Family information Hope doesn't but Rebekah questions why she remains. He has him hidden in Davina's attic. Marcel chooses to to drink and relive past memories with Camille. Klaus explains how he was moved by Marcels ability to let go of his hatred for his father when he scattered the ashes. They are interrupted by Papa Tunde who attacks Marcel. One of Marcel's followers comes to give him news of some killings of the local vampires. Marcel and Josh were later joined by Elijah in leading the new vampire community in the neighborhood of Algiers, and they formed close alliances with both hybrids Klaus and Hayley, but also the Crescent Wolf Clan, bringing peace to the supernatural community at large for the first time in centuries. Marcel met with Davina at his gym, warning her that The Strix needed her to take down the Mikaelsons. With no way of bringing her back, Marcel clutched Davina's hand and cried over her body, shattered by the loss of a girl who saw him as her guardian. Klaus confronts Marcel and demands to know what the deal is with the witches. Marcel and Elijah fought but Marcel easily overpowered him again, prepared to kill him before Hayley got involved. Marcel assured her he was always on her side and had her back but some things weren't worth the price you had to pay to get them. Marcel also has shackles to hold Rebekah as his prisoner. Hope doesn't understand why she can't leave, but Freya tells her that it's because she doesn't really want to, at least not all of her. Marcel, doubtful at first, accepts in the end. 1810 (New Orleans, Age 25/216) In Fruit of the Poisoned Tree, Marcel grows suspicious of Klaus and discovers he lied about where he lives. Marcel goes to talk to Davina who seems upset and is drawing. She was thankful that she had Marcel in her life, and it is clear that Marcel would do anything for her. In one corner, we have Marcel . Hope accepts and immediately suggests tossing them in the garbage can, though Marcel deducts ten points. He first makes a speech, trying to get an ally. Aya explained that The Strix required his help and it would be in a mission that would put his loyalty to the test. She's taking abnormal psychology in college. When Rebekah tells him that it is hopeless to help Davina and Davina agrees to complete the Harvest. First seen Gender Marcellus "Marcel" Gerard is a main character on The Originals. Marcel Became The Ultimate Beast On 'The Originals' & He's - Bustle As Klaus and Marcel look on, Marcel sees a girl, the bartender from one of the bars. Marcel asked Hayley to tell Hope that she didn't have to fear him, and never had to, as he had no ill feelings toward her despite his relationship with her father. Marcel initially suggested Davina but after her actions with Mikael, Elijah didn't want Davina's help. Unbeknownst to Klaus, Marcel has some of his men follow Klaus to find out what he's planning. Species He notices Rebekah in her host body. He caught up to them in the woods and threatened to kill them all. However, after defeating The Hollow's acolytes, Marcel and Klaus became trapped in a ring of fire. They arrive to a parking garage to find a man and a woman in the back of a van. The zealot soon overpowered Vincent but Marcel recovered in time to save his witch ally. And when Marcel expressed a desire to be sired, Klaus was very reluctant, as he feared that Marcel becoming something similar to himself would deprive him of all that Klaus prized in Marcel. Marcellus Mikaelson (ne Gerard) is an Upgraded Original Vampire. Lucien reminded him about the prophecy that stated Klaus' sireline would fall and burn, prompting Marcel to try to stop Aya. At the end of the episode it was revealed that Marcel actually took the magical serum the moment Vincent gave it to him. Elijah relented and Aya seethed over her loss. When they reminded him that he was their family, Marcel shook his head with scorn and told them he was no longer their family and never would be again after what they had done. After a heated debate where Kol told Marcel he was never a Mikaelson, Marcel agreed with him, saying he was happy that he wasn't. Marcel comforts Davina as she cries, and she hands over the gold dagger, allowing Elijah to use it to put down Klaus at the end of the episode. Klaus arrives to help but is also overcome by Papa Tunde. He saw she was a fighter like himself and saved her life before she could be killed in The Harvest and has been taking care of her and protecting her ever since. In fact, Marcel has so far been seen to actually permanently kill someone only five times: One was with Jane-Anne, and the other was with Bastianna. In the trees or on the breeze. After all, a werewolf bite is death to a vampire. During Marcel's rule, he enforced a system of rules of his creation within the French Quarter, by which all supernatural residents must abide. He initially refuses to help Klaus to investigate sacrificed vampires in the Cauldron. Hope explains that her father will never be able to rest until he knows that she's okay. He plans on keeping Klaus in there for 52 years. Marcel arrived to save him and they tracked Sofya down with Vincent's help. In Farewell to Storyville, Marcel comforts Rebekah as Klaus tries to kill her. After regaining his position, Klaus tells Marcel he wants to rule side by side with him. Later, after Davina deduced that they needed the heart of an unsired vampire, such as Hayley to complete the spell, The Strix attacked the hybrid in Marcel's gym. In You Hung the Moon, after Davina was attacked by another witch, Marcel told her that a show of force was needed. Sitting down at the table, she takes a moment and gives her answer. He pushed Klaus away and stormed off in a rage. After Elijah reports a line of Hamlet to him, Marcel realizes that it is in fact not Elijah, but the Hollow. The Fate of Marcel Gerard in 'The Originals' Revealed - H.O.M.E. He returned as a decorated hero. He went out of his way to save the nightwalkers on his territory when the Faction incited an attack on them, and has yet to be seen dealing with other vampires in ways other than snapping their necks, implying that he really does care for his own kind. When he refuses to say, Klaus threatens to feed on him. However both get drugged as Ruben prepares to kill her for revenge thinking she's Eva. The Governor (Father)Unknown Mother Niklaus Mikaelson (Adoptive Father)Unknown Stepmother Emil (Paternal Half-Brother)Hope Mikaelson (Adoptive Younger Sister)Rebekah Mikaelson (Wife) After Cami locates the box for the key, he assumes someone got to it as the box is empty. Marcel and Cami almost share a kiss when Diego interrupts to tell him about what happened with Thierry. Davina arrived and after realizing she was gone, Marcel hugged her, both grieving for Camille. The other vampires gather and surround Marcel. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, after The Strix succeeded in having Vincent activate The Serratura and taking Hayley hostage, Marcel was present after the Mikaelsons struck back by taking Aurora captive, viewing the aftermath with Tristan and Aya. Klaus wants Marcel's house. Klaus proceeds to get into Marcel's head talking about traps and flirts with the idea of riling the witches up. When Marcel saw Davina's body and realized The Ancestors successfully used Kol's amplified anger to kill her, he lashed out violently against Kol, devastated by Davina's death. Brown With her help, Marcel learned that a werewolf named Lara had connections to the threat known as the Hollow. In Haunter of Ruins, Marcel went to Vincent to learn more about the new threat Vincent believed could destroy New Orleans. He continued that he fought for Hope, kept Hayley breathing, and even kept white oak from piercing their hearts. Even though Klaus built the town, his father, Mikael, ran him out of it over a hundred years ago and now Marcel rules it. He will also be seen wearing necklaces and scarfs as accessories. He reveals he had Kieran get her out of town as she was an innocent baby, despite how she could have been useful leverage from being the last Labonair. Both shows often shocked viewers by killing off beloved characters and using plot devices like the Gilbert Ring, the Other Side (a supernatural purgatory), vampirism, and . The dying Marcel asked Klaus to turn him and against Klaus' wishes, he did so. She is reluctant to hand over the dagger as Kol gave it to her for protection, and she'll decide if it gets used. The Originals: Why Klaus & Elijah Mikaelson Were Killed Off In The They watch and share looks as she appears to interact with her humanity. Soldiers of The Brotherhood of the Damned , Marcel and Kieran (Friends/Former Allies), Marcel and Diego (Close Friends/Former Allies), Marcel and Joe Dalton (Close Friends/Former Allies/Fellow Soldiers), Marcel and Sofya (Former Enemies/Former Allies/Ex-Fling). This leaves Marcel in charge of the Quarter, once again; however, he was tricked by Klaus, yet again, into letting him live (as unknown to Marcel, the other Mikaelson Family members are linked to Klaus' life force) as long as Klaus is alive, they cannot be killed or die. Marcel had taken the serum to turn into a super-beast so the Mikaelsons would think he diedbut he is very much alive and definitely seeking revenge on . Marcel tried to fight back as Davina screamed for him to help her but Elijah snapped his neck. The vampires then decide to side with Marcel. Marcel, being bold, asks her out for 9 o'clock that evening. Marcel grudgingly agreed to allow them to come back despite just driving them away, on the condition that once Hope was healed they had to leave immediately. The Originals (TVD)When The Saints Go Marching In (TO)Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found (LGC). He is afraid that she will never trust him again. Gia returned sometime later, telling Marcel that she had convinced Elijah to help her and Marcel happily relished that their community would have Elijah on their side. Marcel was visibly nervous about the results, especially after Aya easily struck down a Strix member who was shown to have nefarious intentions. Marcel warned her that going through the plan would be risky, as the Mikaelsons would retaliate but Davina was confident everything would work out. Kol listened to Marcel and tried to flee New Orleans, leaving Marcel to explain Kol's departure to a shocked Davina. He says that his friend has been depressed because he can't keep his mind off a girl. Marcel is concerned and tells her she cannot take all of wolves by herself, but she tells him she have Jackson. He takes his role as leader seriously and enforces the rules he made without fail, though he is not above getting carried away since he supposedly killed a witch in front of many viewers for this reason, though its revealed that said witch used magic and took part in the harvest ritual where she had her own daughter sent to her death. Because even though Wednesday's series finale of The Originals gifted both Rebekah and Freya with a happy ending Bex got her dream of a human life with Marcel, while Vincent agreed to father . When the Harvest goes wrong and Davina doesn't come back to life, he is devastated and blames it on Klaus saying that he had everything under control until he came to the New Orleans. In Every Mother's Son, Marcel watched his community grow and then met with Elijah, who told him that he needed the help of a witch. However, by the end of the fourth season, Marcel had finally chosen Rebekah over New Orleans, and being Sofya's "second-best", and traveled to New York to begin their relationship anew. Marcel is ruthless, but not completely without mercy; best demonstrated by the fact that he prefers to kill his victims by snapping necks, as opposed to other Vampires, who use more inhumane methods like heart extraction, decapitation, and staking. When Marcel learned it was to rescue Tristan who had been taken hostage by the Originals, he believed it was a suicide mission. While not arrogant, he has displayed over-confidence when confronted by beings more powerful than him, such as when he spoke down to Klaus, disregarding that he would be nothing if it wasn't for Klaus, the Original Hybrid, much more powerful than any non-Original vampire in his "army", though while Klaus did make him who he was, he also wasn't always benevolent, as he daggered Rebekah for getting too close to Marcel, this affected Marcel deeply and it caused him to resent Klaus as well as eventually turn against him. Klaus is stabbing Marcel to drain him of his blood. He then encourages Josh to get Davina to practice magic again for her own protection, which Josh does. He is the husband of Rebekah Mikaelson and the father of Nikolaus Mikaelson by her. Likewise, Kol tells her that Klaus would have wanted it this way. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Shen taunted Marcel, telling him he had suspected Marcel would be a turncoat. At the end of the episode, he meets up with Tyler who gives him useful information on Klaus. Lucien, however, told Marcel that it wasn't just about de-siring, but also an execution. Marcel became the ultimate beast on The Originals, and . The reason the article has been tagged as such is that it is lacking information about recent episodes and/or correct information. Hope would rather skip to the end of the morbid family reunion. 1 (TVD)90 (TO)1 (LGC)92 (total) If that weren't bad enough, this "family forever" business is done. Indeed, one of his weaknesses is that being a recently-introduced character, Marcel knows little about the nature of the Original Vampires, such as Klaus' blood acting as a cure for a werewolf bite and that if one Original Vampire dies, all of their bloodline die too in matter of hours, however, not even the Originals themselves knew of the bloodline problem as it was only revealed with the death of Finn. Appearance He is later ambushed by Klaus in his loft. She realizes he knew about the key and asks him to leave. Marcel and Vincent discovered totems used to bind the children to the spell and Vincent was able to stop the spell from harming them. Marcel, wanting to take advantage of the good will he had earned with them, demanded that he be given more of a reward for helping save Tristan, saying that the events of the day proved that The Strix needed him on their side, convincing them to let him deeper into The Strix's inner circle. While Mikael tries to convince Klaus to kill Hope, Cami reminds him that she knows his heart. Davina is Marcel's favorite witch. Marcel tells him to enjoy his kingdom. In A Walk on the Wild Side, Tristan contacted Marcel after sending him a mask and tuxedo, inviting him to gala thrown by The Strix. With the Hollow defeated, he is currently in New York City with Rebekah. When Aya objected his claim, challenging him to what the charter dubbed "a game of kings", where whoever held the charter at midnight would be named the new leader of The Strix. He has dark skin, brown eyes, shaven hair and appears to physically be in his late 20s. On how they need her help to bring back Kol. Cami is shocked and Marcel tells her to get a new adviser. Elijah arrived, stabbing him in the back with a large piece of wood. Their relationship crumbles after Klaus finds out, in the 20th century, it was Marcel and Rebekah who brought Mikael to New Orleans in order to kill him. Rebekah comes barging in, demanding to know where Elijah is. What episode does jackson die in the originals? In Long Way Back From Hell, a distraught Elijah turns to Marcel and Hayley for help when one of his decisions puts Klaus and Rebekah's lives in danger. Marcel thereafter sentences Thierry to 100 years in the Garden. Marcel and Hayley found Lara who explained the Hollow offered the werewolves the power they needed to take back the city from Marcel, who she berated for ruling over a city that belonged to all of them. type. Marcel laughs at him and points out that he's never been family, more of a charity case. Marcel deduced that Aya had taken the ring but given it to Mohinder, a skilled combatant who liked to feed on his defeated opponents. She is important to him. Marcel speaks to Josh after the de-siring. Marcel led the attack on Elijah but was easily knocked away first before Elijah slaughtered many of the others with help from Hayley. He shows up with his army at the cemetery where the ritual takes place and kills all guilty witches, noticing that Davina is the only survivor of the four sacrificed witches and takes her away to safety, which is how their relationship began. The Originals Just Killed Off Another . He tries to get Cami to help a resurrected Davina after the latter is suffering from PTSD. In Ashes to Ashes, he calms down an angry Davina as she was tricked into resurrecting Esther instead of Kol. Hope returns with Marcel. The Originals. After their reunion, their relationship is frosty, the two flirt and it is clear Rebekah has unresolved feelings for him and that he still loves her. Back in his youth, Marcel was shown to be innocent; he was greatly disturbed when Kol decided to "educate" him about vampirism at the cost of several innocent lives. In Fire with Fire, Marcel talks to Elijah about Davina. In No More Heartbreaks, upon hearing Cami had been attacked by the newly empowered Lucien, Marcel called Davina to tell her. Klaus throws a coin saying whoever gets the coin will live, no one goes for it. Klaus denies this, calls him family and wishes him to follow him. Later, he kills Jane-Anne for performing magic without his permission. Once in possession of the moonlight rings they had stolen from Hayley and the Crescents, Francesca and their brothers triggered their curses and used the rings to control their transformation, allowing them to bite all of the vampires in Marcel's Army and leave them for dead. 'The Originals' Series Finale Ending Killed Your Favorite - Bustle

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