Dwight gets Angela's help taking care of his aunt, and Pam interviews with a real estate firm whose boss is a carbon-copy of . Theyd gotten together, broken up, had affairs, stepped apart - but through it all, they still did care for each other and had similar interests. At the end of Season Nine, Angela and Dwight are getting married. I have rarely posted to it, but I wanted to take a moment to thank Tanster for all of her hard work over the years to keep us Office fans entertained and aware of the latest news. Great finale. (a) Perfect. From India. Great ending! Theyve left this great show on a high. I couldnt have grown up with a better parent, friend and conscience. isnt it ironic that one of the most notably, romantic TV couples in history didnt take their clothes off once? What a ride! I wanted to comment just to get my feelings out. When Angela is upset about the affair, Dwight comforts her. Thats great casting; how did I never see that haha. Personally, my ending for Creed would involve the police and a spin-off. You all will be missed. I love this show. View photos from The Office The Wedding of Dwight and Angela on NBC.com. Tanster, congrats on your part in the show, and bringing so much great coverage to the Tally Heads all of these years, you deserve nothing but success going forward. You can even buy a bobblehead of him in real life now because of how popular it got. We wont know unless they say it in the finale. I want it to be Dwight and Angelas wedding so bad. Greg Daniels, you did an amazing job. Maybe tanster has some sort of opinion / information about it. The tears trickled down my face during the entire airing, some happy, some sad. Will there be another office episode with a reunion like the British. The week leading up to the Finale has been unusually quietno new clips or promos or anything? Other favourites: Stanleys carving of Phyllis, the group photo and everything Creed did. I thought it was strange that he wasnt at the panel, but his appearance at the wedding was excellent. Dwight takes the break-up very hard. I know I will. It was a great celebration for cast and fans! I was very skeptical coming mid-April that they would wrap up the story but this episode was on the scale of a Season 2 episode. So much laughter and heart! And as the mother of an Irish dancer I laughed out loud at the two references to Irish dancing in the show! Gutenpranken! Im really gonna miss The Office. I thought the ending part was truly wonderful, Jim and Dwights speeches in particular. Viewers all this is dating dwight: //bit. Any chance Ed B and Joan G are leads in something Andy is doing, and he *does* succeed? Sooooooo great. A parking lot that will remain empty.. The episode was incredible and Steve Carells return, although it was small, was amazing! In Season 9, Episode 9, The Target, when Angela suspects that her new husband is having an affair with Oscar, she hires a hitman to take Oscar down because she believes he turned her husband gay. :). Still thinking of it this morning and plan on watching it again today. It just hasnt been the same since Michael left. He remained the mystery character. I hope youre on this episode tonight, Tanster!! I, for one, thought that this was the best finale. I didnt cry when I saw this episode like I did when I watched Goodbye Michael, but that makes it so much better because it wasnt a sad goodbye. :), I really dont think I have fully grasp the fact that the Office is ending today. I dont think so. What lack of judgment. So much love for this show. I have rooted for him throughout the whole show, but he just cant win. Erin reuniting with her parents. It taught me that big gestures are nice, but those little moments meant for no one to see when you quietly give someone a part of your day, look out for them from afar, or say that one tiny thing that saves their life are the moments that make me believe in people. I love how they all left the dunder mifflin office together one last time. In 'work bus,' dwight appeared bothered that he wasn't the father of. I hope they go the entire episode without mentioning who is getting married, just that theyre all attending a wedding, and then we find out who at the end. And most importantly, I have found my Pam. The whole thing was perfect, such a great way to say good-bye to our friends. Perfect ending for the perfect show. During the resulting legal proceedings, the the two negotiate five additional lovemaking sessions. In "Business Trip", when Andy calls Angela late at night, Dwight is heard asking, "Who is that, Monkey?" My top salesman, Jim Halpert, was best man at my wedding. please join us!]. Just an outstanding finale all around. Like many others have said, I screamed twicewhen Michael Scott showed up to be Dwights best man and when tanster compared Jim and Pams love story to Harry Potter!I really started to cry when Dwight talked about his relationships with his subordinates. Long live The Office! Dwight does not have a present prepared for Angela, as he didn't expect her to be interested in Valentine's Day. ( did anyone notice Oscar said whatsuuuup!) That was a great callback to the pilot! I read this week that We should not strive for happiness, but look for relationships and projects that produce happiness as by-products. In every way, perfect. Andy and Erin would be a miracle How To Watch Eurovision Song Contest 2023 Online And Stream Live From Liverpool From Anywhere, Tucker Carlson's Fox News Exit Is Already Causing Ratings Issues, Insider Speaks Out About Hollywood Turning 'Cold' To Jonathan Majors As Actor Bows Out Of Met Gala And More Following Allegations, CNN's Don Lemon Is Reportedly Preparing For Possible Legal Fight With Network Over $25 Million Payout, The Flashs Director Addresses Ezra Millers Controversy As The DC Movie Approaches Release, Law And Order: Organized Crime's Karen David Hypes The High-Stakes International Storyline And Working With Chris Meloni: 'He's A Legend! Really hoping for lots of beautiful moments and happily ever afters. And now in 2013 I am depression free and my social anxiety is down to a minimum. My wifes name is Kathryn. Tanster, congrats on your role! And a huge thank you goes out to Tanster. It made me SO HAPPY to see Michael all grown up and fulfilled and able to interact with his friends without being too desperate to be liked. I will miss this show so much! It was a great run. My job was to speak to clients on the phone about quantities and types of copier paper. Jims final talking head. I appreciate all the effort you have put into it, and MY GOD what an amazing finale it was. Thank you to the cast and crew of The Office for this wonderful finale. Congratulations Tanster! Reality blending with fiction! You know, whether we can supply it to them, whether they can pay for it and ummmIm sorry Im boring myself. Jims first talking head in the pilot episode, I sold paper at this company for 12 years. Still, I will stay up! LOVED the shock of seeing Merediths son show up, seeing Stanley sleeping on stage during the panel, and Dwight and Angela standing in their graves. ), Mose! Dwight decided that the cat should be euthanized instead, and it died trying to escape from Angela's freezer after Dwight's unsuccessful attempt to mercy-kill it. A lot more thoughts to write but I have to take a little time to compose the rest of my thoughts. Does anyone have any suggestions on decor/food to Officeize it? The woman in the panel audience who says if she had Jim "he could do anything" is The Office writer Allison Silverman. THANK YOU! That's six wells." Thanks Tanster for a great time. Daaaaaaaaamn, that was gold. NEXT:10 Couples That Hurt The Office (And 10 That Saved It). :-). In the episode "Conflict Resolution"(believe that's what it was called) from season 2 Michael says there was a bunch of complaints bout Dwight that were redacted 6 months ago, the camera goes to Angela who had a worried look on her face suggesting that she was the one that made the complaints and most likely took them back after their relationship started It aired when I was at work and got to view about 20% of it. Say it isnt so! In "Money", Dwight starts to feel threatened when Andy is making continued moves to flirt with Angela. The feeling of elation that The Office has given me throughout the years has been amazing and Ill never forget it. 224 Mitchell: There was an announcement during the show that there is an extended version on NBC website. Unlike other TV show message boards, people on OfficeTally arent rude or mean to each other, and they dont sound ignorant or illiterate. It really was a great finale, and not all shows usually end well. This scene occurs after Dwight does one of the worst things he everdoes in their relationship. I still have the vivid memory of watching the final scene of the Season 3 Finale when Pam and Jim finally get together. Jake (Merideth's son) and Philip (Angela's son) are the last children of office employees to be seen on the series. ;-) ) I am a little embarrassed because I have never been so emotionally invested in a TV show, but I know The Office was something special. Home There were so many amazing moments, from. I though the regional manager couldnt fire the HR person? The fact that he had a family and had to buy two phones to fit all of the pictures. Angela says this line to Pam when Pam asks her how shes feeling about the wedding. Details Although I think its time to end the show, I did not think that would be THIS hard to see the show ending. I dont think ever before has a show been ended in such a perfect and satisfying way. When Michael showed up, I lost it and cried so hard. Perfectenschlag, indeed! It should say One hour long for now lol, [from tanster: lol. ;-). <3. And true to real life offices, where you often see people begin to depart one after the other like a domino effect. WendyI agree! This is discounting Ryan's baby, of course, since it is never intrinsically specified whether he is actually Ryan's son, or if Ryan is simply "using" his ex-girlfriend's child. I may have forgotten the most important person of all, Greg Daniels. What a great ride! Thank you for the site. They really felt like people in our lives glad it ended so warmly. I loved it! When Michael showed up, I had a conniption fit of shouting and bursting into tears all at the same time. Youve been as much a part of this crazy ride for us as the show itself. I dont wish MScott to come back. As of August 29, 2020, this episode is tied with "Goodbye, Michael", as the highest rated Office episode. My favorite scene, oddly, was the scene outside Jim and Pams house. For me, the perfect ending would be for Michael and Holly to come back, Jim to stay in PA, and for the show to just end with everybody still working at Dunder Mifflin. And I mean EVER. Missed opportunity. What a great finale. I was really hoping Tobys happy ending would have been Dwight having the office tested for radon. Im not sure!) Amazing ending. Almost every moment was memorable as if I just saw it five minutes ago, something that I havent gotten from an episode of this show in a while. I cant hardly wait. My boyfriend was happy for you too even though hes never been to this site before but he knows what an avid visitor I am. Just finished Finale after 2 months binge watching all 9 seasons. Ive visited this site since season 2, not sure if Ive ever commented though. So simple and yet brought me to tears after all these years. Thats all I can say. Yes, Dwight and Angela are now married. Great end to a great show. JAM and Dwangela were perfection. I just wish there was some Jell-O, but I cannot at all complain about Finale whatsoever. What a finale. My 11 year old daughter stayed up to watch the finale, because she became so invested in Jim and Pam and was worried when they had troubles this season. Phyllis, who had been helping Dwight with the ultimatum, motivated him to look for someone else to date, but Dwight stubbornly refused. The producers of The Office are smart people and understood how The Office affected its fans. I screeched with delight to see Michael at the wedding! Im a fan for life. So many people have said it already, but really, it was just perfect. yes!!! Later that night, Phyllis if wrapping up her party committee responsibilities and ends up discovering that Dwight and Angela are having sex in the abandoned office, further showing that these two still have feelings for one another. And all the characters. I remember the longest summer was between season 2 and season 3 with the anxiousness over Jim and Pam. After killing Angelas cat, Angela is of course super upset and breaks up with Dwight. They deserved each other. She accepts and reveals that the DNA results were faked, and Philip is his son after all. Just watched it again. Tanster I was so proud of you tonight when I saw you and heard you speak. Ironic that they chose the Phil to reference, Im not sure anyone in that country knows the Office. Like many others, I stumbled upon The Office at a time in my life when I desperately needed to laugh. Dwight pulls Angela into a van and introduces him to a man inside, Trevor, a former volunteer sheriff. When it comes to some of the funniest sitcoms ever, The Office will always be one that tops the list, in my opinion. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wow. I hope theres an extended version and that the complete series will hit blu-ray now. @ASFan I am so sad that there is no more seasons.. but in my heart, it will be forever . Dwight lends her a favor and drives all the way to New York to give the expense reports in person, but when Andy Bernard finds this out, he convinces Michael that Dwight might be going behind his back again. He says that she isnt stupid - jazz is stupid, and she agrees, saying they should just play the right notes.. I could show you my social security number if it helps. And the way they included you, Jennie was the ultimate gesture to the fans. To semi-quote Michael Scott: Nothing will ever compare to The Office. Went crazy when I saw you, Jennie (and that dialogue was awesome)! Congrats on your appearance, you earned it! After driving hard bargains, Dwight and Angela decide on five more rounds of intercourse. I cant even remember parts of the episode because I was crying so hard. If I was down and just felt like giving up, I would watch a few episodes and it would brighten my day. A finale that didnt disappoint. Thank you. We moved to another state around the time The Office started, and the characters in this show became a substitute family for me. There are very few times when I have cried harder and louder than when I saw Michael appear on my screen. Thats what she said. What were they thinking? It was such a genuine and loving goodbye. All down my face, puddles. I jumped off the couch and screamed TANSTER! Thank you, Jennie, for keeping us up to date on our favorite show. Jenna [00:00:03] I'm Jenna Fischer.. Angela [00:00:04] And I'm Angela Kinsey.. Jenna [00:00:06] We were on The Office together.. Angela [00:00:07] And we're best friends.. Jenna [00:00:08] And now we're doing the ultimate Office rewatch podcast just for you.. Angela [00:00:12] Each week, we will break down an episode of The Office and give exclusive behind the scenes . Jenna Fischer tweeted a link to an article about Jim & Pam. I am overwhelmed and a bit stunned. Does anyone know if they tried to get Amy Ryan back for the finale? Allowing the characters to reflect over what we watched, was brilliant. Up until the start of season 4, Dwight and Angela had a really solid, albeit odd, relationship. Im almost 27, male and I balled my eyes out. She was also the same stripper who came to collect the rabies check in The Office: Fun Run (2007). I will never forget this amazing show! Niagara Pt 1.mp3. : Tanster thank you for keeping this site up through all the years. Let Dwangela have that kind of a moment too. I found it years ago and Ive been reading it after each episode has aired. Now. Instead, the show gave us what the series has always given us, a sequence of funny and touching moments with characters we care about. Im so optimistic about this :). Tan asked to appear in the finale and a role was written for her in which she plays herself. The ruse was so effective that even the executives and NBC didn't know about the cameo until after the fact. Thank you to all the cast and crew of the show foraging me laugh every Thursday night! Stanley: Ive been looking forward to this day since I was 18 years old. Ahhh! i wonder if either of them ever framed the yogurt lids (olympics episode) as a gift..or if pam still has her green teapot (the right choice). The realtor seen selling Jim and Pam's house, is Carol, one of Michael's girlfriends from earlier in the series played by Nancy Carell, Steve Carell's wife. Thank you, Tanster, for this site. I like that they followed that through but now theyre reaching for a little more. (Will get Season 9 when it comes out). I feel like that was a perfect ending for the best show on television. It is unclear exactly when Ms Kelly plans to . Kevin says "Well well well well well. I hoped they would at least get a cute scene together like old times. I wish I could explain concretely how Im feeling the best I can say is it truly makes me look at all my relationships in life through a different lens. I really cant. It was the best finale we could have hoped for. If Ryan and Kelly were getting married, Ryan would insist on not inviting Michael, but Kelly would make such a big deal about her wedding on social media that Michael, presumably following Kelly on Twitter or something, finds out about the wedding. Then, I couldnt stop crying. I love this show. Just a guess. I truly loved this show. Angela. And during the panel when the viewer asked what was in the Christmas note, the look between Jim & Pam was more of a look between John & Jenna. Its Drake, like a mix of Drew and Blake. Such a great series finale. In this episode, Dwight is still convinced that Phillip, Angelas son, is his child, and that he still loves Angela, but is having trouble deciding who to marry between her and Esther. Thank God Michael appeared with pictures of his children. This show is a big part of what brought my wife and I together, and we will continue to cherish it, and enjoy it with our future children. TOO MUCH TO SAY. I hope they do a DVD commentary for this episode, and for every other episode this season. Now that The Office is over, all I want to do is just sit here and cry. They kept their relationship a secret due at least in part to Angela's desire not to be the subject of scrutiny by the rest of the office. Well, they nailed it. I live about two hours away so it could have been local. Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak reprise their roles as Kelly and Ryan. I gasped when Steve showed up. I will miss The Office and officetally.com. Weve put together a list of the 11 best quotes about their relationship that prove they are meant to be. And now for the next chapterHeres to the future. Will be glad to see Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration again! While Dwight might be ridiculous at times, its clear he is going to be a devoted father. LOL! Everything I wanted to be resolved was resolved. When they shared an insanely cute (and private) dance outside of Phyllis' wedding: NBC. Dunder Mifflin this is Pam. Utterly perfect. Dwight and Angela's one-year-later wedding story in the series finale gave The Office the perfect premise to reunite the show's cast, many of who had left Dunder Mifflin for pastures new. Calling it! The show will live on in my house through Netflix. Definitely Michael & Holly wedding! LOL He & Kelly definitely deserve each shallow other! I was left speechless (Thats what she said). Its so sad its over. I cheered when Michael turned up, and Im so happy we got one more episode with this guy. Thanks for the memories, everybody. In "Moroccan Christmas", Phyllis reveals to the whole office about Dwight and Angela's affair. In "Fun Run", Angela asked Dwight to care for her severely ill cat, Sprinkles. Steve: Do you find that your life feels pointless now that nobodys actually filming you anymore? Thank you for the unforgettable ride. We have had some traumatic experiences during that time, and for all of us either with Thur. Also the cold open with Kevin being fired was HUGE shocker of a way to start the episode :O. So often when I was having a bad week, it was the bright spot that helped me through. On the retrospective when you were looking over the empty office it made me cry seeing your reaction. "There are a total of 12,463 jellybeans in the jar, and the person who guessed closest" He unfolded the slip of paper, "Is Toby Flenderson, with a guess of 12,500! Every line in the show was perfect. Anyone else notice that baby Philip didnt age in the year since the finale? Andy confronts Dwight and challenges him to a "duel" in the parking lot, with Angela as a prize to the winner. Dwight tells her that he wants to spend the remaining years of his life with her, which is super romantic. Michael getting his childhood wish of having a lot of kids. Even if they dont somehow get Steve Carell into the finale, Im going to make a prediction now that there will be a Thats What She Said moment to take his place. Thank you, The Office, for nine amazing years. How sweet and wonderful of The Office cast to acknowledge and appreciate all that she had done with this site for them since 2006. S ome Good News from John Krasinski was accompanied by an over-the-top reunion on May 10, featuring his fellow cast members of NBC's The Office, wedding scene and all. You mean more to me to US then youll ever know. OMG! Angela certainly wasn't pleased to discover that her tryst with Dwight had been caught on camera without her knowledge, but critics enjoyed the development, with CarterMatt writing, "This was a pretty fantastic episode for the show .'The Office' is hitting its stride near the end of its run, and even without Michael around, it feels like it is still a great show for the first time in . For some reason I could picture it, a comedy of life as parents, in Austin, working, etc. Pam: Theres a lot of beauty in ordinary things. What happened to the Scranton Strangler reveal? RELATED:The Office: The 5 Best Couples (And The 5 Worst). I feel bad for taking the show for granted because it once helped me get through a dark period in my life just by being such a heartwarming distraction. But there were a number of new threads that I really liked and which honestly surprised me. A big kudos for the panel scene I was worried about how that would go and it was SO well done. Thank you to the whole cast, crew, writers, everyone who has made this show possible for the past 9 years. I dont think Ill ever identify with another show as closely as I did with yours. nights, reruns or dvds, The Office has given us laughs during some tough times. Dwight can be abrasive and is a rather weird guy. In "Phyllis's Wedding", Dwight and Angela slow-dance in a secluded part of the church where Phyllis Vance and her husband Bob Vance have their wedding. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Dwight calling Pam his best friend, and Pam talking about what people can learn from her life were just perfectI dont know how else to say it. Thank you, The Office. Don't forget to subscribe at youtube.com/channel/UCB4VaK5rjEZb5rfU-nptTvw?sub_confirmation=1#TheOffice #Wedding #Comedy #RainWilson #DwightSchrute #SteveCarell #MichaelScott #AngelaKinsey #AngelaMartin #TVShows #Series #TheOfficeUSA Im glad he didnt have a ton of lines, and didnt go overboard with his goofiness. Nellie: I thought I unfriended you. The 'Office Ladies' Return to Dunder Mifflin Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey reunite to rewatch every episode of "The Office" for a new podcast. That The show ended on a high note, and didnt continue into mediocrity is a very good thing. Jim: Dwight has made me his bestisch mensch. But now that I think about it, Michael Scott wouldnt miss Dwights wedding. Go Merediths stripper son! Thank for being there to make me laugh during some very tough times in my life. This is a very bittersweet day. Was the auditorium scene ad-libbed? That seems like something that could happen because of the documentary. The next day, Angela and Dwight are married on Schrute Farms. You have brought such joy to my life. They both made some bad decisions and werent always good people, but, in the end, their wedding was adorable and they were a couple that fans could be happy for. Better than I expected, and it made the series justice. Loved Stanleys Phyllis carving, Andys Rididitditdoo, the return of Michaels realtor/gf Carol, and all the other callbacks. Told my self I wasnt gonna cry but that ending just got to me. Their emotion, you could feel it, now that is a series finale. Does anyone else, in about 5 years, want to see a big screen movie called Jim and Pam? I cant explain how much the show and this site means to me. Tonight I hugged my 14 yr old son who loved this show tremendously as he cried at the endeveryone will be missed. Not only is this a very heartfelt gift from her, considering Dwight had been wanting one of them, it would stay on Dwights desk for the rest of the series. Could Erin be doing something with Pixar??? confused about one thing, why were phyllis and stanley upset after the mural was unveiled? I think Ryan and Kelly marry. Loved it! Its what he always wanted. Absolute perfection. Wedding bells rang for Dwight ( Rainn Wilson) and Angela ( Angela Kinsey ), far . TansterI cant heap enough praise on YOU, dear girl, for all your hard work and effort over the years. Dwight, who had been helping her through this as her friend, comforts her when she says she thinks shes stupid. Her mother watches it and looks her up after that. It has got to be the best TV Show Finale I have ever seen. My only problem was that now I have to go back and watch the last five minutes again because I couldnt hear it over my bawling. Dwight attempts to void the contract in order to date Isabel, but Angela holds him to it. This website has been like having a million friends who all love The Office as much as me. I was just wondering why Philippines? Bravo! comments, but The Finale was pure perfection on every level. Thank You! Dwight and Angela are too obvious. Thanks Tanster for making this website Ive been checking for 8 years! @418: Thanks for explaining! Thanks for the commitment throughout the years! Thank you Steve Carell for coming back; you will never ever know how much it means to the fans :) We love you! Steves appearance was sublime! Extremely well written and completed the story that started 9 seasons ago. thank so so much. One item that really shouldn't be involved . There was nothing that felt out of place or gimmicky (although I thought Angela was a *little* too nice to everyonebut I can ascribe that to her being excited to get married). When angela was one step ahead in order to help dwight in his beach day mission: Past and present dunder mifflin employees gather for a wedding and a final round of interviews.liked it? I am so sad to be commenting on a new episode for the last time, but so excited by how awesome it was. I laughed, I cried, and I cried some more. But, all in all, I think an ordinary paper company like Dunder Mifflin was a great subject for a documentary. But..I heard him and Pam have moved on with Athlead. Had a thought that it would have been awesome to have seen Jan and Packer on a date at that bar. I have subordinates. Its been a long and sometimes bumpy road, and an incredibly sweet ending. You have been the one for me. Heartbreaking. Billy Bush just said Steve Carell WILL be back tonight for the finale! Huge thank yous to Greg Daniels for creating the most endearing TV characters of all time and to Tanster for giving the fans a place to gather and commiserate.

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