Is 300 blk worth it unsuppressed? Theres a time and place for both technologies and you should practice/zero with both types. Subsonic 300 Blackout rounds perform extremely well for their intended purpose. I'd recommend holding onto the subsonic .300blk ammo until you get an approved tax stamp for a suppressor. Subsonic rounds have about the same energy on target as a .45 ACP round. No. Besides several Blackouts I shoot with short bbls and suppressed, I also have some 16" rifles. If I could not go suppressed, I'd pick another caliber. As everyone does know, it takes most of a year to get the ATF tax stamp approval for a suppressor, which means youre stuck with a pistol that you cant use, without damaging it, for a long time. Just a bit about the whole defensive rifle debate: some say something like 5.56 is not a good choice for home defense. Conversely an expanding supersonic bullet will create substantially more trauma than non-expanding supersonic bullets or expanding subsonic bullets. It was frustrating having so many issues with subsonic rounds and I had no interest or desire to get a suppresser. padding: .375rem .75rem; Unique powders optimized for subsonic use result in a low flash signature, ideal for either suppressed or unsuppressed performance. .btn { This purpose excludes taking down big game effectively and ethically. I dont like running a valve on anything but a rifle-length system. So while many believe .45 ACP to be the mighty fist of God, we know today that pretty much ALL handgun rounds are pretty terrible at stopping threats. Almost forgot about ammo. The can boosts the pressure and affects trajectory. 300 Blackout Suppressed With Subsonic Ammo - YouTube 0:00 / 1:22 300 Blackout Suppressed With Subsonic Ammo Cory Meals 364 subscribers Subscribe 43K views 5 years ago 300 Blackout Suppressed. [emailprotected], Reduced risk of over penetration from a pass through projectile. This will add versatility and a broader range of uses for this great platform. If this is a primary concern and you think you'll be shooting at targets within 100 yards then subsonic rounds complimented with a suppressor device is worth exploring. - So, the Mode 1 set screw, fully inserted, allows the maximum amount to gas to be used in cycling the weapon? SwedishMoose 3 mo. Your email address will not be published. Additionally, the lighter recoil also allows users to make faster hits on target in succession. Supersonic rounds are the standard rounds most shooters are familiar with as they are the more practical rounds for most applications compared to subsonic rounds. Given an option, a little larger-diameter gas port adds more assurance that a subsonic will work through an otherwise supersonic setup. Essentially, all you'd need is an upper receiver with a 300 blackout barrel and you'd be good to go since the 300 blackout magazine is the exact same as normal STANAG/NATO magazines. If you have any interest in shooting quiet be it with a suppressor or not (subsonic 220gr is a little louder than a .22 unsuppressed) the 300blk is THE BEST subsonic/supersonic rifle available. While subsonic ammunition surely does have its benefits when it comes to covert operations, close range, and personal defense, this kind of bullet is not ideal for the big game hunter. However, they let me use my SDN6 that's collecting dust in their safe while waiting for my Form 4 to be approved. YTUxMmIyNTZhYzgzN2I2NjhlZGE3YWZjMTQzMmM2MDUxNDIyNWM2NWRhYzkx So if youre set on trying out 300 Blackout yourself, complete a build with your own 80 percent lower receiver today with an easy to use universal. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. Ive written thousands of words about its evils and ways to lower it for other applications. Right, its only good for subsonic, but it runs perfectly! A little edgy. First, compared to the .223 Remington, you're launching a larger caliber and heavier bullet at supersonic speeds. A heavier buffer and spring, or an adjustable gas block, can provide the cushion the supersonic needs to avoid over-function.. I let my son shoot my 300BLK AR, subsonic unsuppressed, when I forgot to pack his .22 on one of our trips to the range. The farther down the barrel the gas port is located, the lower the pressure will be by the time the bullet passes the port and the gas enters the port. Reason for that is because the 300 BLK uses almost all the same AR parts used for a rifle chambered in .223/5.56mm. YjYzYTFjNjg3ODIxNzc4MTIwMDYxZmFlYjc5YjAzZjQzODIxYTUzNTYwZDlj -ms-user-select: none; I have AR's in .22, 9mm, x39, .223, 6.5G and .308. I've thought about building a .300, but don't see the need.. ZmFhY2U2NzcyNzJhN2Q2YzJkN2FhYWEwMzYwMDBjOTY0ZmFjMGE1NzMyNWIx Even though you may not be sneaking through houses in Syria, being able to walk around or hunt without EarPro and not have to worry about your hearing if you take a shot has significant advantages. Powders are selected for optimal performance and consistency from lot to lot. So, being new to AGBs, here are my few thoughts and what I think I've figured out on their AGB. For the vast majority of applications, supersonic ammunition is the most practical choice, and it has the added benefit of being cheaper as well. There's no purpose in running subs uncanned. First, supersonic ammunition was tested unsuppressed through a custom AR-15 pistol with a Brownells 10.5-inch .300 Blackout barrel with a 1-in-8-inch twist rate. Whats more, subsonic ammo is a good deal lower pressure than supersonic ammo, which has a SAAMI max limit of 55,000 PSI (most is around 50-52,000); most subsonic loads are running 30-35,000. I like the x39 because I can blast cheap steel cased ammo and not have to scrounge for brass. Based on my work it's very tricky to get subsonics to cycle a standard-length XCR-L action, even . On a different day, I traveled to a suppressor-friendly state and met up with . .300 Blackout subsonic is not ideal for medium to long range hunting, as the velocity and kinesthetic shock is greatly lowered from the supersonic. If your reloading you shouldn't have to worry about what the manufactures are focusing on with the supersonic. I obviously misread. 300 BLK has been considered a rather expensive round even before the logistical infrastructure was swamped and manufacturing capabilities were struck by limited staff and astronomical demand. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Fact of the matter, it is AK ballistics in the reliable AR platform. For those with a suppressor, the American Eagle 220g will provide a heavy projectile that when suppressed, is easy on the ears, which is important for close quarters that one may encounter in a home defense situation. Share your tips in the comment section below. A combination of 300 blackout subsonic rounds and a suppressor device means being able to retain all your senses in an outdoor environment while even dumping your magazine includes the added benefit of not disturbing others within the area. I cut a couple even with my shorter gas system on the subsonic. These are not as common now as they once were, but an AR-15 carrier doesnt have as long of a full-profile section on its body as does the USGI-standard M16-format carrier (which is far and away the most common now). NDJlODc5Y2JiNmNmNmJjNGExOWVjOTI4NGQ2MDYzOGMwNTkwMzU3MmFmZDM1 }, Editor In Chief- TFB by offsidewing Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:34 pm, Post Hornady Subsonic Ammunition designed for accuracy and performance below the speed of sound now comes in both rifle and handgun loads. Gain a deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator. The only issues Ive had with my AAC barrel is THE with cut brass. That is what AAC designed the 300 blk to do and they know how to do it. Subsonics cycle with a suppressor almost universally with all barrel makes. Been kicking around the idea adding a 300 Blackout into the mix, yet state laws do not allow for SBRs or suppressors. This is about the only time intentionally ramping up gas port pressure is ever welcome on an AR-15! You can always pickup a 300bl later. Supersonic .300 Blackout ammunition replicates the ballistics of 7.62x39mm, used by classic AK pattern rifles, but with cartridge dimensions designed with the AR-15 magazine in mind And, yes, a supersonic blackout can have all the same extra-pressure-induced operation symptoms as a 5.56. I shoot both suppressed and unsuppressed, I reload and I think the .300 BLK is one of the most economical and useful cartridges I have owned. Post Heavy for caliber bullets are often used to off-set lack of velocity and still provide great short to medium range performance. The supersonic, though, needs a gas port positioned at seven inches forward, standard carbine location. It cracks me up, that the 320 pound, crisco leaking computer chair army speaks of subjects that they "read" on the internet. Civil? YTMyZGRiMDU5NDZiNjA1ZmIwMjgwZTgwMWE0ODkxZGYwMzFiZWRjMTU3In0= If no SBR, do an 8" pistol. MjgxYmJjNjRlYjU0NTA4Y2QxZmMxNmNkZjVlOTUzM2M2YzUyYWZkM2E1M2U3 I have the SA Victor .308 rifle with the adjustable gas block. Otherwise, if you're not going to make it a pistol, then just stick w/ 5.56mm. Product #: 417076. MjI3YjA3MzA4NzgwNTg1ZWFhZDYzZDIwODBiN2U5YzkzNDkwN2NlYzVkNmRl NWY3ODNkODRmZWU0NTQ5OTY4OWFkNDE5NDExZjE4ZTZmN2JmZjI0YzRhMWFh It doesn't mean it isn't perfectly effective, just that you're not taking advantages of what makes it special. Use factory loads and factory brass for reloading. For close range pig-hunting, it's a game changer. Supersonic ammunition will provide more range, energy delivered on target, and less drop or wind-drift at range. For anything larger, or at distance, we would recommend going supersonic. I forgot to say, 175 grain 3-gun ammo is being loaded right now - but only 10,000 rounds at first, so none will be for sale. Most factory .300 Blackout subsonic loads are a little more powerful than a routine .45 ACP handgun loading, if we're going on (the admittedly incomplete) calculated energy figures. If you've chosen 300BLK to help accomplish this goal, you're on the right track. Home defense in its most typical form is about getting yourself and your loved ones off the X. There is no noise from the action or any created via the ejection process as noticed in a semi automatic firearm. Y2JlY2Q1YmJhNWYxMjYxZTFhNDI1Yzg0N2U1MmMzZGJlY2U3MTk5ODY0MTdk Subsonic bullets generally boast a lighter recoil than their speedy relatives, and have an added weight coming to around 180-220 grains in a standard .300 Blackout load. OGJhNzU0ZDAyNmMyMDExZWRhOTJmMGM4NDllNjUwODgxZmE1NDljYTRjOGYx I like it especially in the shorter guns, and, around here at least, its looked on as an effective Whitetail cartridge choice. I dont know if it will have the short comings of flame cutting as listed above. 300 Blackout subsonic is one of the quietest rounds to suppress, particularly when fired through a closed breech firearm like a bolt action or single shot rifle. Shooting quickly and quietly is not always as important as shooting flat with the appropriate ballistic energy to put down your target effectively. Winchester Super Suppressed Ammunition 300 AAC Blackout Subsonic 200 Grain Open Tip Box of 20. Versus 6.8, you're not gaining anything but diameter. NjI2MDFhZjNkMzY1NTA2MTQxNDNlYjJmMDNhNTQwOWM1ODc5MGRhZWY4Njlk From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Subsonic Blackout has a radically milder blast and report than 5.56 or supersonic Blackout. A suppressed supersonic load will have a lot more gas coming back into the action compared to an unsuppressed subsonic load (these two examples are the extremes). NjZlZTcwZjdmYjA0OTI3OTM0OTcwZmVlOTk5ZjFhOGJhNDRiZTY0MDE4MWJh I hope this was helpful, cheers. Unless you have rare earth metals coming out consistently from at least one end of your body the average person might not be able to afford consistent training with subsonic 300 BLK to be proficient. Get an AAC barrel (pistol gas) and run M4 style BCG, buffer and spring and you are GTG with super or subs. Most factory .300 Blackout subsonic loads are a little more powerful than a routine .45 ACP handgun loading, if we're going on (the admittedly incomplete) calculated energy figures. Other than to check performance on a chrony or to look for keyholing? For ease of use, Id be better off building another just for using subsonic ammo. by 300Blk Fri May 27, 2011 7:25 am, Post What is the diameter that your expanded subsonic .300 will achieve in the human anatomy vs that of the much wider 45(+P or even non +P for that matter)? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Theres much said, unsubstantiated, about over-penetration of higher-velocity bullets. The backpressure will not be enough to run reliably (if at all), and the accuracy will will also suffer. I had been considering the .300 Blackout for a while too. It has a adjustable gas block with two settings, smaller opening and larger opening. Suppressed 5.56 is around 135db. MWZhMzE4M2MxNmUzYTg2YmQxN2ZjMWFjOWY0ZWFjYThkZTNjZjU0NzJiZGEy Does some damage with Barnes vor-tx bullets. The 110gr Barnes TAC TX are great hunting bullets, and while we could argue all day about ballistics, you can't argue that the 300BLK is the simplest conversion and its effective. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! vertical-align: middle; M2UyMzRiN2ZjNmVlNjc2MzVhZWYxY2YyZTc3NThhMDkyMjY3YjllMDhkNGJm Subsonic Handgun utilizes tried-and-true XTP bullets that expand reliably at subsonic velocities. Subsonics are expensive and their performance is marginal compared to supers. Even a thin-jacketed traditional match bullet wont expand at subsonic velocities, it may tumble, but may act more like an FMJ until it becomes unstable. Subsonics are expensive and their performance is marginal compared to supers. Thoughts or ideas? Discussion about rifles in 300 AAC BLACKOUT (7.62x35mm), hosted by the creator of the cartridge. Hornady Subsonic Ammunition doesnt have the loud report of a supersonic round, and paired with a suppressor, its even quieter. margin-bottom: 10px; The last one is especially critical in the context of the 2021 market for firearms, accessories and ammunition. MGQ3NDgzZjU3MzUxOGM3ZmI4ZGY1NWNkMjkwNDhjZTZkZTU2YjI4MDk3YjU3 I have multiple 16 inch barrels in 300BLK and they work perfect. font-size: 1rem; Brad Criner, Senior Director Sig Sauer Ammunition. (Clearly, supersonic Blackout beats it soundly.). ZDUxNWQzNTY2ZTJiNjVhN2RiMzgwOWMxNWVlNDlhN2UyYzM3MTRiOGEzN2Zh I don't have a single SA rifle of any kind, so all I do is read other peoples post about any SA rifle (M1A and other AR types). Btw: Supersonic ammo is also a really bad idea because of the VERY loud report and large muzzle flash. [img][/img]. ZDJlOTQ0YzNkMDAyZTc2YjY5MWFjY2Q4MzIxOGVlNTAzYTQ1ZWZlMmU0MTQ0 The industry standard for supersonic ammunition is set at around 1,100 feet per second at sea level under standard conditions. Save the heavier and stouter parts for supersonic. HI. It is still fun to shoot, even though i now have an 8.5" sbr suppresssed. SILENT AND STEALTHY Some have higher or lower cost per round for factory or reloads. Looks like it will be an SR7 with 90T when they hit the well stocked local Class 3 dealer! AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. 300BLK is great if and ONLY if you are a reloader. . How to Assemble and Use the GST-9 Infinity Jig. 6.5 or 6.8 either one beats the 300. Hopefully, this thread will have a few more good responses and I'll just post a link to this discussion whenever a new 300 owner decides to ruin their barrel. NTRjMTE3YWRjMTFiZjU2ZjY3NWM2NjIzMjMzOTIyNTU2MzcxODIzNjViMmQw NDNkYTI4NTI2ODg2OGViYTk3ZjNlZTZlOGRjMzQ0NjdiN2E1Mzg1YzlkZjUx Because of the lower pressures at the muzzle, and the lack of a supersonic report, shooting "subs" is completely hearing safe and comfortable for the operator and those around them. Any bullet thats built to either fragment or readily expand (not the same things but about the same effect) isnt going to get much farther after it meets a solid object. NzAxZTZjNWI1YTkzYjU4MzU0Nzc0YTU2MjFmMmYyNGQ0OTk3N2ZmN2QzYmZh Despite larger bullet expansion size the temporary and permanent wound cavities of expanding subsonics are typically much smaller than expanding supersonics. Sign up to receive new product announcements, special offers, and the annual product catalog. I dont think thats really a factor. But that's exactly what it was designed for. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. The difference between subsonic rounds and supersonic rounds, as implied by their etymology, remain in their ability to break the sound barrier determined by how fast the projectile travels. I am planning a .300 BLK as soon as the XCR is available, and I am only interested in subsonic/suppressed. These lowered stats can result in unethical game kills and can lead to animal suffering even if you think you made a clean shot. If you don't have any experience with a suppressor I recommend you do your homework on the different models as cost doesn't always mean best sound suppression or quality. MWUwMTJhYWQ1MzViMzNjMzIzMTFmOTIxMWU0NjA0Nzg5ZTIyMTgwNDUwMjg4 Interested in picking up your own, Pandemic pricing is not over yet so if you are already an AR-15 owner, it's won't take much more for you to be able to start shooting 300 BLK. ODE1ZDM1NjM4Zjc1Yzg1OGZlODViYzdmMGM1Y2RkZWI1NDVhODQxZjI4YmRl document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Copyright Hornady, Privacy Policy | CCPA Request | Accessibility Policy | Terms of Use, Designed and developed by IdeaBank Marketing. As others have pointed out, if you're going to take the longer barrel and not suppress it (or shoot supers suppressed) then there are other calibers that work well in the AR15 platform and give better performance. We will promptly replace or repair any product that we determine to be defective. The first question to consider before you ask if you ought to use 300 blackout supersonic vs subsonic is whether or not you plan on shooting suppressed. it ALMOST made sense a year or more ago when all you could find was factory subsonic ammo Graphic design and branding: Based on these points, for stopping a human target as quickly as possible, what would favor the subsonic .300 over the 45? transition: color .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out; Done like that, the relatively tiny amount of fast-burning propellant behind that honking .30-caliber bullet gets put to work effectively because the pressure at the gas port is higher. The loudest factors from using suppressed subsonic ammunition comes from the sound of the bullet impact and the bolt carrier group cycling back and forth (when using AR platforms). I got into .300 BLK because it excels in short rifles and has subsonic ammo for suppressor use. NjZmMjljMGU3ZmYwMTE4YjM1NmVlNzEwZmQ4YjdhN2VhZWEyZWRmM2Y1YmJl Guess, I could all ways turn the 300 into a home defense carbine and load the heavier bullets. All Rights Reserved. 300 blackout is very much a do-it-all round, but if you're not gonna be shooting suppressed and the shorter barrel length doesn't matter go 556. . Most subsonic blackout ammo uses a bullet in the 200-grain range, and, of course, .308 diameter. I keep seeing guys new to the 300 BLK on other forums asking about how to open gas ports to reliably run subs without a suppressor and I just don't get it. MjQxYzgwMWFlN2IyYmNlZWI5N2JjZGQ0ZGU1MzQyZmI5MWMwODk1ZjUxYmMw ZmU3NWNhNWM4YjFjYWNjMTMwNTE4MTRlZjNjNzhiNDE2MTgwMzE3NmFhZmUz } There is Barnes RRLP in 300 BLK, though it may end up as LE/Mil only. -webkit-user-select: none; Home Ammunition Subsonic Success: Getting Good Function From a .300 Blackout. -----END REPORT-----. Understatement: .300 Blackout (aka AAC) is a popular cartridge among AR-15 fans. Suppressing a supersonic round does a great job of protecting your hearing, but you'll never get the Hollywood effect. If you are going to reload the 6.8 is a much better wildcat supersonic round for the AR. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Subsonic Success: Getting Good Function From a .300 Blackout, The preceding is a specially-adapted excerpt from, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). First, Im always willing to risk boring knowledgeable readers with really basic information because its important to start at the start. Here is a great example of shooting 300 Blackout suppressed and unsuppressed using supersonic and subsonic ammo from Class 3 Ordnance. If youve chosen 300BLK to help accomplish this goal, youre on the right track. No it is NOT worth it unless you are going to go shorter than 10.5". 300 Blackout subsonic is one of the quietest rounds to suppress, particularly when fired through a closed breech firearm like a bolt action or single shot rifle. I see you have some rounds made to expand in this article. If you're looking for "Hollywood Quiet", these are the loads you want to be shooting. The loudest factors from using suppressed subsonic ammunition comes from the sound of the bullet impact and the bolt carrier group cycling back and forth (when using AR platforms). The first question to consider before you ask if you ought to use 300 blackout supersonic vs subsonic is whether or not you plan on shooting suppressed. So while someone may not be able to pinpoint where they are being shot at from, they're still going to be very aware that they ARE being shot at. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! Essentially, all you'd need is an upper receiver with a 300 blackout barrel and you'd be good to go since the 300 blackout magazine is the exact same as normal STANAG/NATO magazines. } It's been metered and subsonic .300Blk is far quieter. 220gr .300 Blackout is extremely quiet, and competes with the famous MP5-SD in terms of stealthiness. I was waiting until after the SHOT SHOW before I bought a suppressor to see what new thing came out. I would like to start pig hunting with it. I also do not like the lack of adjusting information. The speed of sound (in reference to how it travels through air, like a bullet) is approximately 1,100 feet-per-second (fps) at sea level. I have found that the best overall approach to subsonic function is to shorten gas system length. by este Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:16 pm, Post Id suggest running a standard USGI-spec buffer and plain old standard variety carbine-length spring for subsonic. ZDQ4OWNkM2RjMTljNGVkNTc1ZjhhYmNjYzdlY2JhZGU0OTQwY2QzMjM5ZjU0 1. But I think I would rather go with the .30 Remington AR cartridge instead now. ZTAwMjMwYmQ2M2ZjMTc1ZjMxYzkwMGE2NzlkNjg2NWRkZWNhZTFkZmJmZDNm JavaScript is disabled. I probably would since you've already got the 6.8 spc rifles. Posted: 1/25/2015 10:31:10 AM EST. Run a pistol-length location gas port (four inches ahead of the chamber area) with a carbine-length (16-inch) barrel. This can actually vary a fair bit depending on altitude, temperature, and humidity, but in general, 1100fps is the determining number used in the firearms industry to differentiatethe two. This list is our best 300 Blackout Subsonic ammo, you can check out all subsonic 300 Blackout ammo here. I usually end up cutting 3-4 coils from the spring to add an edge of reliability to a subsonic. Subsonic 300 Blackout has some of the best terminal ballistics of any subsonic round. Fact is, they are not out just yet - so you probably need a 5.56mm upper for now. If you are set on wasting them though, you can get a hatebrake or a similar compensator that boosts the pressure. First, it has to run the subsonic. Buy American Eagle 300BLK 200gr Suppressor. Just recently purchased a pistol upper kit for thr build Im working on. If you want to be ninja quiet, then shoot subsonics. 300blk subs are POINTLESS to run without a can, theyre still loud, less effective and unreliable, with a can yes they are super quiet and badass. As supersonic ammo means using a lighter-weight grain (typically less than 180 grain), theyre no doubt the less expensive choice of rounds to train and plink with. Only using unsuppressed 16" 300blk is hard to justify over other options. If I couldn't suppress or SBR, I probably not even go with another AR. ZTUzMjk3MjYzOTAzZDg3ZjhhZjFiNTE1NjY0MjJlN2Q3NTc3YjUzNDE4ZWFm This gun has shot subsonic and supersonic suppressed and unsuppressed flawlessly through 2500 rds min. Forget about cut brass. A 12-gauge slug over-penetrates.. Y2I4ZjgxMDJmNDg1ZGMwMzQ2NzFmN2E5YTcwZDQwZTViYmU5MDc5ZGE3OWU0 There are so many custom bullets and loads being developed. The 300BLK also suppresses very well. If you want a combat rifle with a hard-hitting round, .300blk has you covered. Supersonic is your traditional rifle round. He's 11 and the subsonic unsuppressed functioned flawlessly and the recoil, even unsuppressed was negligible on my 16" AAC upper. We utilize state of the art 5-axis CNC machines to mill all our .308 and AR-15 80 percent lower receivers to incredibly precise tolerances using premium billet aluminum. by Tom12.7 Fri May 27, 2011 7:58 am, Post If not, and you need to hit targets at distances past 3-400 yards then opting to shoot 5.56 NATO instead will save yourself some money. I built a specialty home-defense AR-15 for a recent book project, and that was my choice. NetJnkie 6 yr. ago Oh duh. 80% Arms sells AR-15 and .308 80% Lower Receivers, 80% Lower Jigs and other accessories which allow you to legally build a firearm at home in most states. by 2bad4u2 Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:17 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. Maybe a greater margin of error for nicking a vital organ as a result of larger bullet expansion. This goes for animals also. I killed 2 deer this season with my 16" 300BLK. Factory ammo is unreasonable high, but reloads can be as cheap as 223. Product Features PROVEN PERFORMANCE Performance of 300 Blackout Subsonic meets or exceeds FBI Protocol terminal ballistic test requirements. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - 300 Blackout, is it worth it if you can not go short or suppressed? In a possible third part of the series, Im considering asking a few hunters and invasive species control experts (wild hog eradicators) for their opinion. if running nothing special and you just want a 30 bore get a PSA 7.62 x 39 upper kit. Kind of like haircuts: they can take it off but cant put it back. display: inline-block; Running subsonics out of a 16" gun and suppressed is almost hollywood quiet. } Somewhere in south Texas I think makes or sells M1A actions, barrels and other parts. For precisely this reason, hunting with subsonic 300 blackout is generally not advised in most scenarios unless youre taking on wild pigs or smaller sized game within short distances. The XTP bullet in Subsonic Handgun has built a world-class reputation for accuracy and stopping power. In general, most people prefer a self-defense rifle bullet that expands rapidly and doesnt over-penetrate so that bullets wont travel through multiple walls or similar structures. Long grooves in its gilding metal jacket combine with the bullets flat profile and the patented Flex Tip insert within its hollowpoint cavity to help it expand reliably at low velocities. by 300Blk Fri May 27, 2011 9:36 am, Post On the other end of the spectrum, use of a supersonic load like the Federal 120g Trophy Copper at 2100fps, will result in projectile expansion to approximately 1.5x the diameter of the bullet, and greater terminal effect. The pistol-length-port location requires the least amount of post-build tuning to get 100-percent reliability. ODE2NzBiY2U5OTUxNjZhZTJhYmFkOTZlNzc1MDdhMDdmNmRiMTEzZDRmZWI0 AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. OTMwY2EwMDRiYzUzMDJlY2FlMjFiNGQ5MDY0ZmI0MzdiNWQ2Y2JmYTkzOWFh Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. by hugegator Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:34 pm, Post Anyway, read through the responses below and let us know your thoughts in the comments section. YTZjMjk4NWM1MTdlNTA0ODc1NTQ5ZmRkODE5MzkwNjAyNmQwZTc0M2RhOWY2 The setup was equipped with a Trijicon AccuPoint 5-20X50 scope, dialed to 20X. Suppressed .300Blk is under 120db and easily hearing safe. 2 were with 300BLK SBR's. So, if you think .45 ACP is a reliable choice for a defensive round, subsonic Blackout beats it. ( 3) Write a Review Ask a Question. One of .300 Blackouts greatest edge is the seamless ability for rifles chambered in this caliber to efficiently transition between subsonic ammo and supersonic ammo. user-select: none; Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. I have a 7.5 300 blk pistol with a weak spring & mil-spec buffer, completely closed adjustable gas block and it will only cycle 110gr V-Max rounds. If not, and you need to hit targets at distances past 3-400 yards then opting to shoot 5.56 NATO instead will save yourself some money.

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