Leah bore Jacob six sons and a daughter. Her first son was Joseph, the future viceroy of Egypt. Some rabbinical writings suggest that Rachel and Leah were twins, and were fourteen years old at the time of Jacob's first meeting with Rachel. Rachel lived in Harran, or Paddan Aram, and that's where she met her cousin Jacob. When Rachel saw that her sister was pregnant, she prayed and caused the fetuss sex to change(JTBerakhot9:3, 14[a]). The 63-year-old Dirty Dancing icon appeared in the very first season of the show, playing Mindy. Rachel had taken the idols and placed them in the cushion on her camels back. She raised Joseph and Benjamin as if she were their mother(Gen. Rabbah84:11). xxxi. The Rabbis speak of the passionate love for Rachel exhibited by Jacob, who already understood from their first encounter that she was his intended bride. Jacob said to Joseph that he had buried Rachel near Ephrath, where Bethlehem now stands. Rachel married Jacob after he was tricked into marrying her sister Leah. According to one, Reuben, Leahs son and the firstborn of Jacob, does receive the birthright. Rachels merit continued to aid Israel even many years after her demise: when the exiles from Judah (after the destruction of the First Temple) passed by her tomb, she aroused Gods mercy to forgive them; He heeded her, and promised her that He would return them to their land. They declare that Rachel was not envious of her sister's fertility, but of her righteousness; she thought that if Leah had not been a better woman than she, she would not have had children. This midrash indicates a certain correction of the injustice done to Rachel. However, the Rabbis debate the reason behind God granting her the ability to bear children. When Jacob introduced himself to Rachel, he told her (v. 12) that he was her fathers kinsman, that he was Rebekahs son. In the midrashic expansion, Jacob told Rachel: if to deceivehe was her fathers kinsman; and if for righteousnesshe was Rebekahs son. Laban would take these gifts and give them to Leah, and Rachel would remain silent (Tanhuma[ed. Today the site is surrounded by an armed fortress and under heavy guard. Learn Religions, Dec. 6, 2022, learnreligions.com/rachel-favored-wife-of-jacob-701193. Rijksmuseum The story of how Jacob ends up marrying his two cousins, Leah and Rachel, begins in Canaan, with the marriage of his older twin, Esau, to two Hittite women of whom Isaac and Rebekah do not approve. Captivated by her, "Jacob went over to the well and moved the stone from its mouth and watered his uncles flock." She told her father she was having her period, making her ceremonially unclean, so he did not search near her. Jacob's wife, Leah, had four sons in quick succession, and then stopped bearing. Both bore him children. 10:5], and therefore Rachel died during childbirth(Gen. 35:19). 14; Midr. Jealous of her sister, Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah as a wife. cit.). The midrash adds that Laban entered Rachels tent twice, because he knew that she was inclined to steal. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He was then allowed to marry Rachel as well, in return for seven more years of labour. Rachel said: If Leah were not righteous, would she have given birth?(Gen. Rabbah71:6). The stone over the mouth of the well was large. Another tradition has Leah herself being responsible for the change. 1-min read. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. When Abraham was about 100 years old, he and his wife Sarah had a son who they named Isaac. Jacob retorted in anger that he did not stand in the place of God, Who alone decided questions of that sort. They consented, as is said inGen. 31:14: Then Rachel and Leah answered, saying []. Since Rachel spoke before her sister, she was punished by dying before her(Gen. Rabbah74:4). How old was Rachel when Jacob married her? Jealous of her sister, Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah as a wife. 60a), and who are often referred to in the liturgy, Rachel being mentioned before Leah. Her first meeting with Jacob occurred at a well near Haran, whither she had taken the flocks for water. We only know the age of Jacob during this period of time. Well, according to the math in the Bible, Jacob was 8. Then Jacob continued on his journey and came to the land of the eastern peoples. Love in the Bible: From God's Love to the Most Romantic Scriptures, Meet Isaac in the Bible: Abraham's Miracle Son, Meet Eve: The First Woman, Wife, and Mother of All the Living, Bathsheba, Mother of Solomon, Wife of King David, A Profile of Abraham of the Jewish Nation, 8 Mothers in the Bible Who Served God Well, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. After the week had passed, Jacob prepared for his wedding night. 11). Jealous of her sister, Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah as a wife. If I had sent a message to him, saying: Take note that they are deceiving you, would he not have refrained? Buber],Vayeze19). The midrash connects these actions, both of which express Rachels compassionate nature. When his time came to take leave of the world, he summoned his sons, but he did not choose Joseph instead of Reuben. Genesis chapters 29-30 and 35 detail the births of Jacob's many children. The midrash further states that, as reward for Rachels modesty, Saul was descended from her; and as reward for Sauls modesty, Esther was descended from him. Jacob loved Rachel but was indifferent toward Leah. But on the night of the marriage, Laban deceived Jacob. This midrash compares the barrenness of the three Matriarchs and the conduct of the three Patriarchs, which intensifies the criticism of Jacob, who should have acted as his forefathers did, and pray on behalf of Rachel in accordance with her wishes. Theodor-Albeck, MS. Vatican, 99:20, p. 1270]). "Meet Rachel - Favored Wife of Jacob." Gen. 30:22reveals: Now God remembered Rachel; God heeded her and opened her womb. In the midrashic expansion, Rachel was remembered (i.e., became pregnant) on The Jewish New Year, held on the first and second days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei. Rachel knows that she is Jacobs true intended bride. Rachel's envy at her sister's fertility (comp. Since he did not have the money to pay the bride price (the mohar ) for her, he agreed to work seven years for him and then marry Rachel. The affair of the mandrakes is generally represented by the Rabbis as unfavorable to Rachel; and it was due to her mode of obtaining them (comp. 2, 7). Jacob's other wife is Rachel's sister Leah, which causes issues between the sisters, especially because Leah is able to bear children. In 1860, Sir Moses Montefiore enlarged this structure. When Dan was born, Rachel said(Gen. 30:6): God has vindicated me [dananni]; indeed, He has heeded my plea and given me a son. In the midrashic explication of this verse, Rachel said: God has judged me and found me guilty [and therefore I was childless]; [and afterwards] He has judged me and vindicated me [and given my handmaiden a son] (Gen. Rabbahloc. The Rabbis claim that Rachel did so for the sake of Heaven. Jacob allowed Laban to search for the idols. Jacob offered to serve Laban for seven years, in exchange for the right to marry Rachel. Another midrash adds that by merit of Rachels silence, two tribesEphraim and Manassehissued forth from her, in addition to the other ten tribes(Gen. Rabbah71:5;Tanhuma,Vayeze6). As the four different plants with which the Jews were commanded to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. (NIV). Various Jewish sources say Rachel died at age 36 and other sources say age 45. ; Midr. Rachel's father Laban was the brother of Rebekah, Jacob mother. 3). As related inGen. 32:7, before the meeting with Esau, Jacob was apprehensive that his brother was preparing to fight him, and he therefore divided his family into two camps. In other respects the two sisters were alike, both being ancestresses of kings, heroes, prophets, judges, and conquerors (ib. Referred to alternatively as the "Day of Judgement" and the "Day of Blowing" (of the, Lit. At first childless, Rachel eventually gave birth to Joseph and died giving birth to Benjamin. Another tradition explains the Torahs statement(Gen. 29:16): Now Laban had two daughters as meaning that both were equal in beauty and in their erect stature (Tanhuma[ed. Bilhah bore children to Jacob, causing Leah to give her servant Zilpah to Jacob, who had children with her. When, toward the end of his life, Jacob told Joseph about Rachels death, he said(Gen. 48:7): I [do this because], when I was returning from Paddan, Rachel died, to my sorrow. The wording died, to my sorrow teach the Rabbis that Rachels death was the harshest of all the troubles that befell Jacob(Gen. Rabbah97:7, [ed. Leah agreed, and when Jacob returned from the field, Leah told him directly that she had "hired" him for the evening, at the price of a few mandrakes. As punishment for Jacobs behavior, Leahs sons will stand before Joseph, the ruler of all Egypt, hear the same words coming out of his mouth and fear him, not knowing how he will act toward them [after Jacobs death]. 19; Gen. R. lxxxii. Corrections? 31:1416attests: A cry is heard in Ramahwailing, bitter weepingRachel weeping for her children, she refuses to be comforted for her children, who are gone. Why, then, did she die? Rabbah, according to which Rachel entered under Jacob and Leahs bed on their wedding night. Thus, we see that the rivalry between the two sisters did not come to an end but even pertains to the identity of the herald of the future Redemption. From the Jewish Museum, New York, via Wikimedia Commons. Agadah to Gen. xxix. Isaac, the father of Jacob, wanted his son to marry from among their own people, so he sent Jacob to Paddan-aram, to find a wife among the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle. [6] (Genesis 31:19-20 ) Jones[7] records that the phrase "born to him in Padan-aram" that appears after the listing of Jacob's sons (Genesis 35:26 ) can also mean "engendered by him in Padan-aram." Thismidrashattributes a dual meaning to Gods statement: for there is a reward for your labor. Rachel acted in an extraordinary manner when she helped her sister to be married to Jacob and also when she prayed for her children. Recall Jacob had to flee from his family's house because of his treachery toward his brother Esau. The terms "elder" and "younger," applied respectively to Leah and Rachel (Gen. xxix. Gen. 29:17attests: Leah had weak eyes; Rachel was shapely and beautiful. Themidrashadds that there was no maiden fairer than Rachel (Tanhuma,Vayeze6). 21). According to the "Sefer ha-Yashar" (section "Wayee," p. 46a, Leghorn, 1870), Rachel herself prayed God to give her children, and God finally answered her prayer. At the end of twenty years of service (seven each for Leah and Rachel, and six more for a portion of Laban's flocks), Jacob and Laban fell out. Gen. 30:1relates that when Rachel saw that she was not bearing children, she told Jacob: Give me children, or I shall die, leading the Rabbis to conclude that whoever is childless is regarded as dead (Lam. The Rabbis learned from this that whoever makes a vow and delays fulfilling it will bury his wife (Lev. According to the second opinion, however, the fact that she was the chief person of the household was a result of her barrenness and did not necessarily reflect Jacobs preference for her. 9-12, 17-18, 31; xxx. She married Jacob (2245 AM) when she was old enough to carry an adult responsibility, because Jacob met her when she was leading a flock of sheep to water. The Bible does not say when Rachel was born, nor how old she was when she married Jacob, nor how long she lived. 2). Rather, he told the latter(Gen. 49:3): Reuben, you are my first-born; notwithstanding this, Jacob also spoke disparagingly of him (v. 4): Unstable as water, you shall excel no longer. Many years later, Moses would bless Reuben and release him from this disgrace(Deut. xxi., where the number 37 must be corrected to 36). She said: We are leavingshall we leave this old man in his corruption [i.e., idolatry]? Consequently, Scripture proclaims her praise and tells of the act of theft(Gen. Rabbah74:5). The first was his anguish at his poverty. Rachel, in Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), one of the two wives of the patriarch Jacob. Today, we live in a performance-based society. 22-24). 10). By ancient custom, Bilhah's children would be credited to Rachel. 4:19), andMichal (daughter of Saul)(II Sam. In the four years following their marriage, Leah had four sons; Rachel had none. Gen. 29:18attests: Jacob loved Rachel. The midrashic exegesis of this verse characterizes this love of Jacobs with a reference toCant. At the same time, they also illustrate the intricate and complex relationship betweenLeahand Rachel, the two sisters and the two wives of Jacob whose fate was intertwined. B. Omissions? Isaac married Rabecah and they had two sons - Esau and Jacob.. Due to Rachels good deeds or to Reubens sin, the initial order was restored. Rachel feared that her deeds were not favorable in the eyes of God, which resulted in her barrenness. The Bible does not say when Rachel was born, nor how old she was when she married Jacob, nor how long she lived. After Rachels death, Bilhah took her place. Answer Rachel is a major character in the early Old Testament; she was a daughter of Laban, sister of Leah, favored wife of Jacob, and mother of two of Jacob's children. Because of the curse which Jacob uttered to Laban(Gen. 31:32): But anyone with whom you find your gods shall not remain alive! (Gen. Rabbahloc. The regimen of rituals, songs and textual readings performed in a specific order on the first two nights (in Israel, on the first night) of Passover. xxxv. Help us elevate the voices of Jewish women. cit.). They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Besides, Rachel was afraid that her father, seeing that she had no children by Jacob, might marry her to Esau (Midr. However, the text of Genesis 35:9-15 is a narrative that begins with a recapitulation of an earlier incident: the second appearance of God to Jacob and the renaming of Jacob to Israel. This was the year in which Jacob fled in secret from Laban. If you forgot, she was best friends with Rachel Green ( Jennifer Aniston ) before she wound up . At Naphtalis birth, Rachel said(Gen. 30:8): A contest of God, a fateful contest I waged [naftuleiniftalti] with my sister; yes, and I have prevailed. Themidrashgives four different interpretations of this name. The Rabbis learn of Gods retaining the key of the woman giving birth from Rachel, of whom it is said: Now God remembered Rachel; God heeded her and opened her womb(BTTaanit2ab). Executive Committee of the Editorial Board. Due to the shame that Benjamin suffered through no fault of his own, he merited having the Divine Presence rest in his portion [the Temple was erected in the portion of the tribe of Benjamin], which thereby publicly proclaimed his innocence. But Laban substituted Leah, Rachel's older sister, in her place. Jacobs response is described in v. 2: Jacob was incensed at Rachel, and said, Can I take the place of God, who has denied you fruit of the womb? The midrashic exegesis further intensifies Jacobs strong statement. 40) are considered by the Rabbis to symbolize the four matriarchs, Rachel, who died the youngest, they consider symbolized by the willows of the brook, which fade sooner than any other plant (Lev. cit.). She performed the exchange fully aware of what she was doing, even though she knew that Leah would bear most of Jacobs sons. Leah gives birth to four sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. She told Jacob that if he didn't "give" her children, she would die. Rachel, who was not so occupied, therefore became the mainstay of the household. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/rachel-favored-wife-of-jacob-701193. In another tradition, Rachel stole these idols so that they would not reveal to Laban that Jacob had fled with his wives, his children and his flocks (Tanhuma,Vayeze12). The reason for this was Josephs fear that Esau would see Rachel and desire her. In another tradition, Rachel envied Leahs good deeds. Why did Rachel die? lxx. Gen 29:20 So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her. pseudo-Jonathan ad loc.). Her death occurred not far from Ephrath, and she was buried on the road leading thither, Jacob setting up a pillar on her grave to perpetuate her memory (xxxv. "Staging Rachel: Rabbinic Midrash, Theatrical Mime, and Christian Martyrdom in Late Antiquity." (2022, December 6). Rachel's death was so deeply felt by Jacob that he considered it the greatest of all his sorrows (Ruth R. i. But Rachel was not content with this. Episode 91: Israel at 75: Voices of Protest. midrash relates that Rachel was twenty-two years old when she was married to Jacob ( "order.". 3). Notwithstanding this, Rachels exemplary deeds caused the seniority to return to her. This midrash criticizes Jacob for responding so harshly and inconsiderately to Rachel, who is presented as a bitter woman. Rachel said: Were not the vicissitudes that Jacob underwent for me? If she had, then she would not have been able to employ a ruse to stop her father from searching her belongings too closely (see below). By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. 15). This well had a heavy stone to cap it by night, and Rachel was accustomed to waiting for someone to roll the stone away when all the flocks were gathered. Jacob then married Rachel and worked for Laban another seven years for her. Have an update or correction? The contention between the two women did not cease even after Rachels death, and arose again as regards the seniority of Jacobs sons: who would be considered the firstbornthe son of Leah, or of Rachel; and similarly, regarding the origin of Elijah, the harbinger of the Redemption. 60a, and Targ. Rosh Hashanah is perceived as the time of liberation from pain and sorrow: this is the day that signals a positive change, both in the time of the Matriarchs and in the time of their offspring. The Rabbis learned from this that seven days of feasting are to be conducted for a bride and groom (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer[ed. In another tradition, God remembered Rachels silence when Leah was given to Jacob instead of her. Yet another tradition asserts that this was not stated to Rachels credit, and confirms the fact of her barrenness. Rabbah37:1). Themidrashlists three reasons for Jacobs crying on this occasion. At that time God was revealed to Jacob and He told him: Rachels children are with you, and you are afraid? Jeremiah represents Rachel, weeping for her children being driven into captivity, as the personification of tenderness (Jer. They assert that Jacobs kiss was not a wanton one, but one that expressed familial feeling, since Rachel was related to him (Gen. Rabbahloc. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The regimen of rituals, songs and textual readings performed in a specific order on the first two nights (in Israel, on the first night) of Passover.Seder Olam Rabbah2). The Rabbis understand the wording(Gen. 29:31): but Rachel was barren [akarah] as teaching of Rachels merit: despite her not having children, she nonetheless was the chief person [ikar] of the household. The younger daughter of Laban and the wife of Jacob, Rachel is the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, who become two of the twelve tribes of Israel ( Gen 35:24; 46:15-18). Rachel unquestionably had Jacob's favor, but Rachel was sterile, while Leah was fertile. Laban agreed. Themidrash, however, presents two principal approaches to this question. She died after bearing her second son, in 2266 AM. Later, when Leah was given in marriage instead of Rachel, the latter revealed the signs to her sister in order to spare her from being disgraced by Jacob. The exegetes holding this view find Rachels words(Gen. 30:15) to be somewhat prophetic: I promise, he shall lie with you tonightwith you he will lie [in the grave], but with me he will not lie [in the grave]. (Genesis 29:10, NLT). Rachel and Leah were twin sisters, fourteen years old when Jacob came to their father's house; consequently they were twenty-one years old at the time of their marriage to Jacob (Seder 'Olam Rabbah ii.). He knew that he would marry her, just as Rebekah had been married to Isaac, and he also understood that he would bury her. Gen. 29tells of the first meeting between Jacob and Rachel at the well. One tradition maintains that she became pregnant by merit of abundant prayers: by merit of her own prayer, by merit of her sisters prayer, by merit of Jacobs prayer, and by merit of the prayer of the handmaidens [Zilpah and Bilhah](Gen. Rabbah73:3). xxxi. [1] Jacob decided to leave quietly at night. A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules). Rachel lost being buried next to Jacob because of her dealing with Leah, but she thereby merited having her son Joseph receive the birthright. Before his death, Jacob praises Joseph for acting in this manner, when he says of his son(Gen. 49:22): Joseph is a wild ass, a wild ass by a spring [ayin, also meaning eye]I must reward you for that eye [for having concealed Rachel from Esaus eye](Gen. Rabbah78:10). In another midrashic tradition, however, Jacob did not initially favor Rachel over Leah. Instead of showing understanding, he amplifies her pain by telling her that he already has four sons from Leah. When Abraham was about 100 years old, he and his wife Sarah had a son who they named Isaac. You are your mothers son! 4; "Sefer ha-Yashar," section "Wayee," p. 47a). Rachel's early decease was due, according to the general opinion of the Rabbis, to Jacob's involuntary curse uttered when Laban was searching for the teraphim, "With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, let him not live" (Gen. xxxi. Some consider that she did so in order to conceal Jacob's flight; others, that her object was to turn her father from idolatry (Pire R. El. But as she approached, a stranger (Jacob) rolled the stone away for her and watered the sheep. Bilhah bore two sons, Dan and Naphtali, over the next two years.[1][2][3]. Even when he came to bless her son, he made him [Joseph] secondary to her. God took pity on Leah and allowed her to bear children, while Rachel was barren. cit.). Elijah came and stood before them. No, he did not. Jewish philosopher, scholar, and physician. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. 33:6): May Reuben live and not die. This blessing expresses Reubens standing as firstborn, who took a double portion [as is the law of the firstborn]: May Reuben live and not dieMay Reuben live, in this world; and not die, in the World to Come (Tanhuma[ed. This exposition aims to applaud Jacobs strength, which increased due to his love for Rachel.

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