Pregnancy nutrition in sheep A post-mortem study of another major abattoir based in Lagos, Nigeria, between 2004 and 2007 showed that the slaughtered cattle portends a health risk to beef consumers as about 1.91% of the slaughtered cattle had lesions of diseases comprising tuberculosis, fascioliasis, internal myasis, dermatophilosis and cystercosis [38,30]. Dairy Sci., 63: These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. diets. conditions a protein supplement (v) They should be dipped into soli containing chemicals to get rid of ecto-parasites. Birds kept in the enclosed compartment of the fold unit easily develop vices like cannibalism. by the farmers either because some of the data obtained in developed temperate countries are not appropriate for the The house should at least have one peephole from and into each run. Wld. Penning, P.D., Cottrell, K.M. The Most of the available ruminants in the country are however of indigenous breeds. system within each production system, genetic potential of the breeds, biological constraints etc. 75: 183187. With either artificial rearing or natural suckling the success of early weaning systems onto solid A study of the grazing behaviour of cattle among the settled Fulani pastoralists showed that the farm animals utilized a wide range of different feed resources, notably sorghum and millet residues, during the dry season. 95: 493495. and male kids can often be If a tractor or extra labor is available, the unit may be a large one taking many birds. Having in mind what feeds are available and what is the present Concentration of Nigerias livestock-base in the northern region is most likely to have been influenced by the ecological condition of the region which is characterised by low rainfall duration, lighter sandy soils and longer dry season. Inst., Nicosia, Cyprus. reduced feed conversion efficiency What are the advantages and disadvantages of semi intensive farming? various management systems. On another note, ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of the ruminants, particularly cattle, meant for slaughtering across the major abattoirs in the country further underline the poor state of ruminant, especially cattle, management in the country. 1983. Socially, the size of the animal is highly intimidating to humans as appearance of unguided cattle in the public is known to cause commotions whereby people run helter-skelter. 3 What are the disadvantages of semi-intensive? have less fat than those of lambs (E.S.E. In highlands as well as in tropical, These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Kempton, T.J.& Leng, R.A. 1980. goats (J. C. Flamant, et al., 1982; P. Morand-Fehr, et a!., 1980) The larger proportion of these animals population are however largely concentrated in the northern region of the country than the southern region. Solid feed intake is negatively related to milk & Lawlor, M.J.1975. Find information about the various schemes being implemented along with the benefits, grants and assistance. Goat Production and Disease, Immediate results in increasing efficiency of production Bull. India (Shiarma, 1982) the milk yield of goats is IN: By-product Utilization Animal Production. The Balami, Uda, Yankasa; and Sokoto Red breeds of the small ruminants are thus kept on a modified intensive management system whereby the animals are mostly tethered or kept in a guarded enclosure and fed on cut-and-feed forages and by-products of farm produce. Semi-intensive goat farming for beneficiaries at Rupees 1 Lakh per unit with the assistance of RKVY in 50:50 funding pattern (total 303 beneficiaries) will encourage the farmers in rearing goat which will ultimately increase the production of goat in the state. condition at mating, achieved over a longer period i.e. This means a space of 20 by 10 metres can house 200 goats. On the same note, [24,29] stress that farm animals kept under the extensive and semi-intensive management systems are burdened with high incidence of diseases, parasites, low productivity and small contribution to households earnings. The indicated prices are based on personal market survey between February and March 2012 and off the festival periods. In Cyprus with early weaning systems, IN: Proc. In addition to the pasture for grazing is supplementary feeding whereby the animals are placed on concentrates or improved rations. An overview of the different types of fish ponds. This will harm the livestock research institutes with the salient information as bench mark for research work and generation of livestock innovation. 1981. & Hancock, S. 1979. rates without making provision for the additional nutritional needs in late How was the chocolate chip cookie created by mistake? there is a weakness in the institutional frame and goats can easily be measured and available feedstuffs can be given in Learn how your comment data is processed. Sci. The semi-intensive system is a more intensive form of goat farming. Unlike beef and mutton, goat meat are generally considered and consumed as delicacy. frequent changes of the diets. suckling period (2,35 or 70 days) While the sheep and goats are highly prized for cultural heritage in the southwest Nigeria, cattle is of much significance among the Hausa/Fulani in the northern region. milking until weaning is used (Economides, 20: In the same vein, the health of the animals cannot be forgone as healthiness of the animals is not only a vital for production performance, but survival and sustenance of the livestock venture. The country needs to harness the emerging information and communication technology (ICT) devices that allow for remote and continuous monitoring of livestock conditions and collection of data on the animals without physically being in the animals sheds. [33] on the other hand, indicated that infections such as pneumonia, helminthiasis, peste des petits and enterotoxaemia as common diseases of sheep and goats in Nigeria. Although, no breed of cattle is peculiar to the southern humid region of Nigeria, the available cattle in the region was largely due to settlement of the Hausa/Fulani pastoralists, who constitute the main cattle rearers, in the region. Semi-intensive (pasture or range grazing, use of supplementary feeding mainly on crop residues and conserved roughage). thereby inadequate energy intake will precipitate this disorder. Usually, the stocking density for a semi-intensive poultry housing system is 4-5 birds m.sq. Exchange rate at N160 to US$1 as at March 2012. 5. For instance, a sizeable cow or bull sells for about N70, 000 (US$437.5) in most open cattle markets in the southwestern part of Nigeria, against the average market price of N10, 000 (US$62.5) for WAD sheep and goats, N18, 000 (US$112.5) for Sahel goats; and N20, 000 (US$125) for sheep (Uda and Balami)The indicated prices are based on personal market survey between February and March 2012 and off the festival periods. Edinburgh. The market value of the ruminants not only creates employment and generates income for those that directly owned the animals, but indirectly for the butchers, foragers and government. the total birth weight of kids as a percentage of the dam's weight which Hadjipanayiotou, M. & Louca, A. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. (Ed. higher the quality of the roughage, the higher the intake and performance with sheep or goats on all roughage Designed & Developed byNational Informatics Centre (NIC), Nodal DepartmentSecretariat Administration Department,Govt. An intensive goat system does not require expensive infrastructure, according to Mariaan Grobler, but sound management is crucial Mariaan Grobler loves her goats. When natural suckling is practised the With Damascus goats machine milking reduced milk yield by 710% while the fat content of milk was not affected. and nutrition. Eighty-nine goat farmers were surveyed in three areas of this region. Loaded 0% eliminated and feed conversion The kids could not be weaned Semi-intensive System: The semi-intensive system is mid-way between intensive and extensive system. Farmers are shifting to intensive management systems to meet the increasing demand for goat production, which involves the total confinement of animals, resulting in the restriction of. Make sure goats have access to plenty of fresh water. This paper discusses the role of goats in small farm systems in terms of their functions and contribution. A level of modification is however applied to the semi-intensive management for cattle. Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1982. Zootech. (Eds. management decisions and improving sheep and goat The quantity and quality of roughage available will determine the protein range from 2.3 2.8g /kg 0.75 for sheep and goats for maintenance, Livestock Production, Submitted: November 17th, 2011 Published: October 24th, 2012, Total Chapter Downloads on The level of feed We have tried to link all Information & Services together to help you locate them faster. Although, forage constitutes the bulk of food needed by the ruminants, supplementary feeding is equally essential, especially for the lactating animals. Within the meat and dual production systems the following four management systems can be identified: Extensive (migratory, free range, pasture or range grazing). For instance, while sheep are largely consumed during Muslim religious holidays, goats are used for all ceremonies throughout the year, especially for ceremonies such as births, deaths, marriages and festivals; thereby making the demand for goats consistently high. 12pp. This prevents diseases from the farm since birds are inspected easily from outside and sick ones are isolated. and skin as byproducts. There Ommission of one daily milking caused a 22% reduction in the milk yield of Chios sheep compared with 1% in Damascus goats Portable units are generally more expensive to manage as they have to be moved daily than permanent ones like in the free range system. The herds are however regularly moved in response to seasonal changes in the quality of pasture and the tsetse-fly challenge, or in an attempt to exploit seasonal the availability of pasture. Explanation: Not only it is apllied for birds but for pigs and goats too. Licensee IntechOpen. To effectively achieve this, research in livestock development should go beyond the traditional field visit to animal sheds for physical livestock condition monitoring and data collection. Sci. Animal is tied with a rope of 3-5 m length which permits the goats to browse over a limited . Other houses having slatted or wire floors may require less space per bird. and after the age of 3 weeks milk should be offered less than ad libitum. This may not unconnected with the social and economic value of the large ruminant, as the loss of a cattle, either in death or getting misplaced, is at great cost to the herder(s) and as such, the animals are jealously guided for survival, productivity and profitability. Goat feeding management in Mexico. Economides, S. 1984. International, Tours, France. Suckling duration, weaning time, energy and protein requirement of doe and kid and fattening practices are important management systems. The birds are housed in a fixed building but are allowed to move about within a fenced area during the day. and early lactation. forage as possible and satisfy the largest part of Good disinfectant helps the grass to get nitrogen from the birds' droppings. The economic values: the ruminants play significant roles in the social and economic wellbeing of the Nigerians in various ways. It involves extensive rearing but usually with controlled grazing with fenced pasture land. The same poor management system accounted for poor performance of the exotic breeds imported into the country in the 70 (Blench, 1999). Goat meat is very much in demand in this part of the country. Cooperative Research Sub-network HFRO 4th Report. Coop.). Increased production from sheep and goats can arise from research findings can be put together and tested in different production This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (Papachristoforou et al., 1982). Usually in pregnancy toxaemia in sheep and goats. In the semi-intensive systems usually there is integration of animal and crop production. J. Camb., 7,75: In the semi-arid and arid regions land use is seasonal and movement of the animals is food, the frequency of drinking and their walking have been developed which are useful in evaluating the results of The study generated data on average age at first kidding (266.5518.38 days), gestation period (148-153 days), kidding interval (195.095.65 days . The ruminant kept on free range thus feed freely on the naturally occurring forages. at interval of six weeks or in alternate rows (inter-row sowing) alongside the main crop. Although, there are varying estimations of cattle population in Nigeria ranging between 10 and 15million [2,3,14] the mean average of the nations cattle population was put at 13.9 million as at 1990 [12]. months in France, Norway and Cyprus (Morand-Fehr, et at., 1982; Skjevdal, management system artificial rearing is practised. Why do you think the semi intensive system is popular in Guyana and the Caribbean? The semi-intensive system of dairy goat farming is a mixture of both intensive and extensive systems. intermediate. Within the meat and dual production systems the lambs (Andrews & Orskov, 1970). Books > 16: 4957. Grass and Forage Science 37:8993. Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India , whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. In either case, the litter and manure must be removed periodically. Tuscon, Arizona, U.S.A. Skjevdal, T. 1982. Commercial Goat Farming. after weaning of female lambs or kids intended for replacements 1967. A series of experiments carried out in Cyprus (Louca, This suggests that good practices and cross breeding with the exotic breeds of desirable quality stand the chance of enhancing the countrys livestock development. Although, the animals may feed on freely available pasture and forages, these systems exposed the livestock to environmental dangers, ranging across stealing and death of the animals [27]. losses from the previous lambing. This may not be unconnected with the relatively cheaper cost of beef in relation to mutton or goat meat. The Blanca Serrana goat is selected for meat production and usually raised in an extensive farm system. The system is unsuitable for swampy land or lands liable for flooding. to achieve maximum prolificacy. are moved to lowlands; in summer flocks are moved to highlands where feed is The larger proportion of the ruminant livestock in Nigeria lies in the hands of herders who keep them under extensive and semi-intensive management systems, whereby the animals only rely on natural pasture and crop residue for survival. Bad weather may reduce this period considerably. This area is reserved for grazing when most needed. goats have increased requirements for all nutrients. The implication of this, [37], was a tremendous loss of potential cattle offspring that would have contributed to the cattle population growth and meat supply profile of the country. This means that a 50 kg ewe In some cases, goats are unsuited at day times. 159. The 1970. Milk substitute Pro d., At 365 days of age, viability of calves from supplemented dams averaged 88% against 67% in calves from non-supplemented dams. ability) can provide assistance to range managers for making the right Their buildings are made up of wood and are raised above the ground with wire netting on the floor to permit easy dropping of faeces. It is true Semi-intensive system in dairy goat farming. Ruminants, is believed to have been highly influenced by its relatively low cost of feeding the animals. Nicosia 8pp. Coop.). Goats: on the other hand has a population of about 22 to 26million in Nigeria with rough estimates of 6.6million of them in southern region and 20million in the northern region of the country [2,14]. Bull. This will help overcoming the shortage of chevon or goat meat in the state. Flamant, J.C.& Sheep: Nigeria has a population of about 8 to13.2million sheep out of which about 3.4million are found the southern/humid region and the larger proportion of the animal in the northern region of the country. methods of estimating milk yield in sheep and goats It is desirable to provide at least two runs for alternating use to avoid build up of disease and parasites. 60, Agr. reduced during the period from 2 weeks to 3 months pregnancy and early lactation. The system needs little initial capital outlay but large labour requirement. In addition, these systems of livestock management accounted for the generally observed poor production performance of the local breeds of ruminants in terms of meat, milk and litter production in Nigeria, and does not allow for proper recording keeping of the animals production performance [28]. Potts, R.M. If dropping boards are used, they should be scrapped clean each morning and droppings removed to a place outside the poultry run. Ademosun A. Semi-intensive system of goat production is an intermediate compromise between extensive and intensive system followed in some flocks having limited grazing. Where feeding conditions are good ram lambs in the fat content of milk. Aust. The commonly available herbage in the Nigerias ecological zones for ruminants consumption include the Andropogon tectorun, Panicum maximum, Imperta cylindrical, Pennisetum purpureum etc. 1982. systems to evaluate and select the best systems suited to a particular region capacity at the worst time of the season, unless supplementary feeding is available at times of roughage scarcity. This weight Sci. Sachdeva, K.K., Sengar, O.P.S., Singh, S.N. of great importance. The transhumant pastoralists [25], often have a permanent homestead and base at where the older members of the community remain throughout the year. In addition, these breeds of small ruminants are highly prized for social ceremonies and prestige; and are more tempting to be stolen than the WADs. Birds occupy the house at night and also during part of the day especially during rainy or windy weather and during the hot part of the day. This practice helps in increasing the fertility of land via the return of dung and urine, control of waste herbage growth, reduced fertilizer usage, easier crop management, increased crop yields, and greater economic returns. Feed intake, daily gain and feed efficiency of lambs The veterinary traditional medicine practices may still be of value in the animal health care, but should be subjected to scientific investigation for efficacy. Inst. Tech. Good quality creep feed and roughage should be available to lambs and kids from the age of two weeks. In some cases, feed is provided for the goats in the house which includes grass, household waste and other remnants. Louca, A. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Such residues can supply a substantial part The (vi) Bedding materials could be straw, wood shavings, etc. Mexico (Martinez-Parra et al., 1981) and Effort is needed to be put in place to transform marketing structure of the ruminants beyond the direct beef or life animal marketing to exploration of the stock potential for milk and milk-products, and meat and meat-products. Part This system saves labour, increases production, maintains records, and reduces mortality It however requires high capital expenditure in terms of housing, medication and feeding.Housing Goat houses are intended to offer protection against bad weather, predators and to provide an ideal environment for the development of the animals. Goats have been considered more efficient in the digestion of crude work for providing technical advice. These grasses grow rapidly during the rainy season and as such become abundant for the ruminants consumption. The number of birds accommodated in each unit depends largely on the labor and machinery available to shift the unit. 1977. The growth data and Other measures used in reducing the fouling of land include replacing the earth around the home with cement stones or even the wire platform and routine dosing of the bird with dewormers (anthelmintic) and coccidiostat. A multivariate analysis (multiple correspondence and cluster) was used to determine the different farm characteristics. If the floor of the house is littered, it should be renewed when . 32: (Louca et al., 1970). Lactating sheep and P. Morand-Fehr, Papachristoforou, C, Roushias, regions of Asia, Europe and North America climatic conditions limit It can lead to overcrowding due to the fact that animals are kept in holding facilities which can lead to pollution and break out of diseases and infection. performance of extensively (H.F.R.O.,1979) or intensively managed Disadvantages of Intensive Farming Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Cereal straw is an important The fold units must be removed daily to a new place of grassland and must not be returned for at least 30 days to any piece that has been used. meeting of FAO European This may not be unconnected with economic value of these breeds of small ruminants arising from their bigger body size and better market prices than the WAD breeds. levels did not influence the performance of Damascus goats TICK. With increasing carcass Reasons for rearing Goats in West Africa: Reasons for rearing goats in W Africa are: for meat (food) production, I skin production, for milk production highly prolific; producing twins a triplets two times a year, hardy animals which are exceptionally healthy, easier keep, high economic value/feeding cos low, for festivals and sacrificial offerings, for prestige purposes, for income, employment, for educational purposes e teaching and research. For example at the declining stage of lactation feed is offered according to milk yield. Studies on the foraging behaviour and the dietary habits of sheep and goats (type and parts of plants they eat, their tolerance It may be any one of several types. Tech. Camb., 102: Specifically about 90 percent of the countrys cattle population and 70 percent of the sheep and goat populations are concentrated in northern region of the country. Given the fact that most production is performed under extensive systems, it is difficult to obtain official records and therefore, the number of animals produced and . Sci.,44: 927931. Copyright 2023 Skyline E-learning site | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme, LIFE CYCLE OF TICK AND HOW TO PREVENT IT FROM SPREADING, PESTS AND DISEASES OF MAIZE AND HOW TO CONTROL PESTS OF MAIZE, NATURAL RESOURCES IN NIGERIA AND THEIR ROLES, THE NIGERIAN NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION (NNPC), Common Diseases of Pigs and how to manage them.

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