my voice who has not had his or her life influenced for good by the teachings of the devoted officers and teachers of this Primary organization. How can one share faith or testimony? Of such the Lord said: And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But while there are various excuses for rejection, theres a certain cause for this sad record. He has said, I will fight your battles D&C 105:14 But his commitment is on condition of our faithfulness. He also toured the Middle East and dedicated the Orson Hyde Memorial Garden on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. They needed all their oil for themselves; they could not save the foolish. Now, too late, they were becoming conscious of the tragedy of unpreparedness. Bombs are detonated. . We wonder how often hearers first rejected the prophets because they despised them, and finally despised the prophets even more because they had rejected them. Spencer W. Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness 1 likes Like "We would all be well advised to avoid the motivation to the evil thought. Seek excellence in all your righteous endeavors, and in all aspects of your lives. I know he is Gods recognized prophet. Like. Your enemies will be astonished at the barrenness, sterility, desolation of the land they had been told was so choice, so beautiful, so fruitful. Regardless of who is getting the adversarys special attention at any given time, he seeks to make all people miserable like unto himself (2Ne. And there are many among us who are not ready for the great and glorious event. and dark the night and chill! It was not simply a call to repentance, but it felt like Spencer W. Kimball was raising a prophetic voice effectively saying YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED so as to wash his garments clean from the blood and sins of our generation. The floods came, the disobedient were drowned. Do not, however, make the mistake of being drawn off into secondary tasks which will cause the neglect of your eternal assignments such as giving birth to and rearing the spirit children of our Father in Heaven. One major plot of the book involves a character named Brigham . Early in his childhood, Spencer W. Kimball suffered the pain that comes with the death of loved ones. Some of you have not yet had the great privilege of marriage. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. In 1969, then-Mormon Apostle Spencer W. Kimball wrote a book addressed to his people titled The Miracle of Forgiveness. It cannot remember its previous illnesses nor the cure which was applied. It is a choice land, choice above all other lands 1 Ne. True, there are some temporary differences and some constraining circumstances. That is half as many divorces as marriages. (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 6-7.) He lives. The political physicians through the ages have rejected suggested remedies as unprofessional since they came from lowly prophets. Has the rot of age and flabbiness set in? (See Jacob 1:19). Among the real heroines in the world who will come into the Church are women who are more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. If persistently resisted it will "get the message" and stay away." Spencer W. Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness 1 likes Like "What message may I take from you to the young people in Zion?" Sinai by the hand of Moses Lev. nor ever shall be. At his first address as prophet of the Church, in April Conference of 1974, President Kimball's talk became the watch cry of his presidency". It was baptized by water, and its sins were washed away. The Lord said to them: O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they [the slain ones], will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you? 3 Ne. Perhaps it was a myth. While he was president, he dedicated twenty-one temples, including the Washington, D.C. Temple. Concerning Jerusalem the Lord said: I will defend this city 2 Kgs. He later became the church's president . I can transform my own life till it is perfected and then influence others when thus transformed. The gospel answers are the only true answers to the questions which women and men, over the centuries, have raised about themselves, about life, and about the universe. What is the illness? (Acts 1:7.) This release was followed up in 1981 by a new edition of the triple combination (Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price). I have listened to over 4500 general conference talks. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

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