All of these experiences are educational, but since the Spartans were not allowed to learn about these they had done themselves a disservice. G%qg'! Spartans valued military power. The Spartan education had some good ideas but there were more bad ideas about it. Document C A Spartan father had to present his child to the elders of the tribe, if deemed fit enough, he was allowed to live. Sparta was never big it was located on peloponnesus peninsula in greece. Although their priority relied on military and combat over anything else, in many ways intelligence and knowledge were also important to succeed in war. They were treated harshly to make them tough so that they would be fierce warriors. Athens has numerous social classes in its government, they are known for their strong navy, they have democratic values, and Athens has a bigger population than Sparta. Weaknessesare defined as character traits or skills that are considered negative or not as well developed. download our Wellness Business Growth eBook, Strength Finding: 57 Questions, Exercises & Activities, Positive Qualities: Discover 100+ Positive Character Traits, Life Skills: Definition, Examples, & Skills to Build, Self-Improvement: 45 Tips, Goals, and Ideas for Self-Growth, Self Development: The 9 Skills You Need to Improve Your Life. To begin with, Sparta would abuse the children. Sometimes it can be hard to look at ourselves honestly and name our areas of strength and weakness. To begin with, Athens and Sparta were both famous in antiquity for their legend, cultures and the character of the people. So if you're having trouble, consider asking someone to help you. The education of Sparta varied in strengths and in weaknesses. Athens has numerous social classes in its government, they are known for their strong navy, they have democratic values, and Athens has a bigger population than Sparta. Spartas strengths did not outweigh their weaknesses because they lacked. Many of these strengths are especiallydesirable in the workplace:, In addition to the examples above, you also have other positive personalitytraits. In Athens slave were not citizens they were property. In document D it states,The boys of Sparta were lashed with whips at the altar of Artemis Orthia, frequently to the. Yes, strength did outweigh their weakness because them being well structured to having the utmost of military power and also including their own emphasis on teamwork/ 731 Words 3 Pages Decent Essays Dbq Spartan Education They were forced to sneak into helot territory with a dagger and a lot of food and secretly capture and kill some helots (Doc C). Though Spartan women were not serving the military, they still were educated and got to have more status and freedom, and rights than the rest of the Greek women. In this colony, the Spartas only vision was bloodthirsty war and violence. STRENGTHS OUTWEIGH THE WEAKNESSES? The Romans conquered many territories and took on their cultures as well, in particular the Ancient Greek culture. Education was very important in Athens. What city-state was a colony of Corcyra during the. Sons of nobles went to high school for four more years of learning about the sciences and the arts and politics and government. (Doc B) Due to the fact that Athens taught women basic domestic skills this allowed men to focus on the advancement of the economic climate, such as trade on the Aegean Sea because they didnt need to worry about their homes. Hence, lets look at how did their people obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community, and who held public office first. Then Spartans were put in to arranged marriages to assure the possibility of a strong and healthy offspring. The army was incredible, they even beat Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Being a resident of Sparta meant taking numerous risks yet for reasonable causes. The weakness outweighed strengths because they lacked education , they abused their children and their society did not last more than 300 years. Therefore, regarding the education in Sparta, the weaknesses outweighed the strength because the Spartans didnt value family morals, the basics of reading and writing were taught, and the upbringing of Spartan boys was cruel and painful. To begin with, Spartans lacked advanced education. Their main weaknesses were brutality and lack of, culture. If you need some more guidance to help you work with your areas of strength try these activities: What are you especially good at? The slaves in Sparta were actually known as helots who were lower class citizens. If you had any you were to be thrown down in a valley to die, and if you were the first born male of your family you were put in a military camp to be trained for further uses. The Spartas were first located in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. Much of the physical activity the children practiced could injure them. The Romans conquered many territories and took on their cultures as well, in particular the Ancient Greek culture. Sparta is better than Athens because their army was powerful and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. We probably already know that our strengths are what help us achieve our goals, be successful, and accomplish what we set out to accomplish. The Spartas were first located in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. Ultimately geopolitics and the US dollar's strength driven by interest rate hikes are overshadowing China's economic recovery. Firstly, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece. Find out here. There were many cases of bribery in the government that wasn't taken seriously by the court. Located on a peninsula in southern Greece called the Peloponnese, Sparta began as a cluster of houses huddle along the banks of the Evrotas River. In school both boys and girls would learn reading, writing, mathematics, basic-combat, and self-defense. Sparta is better than Athens because their army was powerful and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. Sparta was very violent and all they thought about was having the strongest military. Which aligns best with your own moral compass? In document D the text states, [The Spartans] learned to read and write for purely practical, Did the strengths outweigh the weaknesses? In Sparta power was given to citizens through the assembly which consisted of all male citizens in Sparta, but in theory anyone could participate. Sparta was a small city-state in southern Greece. Sparta government was ruled by two kings and three Ephors, and a Council of Elders this government was called oligarchy meaning its ruled by a small group. A life in Sparta means you are here to serve your city-state. In his Republic, Plato also criticizes oligarchy, saying of Spartas government, A government resting on a valuation of property, in which the rich have power and the poor man is deprived of itAnd then one, seeing another grow rich, seeks to rival him, and thus the great mass of the citizens become lovers of money. In order to keep control of their economy while maintaining a strong military, the Spartans relied heavily on slaves. Sparta's weaknesses definitely outweighed its strengths. Spartan Women would be a powerful credible source to learn the life the Spartan women endured during their time. Your life is determined from the day you are born. What are at least 3 specific principles taken, According to the videos on "The Peloponnesian War," this city-state was a colony of Corcyra. The slaves in Sparta were actually known as helots who were lower class citizens. Education in Sparta: did the pros exceed the cons? The Flagellation is a competition that is held yearly, where young Spartans get whipped repeatedly. The strong belief in Gods and oracles in Ancient Greek shaped the religion of Ancient Romans. How were two city-states similar in their governmental structures and how did they differ with each other? They also went with only one garment for a whole year because this made them able to . They lived a frugal lifestyle and without any luxuries. This puts strain on a family, causes grief for the siblings, and is very distressing for the mother. E). Ancient Greek civilizations played a major role in the history and development of the Ancient Rome civilization. It would also teach them music, reading, writing, philosophy, and, Spartas women were known for their promiscuity and boldness . Therefore, regarding the education in Sparta, the weaknesses outweighed the strength because the Spartans didnt value family morals, the basics of reading and writing were taught, and the upbringing of Spartan boys was cruel and painful. Here are 5: 1. This is a common question in job interviews, when you're being evaluated, or when someone is trying to make a decision as to whether you're the right fit for somethinga program, scholarship, and the like. StoryboardThat is a trademark of Clever Prototypes, LLC, and Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But, it is true that Sparta had one of the strongest military force that existed in their time. When you spend time reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, you get to know your true self better. Peloponnese, the lower peninsula of ancient Greece, and protected by the Taygetus Mountains, Sparta was fairly protected from any sort of intrusion but that didnt seem to stop them from, building up their military-based empire. Hence, lets look at how did their people obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community, and who held public office first. My opinion strengths did not outweighed the weakness of sparta education and I will explain how the strength was the most important than caring the weakness of sparta education. If not, he would be left out to die. (who was much bigger than Sparta) as enemies on the inside. The document states, At that age he was, removed from his family and, from his eighth to his twenty-first year, he was educated by the, This statement shows how for thirteen years, these, View They worked the farm plan and without them society could not function. Meanwhile, Athens was busy focusing on creating democracy and making famous literary works, like it was no big deal. The Spartan-like training and leadership style of Ancient Greek war heroes formed the, In comparison to other states of ancient Greece, Spartans were less cultured, due to their nominal interest in material possession. Some of your weaknesses will turn into strengths. It takes time and self-insight to develop and use your areas of strength. Overall, Spartas weaknesses outweigh their strengths because they are under a harsh discipline, they are taken from their families without a choice, and education was not a main. Their main weaknesses were brutality and lack of culture. They are looking for you to answer how your strengths and weakness would affect how well you do. After the victory, Athens gained wealth and dominance over the other Greek societies causing tensions between Sparta. Athens and Sparta are individually a single unit, but they have differences that set them apart. The Spartas were first located in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. From their mothers, girls learned how to cook and sew and run a home, and how to be a good wife and mother. At the age of seven, a young boy is removed from his family and is expected, from his 8th to his 21st year, become educated to a brutal military-like discipline. There are many reasons why Sparta is more superior to Athens. For men to be elected to the Council of Elders, they had to be at least 60 years old and approaching from a noble family. Not only were they taught fighting, both they were taught how to read and write because education is important in any civilization. Sparta's weaknesses outweigh their strengths because they are educated under a harsh, rigorous discipline, the boys are ripped away from their families without a choice, and because only practical reading and writing were taught; all other education was banned. Due to the advanced and powerful navy of Athens incorporation with the well-built army of Sparta, they gained victory over the Persian Empire. It was located on a peninsula called the Peloponnese. HIS 100 Module Three Activity Context.docx, Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? This unacceptable, because for a civilization to flourish they need to be both smart and strong. The Spartans were basically the soldiers of the Ancient Greek city-state, Sparta. Sparta a very violent civilization. Life in sparta was different than athens because sparta had no interest in art,music and education. B) it was believed that this would make the boy stronger in climbing hills. Remember that as you go about life, you'll build new areas of strength. It would also teach them music, reading, writing, philosophy, and, At around six or seven years old, young boys would be taken from their homes to be trained as Spartan warriors. Sparta also had an assembly just like Athens, but the main decisions were taken by the Council of Elders with two kings and twenty-eight other men as its members. In document A it states,Only the rudiments of reading and writing were taught. At the age of seven, boys were taken from their parents and sent to live in the military barracks. Sparta was very violent and all they thought about was having the strongest military. While other city states were getting new technology and creating inventions, Sparta was stuck in there own world. Young women are often trained at wrestling, physical strength, and running so that their children will grow to become strong as well. Other then the blatant gender equality issues the Athenian government had many problems as well. Sparta was a city state located on a peninsula in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. In Athens only the boys were educated for the most part, so most women went through there lives being illiterate. Who held public office? city-state of Sparta was infamous for many things. On the one hand, the two poleis share certain obvious affinities, such as language, geographical scope, a common Greek ancestry etc. Thus, females were encouraged to do physical activity and get physically fit. Furthermore, once the laws were elected and confirmed, they served for life. /o&=aj$83 {}s]m,)6;vC;nj`^i"+p _jE)R,`QQU8?S|%x`Vl^igY~\peWgn#Bn1, I,vP}c Sparta needs to balance their military and education better. Each polis had its own government, set of laws, rulers, and customs. But strengths can also contribute to life satisfaction and well-being. 1 On the other hand, muscle building aims to modify muscle cell physiology to make muscles larger. According to document C the Krypteia killed any helots they caught. Education in Sparta: did the strengths outweigh the weaknesses? Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? At around six or seven years old, young boys would be taken from their homes to be trained as Spartan warriors. They also allowed girls to get an education. No person should be treated like this, especially children. Finally, the citizen boys entered a military training camp for two years, until the age of twenty. In this article, we describe why employers ask questions about your strengths and weaknesses and how to . They were taught to be brave and courageous at a very young age, soon evolving into soldiers for the military. Chloe had three tests on the same day. Spartas strengths outweigh the weaknesses because they were trained at a young age, their education and they respected women. The strengths of the Spartans education outweighed, the weaknesses but there were some problems. Due to the advanced and powerful navy of Athens incorporation with the well-built army of Sparta, they gained victory over the Persian Empire. The men in Sparta had no choice of their future. To begin with Sparta completely discarded all advanced education. Other then the blatant gender equality issues the Athenian government had many problems as well. On the other hand, they were polar opposites in many aspects, from social spheres, political structures, to military might, which I believe there are some hidden depths in these city-states. A gem of the Archaic and Classical Greek Era that we have come to discover. They studied public speaking and drama and reading and writing. This Mini-Q asks you to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of Spartan education. Though the two cities shared several traits such as slavery and gradation systeming, they were separated by their political and economic differences. For example. That's why it's key to pause and celebrate small successes along the way. Risks included krypteia mindlessly killing Helots to prevent them from rebelling. They both share similarities towards their cultural background but had different views in creating an ideal society in addition to their states place in the world. Spartans valued military power. Athens and Sparta are two rival cities in the ancient Greece. And how do you start turning your weaknesses into strengths? The Spartans were basically the soldiers of the Ancient Greek city-state, Sparta. Education In Sparta: Did The Strengths Outweigh The Weaknesses? He, ordered the maidens to exercise themselves with wrestling, running, throwing the quoit, and, casting the dart, Wrestling, running, throwing the quoit, and casting the dart was ordered for, women by Lycurgus in hopes of producing more vigorous offspring (Doc. At the early time when the education system switched to focus on the body, the world, not only Sparta, was getting attacks and invasions from outsiders and the physical educational system was surely. They were taught to be brave and courageous at a very young age, soon evolving into soldiers for the military. There were many cases of bribery in the government that wasn't taken seriously by the court. How do you identify your strengths and weaknesses? They lived a frugal lifestyle and without any luxuries. This statement from the document shows that Sparta takes. This city-state is Sparta that bagan has just a cluster of houses on the Evrotas River.The boys would go to Military School from 8 to 20 years in age, practicing the Phalanx and other Military practices, the Men were ready to fight.In 431 BCE, Sparta and Athens broke out in a 25-year war known as the Peloponnesian War.In the end, Sparta did win against Athens, but both of them had suffered.In Sparta the weaknesses outweighs the strengths because the Helots the slaves do their, Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. Not only were they taught fighting, both they were taught how to read and write because education is important in any civilization. There are many factors to support how Sparta dug its own grave, but the main reasons are because of their lack of education, abusive, peninsula Began to grow. They also learned skills, that would make them to be a successful soldier. They had a pretty good social structure as well with full citizens at the top, noncitizen in the middle, and slaves at the bottom. Sparta was a city state located on a peninsula in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. The Spartan-like training and leadership style of Ancient Greek war heroes formed the, In comparison to other states of ancient Greece, Spartans were less cultured, due to their nominal interest in material possession. The weaknesses of Sparta outweigh the strengths because the Spartans lacked education, boys were taken away from their families at a young age, and they were very abusive. Although their main job is still child-bearing, this job held much more honor and respect because in theory, a Spartan women gave birth to strong, Spartan boys who would in turn become strong and successful soldiers for Spartas renowned military . Sparta was a dominant city-state in southern Greece. Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? So here's a giant list of strengths to help you identify yours. Sparta apparently didnt agree with this statement. They were treated harshly to make them tough so that they would be fierce warriors. Hence, lets look at how did their people obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community, and who held public office first. If you have already discussed your own profession in the class. In Spartan education the strengths do not outweigh the weaknesses because of evidence provided in documents A,C, and D. Education in Sparta:Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? It was a risk to use that way of education because they would get strong but they could die in the process. Hooker The Ancient Spartans) This quote shows that boys were not only taught the basic skills that everyone needed, they were also taught how to become good men and great soldiers. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Due to the advanced and powerful navy of Athens incorporation with the well-built army of Sparta, they gained victory over the Persian Empire. endobj They had a pretty good social structure as well with full citizens at the top, noncitizen in the middle, and slaves at the bottom. Athens may have had a democracy, but that didn't save the, from corruption. They had the krypteria who would go out and murder the helots. You need to demonstrate how it has affected your professional life. If that has nothing to do with your goals, then you don't need to list it as a weakness here. Lastly, Sparta had a far, Spartans valued military power. What rules governed the selection of public office holders? 2 0 obj At some point during the interview process, interviewers might ask you to describe your personal strengths and weaknesses. When. Meanwhile, Athens was busy focusing on creating democracy and making famous literary works, like it was no big deal. The Spartans while civilized and educated were less intrigued within the buildings of large monuments , than some of their Greek counterparts. Then, draw an arrow from the adjective to the word it modifies. Sparta was a city state located on a peninsula in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. In document B it says " [Lycurgus] encouraged them to steal to get their food." Do you want to be abandoned because you weren 't strong and healthy baby? choose one contested development in the history of your profession or field of study and based on research and complete the worksheet. This statement from the document shows that Sparta takes, During this process they would have hours upon hours of training and they also taught them to feel no pain by whipping them with a whip while they were tied up against a pole, and if they were to wine or cry they would be whipped more. Aside from this, that is about the only thing Sparta had going for them. These slaves had no rights, and even the poor had very little say in their lives. Finally, the citizen boys entered a military training camp for two years, until the age of twenty. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. In school both boys and girls would learn reading, writing, mathematics, basic-combat, and self-defense. Furthermore, they could not write or perform plays and they could not travel. In Sparta power was given to citizens through the assembly which consisted of all male citizens in Sparta, but in theory anyone could participate. Document B states, Lycurgus required them to harden their feet by going without shoes. This rule caused a lot of pain for little culmination. Athens or Sparta? Life in sparta was different than athens because sparta had no interest in art,music and education. As a woman one would rather stay in Sparta than in Athens because the women of Sparta got to have sovereignty, mobility/status, rights and respect. DBQ.docx, Unformatted text preview: boys would grow up together and form brotherly bonds. When you are asked about your strengths and weaknesses in an interview, it is not enough to simply say, "I have good people skills.". The two cities are opposite in terms. The strengths out way the weakness of Sparta's education because it makes a strong society, they learn to respect elders, and learn to have passion in what you are doing. The strengths of Sparta outweigh the weakness because they had an advanced military, they respected women, and they trained their soldiers at a young age. One reason the strengths of Spartan education did outweigh the weaknesses was because boys in the agoge have been trained, Imagine that you are a boy in Sparta. Each polis had its own government, set of laws, rulers, and customs. They were taught to be brave and courageous at a very young age, soon evolving into soldiers for the military. The two kings where born within the royal family while the twenty-eight man where elected by the assembly. Lastly, Sparta had a far. They also allowed girls to get an education. %PDF-1.5 % Sparta was a city-state back in the time of ancient Greece. In the. Several Spartan kids get neglected and ignored if they do not meet the strength and physical requirements under the Agoges training. At this age, the boys were sent to the agoge. It's not. Once the children left the agoge, most of them went on to be great soldiers in the army forces. 3 0 obj <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Full Document, Be sure to apply at least one ethical system in depth, including application of at least 4 specific aspects of that system in your posts. The belief was that this would help the Spartan children would be better accustomed to the heat and cold. If his son was not healthy, he would be left outside to die. Having a weakness doesn't mean that you have a complete lack of a particular strength. According to Document A, an important magistrate was appointed to take charge of the agogee. No the strengths do not outweigh the weaknesses because they were abusive lacked education and the boys were taken from their families at a young age. The education of Sparta varied in strengths and in weaknesses. Sparta was once one of the most important Greek city-states throughout Greece, famous for their military lifestyle. In Sparta, women were needed to live at home, while their husbands remained in military barracks until the age thirty. This reason shows that the strengths of Sparta educationEducation outweighed its weaknesses because they became more disciplined, because of the consequences they learned to respect the Spartans. They worked the farm plan and without them society could not function. Education in Sparta: Did the Strengths Outweigh the Weaknesses? Sparta was never smart nor even as remotely educated as we are today. Everything was centered in sparta was focused on the military. Hence, lets look at how did their people obtain the right to participate in public life and make decisions affecting the community, and who held public office first. Lastly, Sparta had a far, Spartans valued military power. The Ancient Greeks renowned use of democracy influenced Ancient Romes government structure. If they were caught, they were whipped for being bad stealers. All was given to the freedom of the fatherland, leaving very few free themselves. Sparta was a small city-state located on a peninsula in southern Greece called the Peloponnese. The weaknesses of Sparta outweigh the strengths because the Spartans lacked education, boys were taken away from their families at a young age, and they were very abusive. Foreign metics and slaves were not expected to attain anything but a basic education in Greece, but were not excluded from it either. (Doc H) The significance of Athenian men receiving army training as well as an education allowed for not only the bettering of their military, (which due to their location by the Aegean Sea had one of the strongest Navies in Ancient Greece) it also let them have knowledge in the arts and philosophy, this makes me want to live in Athens because I would know that i would be protected and the economy of my city state would be stable. Therefore, regarding the education in Sparta, the weaknesses outweighed the strength because the Spartans didnt value family morals, the basics of reading and writing were taught, and the upbringing of Spartan boys was cruel and painful.

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