Even though it is cold there in the winter, the cave system was always a very comfortable and constant temperature, both in summer as well as winter. I would like to say Thank You to the Lord for choosing Ron Wyatt as the man He picked to unearth these precious biblical sites that have been hidden over the ages. ., 1 Cor. The museum is dedicated to the life and work of Ron Wyatt, an archaeologist and explorer who made many discoveries related to the Bible and ancient history. Ron knew that; and was willing to take the criticism. If you couple it with David Rohls work on Eden in ancient Armenia, you find Genesis working very well. I dont think that he really expected much help with Noahs Ark. Really like to learn much more about him, as he As a seventh day Adventist I am feeling blessed about Rons faith to God. After several tries, I was finally able to reach him and during our conversation I asked him if I could come and talk with him about his discoveries. God will choose those that he sees worthy and the world should crown these men with the Title that God has chosen for them, not the other way around. Your thinking is backwards. Richard also recalls the account of William Albright and Josephus relating to these cities. The Turkish Government and their scientists agree. For the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Unfortunately this man is a completely unreliable witness. What Ron said was Noahs Ark was 300 cubits long. The resulting widespread speculation in evangelical Christian circles that this might be Noah's Ark started Wyatt on his career as an amateur archaeologist. Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in Ark chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. God bless you. Now, traditional teaching says that Noahs Ark landed on Mt. In fact, even two ministers in his own denomination (Seven Day Adventist) wrote an entire book called, "Holy Relics or Revelation: Examining the claims of Ron Wyatt" and concluded that his work was largely a hoax. Thankful to Ron and family for their partRon was surely guided by the Holy Spirit.. To see all the videos I've uploaded just click on my screen name TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp, or type it into the YouTube search window just like my screen name, with no spaces between the words.Oh yeah, if you like what you see, please subscribe, also, please see the fair use notice posted on my channel. Earliest photo of Gomorrah site to date is found! We want every living soul that walks this earth to know about Noah's Ark, Ark of the Covenant, the Red Sea Crossing, Sodom and Gomorrah, the real Mount Sinai, The Mystery and many others. In 1998 Ron found out that he had colon cancer, and he went into the hospital to have an operation, and they hoped that they got it all but several months later, as Ron was returning from a presentation in New Jersey, he had a pain in his right hip and he had trouble walking through the airport, and he had to use a wheelchair. 8 page newspaper, (fourth edition), of all the discoveries. Ron Wyatt, 1933-1999, at the Gatlinburg Tennessee museum c. 1995. 26:15,16 (King Uzziah) was greatly helped until he became powerful. Excellent book for classroom setting on the study of Ancient Egypt. Metal Object in the Face of the Garden Tomb! Now in the latter days there will be scoffers Walking after their own lusts. Thank you Ron for fighting the good fight. Dad was a loving father. Many damaging things have been said about Ron, which, through first hand knowledge, I know to be totally false. I was reading Psalms and there was references to the Exodus and I began to look for information on the internet about maps and where it may be. What Ron was talking about was really there! If you could shoot me an email, Id love to talk about more! It's called, \"Internet\"!! shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong . Ron Wyatt Biography. They have declared the site to be the remains of Noahs Ark. I measured it myself. I told Ron that I planned to make a trip to the Middle East, and before I left that night, he asked: When are you going over? I told him when I was going, and to my surprise, he said Well, If you will help me work on Noahs Ark, Ill just go with you. I couldnt believe it. If you look at the archeology in the area you do find repeated Noah themes. William Wyatt and Marty Plott spoke and prayed at the gravesite. He taught us to love God and to love others. You be the judge. When Ronald Eldon "Ron" Wyatt was born on 2 June 1933, in Laurel, Kentucky, United States, his father, Hobert William Wyatt, was 22 and his mother, Lottie King, was 20. Wyatt was a nurse anesthetist (now deceased) who claimed not only to have found Noah's Ark, but to have found virtually everything in Biblical archaeology that might be important to Christians -. What I would like to do now, is to tell you what I have discovered. Our Family in the early years, starting with Ron Wyatt, (Dad); Loretta, (Mom); Dad was a loving father. He and his brother, Danny were with Ron when he made many of his archaeological discoveries. He would do anything to help. Our shared faith in God combined with the witness of dad's ceaseless searching for Bible truth has strengthened the bonds of our family. Mom and Dad divorced when we were still young, and in our adulthood, Dad married MaryNell. These shirts are 100% Polyester, they will not fade or shrink!. Ronald Eldon Wyatt (June 2, 1933 August 4, 1999) was an American nurse anesthetist noted for advocating the Durupnar site in Turkey as the location of Noah's Ark's landing place, along with almost 100 other alleged biblically related discoveries. Ron Wyatt Discoveries: Sodom & Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt Sinai, Noah's Ark, Blood of Christ Pass-A-Gospel-Tract Dec 30, 2022 ark of the covenant blood jesus christ mt. By the time of his death in 1999, Wyatt claimed to have discovered several sites and artifacts related to the Bible and biblical archaeology. Over the years he got it! Ron came from a sizable family. He was the first Black chief medical resident at the. 1:26-29 Consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised, God has chosen, the things that are not, that he might nullify the things that are, that no one should boast before God., 2 Cor. One night while watching a Bible basedtelevision news show I heard Ron Wyatttelling of his discovery of Noahs Ark,not up in the ice and snow where itwould be almost impossible to get to, butin an area where you could actually go andcheck it out. The Radar scans revealed a void behind a man made wall, and the project to locate Jeremiahs passageway began. I hope & pray all the work of Ron Wyatt will The Ron Wyatt Museum is located in Franklin, Tennessee. They also said that they had found petrified wood there. Copyright 2023 Wyatt Archaeological Research, dangerous underground excavations explore radar anomalies, Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures, Ron Wyatt Chromosome count in blood sample, The cities of the plain and the priests of Baal. I knew it would be important to do this, especially since there were only 2 video cameras at the funeral. Ron Wyatt said that boat shaped object was Noahs Ark. Your email address will not be published. That doesnt mean that Ron was a weak man. I am not saying that all traditions are no good; but I have found that when you hear the word tradition or traditional you need to check it out real good. As the Bible states Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Wyatt's claimed discoveries have been criticized by scientists, historians, biblical scholars, as well as some creationists, and are not considered credible by professional archaeologists and biblical scholars. and there was only one way.and that was through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.that is why it was he was qualifiedJesus qualified him. The television show, that I had seen, had people climbing around on Noahs Ark in the ice and snow on Mt. Now, they'll have to deal with the evidence. He would be the first to tell you that there is "none that doeth good, no not one." People would always ask Ron why God had allowed him to find "all those things." Sorry that I never met this wonderful fellow Ron Wyatt is an active member of WikiTree. If I hadnt seen these things for myself I would be a skeptic too.. He showed me a boat shaped object composed of material containing organic carbon, which is what is found in petrified wood. I was brought up in a house with parents loving the Lord and they are always looking foreword to strengthen every Christian`s faith. Ron Wyatt co-chairs the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's equity advisory group and is faculty for the IHI Pursuing Equity Initiative. He always said The LORD is coming and it wont do any good to have a bank full of money.. I assume you mean Ron Wyatt. Makes a great thoughtful gift. Sometimes, I would wonder why in the world he was doing something the way he did it. I soon learned to be patient; for I knew that his intentions were good and that he would get the job done, one way or another. $11.95 TThis is the worlds best book on natural remedies for healing of the body. It was very convincing; but I later found out that the person claiming to have been there had never even been to Turkey. There are many claims being made today as to the location of the Ark of the Covenant and the purpose of this site is to give you an opportunity to hear Ron Wyatts story as he has told it and , In February 2003 Wyatt Archaeological Research conducted ground penetrating radar scans at the exact location Ron had described as the entrance to the passageway of Jeremiah. There is one thing for sure: He would not allow the negative comments nor the destructive actions of others to interfere with the work at hand. Ronald Eldon Wyatt (June 2, 1933 - August 4, 1999) was an American nurse anesthetist noted for advocating the Durupnar site in Turkey as the location of Noah's Ark 's landing place, along with almost 100 other alleged biblically related discoveries. He was such a humble man in every presentation he gave, always desiring to lead people to the Lord. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede them which are asleep. Thank you Terreah S. God would have done better picking an actual archeologist. He had at least 1 son. To see all the videos I've uploaded just click on my screen name TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp, or type it into the YouTube search window just like my screen name, with no spaces between the words.Oh yeah, if you like what you see, please subscribe, also please see the fair use notice posted on my channel. login . What blesses me most is the discovery of the Ark of the Covenat. It will not fit in this section, so I will be making it available at a new website soon. Just like lawyers, strife and debate arguments, I am so blessed by the work of Ron Wyatt. His interment was in Columbia's Polk Memorial Park Cemetery. To sum it all up, I guess you could say that Ron Wyatt was about the nicest, kindest, most stubborn and ornery person that you could ever want to meet. Maybe the reason that God chose Mr Wyatt, is that most modern archeologist are atheist, agnostic and non believers. Thanks to Ron for accepting to be used by God to discover the Bible truths, I totally believe and so greatful for Rons work, what I like most is the discovery of the crossing of the red sea, the rock that provided water,Mt Sinai, the mear fact that is so proctected by the Saudi goverment that shows that it is the Mt of God. In the Hebrew text, it literally says the mountains of Urartu: that whole mountainous region of Eastern Turkey. Boy was I surprised! I am so blessed to read all. I believe that the reason God allowed him to find all those things is because he was willing to look for them. In 1985 Wyatt was joined by former merchant marine officer David Fasold and geophysicist Dr John Baumgardner. 2002 Anchorstone Tour to Noah's Ark (the Durupinar site), 2000 Anchorstone Tour to Noah's Ark (the Durupinar site), The Bible on the location of Noah's Ark. To understand what this book is about, take a moment and watch the video below. [2], Following Wyatt's death, a split developed between the official Wyatt Archaeological Research (WAR) organization, which he founded, and the independent ministries and interested individuals that had previously cooperated with WAR. He would be the first to tell you that there is none that doeth good, no not one. People would always ask Ron why God had allowed him to find all those things. Ron would always give a humble answer, not taking personal credit for his God given abilities. It was the last time we ever saw Ron alive. God bless his family and friends. I first met Ron Wyatt in 1984, when I heard him speak at a church in Nashville. I found out about the work that was done by Mr. Wyatt and then read about the other things like Sodom and Gomorrah, the ash remains, the Garden Tomb, the Ark, and I am astounded that these places exist today and the evidence is in support of the Biblical accounts!! As far as we are aware nothing was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical artifacts or temple treasures. Ron Wyatt went to sleep in the Lord on August 4th, 1999, and he was laid to rest on August 6th, 1999, at the Polk Memorial Cemetary in Columbia, Tennessee. He was previously Chief Quality Officer at Cook County Health and the Hamad Medical. They have declared it a National Park and a National Treasure. The truth will set us free.PeaceLink to this video: Rons response Well bless their heart. Well, maybe a lot different! Ron Wyatt was a Man of God. Even so, he was just a man, with attributes and faults just like you and I. Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in blood sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. In working with Ron I have seen things and experienced events that can be described in no other way than supernatural. I could tell you many stories; but just let me say, I know who Ron was working for. Ron was always willing to give a person an opportunity to prove themselves. You think so ? Ararat is a 17,000 foot volcano which has erupted less than 200 years ago. Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim. Wyatt was working as a nurse anesthetist in a hospital in Madison, Tennessee,[1] when in 1960, he saw a picture in Life of the Durupnar site, a boat-like shape on a mountain near Mount Ararat. If it wont help somebody get to heaven l dont want to do it ( nor say it) how sweet it will be if everybody can stand on this. Ron came from a sizable family. In this Ron reveals that for him, to live was to witness to the Saving Grace of Y'suah, alone. He certainly inspired me. 11:34 . Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. Ron was always trying to help others; not expecting anything in return. Ron Wyatt was a "Man of God." Even so, he was just a man, with attributes and faults just like you and I. Analysis reveals metal content in specimen taken from Ark site in Turkey, Richard Rives recalls account of Josephus relating to ashen remains of Gomorrah, Rock in Horeb found near burnt mountain in Saudi Arabia, First Century Jerusalem 30 Feet Underground Richard Rives and Wayne Farris. The worlds titles mean nothing, and all the money you accumulated means nothing when you get to the other side. January 1979 Ron Wyatt and his sons Ronny and Danny return to Jerusalem and began the excavations. Richard Rives (president of Wyatt Archaeological Research) leads team members in dangerous excavation of underground quarries. Inserting the colonoscope into the hole he could see the crown-molding around the top of the Mercy , January 1981 As 1981 came to an end, Ron and the boys returned to Jerusalem. Sinai by the Caldwell family - http://splitrockresearch.org/content/Welcome/ - confirms beyond all conjured-up \"evidence\" otherwise that Mt. Wyatt Family - legitimate site of Ron Wyatt discoveries Promoting the treasures of God discovered by our father, Ron Wyatt. Mr. Wyatt has my vote of confidence. Because of his discoveries, he was contacted by all types; many with what have seemed to be good ideas. Again: Tahk you. Is Ron Wyatt still living. Great job Ron congratulations on a full life. When the owner of the book store finally got the book for me, I found that it was an inexpensive, simply stated, documentation of the claims both pro and con as to the discovery of Noahs Ark. The site Ron proclaimed to be the remains of Noahs Ark is not on Mount Ararat. Trust God. They would eventually remove many tons of rock and debris, sifting through all of it for artifacts: A requirement of the Department of Antiquities which they were happy to comply with. The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on request: The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artifacts within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. I planned to make a trip to the Middle East to see for myself, as scripture says, whether those things were so. We made our trip to the Middle East and I tried my best to be of as much service as possible. Ararat, the biblical landfall of Noah's Ark, was a boat . This is the worlds best book on natural remedies for healing of the body. What was he like as a father? GOD created man and chosen his destiny and giving man the free will to follow the chosen destiny, GOD shall show righteous man visions of their destiny. Ron Wyatt Family Website Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Videos Play all 5:43 Sodom & Gomorrah- EXTREME Heat explained 20K views9 months ago 1:04:14 Sodom & Gomorrah with Mary Nell. Now hope he to be restful in Jesus! So, the next day I went to a large Christian book store expecting to find a shelf full of expensive, professionally marketed and cleverly written books telling all about Ron Wyatt and his discoveries. Excavation permits were obtained from the Israel Antiquities Authority and an appeal was made for , LATER Ron returned to the chamber. The rather nefarious affirmation of two others, who motivation was carrying out what they thought would be mountains of gold left by Israelites led them to illegal entry and exploration of Mt. Its clear the Lord was guiding him. I have a collection of ancient references to the arks location there. I have found that the DVD of Rons discoveries make an effective evangelistic tool! Ararat; but when I began to check things out, I found that the Bible does not say that at all. We use the proceeds of sales and donations solely to support the work in spreading God's love. PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE: This video contains information that you may not know about, information that YOU WILL NOT KNOW ABOUT from mainstream media. . He was told that when the Sunday Law is passed is when this information would be released. This video has been uploaded because it contained INFORMATION THAT YOU ARE NOT BEING TOLD ABOUT, AND it is this information that YOU CANNOT MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS WITHOUT, period. soon and very soon we will meet you uncle Ron when the trumpet sound and the chosen people will be risen .by Jesus Christ the Lamb of God.. :-) God bless the ministries as well. The guidance of the Holy Spirit. Sandra and I visited Ron and Mary Nell only once during this period, on April 21, 1999 at their new home in Spring Hill, Tennessee which is only about 15 miles from the museum in Cornersville. He was always willing to help a neighbor and loved an opportunity to witness for the Lord. Hebrew's 9:16 \"For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.\"-- We know that Jesus Blood was required on the Mercy Seat-- We now know the exact location of the crucifixion site-- We know that John the beloved was the only disciple that stayed at the foot of the cross with his Lord. If you want to join us in spreading God's love in the discoveries, the newspaper " Treasured Truths" is a great way to do this! Ronald Eldon Wyatt (2 June 1933 - August 4, 1999) was a Pseudoarchaeologist-Pseudohistorian famed for alleged discoveries of material evidence in support of some of the major events recorded in the Bible , such as advocating the Durupnar site as the site of Noah's Ark, along with almost 100 other alleged Bible-related discoveries. Most of these people have never taken the time to check out the things they are talking about! I would like to know if you have materials (DVDs) subtitled in Portuguese? More and more we are hearing of new , The Ark of the Covenant The earthly throne of the Almighty and a container for the Ten Commandments, the stipulations of His covenant with mankind, which He wrote instone with His own finger. . May I know that my redeemer lives, and in that latter day I shall see him with my own eyes and not another. But after Uzziah became powerful, (this) led to his downfall., Heb. They would eventually remove many tons of rock and debris, sifting through all of it for artifacts: A requirement of the Department of Antiquities which they were happy to comply with. God is looking for the honest in heart, those who love the Lord and love their fellow brothers and sisters. If it had been a professional they would have gave way to main stream thinking and swept their findings under the rug to fit the popular belief system onbthese subjects.pretty simple i think. In 1981 Ron Wyatt located what he believed to be the crucifixion site of Jesus Christ. With Dad, it was about getting folks to wake up to the fact that God does exist and He wants a relationship with you. He was a little different if he thought otherwise. I am sure that he sometimes wondered why in the world is he doing it like that? I think that he knew that I would get the job done too. Metal content found in petrified specimens from boat shaped formation in mountains of Eastern Turkey, indicates a man-made object assembled with metal fittings. Hebrews 11:6, But with out faith it is impossible to please God. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. In other words, He was going to help me but he had turned it around like he needed me to help him. However, if you do not have it in your library, then your library is surely not complete! On the other hand, you did not disagree with Ron just to be disagreeable. Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms . A new DVD of the discoveries coming soon! I have seen him stop everything and spare no expense to help someone in need. We truly appreciate you visiting our site and welcome any kind words you wish to share. This is the most important information on this planet.World Net Daily August 1999 article, link:http://www.wnd.com/1999/08/363/See Wyatt Family Website:http://www.ronwyatt.com/****************************************************************************From YouTube user Dan Ward Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures.

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